毛卫国 :湘潭大学材料与光电物理学院教授

更新时间:2024-09-20 21:52



1997.9-2001.6 在湘潭大学物理系攻读测控技术与仪器专业的学士

2001.9-2003.6 在湘潭大学材料与光电物理学院攻读一般力学与力学基础专业的硕士学位

2003.9-2006.12 在湘潭大学材料与光电物理学院攻读材料物理与化学专业的博士学位

2010.3-2010.12 在香港城市大学以Research Fellow身份做学术访问

2011.7-2012.6 在北京大学做访问学者

2004. 11-现在 在湘潭大学材料与光电物理学院留校任教(二级教授,博士生导师)
























2014年湖南省普通高校教师课堂教学竞赛二等奖 (第1完成人)










《热循环条件下热障涂层系统残余应力场变化规律的预测模型》荣获2008年度湖南省第12届自然科学优秀学术论文 一等奖








湖南省科技厅科研条件创新专项重点项目,多功能一体化小负荷维氏压痕仪的研制及应用(编号:2011TT1006), ,研究期限:2012-2013年.










从2001年开始一直从事高温、高超音速防护涂层材料结构设计、工艺优化、破坏机理、性能评价以及特殊试验装备研制。先后主持了教育部项目1项、国家自然科学基金4项、总装备部预研重点项目1项、国家国家国防科技工业局预研项目1项、省科技厅杰出青年基金1项、省科技厅科研条件创新专项重点项目1项等;2017年以第一完成人,顺利通过了湖南省国防科工办主持的国防科技成果鉴定1项,相关成果已应用到我国国防、航天航空企业,取得了良好的社会效应。发表学术论文68篇(2篇Top 25 Hottest Articles; 总引用885次,他引632次);已授权国家发明专利11项,国防发明专利5项;经常在大型学术会议作分会场邀请报告和担任分会场主席主持学术讨论。



(1) 国家发明专利清单

毛卫国,戴翠英,何远武,陈俊,方岱宁,脆性材料断裂韧性和残余应力原位同步测试方法及装置,2017/05,中国,专利号:ZL 201410260206.8。

毛卫国,彭樟保,戴翠英,张人发,明森,方岱宁,制备适用于高温环境散斑的方法,2016/01,中国,专利号:ZL 201410024991.7。





(2) 授权国防发明专利5项

毛卫国,一种高超音速XXX防护材料设计及制备方法,专利号:ZL 201518XXXX

毛卫国,一种高超音速XXX防护材料设计及制备方法,专利号:ZL 2015180XXXX

毛卫国,一种高超音速XXX防护材料设计及制备方法,专利号:ZL 20151800XXXX

毛卫国,一种高超音速XXX防护材料设计及制备方法,专利号:ZL 20151800XXXX

毛卫国,一种高超音速XXX防护材料设计及制备方法,专利号:ZL 20151800XXXX



R. B. Hetnarski,Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, Springer Publish, ISBN 978-94-007-2738-0,2014. (备注:候选人的多层陶瓷涂层结构热应力方面研究成果作为单独一节“Modeling of Residual Stresses with Thermal Cycling”,被邀请收录到最新的《热应力百科全书》)


W. G. Mao, Y. G. Shen, C. Lu, Deformation behavior and mechanical properties of polycrystalline and single crystal alumina during nanoindentation. Scripta Materialia, 2011, 65(2):127-130.(发表日期: 2011.03,影响因子3.747, the 25 Top Hottest Articles,他引40次)

W. G. Mao, Y. C. Zhou, L. Yang, X. H. Yu, Modeling of residual stresses variation with thermal cycling in thermal barrier coatings, Mechanics of Materials, 2006, 38: 1118-1127.(发表日期: 2006.12,影响因子2.651,他引38次).

W. G. Mao, Y. G. Shen, C. Lu, Nanoscale elastic-plastic deformation and stress distributions during nanoindentation in bulk sapphire single crystal, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2011; 31(10):1865-1871.(发表日期: 2011.09,影响因子3.411,他引36次)

Q. Chen,W. G. Mao*, Y. C. Zhou, C. Lu, Effect of Young’s modulus evolution on residual stress measurement of thermal barrier coatings by XRD, Applied Surface Science, 2010, 256: 7311-7315.(*表示通讯作者;发表日期:2010.09,影响因子3.387,他引30次)

W. G. Mao, C. Y. Dai, Y. C. Zhou, Q. X. Liu, An experimental investigation on thermo-mechanical buckling delamination failure characteristic of air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings, surface and Coatings Technology, 2007, 201:6217-6227.(发表日期:2007.04,影响因子2.589,他引26次)

