陈峰 :山东大学物理学院教授

更新时间:2024-09-20 18:05




1993.9-1997.7 山东师范大学\u003e物理教育\u003e学士

1997.9-2002.7 山东大学\u003e凝聚态物理\u003e理学博士学位


2002.7-2004.8 山东大学\u003e物理学院\u003e讲师

2004.9-2006.8 山东大学\u003e物理学院\u003e副教授

2006.9至今 山东大学\u003e物理学院\u003e教授


陈峰,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,享受政府特殊津贴专家,英国物理学会会士,美国光学学会高级会员,中国物理学会理事,中国光学学会基础光学专业委员会委员,山东物理学会理事长,山东省光学工程学会副理事长,Opt. Engineering、Sci. Rep.编委,中国激光杂志社青年编辑委员会副主任,德国洪堡学者。曾任中国核物理学会理事。目前的研究方向为光学晶体波导股份、离子束材料改性、飞秒激光微加工、波导激光与信息处理、微纳光子学结构、非线性光学等。作为项目负责人先后主持国家、省部级科研项目17项。作为第一完成人获得教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学)二等奖1项,获得国家发明专利7项。在Nano Lett.、ACS Nano、APPL Phys. Rev.、Laser Photon. Rev.、Nanoscale、Appl. Phys. Lett.、Opt. Lett.、Opt. Express等主流期刊发表SCI收录论文300余篇,基于Web of Science的H因子为30,先后有6篇论文获选为ESI高被引论文,有8篇论文被期刊遴选为封面或者卷首页,有4篇论文被期刊评为研究亮点或通讯报道,一篇论文被选为2014年度中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文,并连续入选2014、2015、2016、2017年度中国高被引学者榜单(物理学和天文学)。在国际学术会议上做主旨报告、邀请报告近50次,在近十个国际、国内的系列学术会议上担任组织者(各种委员会委员、分会主席等),担任50余种SCI期刊的审稿工作,以及SNSF、ANR、ARC等多个国外科学研究基金会的项目评审工作。


2021年11月,美国光学学会(Optica,原OSA)官方网站公布了2022年度新当选的106位会士(OPTICA Fellow)名单,物理学院陈峰教授因其在超快激光及离子束制备微纳光子结构和器件的杰出贡献(For outstanding and sustained contributions to fabrication and applications of micro/nano-photonic structures and devices by ultra500米口径球面射电望远镜laser and ion beam writing)成功当选。




















1.Multi-gigahertz laser generation based on monolithic ridge waveguide and embedded nanoparticles

Chi Pang, Rang Li, Ziqi Li, Ningning 越南盾, Jun Wang, Feng Ren, and Feng Chen

Chinese Optics Letters 19, 021301 (2021). (Selected as Editor’s Pick)

2.Near-infra红色 all-optical switching based on nano/micro optical structures in YVO4 matrix: embedded plasmonic nanoparticles and laser-written waveguides

Ziqi Li, Chi Pang, Rang Li, Ningning Dong, Liang Wu, Javier Rodríguez Vázquez de Aldana, Qingming Lu, Feng Ren, Jun Wang, and Feng Chen

AdVanced Photonics Research 2, 2000064 (2021).

3.Ultrafast electron transfer 动力学 in Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite for tailoring of optical nonlinearity

Chi Pang, Rang Li, Jiawei Huang, Ziqi Li, Ming Chen, Ningning 越南盾, Jun Wang, Feng Ren, and Feng Chen

Applied surface Science 539, 148258 (2021).

4. Femtosecond laser inscribed novel polarization beam splitters based on tailored waveguide configurations

Bin Zhang, Lingqi Li, Bo Wu, Hongliang Liu, Pengfei Wu, Lei Wang, and Feng Chen

Journal of Lightwave Technology 39, 1438-1443 (2021).

5. Raman spectra study on modifications of BK7 glass induced by 1030-nm and 515-nm femtosecond laser

Jiaming Wu, Yuying Zhang, Lingqi Li, Yingying Ren, Qingming Lu, Lei Wang, and Feng Chen

Results in Physics 21, 103814 (2021).

6. Femtosecond laser direct writing of Nd:YAG waveguide with Type I modification: Positive refractive index change in track

Yuying Zhang, Jiaming Wu, Lei Wang, and feng Chen

Optical Materials 113, 110844 (2021).

7. Ion-cut lithium niobate on insulator technology: Recent adVances and perspectives

Yuechen Jia, Lei Wang, and Feng Chen

Applied Physics Reviews 8, 011307 (2021). (Invited Review, Selected as Featured Article)

8. Femtosecond laser direct writing of depressed cladding waveguides in Nd:钇铝榴石 with “ear-like” structures: fabrication and laser generation

Xiaoli Sun, Shuo Sun, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Fengqin Liu, Yuechen Jia, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 29, 4296-4307 (2021).

9. Tailored Negative/Positive Photoresponse of BP via Doping

Yue Liu, Yang Tan, Yanran Liu, Xiantao Jiang, Han Zhang, and Feng Chen

Nanotechnology 32, 185201 (2021).

10.Direct-writing of two-dimensional diodes by focused ion beams

Yanran Liu, Yuanyuan Qu, Yue Liu, Hang Yin, Jinglun Liu, Yang Tan, and Feng Chen

Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2102708 (2021).

11.surface lattice resonances in dielectric metasurfaces for enhanced light-matter interaction [Invited]

Yuechen Jia, Yingying Ren, Xingjuan Zhao, and Feng Chen

Chinese Optics Letters 19, 060013 (2021).

12.PLASMONenhanced SnSe2 photodetector by non-contact Ag nanoparticles

Xiaoli Sun, Jiamin Sun, Jinlong Xu, Ziqi Li, Rang Li, Zaixing Yang, feng Ren, Yuechen Jia, and Feng Chen

Small 17, 2102351 (2021).

13.Microresonators in niobate thin films

Ran-Ran Xie, Gui-Qin Li, Feng Chen, and Gui-Lu Long

Advanced Optical Materials 9, 2100539 (2021). (Invited Review)

14.17-GHz waveguide lasers modulated by heterostructure layered material

Shixiang Wang, Bin Zhang, Xiaoli Sun, Yingying Ren, Yuechen Jia, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 11, 2025-2036 (2021).

