崔晓莉 :复旦大学材料科学系

更新时间:2024-09-20 23:42



2005.09 –至今 复旦大学材料科学系, 副教授,教授(2007),博士生导师(2009)

2005.01 – 2005.09 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA, 博士后,按期回国

2004.08 – 2004.12 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA, Faculty fellowship

2004.01 – 2004.07 Eastern 密歇根大学 University, USA , Senior Research Associate

2001.08 – 2004.01 复旦大学材料科学系,副教授

1999.09 – 2001.08 复旦大学化学系,博士后

1996.09 – 1999.09 中科院山西煤炭化学研究所,博士研究生

1994.09 – 1995.07 北京大学化学系,骨干教师进修

1988.07 – 1996.09 河北师范大学化学系,助教,讲师,副教授

1986.02 – 1988.07 北京大学化学系硕士研究生委培

1985.09 – 1986.02 河北师范大学化学系,硕士研究生

1981.09 – 1985.07 河北师范大学化学系,本科

















2005年度河北省自然科学二等奖, “光敏物质修饰Pt(Au)-BLM的电化学和光电化学”,(童汝亭,刁鹏,崔晓莉,蒋殿录,丁克强



2006年度第二十届上海市优秀发明选拔赛 三等奖“通电加热氧化方法制备钛基TiO2薄膜及应用”(崔晓莉,沃松涛,贾晓婷,杨锡良,章壮健)

国际著名学术期刊化学 of Materials,Advanced Functional Materials,Chemical Engineering Communications,Electrochemistry Communications,Langmuir,等期刊论文评议人;国内权威学术期刊化学学报,物理化学学报,高等学校化学学报,中国化学等期刊论文评议人。


在国内外期刊公开发表SCI收录论文60余篇;发表的论文中, IF \u003e 3.0的论文15篇; 1 区论文9 篇。包括国际和国内著名期刊,Electrochemistry Communications,(4.18);Journal Electroanalytical Chemistry,(2.339);Nanotechnology,(3.037);Journal of Physical Chemistry B,(4.115);Journal of Materials 化学, (4.287);Environmental Science \u0026 Technology, (4.054);Chemical Communication, (4.521);Langmuir, (3.902);Journal of Nanoscience \u0026 Nanotechnology,(2.194)等。

发表的学术论文产生良好反响,被国内外学者SCI他引用600次。引用发表论文的刊物30多种,包括多种国外权威刊物,如Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(9.596), surface Science Reports (9.304) ;Adv. Funct. Mater.(6.779 ) ;Small(6.024 );Chem. Mater. (5.104 );J. Phys. Chem. B(4.115);J. Chem. Mater. (4.287);Applied Physics Letters(3.977 )等。




1. 崔晓莉,沃松涛,贾晓婷,杨锡良,章壮健,一种制备纳米TiO2薄膜的方法及其装置,ZL03141494.X,授权日2005年6月29日

2. 崔晓莉,沃松涛,杨锡良,章壮健,湿热氧化制备TiO2光催化薄膜的方法,ZL 200410017608.1 授权日2006年5月31日

3. 任达森,崔晓莉,张群,杨锡良,章壮健,一种纳米TiO2自清洁玻璃的低温制备方法, ZL 02 1 50721.X,授权日2005 年11月23日

4. 崔晓莉,陆俊,顾海杰,陈鹏,沈杰,一种碳掺杂纳米二氧化钛薄膜的制备方法,专利号:200610030924.1;授权日2009 年8月26日

5. 崔晓莉,杨艳超,李志州,江志裕,一种有序纳米结构TiO2/金属阵列电极的制备方法,专利号:200710040013.1;授权日2009 年6月3日

6. 崔晓莉, 赵强,李志州,孙子颖,江志裕, 一种测定阳极氧化铝模板有效孔密度的电化学方法, 专利号:200610147667.X;授权日2010 年5月19日