L. Yang, Q. X. Liu, Y. C. Zhou,W. G. Mao, C. Lu. Finite element simulation on thermal fatigue of a turbine blade with thermal barrier coatings. Journal of Materials Science \u0026 Technology, 2014, 30(4):371-380.(发表日期:2014.04,影响因子2.764,他引25次)

W. G. Mao*, J. P. Jiang, Y. C. Zhou, C. Lu, Effects of substrate curvature radius, thickness and deposition 温度 on residual stresses in thermal barrier coatings, surface \u0026 Coatings Technology, 2011, 205(8-9):3093-3102.(发表日期:2011.01,影响因子2.589,他引22次)

W. G. Mao, C. Y. Dai, L. Yang, Q. X. Liu, Y. C. Zhou, Interface fracture characteristic and crack propagation investigations of thermal barrier coatings under tensile tests at elevated 温度, International Journal of Fracture, 2008, 151:107-120.(发表日期: 2008.06,影响因子2.247,他引22次)

W. B. Yao, C. Y. Dai,W. G. Mao*, C. Lu, L. Yang, Y. C. Zhou. Acoustic emission analysis on tensile failure of air plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coatings. surface and Coatings Technology, 2012, 206(18):3803-3807. (发表日期: 2012.05,影响因子2.589, the Top 25 Hottest Articles,他引18次)

W. G. Mao*, J. Wan, C. Y. Dai, J. Ding, Y. Zhang, Y. C. Zhou, C. Lu. Evaluation of microhardness, fracture toughness and residual stress in a thermal barrier coating system: A modified Vickers indentation technique. surface and Coatings Technology, 2012, 206(21):4455-4461. (发表日期:2012.07,影响因子2.589,他引17次)

W. G. Mao, Y. G. Shen,Nanoindentation study of pop-in phenomenon characteristics and mechanical properties of sapphire (101bar2) crystal,Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2012, 95(11):3605-3612. (发表日期: 2012.11,影响因子2.841,他引16次)

W. G. Mao*, Q. Chen, L. Yang, Y. C. Zhou, C. Lu, Effects of piezo-spectroscopic coefficients of 8wt.% YOstabilized ZrOon residual stress measurement of thermal barrier coatings by Raman spectroscopy, surface \u0026 Coatings Technology, 2010, 204: 3573-3577.(发表日期: 2010.08,影响因子2.589,他引13次)

D. J. Wu,W. G. Mao*, Y. C. Zhou, C. Lu. Digital image correlation approach to cracking and decohesion in a brittle coating/ductile substrate system.Applied surface Science, 2011, 257(14):6040-6043.(发表日期: 2011.03,影响因子3.387,他引10次)

H. T. Liu, L. W. Yang, X. Sun, H. F. Cheng, C. Y. Wang,W. G. Mao,J. M. Molina-Aldareguia. Enhancing the fracture resistance of fiber reinforced 碳化硅 matrix composites by interface modification through a simple fiber heat-treatment process. Carbon, 2016, 109:435-443.(发表日期: 2016.11,影响因子6.337,他引8次)

X. S. Yang, J. Wan, C. Y. Dai, Y. Zhang,W. G. Mao *, Y. C. Zhou, C. Lu. Finite element analysis of crack propagation and fracture mechanical properties of freestanding 8wt.% YO–ZrOcoatings. surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 223:87-91.(发表日期: 2013.05,影响因子2.589,他引8次)

M. Zhou, W. B. Yao, X. S. Yang, Z. B. Peng, K. K. Li, C. Y. Dai,W. G. Mao *, Y. C. Zhou, C. Lu. In-situ and real-时间 tests on the damage evolution and fracture of thermal barrier coatings under tension: A coupled acoustic emission and digital image correlation method. surface and Coatings Technology, 2014, 240:40-47.(发表日期:2014.02,影响因子2.589,他引7次)

H. T. Liu, L. W. Yang, S. Han, H. F. Cheng,W. G. Mao, J. M. Molina-Aldareguía. Interface controlled micro- and macro- mechanical properties of aluminosilicate fiber reinforced 碳化硅 matrix composites. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2017, 37(3):883-890.(发表日期:2017.03,影响因子3.411,他引6次)

J. Wan, M. Zhou, X. S. Yang, C. Y. Dai, Y. Zhang,W. G. Mao *, C. Lu. Fracture characteristics of freestanding 8wt% YO–ZrOcoatings by single edge notched beam and Vickers indentation tests. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2013, 581(0):140-144.(发表日期:2013.12,影响因子3.094,他引6次)

