朱永群 :浙江大学生命科学研究院教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 01:50










我们研究组以结构生物学、生物化学为主要研究手段,并结合细胞生物学的实验方法,研究致病菌侵染宿主细胞和人类癌症发生的分子机制。我们以革兰氏阴性致病菌如痢疾杆菌、致病性大肠杆菌军团菌属等为主要研究对象,革兰氏阴性致病菌通过特殊的分泌系统将毒性蛋白(又称效应蛋白)分泌到人宿主细胞中,分泌的效应蛋白作用于宿主细胞内特异的关键分子,从而调节宿主细胞的信号通路,从而达到有利于致病菌的侵染与繁殖的目的。因此,效应蛋白在致病菌致病过程中扮演着关键的角色。对效应蛋白及其作用机制进行深入的研究,将会促进人们对病原菌致病机理的了解,并且有可能为治疗相关传染疾病提供线索。另一个方面,我们也对由基因组不稳定性诱发的人类癌症发生的分子机制感兴趣。当基因组脱氧核糖核酸遭受由环境和化学因素引发的损伤时,细胞将启动DNA损伤反应机制,包括激活DNA damage checkpoint信号通路、停止细胞分裂、解开核小体的结构和募集下游DNA修复蛋白,从而对损伤的DNA进行识别与修复。脱氧核糖核酸损伤反应机制的任何功能缺陷将会引起基因组的不稳定性,从而导致癌症的发生。我们将研究DNA损伤与修复过程中核小体的去组装与再组装过程以及DNA修复蛋白如何识别和修复损伤的DNA的分子机制,这将帮助我们找到相关癌症发生的原因。我们期望通过我们的研究能够促进人们对威胁人类健康的两大威胁-传染性疾病与癌症的认识,并为相关的临床治疗提供宝贵的知识积累。



Zhaofeng Yan, Meng Yin,Dandan Xu,Yongqun Zhu#, Xueming Li#. Structural insights into the secretin translocation channel in the type II secretion system.Nature Structural \u0026Molecular Biology. 2017 Jan 9.

Deli Huang, Xinru Zheng, Zi-An Wang, Xin Chen, Wan-Ting He, Yingying Zhang, Jin-Gen.G Xu, Hang Zhao, Wenke Shi, Xin Wang,Yongqun Zhu, Jiahuai Han. MLKL channel in necroptosis is octamer formed by tetramers in a dyadic process.摩尔 Cell Biol. 2016 Dec 5.

Xiaofei Wang, Deqiang Yao, Jin-Gen Xu, A-Rong Li, Jianpo Xu, Panhan Fu, Yan Zhou,Yongqun Zhu. Structural basis of Cas3 inhibition by the bacteriophage protein AcrF3.Nature Structural \u0026Molecular Biology. 2016 Sep;23(9):868-70.

Yan Zhou,Yongqun Zhu. Diversity of bacterial manipulation of the host ubiquitin pathways.Cellular Microbiology. 2015 Jan;17(1):26-34.

Jin-Gen.G Xu*, Chunfeng Huang*, Yang Z, Jin M, Fu P, Zhang N, Luo J, Li D, Liu M, Zhou Y,Yongqun Zhu.Crystal Structure of LGR4-Rspo1 Complex: Insights into the divergent mechanisms of ligand recognition by Leucine-rich G-protein-coupled receptors (LGRs).Journal of Biological化学 2015 Jan 23;290(4):2455-65.

Kai Xu K, Chan YP, Bradel-Tretheway B, Akyol-Ataman Z,Yongqun Zhu, Dutta S, Yan L, Feng Y, Wang LF, Skiniotis G, Lee B, Zhou ZH, Broder CC, Aguilar HC, Nikolov DB. Crystal Structure of the Pre-fusion Nipah 病毒 Fusion Glycoprotein Reveals a Novel Hexamer-of-Trimers Assembly.PLoS Pathogens. 2015 Dec 8;11(12):e1005322.

Panhan Fu*, Xiaoqing Zhang*, Mengmeng Jin*, Li Xu, Chong Wang, Zongping Xia,Yongqun Zhu. Complex Structure of OspI and Ubc13: The Molecular Basis of Ubc13 Deamidation and Convergence of Bacterial and Host E2 Recognition.PLoS Pathogens. 2013 Apr;9(4):e1003322.