7. 崔晓莉,朱蕾,沈杰,杨锡良,章壮健,一种可见光活性的碳掺杂纳米二氧化钛薄膜的制备方法,专利号:200710042334.5;授权日2011年6月21日

8. Y Lin, X Cui, and BW Wright, Electrosynthesis of Novel Hybrid Materials Based on Nanotubes-Polyanline –Nickel Hexacyanoferrate Nanocomposites and Their Applications in Sensing and Electrically Controlled Ion-exchange. File No: 14811-E,May 18, 2005

9. 崔晓莉,江志裕,一种测定半导体电极光催化制氢活性的方法,专利号:200710041160.0;授权日2010年8月25日



12.崔晓莉,朱蕾,张晓艳, 顾君嗣,具有可见光活性的碳掺杂纳米二氧化钛薄膜的制备方法及其应用, 专利号:200910046919.3,授权日2010年11月17日


14.崔晓莉,张晓艳,罗英, 一种球形纳米二氧化钛的制备方法, 专利号:201010141750.2;申请日: 2010年4月08日;授权公告日2012年

15.崔晓莉,顾一蓓, 一种可见光活性的锑掺杂纳米TiO2薄膜的制备方法,申请号:200910200241.X;申请日2009年12月10日

16.崔晓莉,张晓艳,宋鹏,孙明轩,一种光致疏水性薄膜的制备方法,申请日2011年3月1日,申请号: 201110048053.7

17.崔晓莉,孙明轩,张晓艳,一种具有可见光活性的硅掺杂二氧化钛薄膜的制备方法,申请日2011年3月29日 申请号:201110075413.2


19.孙明轩,崔晓莉,一种可见光活性的碳氮共掺杂TiO2纳米管薄膜的制备方法,申请日:2011年8月2日,申请号:2011 10219745.3


21.孙明轩,崔晓莉,一种原位制备硅钨共掺杂TiO2纳米管薄膜光阳极的方法,申请日:2011年11月14日,申请号:2011 10358848.8

22.崔晓莉,孙明轩, 一种C、N共掺杂TiO2纳米材料的制备方法及应用, 申请日2011年12月29日,申请号: 201110449916.123.

23.崔晓莉,宋鹏,张晓艳, 一种铂和碳复合纳米材料的制备方法,申请日2012年5月3日,申请号: 201210131694.3



1. XY Zhang, YJ Sun, XL Cui*, ZY Jiang. A Green and Facile Synthesis of TiO2/Graphene Nanocomposites and Their Photocatalytic Activity for Evolution, International Journal of Hydrogen 能量 2012, 37, 811-815.

2. XY Zhang, YJ Sun, XL Cui*, ZY Jiang. -incorporated TiO2 microspheres: Facile flame assisted hydrolysis of tetrabutyl orthotitanate and photocatalytic production, International Journal of Hydrogen 能量 2012,37, 1355-1364.

3. Sun M.X., Zhang X.Y., Li J., Cui X.L*, Sun D.L. Y.H.Lin, Thermal formation of doped TiO2 thin films with enhanced visible light photoelectrochemical response, Electrochem. Commun., 2012, 16, 26–29

4. P. Song, X.Y.Zhang, M.X.Sun, X.L.Cui*, Y.H.Lin, Synthesis of graphene nanosheets via oxalic acid-induced chemical reduction of exfoliated graphite oxideRSC Adv., 2012, 2 (3), 1168 – 1173

5. Peng Song,Xiaoyan Zhang, Mingxuan Sun, Xiaoli Cui,*and Yuehe Lin,Graphene oxide modified TiO2 nanotube arrays:Enhanced visible light photoelectrochemical properties,Nanoscale, 2012, 4 (5), 1800 - 1804.