W. G. Mao, Y. C. Zhou, Failure of thermal barrier ceramic coating induced by buckling due to 温度 gradient and creep, Advance Materials Research, 2005, 9: 21-30.(发表日期:2005.09,他引5次)

J. M. Luo, C. Y. Dai, Y. G. Shen,W. G. Mao*. Elasto-plastic characteristics and mechanical properties of as-sprayed 8mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia coating under nano-scales measured by nanoindentation. Applied surface Science, 2014, 309(0):271-277.(发表日期:2012.08,影响因子3.387,他引4次)

W. G. Mao, J. M. Luo, C. Y. Dai, Y. G. Shen.Effect of heat treatment on deformation and mechanical properties of 8mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia by Berkovich nanoindentation. Applied Surface Science, 2015, 338(0):92-98.(发表日期: 2015.05,影响因子3.387,他引3次)

W. G. Mao*, D. J. Wu, W. B. Yao, M. Zhou, C. Lu, Multiscale monitoring of interface failure of brittle coating/ductile substrate systems: a non-destructive evaluation method combined digital image correlation with acoustic emission, Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 110(8):084903.(发表日期: 2011.10,影响因子2.068,他引3次)

W. G. Mao*, J. Chen, M. S. Si, R. F. Zhang, Z. B. Peng, C. Y. Dai, Q. S. Ma, D. N. Fang. Study of mechanical properties and cracking extension resistance behavior of C/SiC composites by single edge notched beam and digital image correlation techniques. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2016, 649:222-228.(发表日期: 2016.01,影响因子3.094,他引2次)

J. Luo, C. Y. Dai, Z. Wang, K. Liu,W. G. Mao*, D. N. Fang, X. Chen. In-situ measurements of mechanical and volume change of LiCoO2 ion batteries during repeated charge–discharge cycling by using digital image correlation. Measurement, 2016, 94:759-770.(发表日期: 2016.09,影响因子2.359,他引2次)

W. G. Mao*, J. Chen, M. S. Si, R. F. Zhang, Q. S. Ma, D. N. Fang, X. Chen. High 温度 digital image correlation evaluation of in-situ failure mechanism: An experimental framework with application to C/碳化硅 composites. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2016, 665:26-34.(发表日期: 2016.05,影响因子3.094,他引1次)

W. G. Mao, C. Y. Dai, Y. C. Zhou, X. H. Yu, Thermo-mechanical buckling failure of thermal barrier coatings with arbitrary delamination location, Advances In Vibration Engineering, 2007, 6(2):149-164.(发表日期:2007.04,影响因子0.12,他引1次)

W. G. Mao, C. Y. Dai, Y. C. Zhou, Q. X. Liu, An experimental investigation of the interface fracture characteristic in air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coating system at ambient and different high temperatures, Key Engineering Materials, 2007, 353:239-242.(发表日期: 2007.03)

Q. Liu, W. Zhou, J. Ding, M. Xiao, Z. J. Yu, H. Xu,W. G. Mao*, Y. M. Pei, F. X. Li, X. Feng, D. N. Fang. Study of mechanical-magnetic and electromagnetic properties of PZT/Ni film systems by a novel bulge technique. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2017, 423:90-97.(发表日期: 2016.01,影响因子2.630,他引2次)

L. Yang, Y. C. Zhou,W. G. Mao, C. Lu, Real-时间 acoustic emission testing based on wavelet transform for the failure process of thermal barrier coatings, Applied Physics Letters, 93, 231906, 2008.(发表日期: 2008.12,影响因子3.411,他引5次)

L. Yang, Y. C. Zhou,W. G. Mao, Q. X. Liu, Acoustic emission evaluation of the fracture behavior of APS-TBCs subjecting to bond coating oxidation, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2007, 39: 761-769.(发表日期:2007.09,影响因子1.132,他引4次)

A. Nawaz,W. G. Mao, C. Lu, Y. G. Shen. Nano-scale elastic–plastic properties and indentation-induced deformation of amorphous carbide thin film. Ceramics International, 2017, 43(1):385-391.(发表日期: 2017.01,影响因子2.986,他引2次)

A. Nawaz,W. G. Mao, C. Lu, Y. G. Shen. Nano-scale elastic-plastic properties and indentation-induced deformation of single crystal 4H-碳化硅 Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2017, 66:172-180.(发表日期: 2017.02,影响因子3.110,他引1次)

