李金华 :中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所副研究员

更新时间:2024-09-21 13:54










目前,已经发表SCI文章40篇。其中第一作者12篇(其中包括EPSL文章2篇,G-cubed文章2篇,GJI文章1篇,Chemical Geology邀请综述文章1篇等)。文章共被SCI引用304次,他引172次。其中,第一作者论文12篇,SCI他引86次。主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金、面上项目(青年-面上连续资助)各1项(在研)、国家自然科学基金青年基金1项(已结题)、中国博士后科学基金特别资助和面上项目各1项(已结题)。获2015年度国家自然科学基金“优秀青年科学基金”资助和中国地球物理学会2015年“傅承义青年科技奖”称号。









2011年7月,法国巴黎矿物学、材料物理与宇宙化学研究所(IMPMC,CNRS-UPMC),矿物磁学实验室(MIMABADI),访问学者(法方邀请,受Sejour Scientique de Haut Niveau项目资助)

2012年3月-2014年3月,法国巴黎矿物学、材料物理与宇宙化学研究所(IMPMC,CNRS-UPMC),地质生物学实验室(GEOBIO),访问学者(法方邀请,分别受Cino Del Duca Fundation和ERC Calcyan项目资助)







国家自然科学基金面上项目(青年-面上连续资助), 在研、主持。

博士后科学基金特别资助项 , 已结题, 主持。

国家自然科学基金国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目管理办法, 已结题, 主持。

博士后科学基金面上项目(第47批), 已结题, 主持。







Li JH, oliver IM, Cam J. Boudier T, Blondeau M, Leroy E, Cosmidis J, Skouri-Panet F, Guigner JM, Ferard C, Poinsot M, Moreira D, Lopez-Garcia P, Cassier-Chauvat C, Chauvat F, Benzerara K, Biomineralization patterns of intracellular carbonatogenesis in cyanobacteria: Molecular hypotheses

Dong Y#, Li JH#, Zhang WC, Zhang WY, Zhao Y, pan YX, Xiao T, Wu LF, Pan HM*, The detection of magnetotactic bacteria in deep sea sediments from the east Pacific Manganese Nodule Province, Env. Microbiol. Rep


Li JH, Menguy N, Gatel C, Boureau V, Snoeck E, Patriarche G, Leroy E, pan YX, Crystal growth of bullet-shaped magnetite in magnetotactic bacteria of the Nitrospirae phylum, J

Li JH, Bernard S, Benzerara K, Beysacc O, Allard T, Cosmidis J, Moussou J, Impact of biomineralization on the preservation of microorganisms during fossilization: an experimental perspective, 地球 Planet

Li JH, Benzerara K, Bernard S, Beysacc O, The link between biomineralization and fossilization of bacteria: insights from field and experimental studies, Chem. Geol

Li JH, Ge KP, pan YX, Williams W, Liu QS, Qin HF, A very strong angular dependence of magnetic properties of magnetosome chains: Implications for rock magnetism and paleomagnetism, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst

Li JH, Wu WF, Liu QS, pan YX, Magnetic anisotropy, magnetostatic interaction and the identification of magnetofossils, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst

Li JH, Pan YX, Environmental factors affect magnetite magnetosome synthesis in Magneto螺菌属 magneticum AMB-1: Implications for biologically controlled mineralization, Geomicrobiol. J

Li JH, Ge X, Zhang XK, Chen GJ, pan YX, Recover vigorous cells of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 by capillary magnetic separation, Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol

李金华, 潘永信, 刘青松, 秦华锋, 邓成龙, 车仁超, 杨新安, 趋磁细菌Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1全细胞和纯化磁小体的磁学比较研究, 科学通报

Li JH, pan YX, Liu QS, Qin HF, Deng CL, Che RC, Yang XA, A comparative study of magnetic properties between whole cells and isolated magnetosomes of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1, 齐纳吾·英塔拉库辛 Sci. Bull

Li JH, Pan YX, Liu QS, Yu-Zhang K, Menguy N, Che RC, Qin HF, Lin W, Wu WF, Petersen N, Yang XA, Biomineralization, crystallography and magnetic properties of bullet-shaped magnetite magnetosomes in giant rod magnetotactic bacteria, 地球 Planet

Ding Y#, Li JH#, Liu JN, Yang J, Jiang W, Tian JS, Li Y, pan YX, Li JL, Deletion of the ftsZ-Like Gene Results in the Production of Superparamagnetic Magnetite Magnetosomes in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense, J. Bacteriol

Li JH, Pan YX, Chen GJ, Liu QS, Tian LX, Lin W, Magnetite magnetosome and fragmental chain formation of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1: Transmission


Chen YR, Zhang WY, Zhou K, pan HM, Du HJ, Xu C, Xu JH, Pradel N, Santini CL, Li JH, Huang H, Pan YX, Xiao T*, Wu LF*, 2016. Novel 物种 and expanded distribution of ellipsoidal multicellular magnetotactic 原核生物, Env. Microbiol. Rep

