杜道林 :杜道林

更新时间:2024-09-20 18:31










2005-2007年在美国Pennsylvania State University做访问学者。





































1.KiranYasmin Khan, GuanlinL, DaolinDu, Barkat Ali, Shuang Zhang, Meiying Zhong, Peter Joseph Stoffell, Babar Iqbal, Xiaoqiang Cui, Lijiang Fu, Ya Guo, Impact of polystyrene microplastics with combined contamination of norfloxacin and sulfadiazine on 菊属 coronarium L. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 316: 120522.

2.Li, M, Lu, WY, Mao, YH, Qiu, XC, Du, DL. An enhanced immunochro- matography assay based on gold growth on the surface of E. coli carrier for the simultaneous detection of mycotoxins. Talanta, 2023, 251: 123798.

3.Iqbal, B, Zhao, TT, Yin, WQ, Zhao, X, Xie, QJ, Khan, KY, Zhao, XX, Nazar, M, Li, GL, Du, DL. Impacts of soil microplastics on crops: A review. Applied Soil Ecology, 2023, 181: 104680

4.Yu, YL, Zhong, SS, Xu, ZL, Xu, ZY, Wang, CY, Du, DL. Does the salt stress intensify the independent allelopathy and the co- allelopathy of 一枝黄花属 canadensis L. and Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq.? South African Journal of 植物学, 2023, 153:37-45

5.Zhanrui Leng, Yueming Wu, Jian Li, Ziying Nie, Hui Jia, Chongling Yan, Hualong Hong, Xinhong Wang, Daolin Du. Phenolic root exudates enhance Avicennia marina tolerance to cadmium under the mediation of functional bacteria in mangrove sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022, 185: 114227.

6.Yuguda, T.K., Wu, Y., Leng, Z., Gao, G., Li, G., Dai, Z., Li, J. and Du, D. Impact of Spartina alterniflora invasion on evapotranspiration 液态水 loss in Phragmites australis dominated coastal wetlands of east China. Ecological Engineering, 2022, 179: 106605.

7.Yueming Wu, Zhanrui Leng, Jian Li, Chongling Yan, Xinhong Wang, Hui Jia, Lingyun Chen, Sai Zhang, Xiaojun Zheng, Daolin Du. mediated heavy metal biogeochemical cycles in coastal wetlands: from sediments, rhizosphere to vegetation. frontiers of Environmental Science \u0026 Engineering, 2022, 16(8): 102.

8.Yuguda, T.K., Leng, Z., Wu, Y., Jia, H., Zhang, S., Dai, Z., Li, J. and Du, D. Consequences of coastal wetlands reclamation and the need for integrating impact assessment of invasive alien plants 物种 and coastal armoring in life cycle assessment (LCA). International Journal of Environmental Research, 2022, 16(5), 81.

9.Wang, Yong-Feng*, Li, Xiangzhen, Datta, Rahul, Chen, Jing, Du, Yizhou and Du, Dao-Lin*. Key factors shaping prokaryotic communities in subtropical forest soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 2022, (169).

10.Li, Changchao, Du, Daolin, Gan, Yandong, Ji, Shuping, Wang, Lifei, Chang, Mengjie and Liu, Jian. Foliar dust as a reliable environmental monitor of heavy metal pollution in comparison to 植物界 leaves and soil in urban areas. Chemosphere, 2022, (287).

11.Zhu, Guofan, Du, Ruijun, Du, Daolin, Qian, Jiazhong and Ye, Mao*. Keystone taxa shared between earthworm gut and soil indigenous microbial communities collaboratively resist chlordane stress. Environmental Pollution, 2021, (283).

12.Zhiyuan, H., Jiating, L., Kangwei, S., Guangqian, R., Zhicong, D., Jianfan, S., Xiaojun, Z., Yiwen, Z., Jiaqi, Z., Guanlin, L.* and Daolin, D.*. Effects of Canada Goldenrod Invasion on Soil Extracellular Enzyme Activities and Ecoenzymatic Stoichiometry. Sustainability, 2021, 7(13).

13.Li, J., Leng, Z., Wu, Y., Du, Y., Dai, Z., Biswas, A., Zheng, X., Li, G., Mahmoud, E.k., Jia, H.* and Du, Daolin*. (2021) Interactions between invasive 植物界s and heavy metal stresses: a review. Journal of Plant Ecology DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtab100.

14.Wu, Y., Leng, Z., Li, J.*, Jia, H., Yan, C., Hong, H., Wang, Q., Lu, Y. and Du, Daolin. Increased fluctuation of alleviates cadmium toxicity and exacerbates the expansion of Spartina alterniflora in coastal wetlands. Environmental Pollution ,2022, (292) 118399.

15.Zheng, Xiaojun, Natuhara, Yosihiro, Li, Jian*, Li, Guanlin, Du, Yizhou, Jia, Hui, Dai, Zhicong, Du, Daolin*, Zhong, Shan* and Qin, Dan. Effects of multiple stressors on 两栖纲 oviposition: Landscape and local determinants in central Japan. Ecological Indicators, 2021, (128).