6. Haopeng Li, Xiaoyan Zhang, Xiaoli Cui*, and Yuehe Lin,TiO2 Nanotubes/MWCNTs Nanocomposite Photocatalysts: Synthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic Evolution Under UV-Vis Light Illumination, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012, Doi:10.1166/jnn.2011.5161

7. Xiaoyan Zhang, P. Song, X.L.Cui*, Photoinduced hydrophobic surface of graphene oxide thin films, Thin Solid Films 520 (2012) 3539–3543

8. Sun M.X., Cui X.L*. Anodically grown W codoped TiO2 nanotubes and its enhanced visible light photoelectrochemical response,Electrochem. Commun., 2012, 20,133-136

注:[Peng Song[宋鹏]为材料科学系2008级本科生]


9. 罗英, 崔晓莉*, 解晶莹.TiO2-MoO3复合纳米管阵列薄膜的制备及其可见光活性,物理化学学报, 2011, 27(01): 135-142

10. 李 靖, 孙明轩, 张晓艳, 崔晓莉*;染料敏化太阳能电池对电极,物理化学学报,2011,27(10)2255-2268

11. Dan Du*,Juan Liu, Xiaoli Cui*, Aidong Zhang, Yuehe Lin, One-Step Electrochemical Deposition of Graphene-ZrO2 Nanocomposite: Preparation, Characterization and Evaluation for Organophosphates Analysis,J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 8032-8037

12. 张晓艳,孙明轩,孙钰珺,李靖,崔晓莉*;Photoelectrochemical Properties of Graphene Oxide Thin Film Electrodes,物理化学学报, 2011, 27 (12), 2831-2835


13. Yiwei Ou , Xiaoli Cui,Xiaoyan Zhang, Zhiyu Jiang, carbide nanoparticles supported Pt catalysts for 甲醇 electrooxidation in acidic media, Journal of 功率 Sources 195 (2010) 1365–1369. 1 区 IF 3.477

14. Xiao-Yan Zhang, Hao-Peng Li, Xiao-Li Cui* and Yuehe Lin, Graphene/TiO2 Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Evolution from 液态水 Photocatalytic Splitting, (IF = 4.65)J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 2801–2806

15. Lei Zhu, Jianshe Xie, Xiaoli Cui*, Jie Shen, Xiliang Yang, Zhuangjian Zhang, Photoelectrochemical and Optical Properties of N-doped TiO2 Thin Films Prepared by Oxidation of Sputtered x Films,Vacuum 84 (2010) 797–802 , 3 区

16. 张维,朱蕾,顾君嗣,崔晓莉*,可见光下TiO2薄膜电极的光电性能研究,第36卷,第3期,稀有金属材料与工程,Vol.39, No.3 2010年6月,Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 4区稀有金属材料与工程2010, 39(6), 1013-1017


17. Zhizhou Li, Xiaoli Cui*, and Yuehe Lin,Electrochemically Synthesized Ordered TiO2 and Nanocomposite Electrode: Preparation, Characterization, and Application to Photoelectrocatalytic 甲醇 Oxidation,J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 9, 2297–2302 (2009)

18. Zhizhou Li, Xiaoli Cui*, Xinsheng Zhang, Qingfei Wang, Yuyan Shao, and Yuehe Lin,Pt/ Nanofiber Nanocomposites as Electrocatalysts for Direct 甲醇 Fuel Cells: Prominent Effects of Carbon Nanofiber Nanostructures J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 9, 2316–2323 (2009)

19. Xiaoli Cui*, Zhiyong Yu,Ming Ma, Paul K. Chu,Nanocrystalline Nitride Films Prepared by Electrophoretic Deposition,Surface and Coatings Technology,204 (2009) 418–422.

20. 张晓艳, 崔晓莉*, C-N共掺杂纳米TiO2的制备及其光催化制氢活性, 物理化学学报, 2009, 25(09): 1829-1834

21. 余志勇, 张维, 马明, 崔晓莉*. 阳极氧化TiN薄膜制备N掺杂纳米TiO2薄膜及其可见光活性[J]. 物理化学学报, 2009, 25(01):35-40.