Chen HT, Li JH, Xing X, Du ZJ, Chen GJ, Unexpected diversity of magnetococci in Intertidal sedimens of Xiaoshi Island in the North Yello sea, J. NanoMaterials

Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Li JH, Groleau A, Balan E, Robert JL, Esteve I, Tavera R, Moreira D, Lopez-Garcia P, Formation of low-T hydrated silicates in modern microbialites from Mexico and implications for microbial fossilization, front 地球 Sci

Wang YZ, Lin W, Li JH, Zhang TW, Li Y, Tian JS, Gu LX, Heyden YV, pan YX*, Characterizing and optimizing magnetosome production of Magnetospirillum sp. XM-1 isolated from Xi'an City Moat, China, FEMS Microbiol

Liu S Z, Deng CL, Xiao JL, Li JH, Paterson Greig A, Chang L, Yi L, Qin HF, pan YX, Zhu RX, Insolation driven biomagnetic response to the Holocene Warm Period in semi-arid East Asia, Sci

Chen YR, Zhang R, Du HJ, Pan HM, Zhang WY, Zhou K, Li JH, Xiao T, Wu LF, A novel 物种 of ellipsoidal multicellular magnetotactic 原核生物 from Lake Yuehu in China, Environ. Microbiol

Benzerara K, Skouri-Panet F, Li JH, Férard C, Gugger M, Laurent T, Couradeau E, Ragon M, Cosmidis J, Menguy N, Margaret-oliver I, Tavera R, López-García P, Moreira D, Intracellular Ca-carbonate biomineralization is widespread in 蓝菌门, Proc. Natl. Acad

Miot J, Li JH, Benzerara K, Sougrati MT, Ona-Nguema G, Bernard S, Jumas J-C, Guyot F, Formation of single domain magnetite by green rust oxidation promoted by microbial anaerobic nitrate-dependent iron oxidation. Geochim. Cosmochim

陈海涛, 林巍, 王寅炤, 李金华, 陈冠军, 潘永信, 西安未央湖街道趋磁细菌多样性与磁学研究, 第四纪研究

Wang YZ, Lin W, Li JH, pan YX, Changes of cell growth and magnetosome biomineralization in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 after ultraviolet-B irradiation, front Microbiol

Wu WF, Wang FP, Li JH, Yang XW, Xiao X, Pan YX, Iron reduction and mineralization of deep-sea iron reducing bacterium Shewanella piezotolerans WP3 at elevated hydrostatic pressures, Geobiology

Yang J, Li SQ, Huang XL, Li JH, Li L, pan YX, Li Y, MamX encoded by the mamXY operon is involved in control of magnetosome maturation in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1, BMC Microbiology

Jandacka P, Alexa P, Pistora J, Li JH, Vojtkova H, Ballirano P, Size distributions of nanoparticles from magnetotactic bacteria as signatures of biologically controlled mineralization, Am. Mineral

Walls M, Cao CQ, Yu-Zhang K, Li JH, pan YX, Identification of Ferrous-Ferric 四氧化三铁 Nanoparticles in Recombinant Human Ferritin Cages, Microsc

Su YL, Gao X, Liu QS, Wang JB, Haberzettl T, Zhu LP, Li JH, Duan ZQ, Tian LD, Mineral magnetic study of lacustrine sediments from Lake Pumoyum Co, southern Tibet, over the last 19 ka and paleoenvironmental significance, Tectonophysics

Wang YZ, Lin W, Li JH, pan YX, High Diversity of the δ-proteobacteria Magnetotactic Bacteria in a Freshwater Niche, Appl. Environ. Microbiol

Zhou K, Zhang WY, Pan HM, Li JH, Yue HD, Xiao T, Wu LF, Adaptation of spherical multicellular magnetotactic 原核生物 to the geochemically variable habitat of an intertidal zone, Environ. Microbiol

Lin W, Li JH, pan YX, Newly Isolated but Uncultivated Magnetotactic Bacterium of the Phylum Nitrospirae from Beijing, China, Appl. Environ. Microbiol

Wu WF, Li B, Hu J, Li JH, Wang FP, Pan YX, Iron reduction and magnetite biomineralization mediated by a deep-sea iron-reducing bacterium Shewanella piezotolerans WP3, J. Geophys

李陛, 吴文芳, 李金华, 潘永信, 温度和电子传递体AQDS对铁还原细菌Shewanella putrefaciens CN32矿化产物的影响, 地球物理学报

吴文芳, 李金华, 张春霞, 潘永信, 有机质对纳米磁铁矿热稳定性的影响, 地球物理学

Zhu KL, pan HM, Li JH, Yu-Zhang K, Zhang SD, Zhang WY, Zhou K, Yue HD, Pan YX, Xiao T, Wu LF, Isolation and characterization of a marine magnetotactic spirillum axenic culture QH-2 from an intertidal zone of the China Sea, Rev. Microbiol