16.Li, J., Leng, Z., Wu, Y., Li, G., Ren, G., Wu, G., Jiang, Y., Yuguda, T.K. and Du, D*. The impact of sea embankment reclamation on greenhouse gas ghg fluxes and stocks in invasive Spartina alterniflora and native Phragmites australis wetland marshes of east China. Sustainability, 2021, 13, 12740.

17.Zhang, Haiyan, Rutherford, Susan, Qi, Shanshan, Huang, Ping, Dai, Zhicong* and Du, Daolin*. Transcriptome profiling of Arabidopsis thaliana roots in response to allelopathic effects of Conyza canadensis. Ecotoxicology, 2021.

18.Zhang, Bo, Liu, Wenting, Liu, Zhenjiang, Fu, Xiaoling* and Du, Daolin*. High-performance liquid chromatography for the sensitive zearalenone determination by the automated immunomagnetic beads purifier for one-step sample pre-treatment. European Food Research and Technology, 2021.

19.Zhang, Bo, Li, Hongzhou, Li, Yan, Fu, Xiaoling* and Du, Daolin*. A sensitive chemiluminescence immunoassay based on immunomagnetic beads for quantitative detection of zearalenone. European Food Research and Technology, 2021, 9(247): 2171-2181.

20.Yuhao, M., Mingna, S., Xia, H., Chakraborty, S., Duan, J. S., Ming, L.* and Daolin, D.*. Semi-quantitative and quantitative detection of ochratoxinAin agricultural by-products using a self-assembling immunochromatographic strip. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2021, 4(101): 1659-1665.

21.Yi, Rongjie, Yi, Chengwu, Du, Daolin, Zhang, Qi, Yu, Haijun and Yang, Liu. Research on quinoline degradation in drinking 液态水 by a large volume strong ionization dielectric barrier discharge reaction system. Plasma Science \u0026 Technology, 2021, 8(23).

22.Yi, Rongjie, Guo, He, Wang, Huijuan, Du, Daolin, Zhang, Qi and Yi, Chengwu*. Multiple production of highly active particles for oxytetracycline degradation in a large volume strong ionization dielectric barrier discharge system: 表演 and degradation pathways. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, (274).

23.Wang, Congyan*, Cheng, Huiyuan, Wang, Shu, Wei, Mei and Du, Daolin. 植物界 community and the influence of plant taxonomic diversity on community stability and invasibility: A case study based on 一枝黄花属 canadensis L. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, (768).

24.Ullah, 穆罕默德 Saif, Sun, Jianfan*, Rutherford, Susan, Ullah, Ikram, Javed, Qaiser, Rasool, Ghulam, Ajmal, Muhammad and Du, Daolin. Evaluation of the allelopathic effects of leachate from an invasive 物种 (Wedelia triobata) on its own growth and 表演 and those of a native congener (W. chinensis). Biological Invasions, 2021, 10(23): 3135-3149.

25.Ren, Guang-Qian, Zou, Chris B., Wan, Ling-Yun, Johnson, Jacob H., Li, Jian, Zhu, Lan, Qi, Shan-Shan, Dai, Zhi-Cong, Zhang, Hai-Yan and Du, Dao-Lin*. Interactive effect of climate warming and deposition may shift the 动力学 of native and invasive 物种 Journal of 植物界 Ecology, 2021, 1(14): 84-95.

26.Ming, L.*, Xia, H., Xuchun, Q., Chuqin, Y., Yuhao, M., Yan, L., Zhengjiang, L. and Daolin, D.*. Ultrasensitive monitoring strategy of PCR-like levels for zearalenone contamination based 脱氧核糖核酸 barcode. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2021.

27.Huiyuan, C., Bingde, W., Youli, Y., Shu, W., Mei, W., Congyan, W.* and Daolin, D. The allelopathy of horseweed with different invasion degrees in three provinces along the Yangtze River in China. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2021.

28.Huiyuan, C., Bingde, W., Mei, W., Shu, W., Xinshan, R., Daolin, D. and Congyan, W.*. Changes in community structure and metabolic function of soil bacteria depending on the type restoration processing in the degraded alpine grassland ecosystems in Northern Tibet. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, (755).

29.Huang, Ping, He, Lili, Abbas, Adeel*, Hussain, Sadam, Hussain, Saddam, Du, Daolin*, Hafeez, 穆罕默德 Bilal, Balooch, Sidra, Zahra, Noreen, Ren, Xiaolong, Rafiq, Muhammad and Saqib, Muhammad. Seed Priming with 高粱属 液态水 Extract Improves the 表演 of Camelina (Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz.) under Salt Stress. Plants-巴塞尔市, 2021, 4(10).

30.Guangqian, R., Furong, H., Jianfan, S., Wenjie, H., Azeem, A., Shanshan, Q., Bin, Y., Miaomiao, C., Kun, J. and Daolin, D.*. Resource conservation strategy helps explain patterns of biological invasion in a low-N environment. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2021, (94).

