杨占秋 :武汉大学医学部教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 08:43










杨占秋在国内外发表《流行性出血热病毒的分离与鉴定》《流行性出血热患者早期病毒血症的阻断研究》《汉坦病毒G1基因在1985~2000年的变异性》《SARS病毒灭活疫苗对恒河猴的免疫原性、安全性和保护性的研究》《大黄有效成分、阿西洛韦抗HSV、HIV、RSV作用》等论文150余篇(SCI 12篇);主编《临床病毒学》《诊断与实验病毒学》《分子病毒学》《口腔病毒学》,参编《医学病毒学》《病原生物学》《感染免疫学》等著作4部;发表译文30万字。


1.Zhang YH, Ge L, Liu L, Huo XX, Xiong HR, Liu YY, Liu DY, Luo F, Li JL, Ling JX, Chen W, Liu J, Hou W, Zhang Y, Fan H, Yang ZQ* The Epidemic Characteristics and Changing Trend of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in Hubei Province, China. PLOS ONE. 2014; 9(3):e92700.

2.Wei F, Li JL, Ling JX, Chen LJ, Li N, Li JL, Chen LJ, Liu YY, Luo F, Xiong HR, Hou W, Yang ZQ*. Establishment of SYBR green-based qPCR assay for rapid evaluation and quantification for anti-Hantaan 病毒 compounds in vitro and in suckling mice. Virus Genes. 2013; 46:54–62.

3.Li JL, Ling JX, Chen LJ, Wei F, Luo F, Liu YY, Xiong HR, How W, Yang ZQ*. An efficient method for isolation of Hantaan virus through serial passages in suckling mice. Intervirology. 2013; 56(3):172-177.

4.Liu Q, Xiong HR, Lu L, Liu YY, Luo F, Hou W, Yang ZQ*. Antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity of arbidol hydrochloride in 流行性感冒 A (H1N1) 病毒 infection. Acta Pharm Sin.. 2013; 34(8):1075-1083.

5.Deng YP,Liu YY,Liu Z, Li J, Zhao LM, Xiao H, Ding XH, Yang ZQ*. Antiviral activity of folium isatidis derived extracts in vitro and in vivo Am J Chin Med. 2013; 41(4):957-964.

6.Liu Q,Liu DY, Yang ZQ*. Characteristics of human infection with avian 流行性感冒 病毒 and development of new antiviral agents. Acta Pharm Sin. 2013; 34(10):1257-1269.

7.Liu Z, Wei F, Chen LJ, Xiong HR, Liu YY, Luo F, Hou W, Xiao H, Yang ZQ*. In vitro and in vivo studies of the inhibitory effects of emodin isolated from 萹蓄属 cuspidatum on coxsakievirus B4. Molecules. 2013; 18, 11842-11858.

8.Liu Q, Lu L, Hua ML ,Xu Y, Xiong HR, Hou W, Yang ZQ*. Jiawei-Yupingfeng-Tang, a Chinese herbal formula, inhibits respiratory viral infections in vitro and in vivo J Ethnopharmacol. 2013;150: 521–528.

9.Liu J, Liu DY, Chen W, Li JL, Luo F, Li Q, Ling JX, Liu YY, Xiong XR, Ding XH, Hou W, Zhang Y, Li SY, Wang J, Yang ZQ* . Genetic analysis of hantaviruses and their rodent hosts in central-south China 病毒 Res. 2012; 163 : 439– 447.

10.Li JL, Ling JX, Liu DY, Liu J, Liu YY, Wei F, Luo F, Chen W, Zhang YH, Xiong HR, Hou W, Yang ZQ*. Genetic characterization of a new subtype of Hantaan virus isolated from a hemorrhagic fever with renal Syndrome (HFRS) epidemic area in Hubei Province, China. Arch Virol. 2012; 157:1981-1987.

11.Xiong HR, Shen YY, Lu L,Hou W, Luo F,Xiao H, Yang ZQ*. The Inhibitory Effect of Rheum palmatum Against Coxsackievirus B3 in Vitro and in vivo Am J Chin Med 2012; 40(4):1–12.

12.Du CX, Xiong HR, Ji H, Liu Q,Xiao H, Yang ZQ* The antiviral effect of fullerene-liposome complex against 流行性感冒 病毒 (H1N1) in vivo. Scientific Res and Essays. 2012; 7(6)706-711.

13.Ling JX, Wei F, Li N, Li JL, Chen LJ, Liu YY, Luo F, Xiong HR, Hou W, Yang ZQ*. Pharmacological amelioration of influenza virus induced reactive oxygen 物种 formation by epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) derived from green tea. Acta Pharm Sin. 2012;33(12)1533-1541

14.Xiong HR, Luo J, Hou W, Xiao H, Yang ZQ*. The effect of emodin, an anthraquinone derivative extracted from the roots of Rheum tanguticum, against herpes SIMPLEX 病毒 in vitro and in vivo J Ethnopharmacology .2011; 133: 718–723.

15.Xiong HR, Li Q, Chen W, Liu DY, Ling JX, Liu J, Liu YJ, Zhang Y, Yang ZQ*. Specific Humoral Reaction of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome (HFRS) Patients in China to Recombinant Nucleocapsid Proteins from European Hantaviruses. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2011; 30:645–651.

16.Deng HY, Luo F, Shi LQ, Zhong Q, Liu YJ, Yang ZQ* Efficacy of arbidol on lethal hantaan 病毒 infections in suckling mice and in vitro. Acta Pharm Sin. 2009; 30(7):1015-1024.







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