Lin W, Li JH, Schüler D, Jogler C, pan YX, Diversity analysis of magnetotactic bacteria in Lake Miyun, northern China, by restriction fragment length polymorphism, Syst. APPL Microbiol

Pan YX, Lin W, Li JH, Wu WF, Tian LX, Deng CL, Liu QS, Zhu RX, Winklhofer M, Petersen N, Reduced efficiency of magnetotaxis in magnetotactic coccoid bacteria in higher than geomagnetic fields, Biophys. J

Lin W, Tian LX, Li JH, pan YX, Does capillary racetrack-based enrichment reflect the diversity of uncultivated magnetotactic cocci in environmental samples?, FEMS Microbiol

王磊, 潘永信, 李金华, 秦华锋, 黄铁矿热转化矿物相变过程的岩石磁学研究, 中国科学D辑:地球科学

Wang L, pan YX*, Li JH, Qin HF, Magnetic properties related to thermal treatment of pyrite, Science in China Series D-地球 Sciences


李金华, Nicolas Menguy, 邓成龙, 林巍, Catherine Kissel, 刘青松, 朱日祥, 潘永信, 趋磁细菌生物矿化、磁学特征与化石磁小体识别, 2015年第二届“中国地球科学联合学术年会”, 2015年10月11日-10月14日, 北京市, 中国. (“古地磁与地球动力学专题”特邀报告)

李金华, 趋磁细菌生物矿化、磁学与化石磁小体识别——破解“地球磁场与生命协同演化”之谜, 2015年第二届“中国地球科学联合学术年会”, 2015年10月11日-10月14日, 北京, 中国. (中国地球物理学会“傅承义青年科学家奖”特邀报告)

李金华, 张衡, 王芙仙, 潘永信, 利用“荧光电子显微镜联用”方法研究趋磁细菌矿化, 2015年第二届“中国地球科学联合学术年会”, 2015年10月11日-10月14日, 北京市, 中国.

Li JH, Menguy N, Benzerara K, Deng CL, Kissel C, Liu SQ, Zhu RX, pan YX. Biomineralization and magnetism of magnetotactic bacteria: Implications for the identification of magnetofossils,26th IUGG 2015 General Assembly,June 22-July 2,2015, Prague, Czech Republic. (A09 Open Symposium on Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism (Div. I)特邀报告)

李金华, Menguy N, Sainctavit P, 潘永信, 磁小体磁铁矿晶格中钴的掺杂及其磁学效应, 2014年中国地球科学联合学术年会, 2014年10月19日-10月23日, 北京市, 中国.

李金华, Bernard S, Benzerara K, Beyssac O, 潘永信, 微生物矿化与微化石识别, 2014年中国地球科学联合学术年会, 2014年10月19日-10月23日, 北京, 中国.

Li JH, Benzerara K, Bernard S, Beyssac O, pan YX, Impact of biominerlization on fossilization of bacteria: Insights from field and experimental studies. The 3rd International Conference of Geobiology

Li JH, Menguy N, Gater C, Boureau V, Snoeck E, Patriarche G, Leroy E, pan YX, Crystal growth of bullet-shaped magnetite in magnetotactic bacteria of the Nitrospirae phylum

Li JH, Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Bernard S, Beyssac O, Poorly-crystalline Fe(Mg) Silicates involved in early fossilization of microbes in modern microbialites

Li JH, Bernard S, Beyssac O, Benzerara K, Moussou J, Experimental fossilization of bacteria and biominerals: Applicatioons in the search microfossils in Ancient rocks

Li JH, Menguy N, pan YX, Crystal growth of bullet-shaped magnetosomes in Nitrospira phylum magnetotactic bacteria, 2012 International Meeting on Magnetotactic Bacteria

李金华, 林巍, 潘永信, 沉积物中趋磁细菌化石磁小体的识别方法, 2011年中国地球物理学年会, 2011年11月17日-11月21日, 长沙市, 中国.

Li JH, pan YX, How shape anisotropy affects bulk magnetic properties: Observations of magnetosome chains in magnetotactic bacteria, EGU2011

Li JH, Pan YX, Liu QS, Yu-Zhang K, Menguy N, Che RC, Qin HF, Lin W, Wu WF, Petersen N, Yang XA, Biomineralization, crystallography and magnetic properties of bullet-shaped magnetite magnetosomes in giant rod magnetotactic bacteria, MTB2010

Li JH, pan YX, Observation of magnetosome growth and chain arrangement of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1. Workshop on Magnetotactic Bacteria. Jun


中科院武汉病毒研究所拟入选2021年中科院杰出科技成就奖_中国政库_澎湃新闻-The Paper.澎湃新闻.2021-06-20


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