张立新 :浙江大学统计学教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 15:43


1995年获博士学位, 1997年破格晋升为教授,1999年被评为博士生导师,2000年起担任浙江大学统计研究所副所长、所长。现任浙江大学数学系副主任、中国现场统计研究会理事、浙江省数学会理事、浙江省现场统计研究会副理事长、IMS-China 理事。主要从事概率极限理论、相依模型、自适应设计及相关领域的研究,相继主持5项国家自然科学基金项目,发表了学术论文120多篇,数篇发表在 《Annals of Statistics》、《Annals of Probability》、《Annals of Applied Probability》等国际顶级刊物上,被SCI收录90多篇。









Limiting Theorem in Probability and 统计学

Adaptive 设计 in Clinical Trials

Statistical Inference for Clinical Trials

Dependent 数据 Modeling

Sample Path Properties of Stochastic Processes


1. Zhang, lx, Hu, F., Cheung, S.H. and Chan, W.S. (2011). Immigrated urn models -- theoretical properties and applications, Annals of 统计学, Vol. 39(1): 643–671.

2. Hu, F., Zhang, L.X. and He,X.M.. (2009). Efficient randomized adaptive designs, Annals of Statistics, Vol.37 (5A):2543-2560.

3. Zhang, lx, Hu, F., Cheung, S.H. and Chan, W.S. (2007). AGB星 properties of covariate-adjusted response-adaptive designs, Annals of Statistics, 飞鱼座 35 (3): 1166- 1182.

4. Zhang, L.X., Chan, W.S., Cheung. S.H. and Hu, F. (2007). A generalized drop-the-loser urn for clinical trials with delayed response. Statistica Sinica, Vol.17: 387-409.

5. Zhang, L. X., Hu, F. and Cheung, S. H. (2006) AGB星 theorems of sequential estimation-adjusted urn models for clinical trials, Annals of Applied Probability, Vol.16 (1): 340-369.

6. Hu, F. and Zhang, L. X. (2004). Asymptotic properties for doubly adaptive biased coin designs of multi-treatment clinical trials. Annals of Statistics, Vol.32(1): 268-301

7. Hu, F. and Zhang, L. X. (2004). The AGB星 normality of urn models for clinical trials with delayed response. Bernoulli, Vol.10 (3): 447-463

8. Bai, Z. D., Hu, F. and Zhang, L. X. (2002). The Gaussian approximation theorems for urn models and their applications. Annals of Applied Probability, 飞鱼座 12:1149-1173.

9. Zhang, L. X. (2001). A Strassen's law of the iterated 对数 for negatively associated random vectors. Stoch. Processes Their Appl., Vol.95: 311-328.

10. Zhang, L. X. (1997). On the fractal nature of increments of lp-valued Gaussian processes Stoch. Processes Their Appl., Vol. 71:91—110.

11. Zhang, L. X. (1997). Strong approximation theorems for geometrically weighted random series and their applications. Annals of Probability, Vol. 25: 1621—1635.

12. Zhang, L. X. (1996). Two different kinds of liminfs on the LIL for two-parameter Wiener processes .Stoch. Processes Their Appl., Vol. 63: 175—188.



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