15.MXene and PtSe2 saturable absorbers for all-fibre ultrafast mid-infrared lasers

Gayathri Bharathan, Luyi Xu, Xiantao Jiang, Han Zhang, Ziqi Li, Feng 金钟大, and Alex Fuerbach

Optical Materials Express 11, 1898-1906 (2021).

16.surface PLASMON enhanced photoluminescence of monolayer WS2 on ion beam modified functional substrate

Lingrui Chu, Ziqi Li, Han Zhu, Rang Li, Feng Ren, and Feng Chen

Applied Physics Letters 118, 263103 (2021). (Selected as Editor’s Pick)



科学通报,2021, 66(16), 1968-1982



激光与光电子学进展,2021, 58(7), 0700001


1. Fused silica with embedded 2D-like Ag nanoparticle monolayer: Tunable saturable absorbers by interparticle spacing manipulation

Rang Li, Chi Pang, Ziqi Li, Ming Yang, Hiroshi Amekura, Ningning 越南盾, Jun Wang, Feng Ren, Qiang Wu, and Feng Chen

Laser \u0026 Photonics Reviews 14, 1900302 (2020). (Selected as Inside front Cover)

2. Recent advances in femtosecond laser processing of LiNb臭氧 crystals for photonic applications

Bin Zhang, Lei Wang, and Feng Chen

Laser \u0026 Photonics Reviews 14, 1900407 (2020).

3. Plasmonic nanoparticles in dielectrics synthesized by ion beams: optical properties and photonic applications

Rang Li, Chi Pang, Ziqi Li, and Feng Chen

Advanced Optical Materials 8, 1902087 (2020). (Invited Review)

4. Femtosecond laser modification of 6H-碳化硅 crystals for waveguide devices

Bin Zhang, Shan He, Quanxin Yang, Hongliang Liu, Lei Wang, and Feng Chen

Applied Physics Letters 116, 111903 (2020). (see also News in LaserFocusWorld)

5. A novel hierarchical nanostructure for enhanced optical nonlinearity based on scattering mechanism

Chi Pang, Rang Li, Ziqi Li, Ningning 越南盾, Feng Ren, Jun Wang, and Feng Chen

Small 16, 2003172 (2020). (Selected as Back Cover)

6. 3D polarization-dependent waveguide arrays in LiNbO3 crystal produced by femtosecond laser writing

Bo Wu, Bin Zhang, Lei Wang, and feng Chen

Journal of Lightwave Technology 38, 3988-3993 (2020).

7. Q-switched mode-locked Nd:GGG waveguide laser with tin di硫化物 as saturable absorber

Xuejian 越南盾, Ziqi Li, Chi Pang, Ningning Dong, Hailing Jiang, Jun Wang, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 100, 109702 (2020).

8. Second harmonic generation in femtosecond laser written lithium niobate waveguides based on birefringent phase matching

Bin Zhang, Lingqi Li, Lei Wang, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 107, 110075 (2020).

9. microspectroscopy investigation on femtosecond laser writing of LiNbO3 crystal

Bingcheng Xiong, Bin Zhang, Qingming Lu, Yingying Ren, Lei Wang, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 107, 110103 (2020).

10.Low-dimensional materials as saturable absorbers for pulsed waveguide lasers

Ziqi Li, Chi Pang, Rang Li, and Feng Chen

Journal of Physics: Photonics 2, 031001 (2020). (Invited Perspective)

11.PLASMONinduced photoluminescence and Raman enhancement in Pr:CaF2 crystal by embedded silver nanoparticles

Weijie Nie , Shan Jiang, Rang Li, Feng Ren, Andrew H. A. Clayton, Saulius Juodkazis, and feng Chen

Applied surface Science 530, 147018 (2020).

12.Plasmonic core-shell nano-heterostructures with 温度dependent optical nonlinearity

Chi Pang, Rang Li, Ningning 越南盾, Ziqi Li, Jun Wang, Feng Ren, and feng Chen

Nanoscale 12, 22995–23002 (2020). (selected as Inside Back Cover)

13.Efficient modulation of photonic bandgap and defect modes in all-dielectric photonic crystals by energetic ion beams

Guiqiang Du, Xiachen Zhou, Chi Pang, Kaiyuan Zhang, Yunpeng Zhao, Guang Lu, Fen Liu, Ailing Wu, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and feng Chen

Advanced Optical Materials 8, 2000426 (2020).

14.Mid-infrared photonic crystal waveguides in yttrium 石榴石 crystal fabricated by femtosecond-laser writing and phosphoric acid etching

Jinman Lv, Binbin Hong, Yang Tan, Feng Chen, Javier Rodríguez Vázquez de Aldana, and Guo Ping Wang

Photonics Research 8, 257-262 (2020).

15.Modified photochemical strategy to support highly-purity, dense and monodisperse Au nanospheres on graphene oxide for optimizing SERS detection

Linlin Xu, Hua Zhang, Yue Tian, Anxin Jiao, Shuang Li, Yang Tan, Ming Chen, and Feng Chen

Talanta 209, 120535 (2020).

16.蓝色 laser-induced photochemical synthesis of CuAg nanoalloys on HBN supports with enhanced SERS activity for trace-detection of residual pesticides on tomatoes

Hua Zhang, Qingqiang Cui, Linlin Xu, Anxin Jiao, Yue Tian, Xiangdong Liu, Shuang Li, Hengshuai Li, Ming Chen, and Feng Chen

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 825, 153996 (2020).

17.Femtosecond laser direct writing of flexibly configured waveguide geometries in optical crystals: fabrication and application

Yuechen Jia, Shixiang Wang, and Feng Chen

Opto-Electronic Advances 3, 190042 (2020).

18.Type I phase matching in thin film of niobate on insulator

Lei Wang, Liqing Li, Xintong Zhang, and Feng Chen

Results in Physics 16, 103011 (2020).

19.Ultra-clean PtPd nanoflowers loaded on GO supports with enhanced low-温度 electrocatalytic activity for fuel cells in harsh environment

Linlin Xu, Qingqiang Cui, Hua Zhang, Anxin Jiao, Yue Tian, Shuang Li, Hengshuai Li, Ming Chen, and Feng Chen

Applied surface Science 511, 145603 (2020).

20.Vacancy-induced antibacterial activity of XS2-y quantum dots against drug-resistant bacteria for treatment of bacterial keratitis

Huiyuan Li, Xiao Wang, Xiaofei Zhao, Guanhua Li, Fengyan Pei, Han Zhang, Yang Tan, and Feng Chen

Small 16, 2004677 (2020). (selected as Inside Back Cover)

21.Fabrication of tapered circular depressed-cladding waveguides in Nd:YAG crystal by femtosecond laser direct inscription

Carolina Romero, Javier García Ajates, Feng Chen, and Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana

Micromachines 11, 10 (2020).