31.Congyan, W.*, Shu, W., Bingde, W., Mei, W., Xinshan, R., Yan, L. and Daolin, D. Ecological restoration treatments enhanced 植物界 and soil microbial diversity in the degraded alpine steppe in Northern Tibet. Land Degradation \u0026 Development, 2021, 2(32): 723-737.

32.Congyan, W.*, Huiyuan, C., Mei, W., Shu, W., Bingde, W. and Daolin, D. 植物界 height and leaf size: Which one is more important in affecting the successful invasion of 一枝黄花属 canadensis and Conyza canadensis in urban ecosystems? Urban Forestry \u0026 Urban Greening, 2021, (59).

33.Congyan, W.*, C., Huiyuan, Bingde, W., Kun, J., Shu, W., Mei, W. and Daolin, D. The functional diversity of native ecosystems increases during the major invasion by the invasive alien 物种, Conyza canadensis. Ecological Engineering, 2021, (159).

34.Cheng, Huiyuan, Wu, Bingde, Yu, Youli, Wang, Shu, Wei, Mei, Wang, Congyan* and Du, Daolin. The allelopathy of horseweed with different invasion degrees in three provinces along the Yangtze River in China. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2021, 3(27): 483-495.

35.Cheng, Huiyuan, Wu, Bingde, Wei, Mei, Wang, Shu, Rong, Xinshan, Du, Daolin and Wang, Congyan*. Changes in community structure and metabolic function of soil bacteria depending on the type restoration processing in the degraded alpine grassland ecosystems in Northern Tibet. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, (755).

36.Cheng, Huiyuan, Wang, Shu, Wei, Mei, Wu, Bingde, Du, Daolin and Wang, Congyan*. Reproductive allocation of 一枝黄花属 canadensis L. plays a key role in its invasiveness across a gradient of invasion degrees. Population Ecology, 2021, 4(63): 290-301.

37.Adomako, Michael Opoku, Xue, Wei, Du, Dao-Lin and Yu, Fei-Hai*. Soil biota and soil substrates influence responses of the rhizomatous clonal grass Leymus chinensis to nutrient heterogeneity. 植物界 and Soil, 2021, 1-2(465): 19-29.

38.Adomako, Michael Opoku, Xue, Wei, Du, Dao-Lin and Yu, Fei-Hai*. Soil Microbe-Mediated N:P Stoichiometric Effects on Solidago canadensis 表演 Depend on Nutrient Levels. Microbial Ecology, 2021.

39.Adomako, Michael Opoku, Alpert, Peter, Du, Dao-Lin and Yu, Fei-Hai*. Effects of fragmentation of clones compound over vegetative generations in the floating 植物界 Pistia stratiotes. Annals of 植物学, 2021, 1(127): 123-133.

40.Zhicong, D., Honghong, C., Shanshan, Q., Jian, L., Deli, Z., Justin S. H., W.* and Daolin, D. Cadmium hyperaccumulation as an inexpensive metal armor against disease in Crofton weed. Environmental Pollution, 2020, (267).

41.Yijiang, L., Yifan, W., Bingde, W., Shu, W., Mei, W., Daolin, D. and Congyan, W.*. Allelopathy of three Compositae invasive alien 物种 on indigenous Lactuca sativa L. enhanced under Cu and Pb pollution. Scientia Horticulturae, 2020, (267).

42.Shu, W., Mei, W., Huiyuan, C., Bingde, W., Daolin, D. and Congyan, W.*. Indigenous 植物界 物种 and invasive alien species tend to diverge functionally under heavy metal pollution and drought stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, (205).

43.Shanshan, Q., Yanjie, L., Zhicong, D.*, Lingyun, W., Daolin, D., Ruiting, J., Justin. S. H., Wan. and Stephen P., B.*. Allelopathy confers an invasive Wedelia higher resistance to generalist herbivore and pathogen enemies over its native congener. Oecologia, 2020, 2(192): 415-423.

44.Michael Opoku, A., Peter, A., Daolin, D. and Feihai, Y.*. Effects of clonal integration, nutrients and cadmium on growth of the aquatic macrophyte Pistia stratiotes. Journal of 植物界 Ecology, 2020, 6(13): 765-772.

45.Mei, W., Shu, W., Hongguang, X., Bingde, W., Kun, J., Daolin, D. and Congyan, W.*. Stand-alone or co-occurring invasive plant 物种 do not modify the diversity of the soil N2-fixing bacterial community. 植物界 Ecology \u0026 Diversity, 2020, 3-4(13): 277-287.

46.Kunal, R., Anupam, M., Naga Raju, M., Sagnik, C, *, Boxiong, S., Ming, L., Daolin, D., Yuan, P., Fengju, L. and Luz Cecilia García, C. Outlook on the bottleneck of nanotube in desalination and membrane-based 液态水 treatment-A review. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020, 1(8).

