曹世雄 :中央民族大学经济学院教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 03:25

曹世雄,1965年2月出生,陕西省延川县人。中央民族大学经济学院教授、人口-资源与环境经济学学科带头人,Ambio、Scientific World Journal、Ecosystem Health andSustainability、《生态学报》、《林业经济论评》刊物的编辑和编委。陕西省“百人计划学者”,2014年度国际生态与社会科学实践奖获得者,2015、2016年度Elsevier社会学全球高被引学者。



现任中央民族大学经济学院教授、人口-资源与环境经济学学科带头人, Ambio、 Scientific World Journal、 Ecosystem Health andSustainability、《生态学报》、《林业经济论评》刊物的编辑和编委。
















截至2016年底,出版专著2部,在国内外学术刊物“科学通报、 Economic Modeling、时间 and Society、BioScience、Journal of Applied Ecology、 ES\u0026T、地球Science Reviews、 Gondwana Research、 PNAS”等发表学术论文120余篇,其中被SSCI收录43篇、SCI收录42 篇、EI收录21篇,1篇论文入选全球千人生命科学计划(Faculty of 1000 Biology),SCI/SSCI引用一千余次。





曹世雄, 孙宇彤. 隔坡梯田林草间作方法. ZL201310208110.2; 2015-9-16 (中国1793979)

曹世雄, 汪雨婷. 石缝填充植树种草方法. ZL201310208135.2; 2015-9-30 (中国1806498)

曹世雄, 江曼. 露天开采矿区人工诱导植被修复方法. ZL201410244384.1; 2016-03-02(中国1965630)

曹世雄 江晨超. 宽窄梯田混合坡面整地造林方法.ZL 201310208152.6;2016-7-27 (中国2148642)


1曹世雄*,李宇腾, 鲁晨曦. 生态系统服务净价值核算方法及其对北京市人工林项目的评估. 科学通报. 2016, 61 (24), 2724-2729 (EI, CSCD)

2曹世雄 . 自然环境对黄河文明形成的影响—炎黄二帝称谓的内涵与中华文明的诞生. 农业考古, 2006, 93(1), 1-7

3Shixiong Cao ,Chenxi Lu, Hui Yue. Optimal tree canopy cover during ecologicalrestoration: a case study of possible ecological thresholds in Changting, China. BioScience 2017, 67, 221-232 (SCI; IF: 6.607) (WOS:000397164000006)

4Shixiong Cao*, Di Shang, Hui Yue, Hua Ma. A win-win strategy for ecologicalrestoration and biodiversity conservation in Southern China. EnvironmentalResearch Letters 2017, 12, 044004 (SCI; IF: 4.828)(WOS:000397804000004).

5Shixiong Cao*. AWin-win Path for Institutional Change. 时间 \u0026Society 2017 25, DOI: 10.1177/0961463X15577275 (SSCI; IF: 1.257)

6Shixiong Cao*. Evolution of a political industry withexamples from Chinese history. Time \u0026Society 2017, 25, DOI: 10.1177/0961463X15577285 (SSCI; IF: 1.257)

7Shixiong Cao*,Zhiguang Ren. An Equilibrium path for institutional changein China. 时间 \u0026Society 2017, 25, DOI: 10.1177/0961463X16631766 (SSCI; IF: 1.257)

8Di Shang,Guanchu Liu, Shixiong Cao*. Why are Chinese EthicDeclining. Time \u0026Society 2017 25, DOI: 10.1177/0961463X16658803 (SSCI; IF: 1.257)

9Chenxi Lu, TingyangZhao, Xiaoliang Shi, Shixiong Cao*. Ecologicalrestoration by afforestation may increase groundwater depth and createpotentially large ecological and 液态水 opportunity costs in arid and semiaridChina. Journalof Cleaner Production 2017,DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.03.046(SCI, EI; IF: 5.315) (AccessionNumber: 20161702282533)

10 Shixiong Cao ,Xinyi Zheng, Li Chen, Hua Ma, Jiangzhou Xia. Using the green purchase method tohelp farmers escape the poverty trap in semi-arid China. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 2017, 37:7 DOI: 10.1007/s13593-017-0420-3 (SCI; IF: 4.141).