22.Matrix-material dependence on the elongation of embedded gold nanoparticles induced by 4 MeV C60 and 200 MeV Xe ion irradiation

Rang Li, Kazumasa Narumi, Atsuya Chiba, Yoshimi Hirano, Daiju Tsuya, Shunya Yamamoto, Yuichi Saitoh, Nariaki Okubo, Norito Ishikawa, Chi Pang, Feng Chen, and Hiroshi Amekura

Nanotechnology 31, 265606 (2020).

23.Swift heavy ion irradiation to non-amorphizable CaF2 and amorphizable Y3Al5O12 (YAG) crystals

H. Amekura, R. Li, N. Okubo, N. Ishikawa, and F. Chen

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 474, 78-82 (2020)

24.Refractive index modulation of YAG crystal through electronic 能量 depositions of ions

Chen Chen, Rang Li, Lilong Pang, Zhiguang Wang, and Feng Chen

Results in Physics 18, 103217 (2020).

25.A waveguide mode modulator based on femtosecond laser direct writing in KTN crystals

Shan He, Quanxin Yang, Bin Zhang, Yingying Ren, Hongliang Liu, Pengfei Wu, Yicun Yao, and Feng Chen

Results in Physics 18, 103307 (2020).

26.Mode-controllable waveguide fabricated by laser-induced phase transition in KTN

Pengfei Wu, Xiaorui Jiang, Bin Zhang, Shan He, Quanxin Yang, Xiaojin Li, Yingying Ren, Feng Chen, and Hongliang Liu

Optics Express 28, 25633-25641 (2020).

27.Femtosecond-laser-written S-curved waveguide in Nd:YAP crystal: Fabrication and multi-gigahertz lasing

Lingqi Li, Ziqi Li Weijie Nie, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Journal of Lightwave Technology 38, 6845-6852 (2020).

28.Tunable violet radiation in a quasi-phase-matched periodically poled stoichiometric tantalate waveguide by direct femtosecond laser writing

Ling-Qi Li, Bin Zhang, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Lei Wang, and Feng Chen

Results in Physics 18, 103307 (2020).

29.Irradiation Effects of Swift Heavy Ions Detected by Refractive Index Depth Profiling

Hiroshi Amekura, Rang Li, Nariaki Okubo, Norito Ishikawa, and Feng Chen

Quantum Beam Science 4, 39 (2020).



激光与光电子学进展,2020, 57(11) 111415(特邀综述)



中国激光,2020, 47(5) 050008(特邀综述)



物理学报(Acta Physica Sinica),2020, 69(15) 157801(编辑推荐)


1. Compact solid-state waveguide lasers operating in the pulsed regime: A review (Invited)

Yuechen Jia and Feng Chen

Chinese Optics Letters 17, 012302 (2019).

2. WSe2 as a saturable absorber for multi-gigahertz mode-locked waveguide lasers (Invited)

Ziqi Li, Rang Li, Chi Pang, Yuxia Zhang, Haohai Yu, and Feng Chen

Chinese Optics Letters 17, 020013 (2019).

3. 8.8 GHz Q-switched mode-locked waveguide lasers modulated by PtSe2 saturable absorber

Ziqi Li, Rang Li, Chi Pang, Ningning 越南盾, Jun Wang, Haohai Yu, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 27, 8727-8737 (2019).

4. Monolithic waveguide laser mode-locked by embedded Ag nanoparticles operating at 1 μm

Rang Li, Chi Pang, Ziqi Li, Ningning 越南盾, Jun Wang, Feng Ren, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Nanophotonics 8, 859-868 (2019).

5. WS2-based Q-switched laser generation from Nd:YAG ridge waveguides fabricated by combination of swift heavy ion irradiation and laser ablation

Hailing Jiang, Ziqi Li, Xuejian 越南盾, Chi Pang, Shixiang Wang, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 92, 163-166 (2019).

6. Plasmonic Ag nanoparticles embedded in tantalate crystal for ultrafast laser generation

Chi Pang, Rang Li, Ziqi Li, Ningning 越南盾, Jun Wang, Feng Ren, and Feng Chen

Nanotechnology 30, 334001 (2019).

7. Femtosecond laser writing of optical waveguides by self-induced multiple refocusing in LiTaO3 crystal

Lingqi Li, Weijie Nie, Ziqi Li, Bin Zhang, Lei Wang, Patricia Haro-González, Daniel Jaque, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Journal of Lightwave Technology 37, 3452-3458 (2019).

8. 8.6 GHz Q-switched mode-locked waveguide lasing based on LiNbO3 crystal embedded Cu nanoparticles

Shixiang Wang, Chi Pang, Ziqi Li, Rang Li, Ningning Dong, Qingming Lu, Feng Ren, Jun Wang, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 9, 3808-3817 (2019).

9. Nanoparticles Embedded in Tantalate Crystals for Multi-GHz Lasers

Chi Pang, Rang Li, Ziqi Li, Ningning 越南盾, Hiro Amekura, Shixiang Wang, Haohai Yu, Jun Wang, Feng Ren, Norito Ishikawa, Nariaki Okubo, and Feng Chen

ACS Applied Nano Materials 2, 5871−5877 (2019).

10.Laser-written three dimensional nonlinear photonic crystals

Feng Chen

Frontiers of Optoelectronics 12, 342–343 (2020). (Comment)

11.Second harmonic generation of femtosecond laser written depressed cladding waveguides in periodically poled MgO:LiTa臭氧 crystal

Lei Wang, Xintong Zhang, Lingqi Li, Qingming Lu, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 27, 2101-2111 (2019).

12.Efficient quasi-phase-matching in fan-out PPSLT crystal waveguides by femtosecond laser direct writing

Lingqi Li, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Lei Wang, Yang Tan, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 27, 36875-36885 (2019).

13.Convenient Synthesis of 3D Fluffy PtPd Nanocorals Loaded on 2D HBN Supports as Highly Efficient and Stable Electrocatalysts for 乙醇 Oxidation Reaction

Hua Zhang, Linlin Xu, Yue Tian, Anxin Jiao, Shuang Li, Xiangdong Liu, Ming Chen, and Feng Chen

ACS Omega 4, 11163-11172 (2019).