22. Zhao Qiang, Cui Xiaoli, Chen Ling, Liu Ling, Sun Zhenkun, and Jiang Zhiyu,Fabrication of Polymeric Nano-Batteries Array Using Anodic Aluminum Oxide Templates,J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 9, 929-932 (2009)

注:[Yiwei Ou[区弋苇],Zhiyong Yu[余志勇],Ming Ma[马明],Jianshe Xie[谢建设]为材料科学系本科生]


23. Xiaoli Cui, Ming Ma, Wei Zhang, Yanchao Yang, Zhuangjian Zhang,Doped TiO2 from TiN and its Visible Light Photoelectrochemical properties, Electrochemistry Communications, 2008, 10/3,367-371,IF = 4.186

24. Xiaoli Cui, Zhizhou Li, Yanchao Yang, Wei Zhang, Qingfei Wang, Low-potential Sensitive Peroxide Detection Based on Nanotubular TiO2 and Platinum Composite Electrode, Electroanalysis, 2008, No. 9, 970 – 975

25. 张维,崔晓莉*,江志裕,多壁碳纳米管/纳米TiO2复合薄膜光电性能研究,化学学报,2008, 66, 867-873

26. 李志州,崔晓莉*,郑俊生, 王庆飞,TiO2包覆不同微结构纳米碳纤维薄膜电极的光电性能研究 高等学校化学学报,2008,29 (6): 1195-1199

27. 张维,崔晓莉*,江志裕,复合方式对多壁碳纳米管/TiO2纳米复合薄膜光电性能的影响,物理化学学报,2008,11,1975-1980


28. Xiaoli Cui*, Qiang Zhao, Zhizhou Li, Ziying Sunand Zhiyu Jiang;Cyclicvoltammetry as a tool to estimate the effective pore density of an anodicaluminum oxide template, Nanotechnology,2007,18,215701 IF = 3.037

29. Xiaoli Cui*,Haijie Gu, Jun Lu , Jie Shen , Zhuangjian Zhang,NanostructuredDoping Anodic TiO2 from TiC and its Photoelectrochemical Properties,Journal of Nanoscience \u0026 Nanotechnology,2007,9,3140-3144

30. 朱蕾,崔晓莉*,沈杰,杨锡良,章壮健,反应磁控溅射方法制备碳掺杂TiO2薄膜及其可见光活性研究,物理化学学报,2007,11,1662-1666(Lei Zhu, Xiaoli Cui*, Jie Shen, Xiliang Yang, Zhuangjian Zhang, Visible Light Photoelectrochemical Response of -Doped TiO2 Thin Films Prepared by DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 2007, 23(11): 1662-1666. 中英文版同时发表)

31. Zhizhou Li, Xiaoli Cui*, Junsheng Zheng , Qingfei Wang , Yuehe Lin *;Effects of microstructure of nanofibers for amperometric detection of hydrogen peroxide, Analytica Chimica Acta 597 (2007) 238–244 IF = 2.894

32. Yuehe Lin, Xiaoli Cui,Nanocarbon-Based Nanocatalysts: Synthesis and Applications in Fuel Cells,Chapter 9, Handbook of Electrochemical Nanotechnology,American Scientific Publishers,2007


33. Xiaoli Cui, Mark H. Engelhard, Yuehe Lin*, Preparation, characterization and anion exchange properties of 聚吡咯/ nanotube nanocomposite, Journal of Nanoscience \u0026 Nanotechnology, 2006, 6, 574-553 IF=2.194

34. Yuehe Lin*, Xiaoli Cui, Electrosynthesis, characterization and applications of novel hybrid materials based on nanotubes-polyaniline-nickel hexacyanoferrate nanocomposites, Journal of Materials 化学, 2006, 16, 585-592 IF=4.287SCI

35. Yuehe Lin*, Xiaoli Cui, Electrically Controlled Anion Exchange Based on 聚吡咯 and Nanotubes Nanocomposite for Perchlorate Removal. Environmental Science \u0026 Technology, 2006, 40, 4004-4009; IF = 4.054 SCI


