王登银 :中国矿业大学理学院教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 02:05















1、主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:“典型群及相关代数系统上几类图的自同构群及自同态半群”(No . 11571360),经费60万, 2016年1月-2019年12月;

2、主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:“典型群上自同构问题的推广”(No . 11171343),经费46万,2012年1月-2015年12月;




[1]Dengyin Wang, Chunguang Xia, Diameter of the commuting graph of simple Lie algebra, Accepted byJ. Lie Theory.(SCI)[2]Dengyin Wang, Li Chen, Xiaobin Ma, Automorphisms of the co-maximal graphs of full matrix algebra, Accepted byJ. Alg. APPL(SCI)

[3]Dengyin Wang,Xiaobin Ma,Chunguang Xia,End-regularity of zero-divisor graphs of group rings,Communications in Algebra,45 (2017)3061-3067.(SCI)

[4]Dengyin Wang,Ma Xiaobin; Tian Fenglei,Automorphism Group of the Rank-decreasing Graph Over the Semigroup of Upper Triangular Matrices,Communications in Algebra,44(2016)4088-4096.(SCI)

[5]Xia Chunguang, Wang Dengyin, HanXiu,Linear Super-Commuting Maps and Super-Biderivations on the Super-Virasoro Algebras,Communications in Algebra,44(2016)5342-5350.(SCI)

[6] Han Xiu, Wang Dengyin, Xia Chunguang,Linear Commuting Maps and Biderivations on the Lie Algebras W(a, b),Journal of Lie Theory,26 (2016)777-786.(SCI)

[7]Dengyin Wang,ZhouJinming, Ma Xiaobin,Automorphism Group of Generalized Cayley Graph of Upper Triangular Matrices,Communications in Algebra,43(2015)4125-4137.(SCI)

[8]Dengyin Wang,Invertible linear maps on Borel subalgebras preserving zero Lie products,Journal of Algebra,408 (2014) 321-336.(SCI)

[9]Dengyin Wang, Xiaoxiang Yu,Zhengxin Chen, A class of zero product determined Lie algebras,Journal of Algebra,331 (2011) 145-151.(SCI)

[10]Dengyin Wang, Qiu Yu and Yanxia Zhao,Automorphisms of the standard Borel subgroup of orthogonal groupO(2m,R) over commutative rings,Journal of Algebra,317(2007)534-543.(SCI)

[11] Xiaoxiang Yu,Dengyin Wang, Norm correspondence on p-adic classical groups,Journal of Algebra,378 (2013) 22–44(SCI)

[12]Dengyin Wang, Zhengxin Chen, Invertible linear maps on simple Lie algebras preserving commutativity,Proc. Amer. 数学 Soc.11 (2011) 3881–3893.(SCI)

[13] Dengyin Wang, Shikun Ou, Wei Zhang, Bijective maps on unit triangular matrices preserving commutators,Science in China (A),53(2010)1723-1730.(SCI)

[14]Dengyin Wang, Ge Hui, LI XiaoWei,Maximal subalgebras of the general linear Lie algebra containing Cartan subalgebras,Science in China (A),55(2012)1381-11386.(SCI)

[15] Dengyin Wang, Wei Zhang, Zhengxin Chen, Product zero derivations of Lie algebras,J. Lie Theory,20(2010), 167-174.(SCI)

[16]Dengyin Wang, Hongya Bian, Bingkai Chen,Solvable Lie algebras with nilradicals of orthogonal types.J. Lie Theory,22, No. 3, 683-699 (2012).(SCI)

[17]ShikunOu, Dengyin Wang, Automorphisms of the Borel subgroups of the symplectic subgroups,J. Group Theory,57 (2008)1435-1446.(SCI)

[18] Dengyin Wang,INVERTIBLE LINEAR MAPS ON SIMPLE LIE ALGEBRAS PRESERVING SOLVABILITY,Communications in Algebra,42 (2014) 1368–1378.(SCI)

[19] Dengyin Wang,The group of automorphisms of a zero-divisor graph based on rank one upper triangular matrices,Lin. Alg. Appl,460, (2014) 242–258(SCI)