14.Photochemical synthesis of ZnO@Au nanorods as an advanced reusable SERS substrate for ultrasensitive detection of light-resistant organic pollutant in wastewater

Linlin Xu, Hua Zhang, Yue Tian, Anxin Jiao, Feng Chen and Ming Chen

Talanta 194, 680-688 (2019).

15.Core-shell Au@Ag nanodendrites supported on TiO2 nanowires for 蓝色 laser beam excited SERS-based pH sensing

Anxin Jiao, Hua Zhang, Linlin Xu, Yue Tian, Xiangdong Liu, Ming Chen, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 27, 23981-23995 (2019).

16.An additional electron-phonon coupling enhancement for improving SERS activity by supporting core-shell Au@Ag particles on nanotubes

Yue Tian, Hua Zhang, Linlin Xu, Anxin Jiao, Ming Chen, and Feng Chen

Applied Physics Letters 115, 101901 (2019).

17.Femtosecond laser direct writing of few-mode depressed-cladding waveguide lasers

Yuechen Jia, Ruiyun He, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Hongliang Liu, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 27, 30941-30951 (2019).

18.Specklegram 温度 sensor based on femtosecond laser inscribed depressed cladding waveguides in Nd:YAG crystal

Pengfei Wu, Songhe Zhu, Minghui Hong, Feng Chen, and Hongliang Liu

Optics \u0026 Laser Technology 113, 11-14 (2019).


1. Enhanced Raman scattering of CuPc films on imperfect WSe2 monolayer correlated to exciton and charge-transfer resonances

Yanran Liu, Zhibin Gao, Yang Tan, and Feng Chen

Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1805710 (2018). (Selected as Inside front Cover)

2. Enhancement of Out-of-Plane Charge Transport in a Vertically Stacked Two-Dimensional

Heterostructure Using Point Defects

Yanran Liu, Zhibin Gao, Yang Tan, and Feng Chen

ACS Nano 12, 10529-10536 (2018).

3. Plasmonic nanoparticles embedded in single crystals synthesized by gold ion implantation for enhanced optical nonlinearity and efficient Q-switched lasing

W.J. Nie, Y.X. Zhang, H.H. Yu, R. Li, R.Y. He, N.N. 越南盾, J. Wang, R. Hübner, R. Böttger, S.Q. Zhou, H. Amekura, and Feng Chen

Nanoscale 10, 4228-4236 (2018). (Selected as back cover)

4. Lithium niobate crystal with embedded Au nanoparticles: A new saturable absorber for efficient mode-locking of ultrafast laser pulses at 1μm

Chi Pang, Rang Li, Ziqi Li, Ningning 越南盾, Chen Cheng, Weijie Nie, Roman Böttger, Shengqiang Zhou, Jun Wang, and Feng Chen

Advanced Optical Materials 6, 1800357 (2018). (Selected as back cover)

5. 6.5 GHz Q-switched mode-locked waveguide lasers based on two-dimensional materials as saturable absorbers

Ziqi Li, Yuxia Zhang, Chen Cheng, Haohai Yu, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 26, 11321-11330 (2018).

6. Self-assembled monolayers of bimetallic Au/Ag nanospheres with superior SERS activity for ultrasensitive 三苯甲烷 dyes detection

Yue Tian, Hua Zhang, Linlin Xu, Ming Chen, and Feng Chen

Optics Letters 43, 635-638 (2018).

7. Nonlinear Absorption Response Correlated to Embedded Ag Nanoparticles in BGO Single Crystal: From Two-Photon to Three-Photon Absorption

Rang Li, Ningning 越南盾, Feng Ren, Hiro Amekura, Jun Wang, and Feng Chen

Scientific Reports 8, 1977 (2018).

8. Tailoring optical nonlinearities of LiNbO3 crystals by plasmonic silver nanoparticles for broadband saturable absorbers

Chi Pang, Rang Li, Yuxia Zhang, Ziqi Li, Ningning 越南盾, Liang Wu, Haohai Yu, Jun Wang, Feng Ren, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 26, 31276-31289 (2018).

9. Enhanced nonlinear optical response of graphene by based nanoparticle modification for pulsed lasing

Ziqi Li, Ningning Dong, Chen Cheng, Linlin Xu, Ming Chen, Jun Wang, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 8, 1368-1377 (2018).

10.Mode-locked waveguide lasers modulated by rhenium diselenide as a new saturable absorber (Invited article)

Ziqi Li, Ningning 越南盾, Yuxia Zhang, Jun Wang, Haohai Yu, and Feng Chen

APL Photonics 3, 080802 (2018).

11.Implementation of Nearly Single-Mode Second Harmonic Generation by Using a Femtosecond Laser Written Waveguiding Structure in KTiOPO4 Nonlinear Crystal

Weijie Nie, Carolina Romero, Qingming Lu, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 84, 531-535 (2018).

12.Ag nanoparticles embedded in Nd:钇铝榴石 crystals irradiated with tilted beam of 200 MeV Xe ions: optical dichroism correlated to particle reshaping

Rang Li, Chi Pang, Hiro Amekura, Feng Ren, René Hübner, Shengqiang Zhou, Norito Ishikawa, Nariaki Okubo, and Feng Chen

Nanotechnology 29, 424001 (2018).

13.Mode tailoring of laser written waveguides in LiNb臭氧 crystals by multi-scan of femtosecond laser pulses

Bin Zhang, Bingcheng Xiong, Ziqi Li, Lingqi Li, Jinman Lv, Qingming Lu, Lei Wang, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 86, 571-575 (2018).

14.Construction of optimized Au@Ag core-shell nanorods for ultralow SERS detection of antibiotic levofloxacin molecules

Yue Tian, Guanhua Li, Hua Zhang, Linlin Xu, Anxin Jiao, Feng Chen and Ming Chen

Optics Express 26, 23347-23358 (2018).

15.Cladding waveguide splitters fabricated by femtosecond laser inscription in Ti:Sapphire crystal

Yingying Ren, Limu Zhang, Hongguang Xing, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optics \u0026 Laser Technology 103, 82-88 (2018).

16.Femtosecond laser irradiation on Nd:钇铝榴石 crystal: surface ablation and high-spatial-频率 nanograting

Yingying Ren, Limu Zhang, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldan, and Feng Chen

Applied Surface Science 441, 372-380 (2018).