36. Yuehe Lin*, Xiaoli Cui, Clive 日元, C. M. Wai, /carbon nanotube nanocomposite synthesized in supercritical fluid as electrocatalysts for low-温度 fuel cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2005, 109, 14410-14415. IF= 4.115 SCI 引用46

37. Yuehe Lin, Xiaoli Cui, Clive 日元, C. M. Wai, PtRu/ NanotubeNanocomposite Synthesized in Supercritical Fluid: A MethanolOxidation Catalyst of High Relative 表演, Langmuir, 2005,21,11474-11479 IF=3.902引用27

38. Yuehe Lin* Xiaoli Cui, Novel hybrid materials with high stability for electrically switched ion exchange: nanotubes/polyaniline/nickel hexacyanoferrate films, Chemical Communication, 2005, 2226-2228 IF= 4.521SCI 引用6

39. Yuehe Lin*, Xiaoli Cui, Xiangrong Ye, Electrocatalytic reactivity for reduction of modified nanotubes synthesized in supercritical fluid, Electrochemistry Communications, 7 (2005) 267-274 IF=3.484 SCI 引用30

40. Yuehe Lin*, Xiaoli Cui, Liyu Li, Low–potential Amperometric Determination of Peroxide with a Paste Electrode Modified with Nanostructured Cryptomelane-type Oxides, Electrochemistry Communication 2005, 7 (2): 166-172

41. Xiaoli Cui,Guodong Liu, Yuehe Lin*, Amperometric biosensors based on paste electrodes modified with nanostructured mixed-valence oxides and glucose oxidase, Nanomedicine, 2005, 1(2):130-135.

42. Xiaoli Cui, Guodong Liu, Yuehe Lin*, Biosensors based on glassy electrode modified with hexacyano铁酸盐carbon nanotubes-glucose oxidase nanocomposites, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2005, 1(3), 320-327

43. Xiaoli Cui, Guodong Liu, Liyu Li, Wassana Yantasee, and Yuehe Lin*, Electrochemical sensor based on paste electrode modified with nanostructured cryptomelane-type oxides for detection of heavy metals, Sensor Letters, 2005, 3 (1): 16-21SCI

44. Clive H. 日元, Xiaoli Cui, Horng-bin pan, Shaofen Wang, Yuehe Lin*, Chien M. Wai* Deposition of Nanoparticles on Carbon Nanotubes by Supercritical Fluid Method, Journal of Nanoscience \u0026 Nanotechnology 2005, 5, 1852-1857. IF=2.194SCI

45. Ren DS, Bei ZM, Shen J, Cui XL Yang XL, Zhang ZJ, The structure change and the superhydrophilicity of the Sb-doped dioxide thin films. Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology 34 (2): 123-126, 2005 SCI


46. Dasen Ren, Xiaoli Cui, Jie Shen, QunZhang, Xiliang Yang, Zhuangjian Zhang, Study on the Superhydrophilicity of the SiO2-TiO2 thin films prepared by sol-gel method at room 温度 Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology, 29, 131-136(2004) SCI

47. Bei ZM, Ren DS, Cui XL, Shen J, Yang XL, Zhang ZJ, Photoelectrochemical properties and crystalline structure change of Sb doped TiO2 thin films prepared by sol-gel method, Journal of Materials Research 19 (11): 3189-3195 (2004) SCI, EI

48. Ren DS, Bei ZM, Huang L, Shen J, Cui XL, Yang XL, Zhang ZJ The effect of dopant Sb on the superhydrophilicity and the microstructure of the nanoscale TiO2 thin film,ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA 20 (4): 414-416 APR 2004 SCI


49. CUI, Xiao-Li,JIANG Zhiyu,Cyclic voltammetric and ac impedance behavior of TiO2 electrodes under UV illumination,Journal of Chinese 化学 Society,2003,50(5)1003-1008 SCI

