徐华强 :中国科学院上海药物研究所研究员

更新时间:2024-09-20 20:54

徐华强,男,美国国籍,毕业于清华大学,在1985与1988年分别获得学士与硕士学位,随后于1994年获得美国德州西南医学中心博士学位,而后两年在美国麻省理工学院从事博士后研究。1996年到2002年,先后在葛兰素史克威康研究所和美国葛兰素史克任研究员。2002年任美国Van Andel研究所结构科学实验室主任,2007年提升为杰出教授和药物研发中心主任。2010年7月回到中国科学院上海药物研究所并创建药物靶结构与功能中心。





1989-1990 杜克大学植物遗传系

1994-1996 麻省理工学院(MIT)生物系, 哈佛休斯医学研究所,研究助理

1996-1999 美国格兰素威康研究所结构化学系,一级研究院

1999-2001 美国格兰素威康研究所结构化学系,二级研究员

2001-2002 美国葛兰素史克研究所结构科学部,高级研究人员

2002-2007.3 美国Van Andel研究所结构科学部实验室负责人,资深PI/教授

2007.3-2009.12 美国Van Andel研究所结构科学部实验室负责人,杰出PI/教授

2010.1-至今 美国Van Andel研究所结构科学与药物发现中心主任,实验室负责人,杰出PI/教授

2010.7-至今 担任中国科学院上海药物研究所研究员






专利:1. Activators of PPAR 三角洲 US Patent Number 6,710,063. Issued 03/23/2004.

2. Activator of PPAR delta. US Patent Number 6,723,740. Issued 04/20/2004.

3. Activator of PPAR delta. US Patent Application Serial Number 10/383,011. Filed 03/06/2003.

4. Crystallized PPARα 配体 Binding 论域 多肽定制 and Screening Methods Employing Same. US Patent Application Serial Number 10/467,048. Filed 08/01/2003.

5. Crystallized Glucocorticoid Receptor Ligand Binding Domain Polypeptide and Screening Methods Employing Same. US Patent Application Serial Number 10/484,061. Filed 01/16/2004.

6. Ligands for Orphan Nuclear Hormone 捕手 Steroidogenic Factor-1 (SF-1). US Patent Application Serial Number 11/348,207. Filed 02/06/2006.

7. Ligands for 盐皮质激素 Receptor (MR) and Methods for Screening for or Designing MR Ligands. PCT Patent Application Serial Number PCT/US2006/044620. Filed 11/15/2006.


已在《Nature》、《科学》、《细胞》、《Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA》等杂志发表论文110余篇,并获得专利十余项。



2.重大专项,基于GPCR结构与功能的药物发现关键技术发展与平台建设, 2012.1-2015.12

3.基金委项目,与神经系统疾病相关的离子通道的结构与功能研究, 2012.1-2015.12

4.基金委项目,独脚金内酯的信号传导机制研究, 2013.1-2015.12




1.He Y, Xu Y, Zhang C, Gao X, Dykema, KJ, Martin KR, Ke J, Hudson EA, Khoo SK, Resau JH, Alberts AS, MacKeigan JP, Furge KA, and Xu HE (2011). Identification of a lysosomal 神经通路 that potently modulates glucocorticoid signaling and inflammation response. Science Signaling (2011) (in press).

2.Serkan K, Beddow SA, Samuel VT, Miller P, Previs, SF, Suino-Powell K, Schulman G, Xu HE, Kliewer SA, and Mangelsdorf D (2011) FGF19 is a postprandial, 胰岛素independent activator of hepatic protein and 糖原 synthesis. Science (in press)

3.Huh JR, Leung MWL, Huang P, Ryan DA, Krout MR, Malapaka R, Chow J, Manel N, Ciofani M, Kim SV, Cuesta A, Santori FR, Lafaille JJ, Xu HE, Gin DY, Rastinejad F, and Littman DR. (2011). 地高辛 and its derivatives suppress Th17 细胞 differentiation by antagonizing RORγt activity.Nature (in press).

4.Zhou XE, Suino-Powell KM, Xu Y, Chan CW, Kruse SW, Reynolds R, Engel JD, Xu HE. (2010) The orphan nuclear receptor TR4 is a vitamin A-activated nuclear 捕手 J Biol Chem. 2010 Nov 9. [Epub ahead of print] (featured as Paper of the week)

5.Pal K, Swaminathan K, Xu HE, Pioszak AA.(2010). 2.Structural basis for hormone recognition by the human CRFR2alpha G protein-coupled 捕手 J Biol Chem. 2010 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print]

6.Melcher K, Zhou XE, and Xu HE (2010) Thirsty plants and Beyond: structural mechanisms of abscisic acid perception and signaling. Current Opinion in Structural Biology (In press).

7.Tolbert WD, Daugherty-Holtrop J, Gherardi E, Vande Woude G, and Xu HE (2010) Structural basis for agonism and antagonism of hepatocyte growth factor. PNAS, 107:13264-9.

