方东平 :清华大学建设管理系主任

更新时间:2024-09-21 19:27










中国建筑集团有限公司业协会专家委员会副主任委员(2020 - )


中国建筑学会建筑施工分会第十届委员会副主任委员(2019 - )



国际建筑施工研究创新理事会(CIB)理事(原副主席、程序委员会主席,2010- )

全球建设工程与管理论坛(GLF-CEM)执委会委员(2011 - )




土木工程学报》《工程管理学报》《中国安全科学学报》《土木工程与管理学报》《建筑安全》《劳动保护》《Safety Science》《Journal of Civil Engineering and Management》《Construction Management and Economics》《Journal of Construction Engineering and Project 管理学》、《International Journal of 建筑, Engineering and Construction》、《Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management》编委














































1. Yuan H, Wang X, Gao L, Wang, T, Liu, B, Fang D, Gao, Y. Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals has been slowed by indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Communications 地球 \u0026 Environment, 2023, 4(1): 184.

2. Ma R, Fang D, Chen J, Li X. A tiled multi-城镇 urban objects dataset for city-scale building 能量 simulation. Scientific 数据, 2023, 10(1): 352.

3. Li Z, Lim H, Li N, Long Y, Fang D. Assessing the seismic resilience of a healthcare system: A hybrid modeling. International Journal of Disaster Risk 还原, 2023, 93: 103730.

4. Wang Y, Huang Y, Gu B, Cao S, Fang D. Identifying mental fatigue of construction workers using EEG and deep learning. 自动化技术 in Construction, 2023, 151: 104887.

5. Magoua J J, Wang F, Li N, Fang D. Incorporating the human factor in modeling the operational resilience of interdependent infrastructure systems. Automation in Construction, 2023, 149: 104789.

6. 黄玥诚,张淮,曹思涵,李建华,方东平.基于语义分析的建筑业安全文化管理机制设计清华大学学报(自然科学版),2023,63(02):179-190.

7. 黄玥诚,李泊宁,郁晓霞,王尧,方东平.依恋关系在施工团队成员安全互动中的作用路径.清华大学学报(自然科学版),2023,63(02):169-178.

8. 古博韬,曹思涵,王尧,黄玥诚,方东平.施工协同工作的不安全行为类型及特征.清华大学学报(自然科学版),2023,63(02):160-168.

9. Fang D, Wang Y, Lim H W, et al. Construction of a Bayesian Network Based on Leadership-Culture-Behavior Model to Improve Owner Safety Management Behavior. Journal of Construction Engineering and 管理学, 2023, 149(3): 04022177.

10. 方东平,李文琪,张恒力,刘合面向中原地区实践的工程管理伦理研究.中国工程科学,2022,24(05):187-196.

11. Li N, Wang F, Magoua J J, Fang D. Interdependent effects of critical infrastructure systems under different types of disruptions. International Journal of Disaster Risk 还原, 2022, 81: 103266.

12. Long, Y, Li, Z, pan, S, Lim, H. W, Zhao, Z, Huang, Y, Fang, D. Assessing Prehospital Seismic Resilience: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach. IT Professional, 2022, 24(3): 18-27.

13. 李克非,张建民,方东平,郭红领,朱德军,韩建国,苏.土木、水利与海洋工程:大土木类本科宽口径培养模式探索与实践.高等工程教育研究,2022(03):46-51.

14. 郭红领,王尧,马琳瑶,曹思涵,古博韬,黄玥诚,方东平.土木工程施工安全研究的现状与趋势华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2022,50(08):89-98.

15. 方东平,李文琪,张恒力,刘合新冠肺炎疫情防控应急工程管理中的伦理问题探析.工程研究——跨学科视野中的工程, 2022, 14(02): 104-113.

16. Xu Z, Wu Y, Hao X, Li N, Fang D. A joint analysis method for capability and demand of post-earthquake medical rescue in a city. International Journal of Disaster Risk 还原, 2022: 103249.

17. pan S, Zhao Z, Lim H W, Li N, Fang D. Restored quality of life-based approach (REQUALIFE) for urban seismic resilience assessment: Quantitative method. International Journal of Disaster Risk 还原, 2022, 79:103169.

18. pan S, Zhao Z, Lim H W, Li N, Fang D. Restored quality of life-based approach (REQUALIFE) for urban seismic resilience assessment: Case study. International Journal of Disaster Risk 还原, 2022, 79:103170.

19. Zhao Z, pan S, Li N, Li Z, Zhao C, Xu Z, Fang D. A seismic 紧急状态 表演 optimization model for infrastructure systems under demand differences: A case study in China. Earthquake Engineering and Resilience, 2022, 1(2):193-210.

20. Lim H, Fang D. Role of hazard information in the adoption of seismic hazard adjustments: Information treatment experiment in Beijing. International Journal of Disaster Risk 还原, 2022, 79:103182.

21. Chen J, Xu Q, Fang D, Zhang D, Liao P. C. Perceptual decision-making ‘in the wild’: How risk propensity and injury exposure experience influence the neural signatures of occupational hazard recognition. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2022, 177:92-102.