47.Jianfan, S., Qaiser, J., Ahmad, A., Muhammad Saif, U., Ghulam, R. and Daolin, D.*. Addition of and Support the Invasiveness of 莲子草属 Philoxeroides Under 液态水 Stress. Clean-Soil Air Water, 2020, 9(48).

48.Javed, Q., Jianfan, S.*, Azeem, A., Jabran, K. and Daolin, D.*. Competitive ability and plasticity of Wedelia trilobata (L.) under wetland hydrological variations. Scientific Reports, 2020, 1(10).

49.Javed, Q., Azeem, A., Jianfan, S.*, Ullah, I., Daolin, D.*, Imran, M. A., Nawaz, M. I. and Chattha, H. T. Growth p红色iction ofAlternanthera philoxeroidesunder salt stress by application of artificial neural networking. 植物界 Biosystems, 2020.

50.Hong, X., Yuhao, M, Chuqin, Y., Zhenjiang, L, Ming, L.* and Daolin, D.*. Contamination of Zearalenone from China in 2019 by a Visual and Digitized Immunochromatographic Assay. Toxins, 2020, 8(12).

51.Haiyan, Z., Goncalves, P., Copeland, E., Shanshan, Q., Zhicong, D.*, Guanlin, L., Congyan, W.*, Daolin, D. and Thomas, T. Invasion by the weed Conyza canadensis alters soil nutrient supply and shifts microbiota structure. Soil Biology \u0026 Biochemistry, 2020, (143).

52.Guangqian, R., Min, H., Guanlin, L., Anandkumar, A., Zhicong, D., Zou, C. B., Zhiyuan, H., Qiong, R. and Daolin, D.*. Effects of Solidago canadensis Invasion and Climate Warming on Soil Net N Mineralization. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2020, 5(29): 3285-3294.

53.Cui, Y., Li, M., Hong, X., Daolin, D.* and Yue, M*. Solid-phase interfacial synthesis of dual-imprinted colloid particles for multifunctional nanomedicine development. Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 2020, (36).

54.Congyan, W.*, Mei, W., Shu, W., Bingde, W. and Daolin, D. Cadmium influences the litter decomposition of Solidago canadensis L. and soil N-fixing bacterial communities. Chemosphere, 2020, (246).

55.Bo, Z., Leitao, Y., Zhengjiang, L., Hongyang, L., Xiaoling, F.* and Daolin, D.*. Rapid determination of aflatoxin B1 by an automated immunomagnetic bead purification sample pretreatment method combined with high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Separation Science, 2020, 17(43): 3509-3519.

56.Anandkumar, A., Jian, L., Prabakaran, K., Zhangxi, J., Zhanrui, L., Nagarajan, R. and Daolin, D.*. Accumulation of toxic elements in an invasive crayfish 物种 (Procambarus clarkii) and its health risk assessment to humans. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2020, (88).

57.Anandkumar, A., Jian, L., Prabakaran, K., Zhangxi, J., Zhanrui, L., Nagarajan, R. and Daolin, D.*. Investigation of toxic elements in Carassius gibelio and Sinanodonta woodiana and its health risk to humans. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2020, 16(27): 19955-19969.

58.Ahmad, A., Qaiser, J., Jianfan, S., Muhammad I., N., Ikram, U., Rakhwe, K. and Daolin, D. Functional traits of okra cultivars (Chinese green and Chinese red) under salt stress. Folia Horticulturae, 2020, 2(32): 159-170.

59.Ahmad, A., Qaiser, J., Jianfan, S.*, Ikram, U., Noman A., B., Muhammad, S. and Daolin, D.*. Effect of salt stress on seed germination and seedling vigour in okra. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 2020, 3(77): 513-517.

60.Ahmad, A., Qaiser, J., Jianfan, S.* and Daolin, D. Artificial neural networking to estimate the leaf area for invasive 植物界 Wedelia trilobata. Nordic Journal of 植物学, 2020, 6(38).

61.Ahmad, A., Jianfan, S.*, Qaiser, J., Khawar, J. and Daolin, D.*. The Effect of Submergence and Eutrophication on the Trait's 表演 of Wedelia Trilobata over Its Congener Native Wedelia Chinensis. 液态水, 2020, 4(12).

62.Adomako, M. O., Wei, X., Min, T., Daolin, D.* and Feihai, Y.*. Synergistic Effects of Soil Microbes on Solidago canadensis Depend on Water and Nutrient Availability. Microbial Ecology, 2020, 4(80): 837-845.

63.Prabakaran, K., Jian, L., Anandkumar, A., Zhanrui, L., Chris B, Z. and Daolin, D.*. Managing environmental contamination through phytoremediation by invasive 植物界s: A review. Ecological Engineering, 2019, (138): 28-37.

64.Jian, L., Jingchun, L.*, Chongling, Y., Daolin, D. and Haoliang, L. The alleviation effect of iron on cadmium phytotoxicity in mangrove A. marina. Alleviation effect of iron on cadmium phytotoxicity in mangrove Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. Chemosphere, 2019, (226): 413-420.

