艾庆辉 :中国海洋大学教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 15:57






2003- 中国海洋大学水产学院

2009-2010 康奈尔大学访问学者








Ai, Q.H., Zhao, J.Z., Mai, K.S., Xu, W., Tan, bp, Ma, H.M., Liufu, Z.G., 2008. Optimal dietary lipid level for large 黄色 croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) larvae. Aquaculture 营养 14(6), 515-522. Ai, Q.H., Mai, K.S., Zhang, 微博电子竞技俱乐部, Xu, W., Tan, B.P., Zhang, C.X., Li, H.T., 2007. Effects of exogenous enzymes (phytase, non-starch 多糖 enzyme) in diets on growth, feed utilization, and excretion of Japanese seabass,Lateolabrax japonicus. Comparative 生物化学 and 生理学 A 147, 502-508. Ai, Q.H., Mai, K.S., Zhang, L., Tan, B.P., Zhang, W.B., Xu, W., Li, H.T., 2007. Effects of dietary ß-1, 3 glucan on innate immune response of large 黄色 croaker,Pseudosciaena crocea. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 22, 394-402. Ai, Q.H., Mai, K.S., Tan, B.P., Xu W., Zhang, 微博电子竞技俱乐部, Ma, H.M., Liufu, Z.G., 2006. Effects of dietary vitamin C on survival, growth, and 免疫力 of large 黄色 croaker,Pseudosciaena crocea. Aquaculture 261, 327-336. Ai, Q.H., Mai, K.S., Tan, B.P., Xu, W., Duan, Q.Y., Ma, H.M., Zhang, L., 2006. Replacement of fish meal by meat and bone meal in diets for large 黄色 croaker,Pseudosciaena crocea. Aquaculture 260, 255-263. Ai, Q.H. , Xie, X.J., 2006. Effects of dietary soybean protein levels on metabolic response of the southern catfish,鲇属 meridionalis. Comparative 生物化学 and Physiology A 144, 41-47. Ai, Q.H., Xie, X.J., 2005. Effects of replacement of fish meal by soybean meal and supplementation of methionine in fish meal/soybean meal-based diets on growth 表演 of the Southern CatfishSilurus meridionalis. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 36(4), 498-507. Ai, Q.H. , Xie, X.J., 2005. Effects of dietary soybean protein levels on 能量 budget of the southern catfish,鲇属 meridionalis. Comparative Biochemistry and 生理学 A 141, 461-469. Ai, Q.H., Mai, K.S., Li, H.T., Zhang, C.X., Zhang, L., Duan, Q.Y., Tan, B.P., Xu, W., Ma, H.M., Zhang, W.B., Liufu, Z.G., 2004. Effects of dietary protein to 能量 ratios on growth and body composition of juvenile Japanese seabass,Lateolabrax japonicus. Aquaculture230,509-516。 Ai, Q.H., Mai, K.S., Zhang, C.X., Xu, W., Duan, Q.Y., Tan, B.P., Liufu, Z.G., 2004. Effects of dietary vitamin C on growth and immune response of Japanese seabass,Lateolabrax japonicus. Aquaculture 242, 489-500.Wang, J., Ai, Q.H., Mai, K.S., Xu, W., Xu, H.G., Zhang, 微博电子竞技俱乐部, Wang, X.J., Liufu, Z.G., 2010. Effects of dietary ethoxyquin on growth 表演 and body composition of large 黄色 croaker,Pseudosciaena crocea. Aquaculture 36 80-84. ( 通讯作者)Xu, H.G., Ai, Q.H., Mai, K.S., Xu, W., Wang, J., Ma, H.M., Zhang, W.B., Wang, X.J., Liufu, Z.G., 2010. Effects of dietary arachidonic acid on growth 表演, survival, immune response and tissue fatty acid composition of juvenile Japanese seabass,Lateolabrax japonicas.Aquaculture 307 75-82. ( 通讯作者)Cheng., Z.Y., Ai, Q.H., Mai, K.S., Xu, W., Ma, H.M., Li, Y., Zhang, J.M., 2010. Effects of dietary canola meal on growth 表演, digestion and metabolism of Japanese seabass,Lateolabrax japonicas. Aquaculture 305 102-108. ( 通讯作者)Asino, H., Ai, Q.H., Mai, K.S., 2010. Evaluation ofEnteromorpha prolifera as a feed component in large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea, Richardson, 1846) diets Aquaculture Research 1-9. ( 通讯作者)Liu, F., Ai, Q.H., Mai, K.S., Tan, B.P., Ma, H.M., Xu, W., Zhang, 微博电子竞技俱乐部, LiuFu, Z.G., 2008. Effects of Dietary Binders on Survival and Growth 表演 of Post Larval Tongue Sole,Cynoglossus semilaevis (Günther). Journal of the World Aquaculture 39, 500-509. ( 通讯作者)


1. 半滑舌鳎稚鱼的人工微颗粒饲料 第1位

2. 大黄鱼稚鱼的人工微颗粒饲料 第1位

3. 一种大黄鱼仔稚鱼诱食剂 第1位

4. 一种鳎类稚鱼诱食剂 第1位

5. 一株罗非鱼用强肝剂 第3位

6. 一种鱼类高效复合蛋白及其制备方法和应用 第3位

7. 红鳍东方魨配合饲料 第3位

8. 大菱鲆成鱼用浓缩饲料 第4位

9. 一种对虾抗应激剂 第4位








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