17.Switchable single-dual-wavelength Yb,Na:CaF2 waveguide lasers operating in continuous-wave and pulsed regimes

Yingying Ren, Chen Cheng, Yuechen Jia, Yang Jiao, Dengwang Li, Mark D. Mackenzie, Ajoy K. Kar, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 8, 1633-1641 (2018).

18.Pulsed laser deposition of ferroelectric tantalate-niobate optical waveguiding thin films

Yuechen Jia, Markus Winkler, Chen Cheng, Feng Chen, Lutz Kirste, volker Cimalla, Agnė Žukauskaitė, Ingo Breunig, and Karsten Buse

Optical Materials Express 8, 541-548 (2018).

19.Three-dimensional beam-splitting transitions and numerical modelling of direct-laserwritten near-infrared LiNbO3 cladding waveguides

Javier G. Ajates, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Feng Chen, and Airán Ródenas

Optical Materials Express 8, 1890-1901 (2018).

20.Boron nitride/gold nanocomposites for crystal violet and 肌酸酐 detection by surfaceenhanced Raman spectroscopy

Hua Zhang, Guanhua Li, Shuang Li, Linlin Xu, Yue Tian, Anxin Jiao, Xiangdong Liu, Feng Chen, and Ming Chen

Applied Surface Science 457, 684-694 (2018).


1. Ion Beam Modification of Two-Dimensional Materials: Characterization, Properties, and Applications

Ziqi Li and Feng Chen

Applied Physics Reviews 4, 011103 (2017).

2. Two-Dimensional Heterostructure as a Platform for surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering

Yang Tan, Linan Ma, Zhibin Gao, Ming Chen, and Feng Chen

Nano Letters 17, 2621–2626 (2017).

3. Tuning of Interlayer Coupling in Large-Area Graphene/WSe2 van der Waals Heterostructure via Ion Irradiation: Optical Evidences and Photonic Applications

Yang Tan, Xiaobiao Liu, Zhiliang He, Yanran Liu, Mingwen Zhao, Han Zhang, and Feng Chen

ACS Photonics 4, 1531-1538 (2017).

4. Tailoring Optical Properties of Atomically-Thin WS2 via Ion Irradiation

Linan Ma, Yang Tan, M. Ghorbani-Asl, R. Boettger, S. Kretschmer, S. Q. Zhou, Z. Y. Huang, A. V. Krasheninnikov, and Feng Chen

Nanoscale 9, 11027-11034 (2017) (selected as inside front cover).

5. Spontaneous micromodification of single-layer graphene induced by femtosecond laser irradiation

Chen Cheng, Ruiyun He, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Applied Physics Letters 111, 241901 (2017).

6. diselenide as new saturable absorber for generation of laser pulses at 1μm

Chen Cheng, Ziqi Li, Ningning Dong, Jun Wang, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 25, 6132-6140 (2017).

7. Room-温度 subnanosecond waveguide lasers in Nd:YVO4 Q-switched by phase-change VO2: A comparison with 2D materials

Weijie Nie, Rang Li, Chen Cheng, Yanxue Chen, Qingming Lu, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Xiaotao Hao, and Feng Chen

Scientific Reports 7, 46162 (2017).

8. Embedded silver nanoparticles in KTP crystal produced by ion implantation

Ruiyun He, Feng Ren, and Feng Chen

Materials Letters 193, 158–160 (2017).

9. Femtosecond-laser-written superficial cladding waveguides in Nd:CaF2 crystal

Rang Li, Weijie Nie, Qingming Lu, Chen Cheng, Zhen Shang, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optics \u0026 Laser Technology 92, 163-167 (2017).

10.Ridge waveguides and Y-branch beam splitters in KTiOAsO4 crystal by 15 MeV ion implantation and femtosecond laser ablation

Chen Chen, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Journal of Lightwave Technology 35, 225-229 (2017).

11.Giant Enhancement of Nonlinear Optical Response in Nd:YAG Single Crystals by Embedded Silver Nanoparticles

Rang Li, Ningning 越南盾, Chen Cheng, Feng Ren, René Hübner, Jun Wang, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

ACS Omega 2, 1279–1286 (2017).

12.All-laser-micromachining of ridge waveguides in LiNb臭氧 crystal for mid-infrared band applications

Lingqi Li, Weijie Nie, Ziqi Li, Qingming Lu, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Scientific Reports 7, 7034 (2017).

13.Q-switching of waveguide lasers based on graphene/WS2 van der Waals heterostructure

Ziqi Li, Chen Cheng, Ningning 越南盾, Carolina Romero, Qingming Lu, Jun Wang, Javier Rodríguez Vázquez de Aldana, Yang Tan, and Feng Chen

Photonics Research 5, 406-410 (2017).

14.Low-loss optical waveguides in β-BBO crystal fabricated by femtosecond-laser writing

Ziqi Li, Chen Cheng, Carolina Romero, Qingming Lu, Javier Rodríguez Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 73, 45-49 (2017).

15.Refractive index engineering through swift heavy ion irradiation of LiNb臭氧 crystal towards improved light guidance

Chen Chen, Lilong Pang, Qingming Lu, Lei Wang, Yang Tan, Zhiguang Wang, and Feng Chen

Scientific Reports 7, 10805 (2017).

16.Laser-writing of ring-shaped waveguides in BGO crystal for telecommunication band

Lingqi Li, Weijie Nie, Ziqi Li, Carolina Romero, René I. Rodriguez-Beltrán, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 25, 24236-24241 (2017).

17.Continuous-Wave and Q-Switched YbSGG Waveguide Laser

Linan Ma, Yang Tan, Shuxian Wang, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, Haohai Yu, Huaijin Zhang, and Feng Chen

Journal of Lightwave Technology 35, 2642-2645 (2017).

18.Optical amplifier based on an Er:MgO-doped near stoichiometric lithium niobate waveguide

Linan Ma, Yang Tan, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 69, 115-118 (2017).

19.Cladding-like waveguide fabricated by cooperation of ultrafast laser writing and ion irradiation: characterization and laser generation

Jinman Lv, Zhen Shang, Yang Tan, Javier Rodríguez Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 25, 19603-19608 (2017).

20.Efficient second harmonic generation of diced ridge waveguides based on ion-irradiated periodically poled LiNb臭氧

Lin Ai, Lei Wang, Yang Tan, Sh Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Journal of Lightwave Technology 35, 2476-2480 (2017).