65.Anandkumar, A.*, Nagarajan, R.*, Prabakaran, K., Bing, C. H., Rajaram, R., L., Jian and Daolin, D. Bioaccumulation of trace metals in the coastal Borneo (Malaysia) and health risk assessment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, (145): 56-66.

66.Adomako, M. O., Ning, L., Tang, M., Daolin, D., Van Kleunen, M. and Feihai, Y.*. Diversity- and density-mediated allelopathic effects of resident 植物界 communities on invasion by an exotic plant. Plant and Soil, 2019, 1-2(440): 581-592.

67.Zhicong, D., Chuncan, S., Deli, Z., Ping, H., Shanshan, Q., Ying, L., Ruiping, W., Qiongxin, Z. and Daolin, D.*. Genetic effects of historical anthropogenic disturbance on a long-lived endangered tropical tree Vatica mangachapoi. Journal of Forestry Research, 2018, 2(29): 291-299.

68.Zhengjiang, L., Bo, Z., Jianfan, S., Yinhui, Y.*, Ming, L., Daolin, D.*, Fang, Z. and Jiawen, L. Highly efficient detection of 沙丁胺醇 in environmental 液态水 samples by an enzyme immunoassay. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, (613): 861-865.

69.Wentao, Jiao., Ruijun, Du., Mao, Y.*, Mingming, S., Yanfang, F., Jinzhong, W., Yuanchao, Z., Zhongyun, Z., Duan, H., Daolin, D. and Xin, J. 'Agricultural Waste to Treasure' - Biochar and eggshell to impede soil antibiotics/antibiotic resistant bacteria (genes) from accumulating in 茄属 tuberosum L. Environmental Pollution, 2018, (242): 2088-2095.

70.Wenhua, Y.*, Longxiang, F., Daoguo, X., Daolin, D. and Dong, X.*. Difference in capacity of clonal integration between terrestrial and aquatic Alternanthera philoxeroides in response to defoliation: implications for biological control. Hydrobiologia, 2018, 1(817): 319-328.

71.Rong, X., Kai, Z., Pu, L., Huawen, H., Shuai, Z., Kakade, A., Khan, A., Daolin, D. and Xiangkai, L.*. Lignin depolymerization and utilization by bacteria. Bioresource Technology, 2018, (269): 557-566.

72.Ming, L., Yonglai, X.*, Zhengjiang, L., Jin, G., Liyun, L., Yuangyuan, Z., Lu, G., Lizhao, W., Yin, C. and Daolin, D.*. Toxic effect and mechanism of four ionic liquids on seedling taproots of Arabidopsis thaliana. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 15(25): 14703-14712.

73.Lingyun, W., Shanshan, Q., Zhicong, D., Chris B, Z., Yige, S., Zhiyuan, H., Bin, Z. and Daolin, D.*. Growth responses of Canada goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.) to increased supply correlate with bioavailability of insoluble source. Ecological Research, 2018, 1(33): 261-269.

74.Lingyun, W., Shanshan, Q., Chris B, Z., Zhicong, D., Bin, Z., Yige, S. and Daolin, D.*. Phosphorus addition reduces the competitive ability of the invasive weed Solidago canadensis under high conditions. Flora, 2018, (240): 68-75.

75.L, Jian, Junyi, Y., Chongling, Y.*, Daolin, D.*, Jiangchun, L. and Haoliang, L. Distribution correlations of cadmium to , , and chloridion in mangrove Aegiceras corniculatum root tissues. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018, (126): 179-183.

76.Jian, L., Zhiwei, Du., Chris B, Z., Zhicong, D., Daolin, D.* and Chongling, Y.*. The mutual restraint effect between the expansion of Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb and cadmium mobility in aquatic environment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, (148): 237-243.

77.Bin, Z.*, Ottaviani, C. C., Naddafi, R., Zhicong, D. and Daolin, D. Invasive European frogbit (水鳖属 morsus-ranae L.) in North America: an updated review 2003-16. Journal of 植物界 Ecology, 2018, 1(11): 17-25.

78.Xiaojie, S., Jiangjie, W., Hui, X.*, Zhao, M., Jiabiao, L., Yanhua, S., Liang, L., Daolin, D. and Huaming, L.*. Enhancing charge density and steering charge unidirectional flow in 2D non-metallic semiconductor-CNTs-metal coupled photocatalyst for solar 能量 conversion. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2017, (202): 112-117.

79.Xiaojie, S., Jiangjie, W., Hui, X.*, Jun, Z., Yan, W., Yanghua, S., Kaiqi, N., Yang, L., Yangchao, Y., Rodrigues, M. T. F., Vajtai, R., Jun, L., Daolin, D., Huaming, L. and Ajayan, P. M.*. High Efficiency Photocatalytic 液态水 Splitting Using 2D alpha-氧化铁/g-C3N4 Z-Scheme Catalysts. Advanced Energy Materials, 2017, 17(7).