8.Melcher K, Xu Y, Ng LM, Zhou XE, Soon FF, Suino-Powell KM, Chinnusamy V, Kovach A, , Cutler SR, Li J, , Yong ELZhu JK, Xu HE (2010) Identification and Mechanism of ABA 捕手 Antagonism. Nature Structural\u0026 Molecular Biology 17(9):1102-8.

9.Powell E, Huang SX, Xu Y, Rajski SR, Wang Y, Peters N, Guo S, Xu HE, Hoffmann FM, Shen B, Xu W. (2010) Identification and characterization of a novel estrogenic 配体 actinopolymorphol A. Biochem Pharmacol. 80(8):1221-9. PMID: 20599778

10.Pal K, Kumar S, Sharma S, Garg SK, Alam MS, Xu HE, Agrawal P, Swaminathan K. (2010). 晶体 Structure of Full-length Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv 糖原 Branching Enzyme: INSIGHTS OF N-TERMINAL {BETA}-三明治 IN SUBSTRATE SPECIFICITY AND ENZYMATIC ACTIVITY. JBC 285(27):20897-903. EPUB 2010 MAY 5.

11.Pioszak AA, Harikumar KG, Parker NR, Miller LJ, Xu HE. (2010) Dimeric arrangement of the parathyroid hormone 捕手 and a structural mechanism for 配体induced dissociation. JBC 285(16):12435-44. Epub 2010 Feb 19. PMID: 20172855

12.Zhou XE, Suino-Powell KM, Li J, He Y, Mackeigan JP, Melcher K, Yong EL, and Xu HE (2010) Identification of SRC3/AIB1 as A Preferred Coactivator for Hormone-Activated Androgen 捕手 JBC, January 19 Epub. (Featured as the cover article and the paper of the week by JBC). Mar 19;285(12):9161-71. PMID: 20086010

13.Schopfer FJ, Cole MP, Groeger A, Chen CS, Woodcock SR, Khoo N, Golin-Bisello F, Motanya UN, Rudolph TK, Rudolph V, Bonacci G, Baker PRS, Batthyany CI, Xu HE, Y. Chen YE, Hallis TM, and Freeman BA (2010) Covalent Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ Binding by Nitro-Fatty Acids: Endogenous Ligands Act as Selective Modulators. JBC, 2010 Apr 16;285(16):1232133.

14.Epub 2010 Jan 22.Zhou XE, Suino-Powell K, Ludidi PL, McDonnell DP, Xu HE (2010) Expression, purification and primary crystallographic study of human androgen receptor in 情结 with 脱氧核糖核酸 and coactivator motifs. Protein Expr Purif. 71(1):21-7.

15.Melcher K, Ng LM, Zhou XE, Soon FF, Xu Y, Suino-Powell KM, Park SY, Weiner JJ, Fujii H, Chinnusamy V, Kovach A, Li J, Wang Y, Li J, Peterson FC, Jensen DR, Yong EL, Volkman BF, Cutler SR, Zhu JK, Xu HE (2009) A 旗门latch-lock mechanism for hormone signaling by abscisic acid receptors. Nature 2009 Dec 3;462(7273):602-8 (Cover Article, featured as one of top 10 breakthroughs of 2009 by Science). PMID: 19898420

16.Pioszak AA, and Xu HE. (2009) Molecular recognition of parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) by the extracellular domain of its G protein-coupled 捕手 PTH1R. JBC, 2009 Aug 12. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 19674967

17.Knudsen, BS., Zhao P, Resau J, Cottingham S, Gherardi E, Xu HE, Berghuis B, Daugherty J, Grabinski T, Toro J, Giambernardi T, Skinner RS, Gross M, Hudson E, Kort E, Lengyel E, Ventura A, West RA, Xie Q, Hay R, Vande Woude G, and Cao B. 2009. A novel multipurpose monoclonal antibody for evaluating human c-Met expression in preclinical and clinical settings. Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology 17(1): 56–67.

18.Wang Z, Zhou XE, et al, Xu HE, Mangelsdorf DJ. (2009) ctrl of 植物病原线虫 寄生 by Conserved Nuclear Receptor Signaling. PNAS 106, 9138-43.

19.Miao J, Kanamaluru D, Min G, Yau PM, Ellis E, Storm S, Suino-Powell K, Xu HE, Kemper JK (2009). Stability of Small Heterodimer Partner (SHP) is increased by bile acids and fibroblast growth factor 19. Genes and Development, 23:986-96.

20.Chakravarthy MV, Lodhi IJ, Yin L, Malapaka RV, Xu HE, Turk J, and Semenkovich CF (2009) Identification of the Physiologically Relevant Endogenous Ligand for PPARα in Liver. 细胞, 138(3):476-88. PMID: 19646743



徐华强 ----中国科学院上海药物研究所.中国科学院上海药物研究所.2021-05-12




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