L. W. Yang, H. T. Liu, R. Jiang, X. Sun,W. G. Mao, H. F. Cheng, J. M. Molina-Aldareguía. Weak interface dominated high 温度 fracture strength of fiber reinforced mullite matrix composites. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2017, 37(8):2991-2996.(发表日期: 2017.06,影响因子3.411,他引1次)

S. Han, L. W. Yang, H. T. Liu, X. Sun, R. Jiang,W. G. Mao, Z. H. Chen. Micro-mechanical properties and interfacial engineering of 碳化硅 fiber reinforced sol-gel fabricated mullite matrix composites. Materials \u0026 设计, 2017, 131:265-272.(发表日期:2017.10,影响因子4.364)

L. Yang, Y. C. Zhou,W. G. Mao, Q. X. Liu, Nondestructive impedance spectroscopy evaluation of the bond coat oxidation in thermal barrier coatings, Surface Review and Letters, 2007, 14(5): 935-943.(发表日期: 2007.10,影响因子0.491,他引2次)

Z. Yu,W. G. Mao, F. Li, X. Feng, Y. Pei, D. Fang. Magnetic and electric bulge-test instrument for the determination of coupling mechanical properties of functional free-standing films and flexible 电子学 Review of Scientific Instruments, 2014, 85(6):065117-6.(发表日期: 2014.06,影响因子1.515,他引1次)

周益春,刘奇星,杨丽,吴多锦,毛卫国.热障涂层的破坏机理与寿命预测。固体力学学报, 2010. 31(5):504-531. (发表日期:2010.10, EI收录,他引76次)

毛卫国,周益春,热循环下热障涂层的残余应力场预测,湘潭大学自然科学学报, 2003, 25(3): 39-47. (发表日期: 2003.09,他引21次)

毛卫国,戴翠英,周益春,在制备过程中热障涂层系统内残余应力场预测,湘潭大学自然科学学报, 2005, 27(4): 46-52. (发表日期:2005.12,他引17次)

邱明,毛卫国,戴翠英,周益春,热障涂层应力场的微拉曼光谱技术测试研究,长沙理工大学学报, 2006, 22(2): 76-80. (发表日期:2006.06,他引15次)

王千文,毛卫国*,喻明,等离子喷涂热障涂层隔热性能分析方法,材料导报, 2011, 25(9):125-128. (发表日期:2011.09,他引11次)

杨雪松,周孟,张瑜,毛卫国*.在制备过程中热障涂层系统应力场有限元分析。湘潭大学自然科学学报, 2012, 34(4):27-34. (发表日期:2012.11,他引9次)

毛卫国*,苏鹏,张瑜,周孟,吴多锦。热障涂层体系界面屈曲破坏实验测试研究。失效分析与预防, 2012, 7(2):91-95. (发表日期: 2012.04,他引6次)

毛卫国*,陈强,张斌,万杰,等离子喷涂热障涂层材料弹性模量与硬度的压痕测试分析,材料工程, 2011, 10:66-71. (发表日期:2011.04, EI收录,他引1次)

王千文,蒋俊平,毛卫国*,热循环条件下圆柱结构热障涂层系统应力场有限元分析,材料导报, 2010, 24(16): 259-264. (发表日期:2010.11,他引1次)

陈俊,佀明森,张人发,彭樟保,毛卫国*,马青松,方岱宁,高温下C/碳化硅复合材料弯曲断裂性能实时测试和微观结构表征分析,实验力学, 2016, 31(2):243-252. (发表日期: 2016.04, EI收录)

刘奇,孙长振,何元东,徐浩,于泽军,毛卫国*,裴永茂,方岱宁。基于鼓包法的PbZrTiO/Ni薄膜材料力电磁耦合特性测试分析。现代应用物理, 2017, 8(1):69-77. (发表日期: 2017.03)

毛卫国*,杨鹏,戴翠英,何远武,万杰。脆性涂层材料断裂韧性和残余应力压痕表征技术综述。材料导报, 2017, 31(7):1-11. (发表日期: 2017.07, EI收录)

孙长振,何元东,毛卫国*,顾阳,毛贻齐,张宏龙,陈彦飞,裴永茂,方岱宁。基于新型鼓包法测试NiFeO薄膜的力磁性能。材料导报, 2017, 31(8):145-148. (发表日期: 2017.08, EI收录)

何元东,孙长振,毛卫国*,毛贻齐,张宏龙,陈彦飞,裴永茂,方岱宁。力电多场鼓包法测定PZT铁电薄膜的横向压电系数。材料导报, 2017, 31(8):139-144. (发表日期: 2017.08, EI收录)



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