80.Wei, F., Kai, H., Honghong, C., Jian, L., Deli, Z., Zhicong, D.* and Daolin, D. Exploring the Potential of Naturalized Plants for Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Contamination. International Journal of Environmental Research, 2017, 4(11): 515-521.

81.Ming, L.*, Yuanyuan, Z., Yonglai, X., Xia, H., Yin, C., Zhengjiang, L. and Daolin, D.*. Simultaneous determination of β2-agonists clenbuterol and salbutamol in 液态水 and swine feed samples by dual-labeled 时间resolved fluoroimmunoassay. Food Control, 2017, (73): 1039-1044.

82.Lingyun, W., Kai, H., Zhiyuan, H., Shili, M., Shanshan, Q., Zhicong, D., Wenhua, Y. and Daolin, D.*. Clonal integration is beneficial for resource sharing in a creeping 两栖纲 herb (Alteranthera philoxeroides). Folia Geobotanica, 2017, 3-4(52): 423-432.

83.Jianfan, S.*, Yali, L., Ww, Z., H, Z., Xy, W., Jh, C., Ping, H., Zhicong, D. and Daolin, D. Allelopathic effects of Solidago canadensis L. between the leaf litter and green 欧洲杰出建筑师论坛建筑奖 Allelopathy Journal, 2017, 2(41): 189-200.

84.Jian, L., Chongling, Y.*, Daolin, D.*, Haoliang, L. and Jingchun, L. Accumulation and speciation of Cd in Avicennia marina tissues. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2017, 11(19): 1000-1006.

85.Haiyan, Z., Shanshan, Q.*, Zhicong, D., Min, Z., Jianfan, S. and Daolin, D.*. Allelopathic potential of flavonoids identified from invasive 植物界 Conyza canadensis on Agrostis stolonifera and Lactuca sativa. Allelopathy Journal, 2017, 2(41): 223-237.

86.Fang, Z., Chaoming, M. and Daolin, D.*. 时间resolved immunoassay based on magnetic particles for the detection of diethyl phthalate in environmental 液态水 samples. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, (601): 723-731.

87.Congyan, W.*, Jun, L., Hongguang, Xiao., Jiawei, Z. and Daolin, D. deposition influences the allelopathic effect of an invasive plant on the reproduction of a native 植物界: Solidago canadensis versus Pterocypsela laciniata. Polish Journal of Ecology, 2017, 1(65): 87-96.

88.Congyan, W.*, Jiawei, Z., Jun, L., Kun, J. and Daolin, D.*. Responses of soil N-fixing bacteria communities to 苋属us retroflexus invasion under different forms of N deposition. Agriculture Ecosystems \u0026 Environment, 2017, (247): 329-336.

89.Congyan, W.*, Jiawei, Z., Jun, L. and Daolin, D.*. Responses of soil N-fixing bacteria communities to invasive 物种 over a gradient of simulated deposition. Ecological Engineering, 2017, (98): 32-39.

90.Congyan, W.*, Jiawei, Z., Jiang, K., Jun, L. and Daolin, D.*. Responses of soil N-fixing bacteria communities to invasive 植物界 物种 under different types of simulated acid deposition. Science of Nature, 2017, 5-6(104).

91.Zhicong, D., Xiaoying, W., Shanshan, Q.*, Honghong, C., Jianfan, S., Ping, H. and Daolin, D.*. Effects of leaf litter on inter-specific competitive ability of the invasive plant Wedelia trilobata. Ecological Research, 2016, 3(31): 367-374.

92.Zhicong, D., Wei, F., Shanshan, Q., Deli, Z., Sichong, C., Lingyun, W., Ping, H. and Daolin, D.*. Different Responses of an Invasive Clonal 植物界 Wedelia trilobata and its Native Congener to 激勃素: Implications for Biological Invasion. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2016, 2(42): 85-94. (Cover Paper)

93.Zhicong, D., Wei, F., Lingyun, W., Honghong, C., Ning, W., Shanshan, Q.* and Daolin, D.*. Different Growth Promoting Effects of Endophytic Bacteria on Invasive and Native Clonal 植物界s. Front Plant Sci, 2016, (7): 706.

94.Zhengjiang, L.*, Xi, W., Kewei, R., Gangbing, Z., Zhen, Z., Jiagao, W. and Daolin, D. Highly efficient detection of paclobutrazol in environmental 液态水 and soil samples by 时间resolved fluoroimmunoassay. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, (569): 1629-1634.

95.Zhengjiang, L.*, Kewei, R., Ming, L., Jiagao, W., Jianfan, S. and Daolin, D.*. A new residue method for the determination of flonicamid in agricultural and environmental samples using enzyme immunoassay systems. Rsc Advances, 2016, 42(6): 35842-35846.