21.Depth profile of the nonlinear susceptibility of LiNbO3 ridge waveguides fabricated by ion implantation and dicing

Lin Ai, Lei Wang, Xintong Zhang, Chen Chen, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 7, 3836-3843 (2017).

22.Ultraviolet light-induced photochemical reaction for controlled fabrication of Ag nanoislands on ZnO nanosheets: an advanced inexpensive substrate for ultrasensitive surfaceenhanced Raman scattering analysis

Linlin Xu, Shuang Li, Feng Li, Hua Zhang, Dameng Wang, Ming Chen, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 7, 3137-3146 (2017).

23.Controlled synthesis of hollow Ag@Au nanourchins with unique synergistic effects for ultrasensitive surfaceenhanced Raman spectroscopy

Hua Zhang, Linlin Xu, Yue Tian, Ming Chen, Xiangdong Liu, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 25, 29389-29400 (2017).

24.Laser irradiation-induced construction of Pt/Ag bimetallic nanourchins with improved electrocatalytic properties

Hua Zhang, Ming Chen, Linlin Xu, Wanda Hou, Xiangdong Liu, and Feng Chen

RSC Advances 7, 52165-52171 (2017).

25.Optical-lattice-like waveguide structures in Ti:Sapphire by femtosecond laser inscription for beam splitting

Yingying Ren, Limu Zhang, Jinman Lv, Yuefeng Zhao, Carolinaromero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 7, 1942-1949 (2017).

26.Intracavity biosensor based on Nd:YAG waveguide laser: tumor cell and dextrose solution

Guanhua Li, Huiyuan Li, Rumei Gong, Yang Tan, Javier Rodríguez Vázquez de Aldana, Yuping Sun, and Feng Chen

Photonics Research 5, 728-732 (2017).

27.Depressed-cladding 3D waveguide arrays fabricated with femtosecond laser pulses

Gabriel R. Castillo, Lucía Labrador-Páez, Feng Chen, Santiago Camacho-López, and Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana

Journal of Lightwave Technology 35, 2520-2525 (2017).

28.Tipping solutions: emerging 3D nano-fabrication/-imaging technologies

Gediminas Seniutinas, Armandas Balčytis, Ignas Reklaitis, Feng Chen, Jeffrey Davis, Christian David, and Saulius Juodkazis

Nanophotonics 6, 923-941 (2017).

29.Y-junctions based on circular depressed-cladding waveguides fabricated with femtosecond pulses in Nd:YAG crystal: A route to integrate complex photonic Circuits in crystals

Javier G. Ajates, Carolina Romero, Gabriel R. Castillo, Feng Chen, and Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana

Optical Materials 72, 220-225 (2017).


马利男, 谭杨, 陈峰

中国激光, 2017, 44(7): 0703010


1. Efficient second harmonic generation in 3D nonlinear optical-lattice-like cladding waveguide splitters by femtosecond laser inscription

Weijie Nie, Yuechen Jia, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Scientific Reports 6, 22310 (2016).

2. Optical-lattice-like cladding waveguides by direct laser writing: fabrication, luminescence and lasing

Weijie Nie, Ruiyun He, Chen Cheng, Uéslen Rocha Silva, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Daniel Jaque, and Feng Chen

Optics Letters 41, 2169-2172 (2016).

3. All-optical thermal microscopy of laser excited waveguides

Ruiyun He, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Ginés Lifante Pedrola, Feng Chen, and Daniel Jaque

Optics Letters 41, 2061-2064 (2016).

4. Passively Q-switched waveguide lasers based on two-dimensional transition metal diselenide

Chen Cheng, Hongliang Liu, Yang Tan, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 24, 10385-10390 (2016).

5. Two-photon luminescence thermometry: towards 3D high-resolution thermal imaging of waveguides

Ruiyun He, Javier Rodríguez Vázquez de Aldana, Ginés Lifante Pedrola, Feng Chen, and Daniel Jaque

Optics Express 24, 16156-16166 (2016).

6. Second harmonic generation of diamond-blade diced KTiOPO4 ridge waveguides

Chen Chen, Christian E. Rüter, Martin F. Volk, Cheng Chen, Zhen Shang, Qingming Lu, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, Feng Chen, and Detlef Kip

Optics Express 24, 16434-16439 (2016).

7. Femtosecond laser inscribed Y-branch waveguide in Nd:YAG crystal: fabrication and continuous-wave lasing

Hongliang Liu, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Minghui Hong, and Feng Chen

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum 电子学 22, 4500204 (2016).

8. Three-dimensional waveguide splitters inscribed in Nd:YAG by femtosecond laser writing: realization and laser emission

Yuechen Jia, Chen Cheng, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Journal of Lightwave Technology 34, 1328-1332 (2016).

9. Femtosecond laser written waveguides with MoS2 as satuable absorber for passively Q-switched lasing

Chen Cheng, Hongliang Liu, Zhen Shang, Weijie Nie, Yang Tan, Blanca del Rosal Rabes, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Daniel Jaque, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 6, 367-373 (2016).

10.Optical waveguides in Yb:SBN crystals fabricated by swift C3+ ion irradiation

Guiyuan Liu, Ningning Dong, Jun Wang, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 51, 31-34 (2016).

11.Optical ridge waveguides in Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped 磷酸盐 glass produced by ion irradiation combined with femtosecond laser ablation for guided-wave green and red upconversion emissions

Chen Chen, Ruiyun He, Yang Tan, Biao Wang, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Lili Hu, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 51, 185-189 (2016).

12.Hybrid waveguiding structure in LiTaO3 crystal fabricated by direct femtosecond laser writing

Chen Cheng, Yuechen Jia, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Yang Tan, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 51, 190-193 (2016).

13.Guided-wave second harmonics in Nd:YCOB ridge waveguides produced by combination of ion irradiation and precise diamond blade dicing

Rang Li, Weijie Nie, Zhen Shang, Chen Cheng, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, Qingming Lu, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 57, 153-157 (2016).

14.Optical ridge waveguides in Nd:LGS crystal produced by combination of swift C5+ ion irradiation and precise diamond blade dicing

Yazhou Cheng, Jinman Lv, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Optics \u0026 Laser Technology 81, 122-126 (2016).

15.Layer-to-layer compression and enhanced optical properties of few layer graphene nanosheet induced by ion irradiation

Zhen Shang, Yang Tan, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Optical Engineering 55, 081303 (2016).