11 Shixiong Cao*. Institutional Diversity: Why Chinese Civilization Survives. 时间 \u0026Society 2016, 25(2), 415–426 (SSCI; IF:1.257)

12Junze Zhang, TingyangZhao, Chenchao Jiang, Shixiong Cao*. Opportunity Cost of 液态水 Allocation to Afforestation Rather thanConservation of Natural Vegetation in China. LandUse Policy 2016, 50, 67–73 (SSCI; IF: 2.631) (AccessionNumber: WOS:000367755700007)

13Ying Liu, Junze Zhang, Shixiong Cao*. Institutional Change to Compensate for Low Birth Rates: the Chinesesituation, and comparison with other countries. 时间 \u0026 Society 2016, 25, 406-414 DOI: 10.1177/0961463X15591738 (SSCI; IF: 1.257)

14Chenchao Jiang,Di Shang, Shixiong Cao*. ManagingInstitutional Evolution to Increase the Likelihood of Success: Examples ofGuidance from Chinese History. Social Indicators Research 2016,127(3), 1157-1167 (SSCI; IF:1.395)

15Shixiong Cao*, Junze Zhang, Li Chen, Tingyang Zhao. Ecosystem waterimbalances created during ecological restoration by afforestation in China, and lessonsfor other developing countries. Journal of Environmental 管理学 2016, 183, 843-849 (SCI; IF:4.109) (Accession Number: WOS:000385900000044)

16 Shixiong Cao*, Heran Zheng. Climate change adaptation to escape the poverty trap:Role of the private sector EcosystemHealth and Sustainability 2016, 2(10): e01244. 10.1002/ehs2.1244.

17 Shixiong Cao*, Shurong Li, Hua Ma, Yutong Sun. Escaping the Resource Curse in China. Ambio 2015, 44, 1-6 (SCI, SSCI;IF: 2.641) (AY9EK)(WOS:000347852400001)

18Shixiong Cao ,Junze Zhang. Political risks arising from the impacts of large-scaleafforestation on 液态水 resources of the Tibetan 高原. Gondwana Research 2015, 28, 898-903 (SCI, SSCI; IF: 8.235)(AQ1EH) (WOS:000359169600027)

19Shixiong Cao*,Yuan Lv, Heran Zheng, Xin Wang. Research of the Risk Factors of China’s Unsustainable SocioeconomicDevelopment: Lessons for Other Nations. Social Indicators Research 2015, 123, 337-347 (SSCI; IF: 1.395) (CT4BA) (WOS:000360006900002)

20Shixiong Cao*. Political ecology of national states withexamples from Chinese history. Social IndicatorsResearch 2015, 124, 445-462 (SSCI; IF: 1.395)(凯迪拉克CT4BA) (WOS:000362749600007)

21Qi Feng, HuaMa, Xuemei Jiang, Xin Wang, Shixiong Cao*. Who has CausedDesertification in China. Scientific Reports 2015, 5,15998-7 (SCI, SSCI; IF:5.578) (CV0RE) (WOS:000363958500002)

22Heran Zheng,Shixiong Cao*. Threats to China's Biodiversity by Contradictions Policy. Ambio 2015, 44,23-33 (SCI, SSCI; IF:2.641) (AY9EK)( WOS:000347852400004)

23Baodong Cheng,Yuan Lv, Yong Zhan, Dejun Su, Shixiong Cao*. Constructing China’s Roads as Works of Art: acase study of “esthetic greenway” construction in the Shennongjia region ofChina. Land Degradation \u0026 Development 2015, 26, 324–330 (SCI, EI; IF:8.145) (CH4HY) (WOS:000353995800002)

24Heran Zheng, ChengxiLu, Di Shang, Shixiong Cao*. Culturalinvasions and land degradation. Regional Environmental Change 2015, 15,939-944 (SCI; IF: 2.628) (CI0CY) (WOS:000354404600016)