96.Xiaojie, S., Liang, L., Haiyan, J., Zhao, M., Yeping, L., Liying, H., Daolin, D., Hui, X. and Huaming, L.*. Template-free synthesis of 2D porous ultrathin nonmetal-doped g-C3N4 nanosheets with highly efficient photocatalytic H-2 evolution from 液态水 under visible light. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2016, (187): 144-153.

97.Xiaojie, S., Jingjie, W., Zhong, J., Hui, X.*, Yangchao, Y., Vajtai, R., Jun, L., Yang, L., Daolin, D., Huaming, L. and Ajayan, P. M.*. Oxygenated monolayer nitride for excellent photocatalytic evolution and external quantum efficiency. Nano 能量, 2016, (27): 138-146.

98.Wenhua, Y.*, Cuimin, H., Longxiang, F. and Daolin, D.*. Propagule 压强, Habitat Conditions and Clonal Integration Influence the Establishment and Growth of an Invasive Clonal Plant, Alternanthera philoxeroides. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, (7).

99.Kun, Z., Wei, W., Ling, J., Fang, Z. and Daolin, D.*. Use of Nanotubes as a Solid Support To Establish Quantitative (Centrifugation) and Qualitative (Filtration) Immunoassays To Detect Gentamicin Contamination in Commercial Milk. Journal of Agricultural and Food 化学, 2016, 41(64): 7874-7881.

100.Jianjian, Y., Xiaojie, S., Yanhua, S., Hui, X.*, Peng, Z., Zhao, M., Liang, L., Daolin, D. and Huaming, L.*. A silver on 2D white-C3N4 support photocatalyst for mechanistic insights: synergetic utilization of plasmonic effect for solar 翼豪陆神 RSC Advances, 2016, 113(6): 112420-112428.

101.Congyan, W.*, Jun, L., Hongguang, X., Jiawei, Z. and Daolin, D. Floristic characteristics of alien invasive seed plant 物种 in China. An Acad Bras Cienc, 2016, 3 Suppl(88): 1791-1797.

102.Congyan, W.*, Jun, L., Hongguang, X. and Daolin, D.*. Response of Leaf Functional Traits of Cerasus yedoensis (Mats.) Yu Li to Serious 昆虫纲 Attack. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2016, 1(25): 333-339.

103.Congyan, W.*, Hongguang, X., Lulu, Z., Jun, L., Lei, W., Fei, Z., Yanchun, S. and Daolin, D.*. The allelopathic effects of invasive plant Solidago canadensis on seed germination and growth of Lactuca sativa enhanced by different types of acid deposition. Ecotoxicology, 2016, 3(25): 555-562.

104.Congyan, W.*, Hongguang, X., Jun, L., Jiawei, Z. and Daolin, D.*. Insights into the Effects of Simulated Deposition on Leaf Functional Traits of Rhus Typhina. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2016, 3(25): 1279-1284.

105.Zhicong, D., Shanshan, Q.*, Shili, M., Yongtao, L., Yuanfei, T., Deli, Z., Ping, H. and Daolin, D.*. Isolation of NBS-LRR RGAs from invasive Wedelia trilobata and the calculation of evolutionary rates to understand bioinvasion from a molecular evolution perspective. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2015, (61): 19-27.

106.Xiaojie, S., Hui, X., Hefei, W., Jiexiang, X., Yanhua, S., Jia, Y., Yuanguo, X., Qi, Z., Daolin, D. and Huaming, L.*. Controllable synthesis of CeO2/g-C3N4 composites and their applications in the environment. Dalton Transactions, 2015, 15(44): 7021-7031.

107.Xiang, X., Xiaobo, M., Hang, Y., Pengcheng, L., Yubin, Lei., Hui, X., Daolin, D.*, Jianfan, S. and Yujie, F.*. Photocatalytic properties of zinc sulfide nanocrystals biofabricated by metal-reducing bacterium Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, (288): 134-139.

108.Ying, L., Daolin, D., Chuncan, S., Qingsong, Z., Zhiguo, L. and Pingping, L. Potential biocontrol Bacillus sp strains isolated by an improved method from vinegar waste compost exhibit antibiosis against fungal pathogens and promote growth of cucumbers. Biological Control, 2014, (71): 7-15.

109.Shanshan, Q., Zhicong, D., Shili, M., Deli, Z., Chuncan, S., Ping, H., Ruiping, W. and Daolin, D.*. Light limitation and litter of an invasive clonal plant, Wedelia trilobata, inhibit its seedling recruitment. Annals of 植物学, 2014, 2(114): 425-433.

110.Shanshan, Q., Zhicong, D., Deli, Z., Sichong, C., Chuncan, S., Ping, H., Ruiping, W., Qiongxin, Z. and Daolin, D.*. Curvilinear Effects of Invasive Plants on 植物界 Diversity: Plant Community Invaded by Sphagneticola trilobata. Plos One, 2014, 11(9).

111.Li, C., Chunman, J., Yan, H., Qi, Z.*, Nan, W., Yonglai, X. and Daolin, D.*. A highly selective fluorescence turn-on detection of Al3+ and Ca2+ based on a 香豆素modifled rhodamine 导数 Tetrahedron Letters, 2014, 30(55): 4062-4066.