Qing Yu, Liyan Hu, Qing Yao,Yongqun Zhu, Na Dong, Da-Cheng Wang, Feng Shao. Structural analyses of Legionella LepB reveal a new GAP fold that catalytically mimics eukaryotic RasGAP.Cell Research. 2013 Jun;23(6):775-87

Na Dong,Yongqun Zhu#, Qiuhe Lu, Liyan Hu, Yuqing Zheng, Feng Shao#.Structurally Distinct Bacterial TBC-like GAPs Link Arf GTPase to Rab1 Inactivation to Counteract Host Defenses.Cell.2012 Aug 31;150(5):1029-41. (# co-corresponding author)

Yongqun Zhu, Liyan Hu, Yan Zhou, Qing Yao, and Feng Shao. Structural mechanism of host Rab1 activation by the bifunctional Legionella type IV effector SidM/DrrA.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.2010 Mar 9; 107(10):4699-704.

Qing Yao, Jixin Cui,Yongqun Zhu, Guolun Wang, Liyan Hu, Chengzu Long, Ran Cao, Xinqi Liu, Niu Huang, She Chen, Liping Liu, and Feng Shao. A bacterial type III effector family uses the papain-like hydrolytic activity to arrest the host cell cycle.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2009 Mar 10; 106(10):3716-21.

Yongqun Zhu, Hongtao Li, Jiayi Wang, Liyan Hu, Yan Zhou, Liping Liu, Feng Shao. Structure of a 志贺氏菌属 effector reveals a new class of ubiquitin ligaSESNature Structural \u0026 Molecular Biology.15(12):1302-8, 迪吉多 2008.

Yongqun Zhu, Hongtao Li,Chengzu Long, Liyan Hu, Hao Xu, Liping Liu, She Chen, Da-Cheng Wang, and Feng Shao. Structural Insights into the Enzymatic Mechanism of the Pathogenic MAPK Phosphothreonine Lyase.Molecular Cell.28, 899–913, 迪吉多 14, 2007.

Yong-Qun Zhu, De-Yu Zhu, Lei Yin, Ying Zhang, Clemens Vonrhein, and Da-Cheng Wang. Crystal Structure of Human 亚精胺/Spermine N1-Acetyltransferase (hSSAT): The First Structure of a New Sequence Family of Transferase Homologous 总科PROTEINS. 63:1127–1131, 2006.

De-Yu Zhu,Yong-Qun Zhu*,Ren-Huai Huang, Ye Xiang, Na Yang, Hong-Xia Lu, Gen-Pei Li, Qi Jin, and Da-Cheng Wang. Crystal Structure of the Homeostasis Protein (CutCm) from 志贺氏菌属 flexneri at 1.7Å Resolution: The First Structure of a New Sequence Family of TIM Barrels.PROTEINS.58:764–768, 2005. (* equal contribution)

De-Yu Zhu,Yong-Qun Zhu*,Ye Xiang and Da-Cheng Wang. Optimizing Protein Crystal Growth through Dynamic Seeding.Acta Cryst. D(2005).61, 772-775. (*equal contribution)

Yong-Qun Zhu, De-Yu Zhu, Hong-Xia Lu, Na Yang, Gen.GPei Li, Da-Cheng Wang. Purification and Preliminary Crystallographic Studies of CutC, a Novel Copper Homeostasis Protein from 志贺氏菌属 flex去甲肾上腺素再摄取抑制剂Protein \u0026 Peptide Letters. 12, 823-826, 2005. 


2013年 冷泉港-亚洲国际学术会议(Bacterial Infection and Host Defense),苏州市

Talk title: Structural Insights into Shigella Interaction with the Host.

2013年 全球华人生物学家大会,西安市

Talk title: Molecular Mechanism of Ubc13 Deamidation by OspI and the Convergence ofBacterialand Host E2 Recognition.

2012年 冷泉港-亚洲国际学术会议(Small GTPases), 苏州市

Talk title: Distinct Bacterial TBC-like GAPs Link Arf GTPase to Rab1 Inactivation to CounteractHost Defenses.

2012年 中国晶体学大会,西安市

Talk title: Molecular Mechanism of Bacterial Pathogen-Host Interaction.

2008年 中国结构生物学大会,黄山市

Talk title: Structure of a Shigella effector reveals a new class of ubiquitin ligases.




中国科学技术协会 组织人才 关于第十六届中国青年科技奖获奖人选的公示.中国科学技术协会.2020-08-31


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