[20] Dengyin Wang,Yu Xiaoxiang, ChenZhengxin,MAPS DETERMINED BY ACTION ON SQUARE-ZERO ELEMENTS,Communications in Algebra,40 (2012)4255-4262.(SCI)

[21]Dengyin Wang,ChenZhengxin,QUASI-AUTOMORPHISMS OF LIE ALGEBRAS,Communications in Algebra,39(2011)2388-2395.(SCI)

[22]Dengyin Wang,Zhao Yanxia, Chen Zhengxin,NONLINEAR MAPS ON SIMPLE LIE ALGEBRAS PRESERVING LIE PRODUCTS,Communications in Algebra,39 (2011)424-434.(SCI)

[23] Dengyin Wang, Yu Xiaoxiang, Chen Zhengxin,BIDERIVATIONS OF THE PARABOLIC SUBALGEBRAS OF SIMPLE LIE ALGEBRAS,Communications in Algebra,39 (2011)4097-4104.(SCI)

[24] Dengyin Wang, Constructions of complete algebraic groups,Science in China (A),48(2005) 808-818.(SCI)

[25] Wong Dein, Ma, Xiaobin, Tian, Fengle,Relation between the skew-rank of an oriented graph and the rank of its underlying graph,European J. Combinatorics, 54 (2016)76-86.(SCI)

[26] Fenglei Tian, Dein Wong, Relation between the skew 能量 and the matching number of an oriented graph, Accepted byDiscrete Applied 数学(SCI)

[27] Ma Xiaobin, Wong Dein,Tian Fenglei,Skew-rank of an oriented graph in terms of matching number,Lin. Alg. Appl,495 (2016) 242-255.(SCI)

[28]Tian Fenglei, Wong Dein, Ma Xiaobin,Lower bounds of distance Laplacian spectral radii of n-vertex graphs in terms of matching number,Lin. Alg. Appl,506 (2016)579-587.(SCI)

[29]Wong Dein, Ma, Xiaobin, Chen Li,Nonlinear mappings on upper triangular matrices derivable at zero point,Lin. Alg. Appl,483 (2015) 236-248.(SCI)

[30]Ma Xiaobin, Wong Dein,Tian Fenglei,Nullity of a graph in terms of the dimension of cycle space and the number of pendant vertices,Discrete Applied 数学,215(2016)171-176.(SCI)

[31]Fenglei Tian, Dein Wong,RouJianling,Proof for four conjectures about the distance Laplacian and distance signless Laplacian eigenvalues of a graph,Lin. Alg. Appl,471 (2015) 10-20 .(SCI)

[32]Wong Dein, Ma Xiaobin, Jinming Zhou,The group of automorphisms of a zero-divisor graph based on rank one upper triangular matrices,Lin. Alg. Appl,460 (2014)242-258.(SCI)

[33]Wong Dein,ZhuMin; Lv Wenping,A characterization of long graphs of arbitrary rank,Lin. Alg. Appl,438(2013)1347-1355.(SCI)

[34] MaXiaobin,Wong Dein,ZhuMin,The positive and the negative Inertia index of line graphs of trees,Lin. Alg. Appl, 439(2013) 3120-3128.(SCI)

[35] Wang Long, Wong Dein,Bounds for the matching number, the edge chromatic number and the independence number of a graph in terms of rank,Discrete Applied 数学,166 (2014)276-281.(SCI)

[36]Ma Xiaobin, Wong Dein,Automorphism group of an ideal-relation graph over a matrix ring,Lin.Mul.Alg.,64 (2016)309-320.(SCI)

[37]Tian Fenglei, Wong Dein,Zhu Min,A characterization of signed planar graphs with rank at most 4,Lin.Mul.Alg.,64(2016) 807-817.(SCI)

[38] MaXiaobin, Wong Dein,The nullity of k-cyclic graphs of 无限轮回type,Lin.Mul.Alg.,63 (2015)2200-221.(SCI)







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