22. 王尧,马琳瑶,张沛尧,方东平.基于LCB理论的建设方安全管理行为测评与提升.土木工程学报,2021,54(10):117-124.

23. 马琳瑶,王尧,黄玥诚,李鹏程,方东平.建设行政主管部门的安全领导力特征及关键维度清华大学学报(自然科学版),2022,62(02):221-229.

24. 管仲尧,项天,方东平,郭红领改进的建筑工人疲劳与不安全行为实验测量方法.清华大学学报(自然科学版),2021,61(10):1186-1194.

25. 方东平,马羚,郭红领,杨发兵,张晋勋.超高层建筑施工事故风险评估Ⅰ:方法.工业建筑,2021,51(11):200-204.

26. 黄玥诚,常正非,倪绍文,姚志东,金典琦,方东平,岳清瑞城市安全发展和治理中的若干关键问题.工业建筑,2021,51(11):171-177.

27. 高晓江,郭红领,方东平.基于德国经验的建筑业职业教育发展建议.土木工程与管理学报,2021,38(04):30-33+40.

28. Mao Q, Li N, Fang D. Modeling the Multisector Business Interruption Ratio in Earthquake-Struck Regions. Journal of 管理学 in Engineering, 2021, 37(6): 04021072.

29. Liu B, Wang T, Zhang J, Wang X, Chang Y, Fang D, Yang M \u0026 Sun X. Sustained sustainable development actions of China from 1986 to 2020. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11(1): 1-10.

30. Lim H, Zhang F, Fang D, Pena-Mora, Liao P. Corporate social responsibility on disaster resilience issues by international contractors. Journal of 管理学 in Engineering. 2021; 37(1), 04020089.

31. Zhang Q, Guo H, Liao P, Fang D, Fu M. Optimizing safety-measure combinations to address construction risks. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. 2020:1-82.

32. Mao Q, Li N, Fang D. Framework for modeling multi-sector business closure length in earthquake-struck regions. International Journal of Disaster Risk 还原 2020; 51: 101916.

33. pan S, Lim H, Xiao N, Wang T, Fang D. Revelation of Wuhan 城镇’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic on Urban Resilience Enhancement. Journal of Emergency 管理学 and Disaster Communications. 2020; 1(1): 59-72.

34. Wang F, Magoua JJ, Li N, Fang D. Assessing the impact of systemic heterogeneity on failure propagation across interdependent critical infrastructure systems. International Journal of Disaster Risk 还原 2020: 101818.

35. Fang D, Li W, Zhang H, et al. Ethical Reflection on the 紧急状态 Engineering Management of COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and 监察[J]. Engineering (Beijing, China), 2020, 6(10): 1070.

36. Lu X, Liao W, Fang D, et al. Quantification of disaster resilience in civil engineering: A review[J]. Journal of Safety Science and Resilience, 2020, 1(1): 19-30.

37. 龙彦江,彭鹏,马羚,方东平. 安全管理行为对安全管理绩效影响分析方法. 工程管理学报, 2020, 34(03): 103-108.

38. Fang D, pan S, Li Z, Yuan T, Jiang B, Gan D, Sheng B, Han J, Wang T, Liu Z. Large-scale public venues as medical 紧急状态 sites in disasters: lessons from COVID-19 and the use of Fangcang shelter hospitals in Wuhan, China. BMJ Global Health. 2020; 5(6): e002815.

39. Fang D, Huang Y, Guo H, Lim H. LCB approach for construction safety. Safety Science. 2020; 128: 104761.

40. Lim H, Li Z, Fang D. Impact of 管理学, leadership, and 基团 integration on the hospital response readiness for earthquakes. International Journal of Disaster Risk 还原 2020: 101586.

41. 方东平, 李全旺, 李楠, 王飞, 刘影, 顾栋炼, 孙楚津, 潘胜杰, 侯冠杰, 汪飞, 陆新征 社区地震安全韧性评估系统及应用示范. 工程力学, 2020, 37(10): 28-44.

42. Li Z, Li N, Cimellaro G P, Fang D. System 动力学 Modeling-Based Approach for Assessing Seismic Resilience of Hospitals: 方法论 and a Case in China. Journal of 管理学 in Engineering. 2020; 36(5): 04020050.

43. Sun X, Chong H Y, Liao P C, Fang DP, Wang YQ. A System 动力学 Model of Prevention through 设计 towards Eliminating Human Error. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2019;23(5):1923-1938.

44. Zhang F, Li Z, Li N, Fang D. Assessment of urban human mobility perturbation under extreme weather events: A case study in Nanjing, China. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2019;50: 101671.

45. Zhang P, Li N, Jiang Z, Fang D, Anumba C. An agent-based modeling approach for understanding the effect of worker management interactions on construction workers' safety-related behaviors. Automation in Construction. 2019; 97: 29-43.

46. Niu Y, Lu W, Xue F, Liu D, Chen K, Fang D, Anumba C. Towards the “third wave”: An SCO-enabled occupational health and safety 管理学 system for construction. Safety Science. 2019; 111: 213-223.



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