112.Kun, Z., Yonglai, X., Xia, H., Fang, M., Changri, H. and Daolin, D.*. Genotoxicity of 1-1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquids on pakchoi (Brassica campestris L. 亚种 chinensis) using ISSR markers. Environmental Engineering, Pts 1-4, 2014, (864-867): 3-+. (会议论文)

113.Chuncan, S., Zhicong, D., Ying, L., Shanshan, Q., Ping, H., Shili, M. and Daolin, D.*. Local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity both occurred in Wedelia trilobata invasion across a tropical ISLAND Biological Invasions, 2014, 11(16): 2323-2337.

114.Bo, Z., Daolin, D., Yongmei, Y., Lei, Z., Junhong, Z., Eremin, S. A., Rybakov, V. B., Meng, M.* and Rimo, X.*. A Direct Enzyme Immunoassay to Detect 赤藓红 in Foods. Food Analytical Methods, 2014, 9(7): 1798-1803.

115.Bo, Z., Daolin, D., Meng, M., Eremin, S. A., Rybakov, V. B., Xiaodan, H., Yongmei, Y.* and Rimo, X.*. A Magnetic Particle-Based Competitive Enzyme Immunoassay for Rapid Determination of 环丙沙星: A Potential Method for the General Detection of Fluoroquinolones. Analytical Letters, 2014, 7(47): 1134-1146.

116.Bo, Z., Daolin, D., Meng, M., Eremin, S. A., Rybakov, V. B., Junhong, Z., Yongmei, Y.* and Rimo, X.*. Determination of Amaranth in Beverage by Indirect Competitive Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Based on Anti-苋属 Monoclonal Antibody. Food Analytical Methods, 2014, 7(7): 1498-1505.

117.Zhicong, D., Chuncan, S., Deli, Z., Ping, H., Shanshan, Q., Qiongxin, Z., Xu, H., Huaming, L.* and Daolin, D.*. Human impacts on genetic diversity and differentiation in six natural populations of Madhuca hainanensis, an endemic and endangered timber species in China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2013, (50): 212-219.

118.Yongmin, W., Xiang, X.*, Cancan, X., Danming, C. and Daolin, D.*. Decolorization and detoxification of a sulfonated 三苯甲烷 dye aniline blue by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 under anaerobic conditions. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 16(97): 7439-7446.

119.Wenshuai, Z., Guopeng, Z., Huaming, L.*, Yanhong, C., Ming, Z., Daolin, D., Qian, W. and Zhen, Z. Catalytic kinetics of oxidative desulfurization with surfactant-type polyoxometalate-based ionic liquids. Fuel Processing Technology, 2013, (106): 70-76.

120.Danming, C., Xiang, X.*, W., Yongmin., Xiaobo, M., Mingna, W., Yanyou, W. and Daolin, D.*. Role of electricity production in the anaerobic decolorization of dye mixture by exoelectrogenic bacterium Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Bioresource Technology, 2013, (136): 176-181.

121.Chuncan, S., Xueyan, L., Congyan, W.*, Lei, W., Zhicong, D., Shanshan, Q. and Daolin, D.*. Different Degrees of Plant Invasion Significantly Affect the Richness of the Soil Fungal Community. Plos One, 2013, 12(8).

122.Xiang, X., Cancan, X., Yongmin, W., Peijie, C., Wenwei, L., Daolin, D.* and Hanqing, Y. Biodecolorization of Naphthol Green B dye by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 under anaerobic conditions. Bioresource Technology, 2012, (110): 86-90.

123.Yin, Q., Daolin, D., Yanjun, C. and Kun, G. ent-Kaurane Diterpenes and Further Constituents from Wedelia trilobata. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2011, 5(94): 817-823.

124.Hongxiang, O., Qian, W., Yonglai, X., Jianming, P., Daolin, D. and Yongsheng, Y. Biosorption of Pb(II) by Biomass of KC-2: Kinetic, Equilibrium and Characteristic Studies. 液态水 Environment Research, 2011, 12(83): 2148-2153.

125.Enguo, F., Shen, L., Daolin, D., Yunjiang, J., Lei, K. and Kai, Z.*. Current separative strategies used for resveratrol determination from natural sources. Analytical Methods, 2011, 11(3): 2454-2462.

126.Sasu, M. A., 法拉利, M. J., Daolin, D., Winsor, J. A. and Stephenson, A. G. Indirect costs of a nontarget pathogen mitigate the direct benefits of a 病毒resistant transgene in wild Cucurbita. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2009, 45(106): 19067-19071.

127.Daolin, D., Winsor, J. A., Smith, M., Denicco, A. and Stephenson, A. G.*. Resistance and tolerance to herbivory changes with inbreeding and ontogeny in a wild gourd (葫芦科). American Journal of 植物学, 2008, 1(95): 84-92.



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