16.Q-switched waveguide laser based on two dimensional semiconducting materials: disulfide and 黑色 phosphorous

Yang Tan, Zhinan Guo, Linan Ma, Han Zhang, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 24, 2858-2866 (2016).

17.Ion irradiated Er:YAG ceramic cladding waveguide amplifier in C and L bands

Yang Tan, Linan Ma, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 3, 711-716 (2016).

18.Tailoring nonlinear optical properties of Bi2Se3 through ion irradiation

Yang Tan, Zhinan Guo, Zhen Shang, Fang Liu, Roman Böttger, Shengqiang Zhou, Jundong Shao, Xuefeng Yu, Han Zhang, and Feng Chen

Scientific Reports 6, 21799 (2016).

19.Tunable picosecond laser pulses via the contrast of two reverse saturable Absorption phases in a waveguide Platform

Yang Tan, Lianwei Chen, 越南盾 Wang, Yanxue Chen, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, Minghui Hong, and Feng Chen

Scientific Reports 6, 26176 (2016).

20.Electrically tunable Nd:YAG waveguide laser based on graphene

Linan Ma, Yang Tan, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Scientific Reports 6, 36785 (2016).

21.Femtosecond laser writing of optical-lattice-like cladding structures for three-dimensional waveguide beam splitters in LiNbO3 crystal

Jinman Lv, Yazhou Cheng, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Xiaotao Hao, and Feng Chen

Journal of Lightwave Technology 34, 3587-3591 (2016).

22.Femtosecond laser written optical waveguides in z-cut MgO:LiNbO3

crystal: Fabrication and optical damage investigation

Jinman Lv, Yazhou Cheng, Qingming Lu, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Xiaotao Hao, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 57, 169-173 (2016).

23.Green UP电子竞技俱乐部conversion and near-infrared luminescence of femtosecond-laser-written waveguides in Er3+, MgO co-doped nearly stoichiometric LiNbO3 crystal

Jinman Lv, Xiaotao Hao, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 24, 25482-25490 (2016).

24.Stress-induced waveguides in Nd:YAG by simultaneous double-beam irradiation with femtosecond pulses

Gabriel R. Castillo, Carolina Romero, Ginés Lifante, Daniel Jaque, Feng Chen, Óscar Varela, Enrique García, Cruz Méndez, Santiago Camacho-Lopez, and Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana

Optical Materials 51, 84-88 (2016).

25Ti:Sapphire microstructures by femtosecond laser inscription: Guiding and luminescence properties

Yingying Ren, Yang Jiao, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 58, 61-66 (2016).

26.Heuristic modelling of laser written mid-infrared LiNbO3 stressed-cladding waveguides

Huu-Dat Nguyen, Airán Ródenas, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Javier Martínez, Feng Chen, Magdalena Aguiló, Maria Cinta Pujol, and Francesc Díaz

Optics Express 24, 7777-7791 (2016).

27.A possible new Origin of long absorption tail in Nd-doped yttrium aluminum garnet induced by 15 MeV gold-ion irradiation and heat treatment

Hiro Amekura, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Journal of Applied Physics 119, 173104 (2016).

28.Electron-beam domain patterning on the nonpolarsurfaces of niobate crystals

T. R. Volk, L. S. Kokhanchik, R. V. Gainutdinov, Ya. V. Bodnarchuk, and Feng Chen

Ferroelectrics 500, 129-140 (2016).



《激光与光电子学进展》53, 010001 (2016).


1. Dual-wavelength waveguide lasers at 1064 and 1079 nm in Nd:YAP crystal by direct femtosecond laser writing

Weijie Nie, Chen Cheng, Yuechen Jia, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optics Letters 40, 2437-2440 (2015).

2. Graphene-based Y-branch laser in femtosecond laser written Nd:YAG waveguides

Hongliang Liu, Chen Cheng, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 23, 9730-9735 (2015).

3. Three-dimensional femtosecond laser fabrication of waveguide beam splitters in LiNb臭氧 crystal

Jinman Lv, Yazhou Cheng, Weihao Yuan, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 5, 1274-1280 (2015).

4. Mid-infrared ZnSe ridge waveguides fabricated by swift Kr8+ ion irradiation combined with precise diamond blade dicing

Yazhou Cheng, Jinman Lv, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 5, 2292-2299 (2015).

5. Waveguiding microstructures in Nd:YAG with cladding and inner dual-line configuration produced by femtosecond laser inscription

Hongliang Liu, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Blanca del Rosal Rabes, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 39, 125-129 (2015).

6. Optical ridge waveguides in Nd:CNGG disorder laser crystal produced by combination of ion irradiation and precise diamond blade dicing

Qingfang Luan, Yang Tan, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, Haohai Yu, Huaijin Zhang, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 39, 247-250 (2015).

7. Passively Q-switched Nd:YVO4 waveguide laser using graphene as a saturable absorber

Ruiyun He, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 46, 414–417 (2015).

8. Mid-infrared ridge waveguide in MgO:LiNb臭氧 crystal produced by combination of swift O5+ ion irradiation and precise diamond blade dicing

Yazhou Cheng, Jinman Lv, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, Yongfa Kong, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 48, 209-214 (2015).

9.Ridge waveguides in Nd:ABC3O7 disordered crystals produced by swift C5+ ion irradiation and precise diamond dicing: Broad band guidance and spectrosCOPIC properties

Chen Chen, Qingfang Luan, Ruiyun He, Chen Cheng, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, Haohai Yu, Huaijin Zhang, and Feng Chen

Optics \u0026 Laser Technology 68, 84-88 (2015).

10.Optical ridge waveguides in Yb:YAG laser crystal produced by combination of swift ion irradiation and femtosecond laser ablation

Yazhou Cheng, Jinman Lv, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Irene Hernández-Palmero, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Optics \u0026 Laser Technology 72, 100-103 (2015).

11.Focused ion-beam writing of channel waveguides in BGO crystal for telecommunication bands

Ruiyun He, Sudheer Kumar Vanga, Andrew A. Bettiol, and Feng Chen

Optical Engineering 54, 057108 (2015).

12.Superficial waveguide splitters fabricated by femtosecond laser writing of LiTa臭氧 crystal

Chen Cheng, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Feng Chen

Optical Engineering 54, 067113 (2015).

13.Dual-line optical waveguides in Cu:KNSBN crystal fabricated by direct femtosecond laser writing

Weijie Nie, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optical Engineering 54, 097106 (2015).