50. XiaoLi Cui, Dasen Ren, Songtao Wo, Jie Shen, Xiliang Yang, Zhuangjian Zhang. Two photoelectrochemical processes for TiO2 electrode under UV illumination,Journal of Chinese 化学, 2003, 21(8), 1001-1004 SCI


51. Xiaoli Cui, Dianlu Jiang, Peng Diao, Jinxin Li, Ruting Tong and Xinkui Wang. Assessing the apparent effective thickness of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers in different concentration of Fe(CN)6/Fe(CN)6 by Ac impedance spectroscopy. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 470(1), 9-13 (1999) SCI, EI IF=2.228; 他引27

52. Xiaoli Cui,Dianlu Jiang, Peng Diao, Jinxin Li, Ruting Tong. Electrochemical studies for the formation of lauryl sulfate monolayer on an octadecane硫醇coated gold electrode,Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2000, 175, 141-145 SCI , EI,ISTP 他引7

53. Peng Diao, Dianlu Jiang, Dengping Gu , Xiaoli Cui,Ruting Tong, BingZhong. Fractional coverage of defects in self-assembled 硫醇 monolayers on gold,J. Electroanal. Chem. 2000, 480(1), 59-63 SCI, EI

54. Cui XL, Jiang DL, Diao P, Li JX, Tong RT, Wang XK Electron transfer between 二茂铁modified Au/octadecanethiol/lipid BLM electrode and redoxcouples in solution,Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 48 (1): 243-247 FEB 1999 SCI, EI, 他引8

55. Xiaoli Cui,Dianlu Jiang, Peng Diao, Jinxin Li, Ruting Tong and Xinkui Wang. Cyclic voltammetry studies of octadecanethiol self-assembled monolayers in different concentration of Fe(CN)6 摩尔 Cryst. and Liq. Cryst. Sci. Technol. Sect. A 1999, 337, 445-448 SCI

56. Xiaoli Cui,Dianlu Jiang, Peng Diao, Jinxin Li, Ruting Tong and Xinkui Wang. Ferrocene Mediated Transmembrane Electron Transfer on Gold Electrode Modified with Hybrid Bilayer Membrane Consisting of Octadecanethiol and Phospholipid 摩尔 Cryst. and liq. Cryst. Sci. Technol. Sect. A 1999, 337, 441-444SCI

57. Xiaoli Cui,Dianlu Jiang, Peng Diao, Jinxin Li, Ruting Tong. Assessing the apparent effective thickness of the supported hybrid bilayer membrane consisting of octadecanethiol and phospholipid by ac impedance spectroscopy,J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 1999, 46, 571-576 SCI

58. Peng Diao, Dianlu Jiang, Xiaoli Cui, Dengping Gu , Ruting Tong, Bing Zhong. Studies of structural disorder of self-assambled 硫醇 monolayers on gold by cyclic 伏特ammetry and ac impedance,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 1999, 464(1), 61-67 SCI, EI

59. Diao P, Jiang DL, Cui XL, Gu DP, Tong RT, Zhong B,Cyclic voltammetry and ac impedance studies of Ca-induced ion channels on Pt-BLM, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 45 (2): 173-179 MAY 1998 SCI, EI

60. Peng Diao, Dianlu Jiang, Xiaoli Cui,Dengping Gu , Ruting Tong, Bing Zhong. Studies of structural disorder of gold supported 硫醇lipid bilayers, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 337: 169-172 1999 SCI,EI

61. Diao P, Jiang DL, Cui XL, et al. Unmodified supported thiol lipid bilayers: studies of structural disorder and conducting mechanism by cyclic voltammetry and AC impedance Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 48 (2): 469-475 1999 SCI, EI

62. Peng Diao, Dianlu Jiang, Xiaoli Cui, Dengping Gu , Ruting Tong, Bing Zhong. Asymmetrical conductivity of

CNQ modified Au/硫醇lipid bilayers in Fe(CN)6 solution Chinese Chemical Letter 1999 ,10(7), 587-

590 SCI


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