25 Shixiong Cao*, Hua Ma, Wenping Yuan, Xin Wang. Interaction of ecological and social factors affects vegetationrecovery in China. Biological Conservation 2014, 180, 270-277 (SCI, SSCI; IF: 4.748) (AW3UO) (WOS:000346211700027)

26Shixiong Cao ,Yuan Lv, Heran Zheng, Xin Wang. Challenges facing China’s unbalanced urbanization strategy. LandUse Policy 2014, 39, 412–415 (SSCI; IF: 2.631) (AI8VR) (WOS:000337205600043)

27Jianjun Qu, Shixiong Cao*, Guoshuai Li, Qinghe Niu, Qi Feng. Conservation of Natural and Cultural Heritages in Dunhuang China. Gondwana Research 2014, 26, 1216–1221 (SCI; IF: 8.235) (AQ1EH) (WOS:000342524200025).

28Hui Zhao, HongZhang, Shixiong Cao*. Unexpected Results from China's AgriculturalSubsidies Policy. Society \u0026 Natural Resources 2014, 27, 451-457(SSCI; IF: 1.053) (AE3JQ) (Accession Number:WOS:000333873200008)

29Heran Zheng, XinWang, Shixiong Cao*. The land finance model jeopardizes China'ssustainable development. Habitat International 2014, 44, 130-136 (SSCI; IF: 1.746) (AW9AI) (WOS:000346549800014)

30Binglin Zhong,Shaoyun Peng, Qiao Zhang, Hua Ma, Shixiong Cao*. Using an Ecological Economics Approach toSupport the Restoration of Collapsing Gullies in Southern China. Land Use Policy2013, 32, 119-124 (SSCI; IF: 2.355) (096TG) (Accession Number:WOS:000315426600012)

31Li Chen, ShixiongCao*. Lack of Integrated Solutions Hinders Environmental Recovery in China. Ecological Engineering 2013, 54, 233– 235 (SSCI; SCI, EI; IF: 3.415) (133HM) ( Accessionnumber: 20131116116885)

32Shixiong Cao*. WhyChina’s Approach to Institutional Change has Begun to Succeed. EconomicModeling 2012, 29,679-683 (SSCI; IF: 1.046) (038OT) (Accession Number: WOS:000303073700016)

33Shixiong Cao*. Socioeconomic valueofreligionand the impacts ofideological changeinChina. EconomicModeling 2012,29, 2621-2626 (SSCI; IF: 1.046) (038OT) (Accession Number: WOS:000311184700054)

34 Cheng Gong, Chenguang Xu, Li Chen, Shixiong Cao*. Cost-effective Compensation Payments: aModel Based on Buying Green Cover to Sustain Ecological Restoration. Forest Policy and Economics. 2012, 14, 143-147 (SSCI, SCI\u0026 EI; IF: 1.969) (859OP) (Accessionnumber:20114514493284)

35Shixiong Cao *.Impact ofChina's Large-Scale Ecological Restoration Program on the Environment andSociety in Arid and Semiarid Areas of China: achievements, problems, synthesis, and applications. Critical Reviews in Environmental Scienceand Technology 2011, 41, 317–335 (SCI, SSCI, \u0026 EI; IF: 8.247) (BEST380173) (Accessionnumber: 20110613650955).

36Shixiong Cao ,Li Chen, David Shankman, Chunmei Wang, Xiongbin Wang, and Hong Zhang. ExcessiveReliance on Afforestation in China’s Arid and Semi-arid Regions: Lessons inEcological Restoration. 地球ScienceReviews 2011, 104, 240-245 (SCI;IF: 8.177) (720FR) (Accession Number:WOS:000287266500003).

37Shixiong Cao,Ge Sun, Zhiqiang Zhang, Liding Chen, Qi Feng, Bojie Fu, Steve McNulty, DavidShankman, Jianwu Tang, Yanhui Wang, Xiaohua Wei. Greening China Naturally. Ambio 2011, 40, 828–831 (SCI; IF: 3.101) (868CC) (AccessionNumber: WOS:000298500100010).

