车仁超 :复旦大学研究员

更新时间:2024-09-21 15:58



主要研究方向为(1)运用透射电子显微学先进技术研究重要纳米功能材料的结构与性质,如利用电子能量损失谱技术研究纳米复合材料的界面问题;(2)纳米隐身材料的合成、结构与物理性质。现负责2项国家自然科学基金项目、参与科技部973项目1项。发表SCI收录文章40多篇,他引超过600次,第一作者文章包括Advanced Material一篇(引用超过100次),Applied Physics Letter六篇,Physical Review B一篇。


1. R. C. Che, L. M. Peng, Q. Chen, X. F. Duan and X. L. Liang, Advanced Materials, 16, 401 2004. “微波 absorption enhancement and complex permittivity and permeability of Fe encapsulated within nanotubes”. (引用105次)

2. R. C. Che, et al, Applied Physics Letters 85, 4753 2004. “Electron side-emission from corrugated CNx nanotubes”.

3. R. C. Che, N. Bai and L. M. Peng, Applied Physics Letters 83, 3561 2003. “Structure and growth of monoclinic Mo2S3 nanorods”.

4. R. C. Che, et al, Applied Physics Letters 87, 173122 2005. “Synthesis and characterization of crystalline microporous phosphite nanowires”.

5. R. C. Che, M. Takeguchi, M. Shimojo, W. Zhang and K. Furuya, Applied Physics Letters 87, 223109 2005. “Fabrication and electron holography characterization of FePt 合金 nanorods”.

6 R. Che. L.-M. Peng, Q. Chen, X. F. Duan, Z. N. Gu,, Applied Physics Letters 82, 3319 2003. “氧化铁 particles encapsulated inside aligned CNx nanotubes”

7. R. C. Che, et al, Applied Physics Letters 88, 033105 2006. “Fabrication and 微波 absorption of nanotubes/CoFe2O4 spinel nanocomposite”.

8. R. C. Che et al Physical Review B 77, 184518 (2008) “Electron 能量loss spectroscopy and ab initio electronic structure of the LaOFeP superconductor.”

9. R. C. Che, et al, Nanotechnology 18 (35): Art. No. 355705 SEP 5 2007.

10.G. H. Du, Q. Chen, R. C. Che, Z. Y. Yuan, L.-M. Peng, Applied Physics Letters, 79, 3702, 2001, Preparation and structure analysis of 氧化物 nanotubes. (引用260次)

11. X. Y. Liu, B. Z. Tian, C. Z. Yu, F. Gao, S. H. Xie, B. Tu, R. C. Che, L.-M. Peng, D. Y. Zhao, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 41, 3876, 2002. Room-温度 synthesis in acidic media of large-pore three-dimensional bicontinuous mesoporous silica with Ia3d symmetry. (引用106次)



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