38 Yang Gao, Binglin Zhong, Hui Yue, Bin Wu, and Shixiong Cao .A degradation threshold for irreversible loss of soil productivity: along-term case study in China. Journal of Applied Ecology 2011, 48, 1145-1154 (SCI; IF: 5.929) (823BA) (AccessionNumber: WOS:000295095100010).

39 Yafeng Wang, Shixiong Cao*. CarbonSequestrationmay have Negative Impacts on Ecosystem Health. EnvironmentalScience and Technology 2011, 45, 1759-1760 (SCI \u0026 EI;IF: 5.764) (725HZ) (Accession number: 20111013716772).

40 Chengli Xu, Huihai Ye, Shixiong Cao ConstructingChina’s Greenways Naturally. Ecological Engineering 2011, 37, 401-406 (SCI, SSCI \u0026 EI; IF:3.415) (730OJ) (Accession number: IP51226331).

41 Lixin Guan, Ge Sun, Shixiong Cao*. China'sBureaucracy Hinders Environmental Recovery. Ambio 2011, 40, 96–99 (SCI \u0026SSCI; IF: 3.101) (716CO) (Accession Number:WOS:000286942800012).

42Shixiong Cao,Tao Tian, Li Chen, Xiaobin Dong, Xinxiao Yu, Guosheng Wang. Damage Caused to the Environment by Refforestation policy inArid and Semi-arid Areas of China. Ambio 2010, 39(4),279-283. (SCI; IF: 3.101) (649GI) (Accession Number:WOS:000281755800002)

43Shixiong Cao,Li Chen, Qingke Zhu. Remembering theultimate goal of environmental protection: including protection of impoverishedcitizens in China's environmental policy. Ambio 2010,39,439-442 (SCI; IF: 3.101) (646LE). It has beenincluded in Labome.Org (Accession Number: WOS:000281541200009)

44Shixiong Cao, XiuqingWang, Yuezhen Song, Li Chen, Qi Feng. Impact of the Natural Forest ConservationProgram on the livelihood of local residents in northwestern China: Perceptions ofresidents affected by the program. Ecological Economics,2010, 69, 1454-1462 (SCI \u0026 SSCI, IF: 3.267) (608VM) (Accession Number:WOS:000278614100011)

45Shixiong Cao*,Chengli Xu, Huihai Ye, Yong Zhan, Cheng Gong. The Use of Air Bricks forPlanting Roadside Vegetation: A New Technique to Improve Landscaping of SteepRoadsides in China's Hubei Province. Ecological Engineering, 2010, 36, 697-702 (SCI \u0026 EI; IF: 3.415) (Accessionnumber: 20101512844468) (598XI)

46 Shixiong Cao*, Huihai Ye, Yong Zhan. Cliff Roads: An ecological conservation technique for roadconstruction in mountainous regions of China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2010, 94,228–233 (SCI, SSCI \u0026 EI; IF: 3.101) (Accession number: 20100312646343)(560ER)

47Shixiong Cao, TaoTian, Fan Qi, Li Ma, Guosheng Wang. An Investigation ofWomen’s Attitudes Towards Fertility and China’s Family Planning Policy. Journal of Biosocial Science, 2010,42, 359-375 (SSCI; IF: 1.956) (0177346) (Accession Number:WOS:000277528100005)

48Shixiong Cao,Xiuqing Wang. Unsustainably low Birth Rates: a PotentialCrisis Leading to Loss of Racial and Cultural Diversity in China. Journal of Policy Modeling, 2010,32, 159–162 (SSCI; IF: 0.547) (561MI)(Accession Number: WOS:000274981200009)

49Shixiong Cao*,Binglin Zhong, Hui Yue, Heshui Zeng, Jinhua Zeng. Development and Testing of a Sustainable EnvironmentalRestoration Policy on Eradicating the Poverty Trap in China’s Changting County. PNAS, 2009, 106 (26):10712-10716. (SCI; IF: 10.472). Selected for Faculty of 1000 Biology.http://www.f1000biology.com/article/id/1161593. (456EI) (Accession Number:WOS:000267564300059)

50Shixiong Cao*, LiChen, Xinxiao Yu. Impact of China's Grain for Green Project on the landscape ofvulnerable arid and semiarid agricultural regions: a case study in northernShaanxi Province. Journal ofApplied Ecology, 2009, 46, 536-543. (SCI \u0026SSCI, IF: 5.804) (439GE) (AccessionNumber: WOS:000265614800007)

51 Shixiong Cao, Chenguang Xu, Li Chen, Xiuqing Wang. Attitudesof farmers in China’s northern Shaanxi Province towards the land-use changesrequired under the Grain for Green Project, and implications for the program'ssuccess. Land Use Policy,2009, 26, 1182-1194 (SSCI; IF: 2.355) (447NH) (Accession Number:WOS:000266197500031)

52 Shixiong Cao, Xiuqing Wang, Guosheng Wang. Lessons learned fromChina's fall into the poverty trap. Journal of Policy Modeling, 2009, 31, 298-307 (SSCI, IF: 0.547)(419IZ) (Accession Number: WOS:000264214200010)

53 Shixiong Cao, Li Chen, ZhandeLiu. Aninvestigationof Chinese attitudes towards the environment: case study using the Grain for GreenProject. Ambio, 2009, 38, 55–64(SCI \u0026 SSCI, IF: 3.101)(403LG) (Accession Number: WOS:000263083500010)

54 Shixiong Cao*, Xiuqing Wang. Dealing with China's future population decline: a proposal forreplacing low birth rates with sustainable rates. Journal of Biosocial Science, 2009, 41,693-696 (SSCI; IF:1.956) (484DE) (Accession Number: WOS:000269022700009)

55Shixiong Cao*. Whylarge-scale afforestation efforts in China have failed to solve thedesertification problem. Environmental Science and Technology, 2008, 42(5)1826-1831. (SCI \u0026EI, IF: 5.764) (273QV) (Accession number: 20081611202884)

56 Shixiong Cao, Li Chen, Zhande Liu, Guosheng Wang. A newtree-planting technique to improve tree survival and growth on steep and aridland in the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Arid Environments 2008, 72,1374–1382. (SCI, IF: 2.056) (317TU) (Accession Number:WOS:000257043800020).

57 Shixiong Cao*, Li Chen, Zhande Liu. Disharmony between society and environmentalcarrying capacity: a historical review, with an emphasis on China. Ambio, 2007, 36(4), 409-415.(SCI, SSCI, IF: 3.291) (196WF) (Accession Number:WOS:000248512700009).

58 Shixiong Cao, Li Chen, Qi Feng, Zhande Liu. Soft‑riserbench terrace 设计 for the hilly loess region of Shaanxi Province, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2007,80, 184-191. (SCI, SSCI and EI, IF: 2.61) (149KC) (Accessionnumber: 20070810438634)

59 Shixiong Cao, Li Chen, Zhande Liu. Impact of three soil typeson afforestation in China’s Loess 高原 Landscapeand Urban Planning, 2007, 83, 208-217. (SCI, SSCI andEI, IF: 2.61) (243RE) (Accession number:20074410897348)

60 Shixiong Cao, Li Chen, Wangsheng Gao, Yuanquan Chen, MaochaoYan. Impactof planting grass on terrene roads to avoid soil erosion. Landscape and UrbanPlanning, 2006, 78, 205-216.(SCI, SSCI and EI, IF: 2.61) (110EZ) (Accessionnumber: 20064310199932).


获国家技术发明专利授权4项,国家与地方科技进步奖8项、自然科学奖1项;获陕西省“百人计划学者”称号、2014年度国际生态与社会科学实践奖,入选2015、2016、2018年度 Elsevier社会学全球高被引学者榜单。



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