14.Quasi-three-level laser emission of doped disordered crystal waveguides

Yang Tan, Feng Chen, Javier Rodríguez Vázquez de Aldana, Haohai Yu, and Huaijin Zhang

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum 电子学 21, 1601905 (2015).

15.Bi2Se3 Q-switched Nd:YAG ceramic waveguide laser

Yang Tan, Han Zhang, Chujun Zhao, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Optics Letters 40, 637–640 (2015).

16.High-gain optical waveguide amplifier based on proton beam writing of Nd:YAG crystal

Yang Tan, Sudheer Kumar Vanga, Andrew A. Bettiol, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 23, 14612-14617 (2015).

17.Cladding-like waveguide structure in Nd:YAG crystal fabricated by multiple ion irradiation for enhanced waveguide lasing

Zhen Shang, Yang Tan, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 23, 27612-27617 (2015).

18.7.8 GHz Graphene-based 2 μm Monolithic Waveguide Laser

Yingying Ren, Graeme 褐色, Rose Mary, Giorgos Demetriou, Daniel Popa, Felice Torrisi, Andrea C. 法拉利, Feng Chen, and Ajoy K. Kar

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum 电子学 21, 1602106 (2015).

19.最优化 of waveguide structures for beam splitters fabricated in fused silica by direct femtosecond-laser inscription

Wei-Hao Yuan, JinMan Lv, Xiao-Tao Hao, and Feng Chen

Optics \u0026 Laser Technology 74, 60-64 (2015).

20.Waveguides and proportional beam splitters in bulk poly(甲基 methacrylate) produced by direct femtosecond-laser inscription

Wei-Hao Yuan, Jin-Man Lv, Chen Cheng, Xiao-Tao Hao, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 49, 110-115 (2015).

21.Microdomain patterns recorded by an electron beam in He-implanted optical waveguides on X-cut LiNbO3 crystals

Tatyana R. Volk, Lyudmila S. Kokhanchik, Radmir V. Gainutdinov, Yadviga V. Bodnarchuk, Stanislav M. Shandarov, Maxim V. Borodin, Sergey D. Lavrov, Hongliang Liu, and Feng Chen

IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 33, 4761-4766 (2015).

22.Quasi-phase-matched 频率 conversion in ridge waveguides fabricated by ion implantation and diamond dicing of MgO:LiNbO3 crystals

Lei Wang, Christian E. Rüter, Martin F. Volk, Feng Chen, and Detlef Kip

Optics Express 23, 30188-30194 (2015).

23.Fabrication of Microdomains and Microdomain Patterns by AFM Method in He-Implanted Optical Waveguides on - Niobate Crystals

Yadviga Bodnarchuk, Radmir Gainutdinov, Sergey Lavrov, Tatyana Volk, Feng Chen, and Hongliang Liu

Ferroelectrics 485, 1-12 (2015).


1. Optical waveguides in crystalline dielectric materials produced by femtosecond laser micromachining

Feng Chen and Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana

Laser \u0026 Photonics Reviews 8, 251-275 (2014).

(Selected as the Frontispiece featured article of the issue)

2. Monolithic crystalline cladding microstructures for efficient light guiding and beam manipulation in passive and active regimes

Yuechen Jia, Chen Cheng, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Gabriel R. Castillo, Blanca del Rosal Rabes, Yang Tan, Daniel Jaque, and Feng Chen

Scientific Reports 4, 5988 (2014).

3. Efficient lasing in continuous wave and graphene Q-switched regimes from Nd:YAG ridge waveguides produced by combination of swift heavy ion irradiation and femtosecond laser ablation

Yuechen Jia, Yang Tan, Chen Cheng, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 22, 12900–12908 (2014).

4. Efficient laser emission from cladding waveguide inscribed in Nd:GdVO4 crystal by direct femtosecond laser writing

Hongliang Liu, Yang Tan, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optics Letters 39, 4553-4556 (2014).

5. Three-dimensional dielectric crystalline waveguide beam splitters in mid-infrared band by direct femtosecond laser writing

Ruiyun He, Irene Hernández-Palmero, Carolina Romero, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 22, 31293–31298 (2014).

6. Optical ridge waveguides in 4H-碳化硅 single crystal produced by combination of ion irradiation and femtosecond laser ablation

Qingfang Luan, Yuechen Jia, Yutian Wang, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Yang Tan, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 4, 1166-1171 (2014).

7. Ultrafast laser inscribed cladding waveguides in Nd:YAG crystal for mid-infrared wavelength

Qiang An, Yuechen Jia, Hongliang Liu, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optics \u0026 Laser Technology 56, 382-386 (2014).

8. Channel waveguide lasers at 1064 nm in Nd:YAG crystal produced by C5+ ion irradiation with shadow masking

Yicun Yao, Yuechen Jia, Feng Chen, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, and Shengqiang Zhou

Applied Optics 53, 195-199 (2014).

9. Green up-conversion of swift C5+ ion irradiated planar waveguide in Er3+, MgO codoped nearly stoichiometric LiNbO3 crystal

Hongliang Liu, Yuechen Jia, Yingying Ren, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 320, 22-25 (2014).

10.Optical waveguides in LiTaO3 crystals fabricated by swift C5+ ion irradiation

Guiyuan Liu, Ruiyun He, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 325, 43-46 (2014).

11.Continuous-wave lasing at 1.06 μm in femtosecond laser written Nd:KGW waveguides

Hongliang Liu, Qiang An, Feng Chen, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Blanca del Rosal Rabes

Optical Materials 37, 93-96 (2014).

12.Femtosecond laser written double-cladding waveguides in Nd:GdVO4 crystal: Raman analysis, guidance and lasing

Hongliang Liu, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Magdalena Aguiló, Francesc Díaz, Feng Chen, and Airán Ródenas

Optical Engineering 53, 097105 (2014).

13.Proton beam writing of chalcogenide glass: A new approach for fabrication of channel waveguides at telecommunication O and C bands

Qiang An, Cheng Chen, Sudheer Kumar Vanga, Andrew A. Bettiol, and Feng Chen

IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 32, 3763-3767 (2014).

14.Guided-wave phase-matched second-harmonic generation in KTiOPO4 waveguide produced by swift heavy-ion irradiation

Yazhou Cheng, Yuechen Jia, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Optical Engineering 53, 117102 (2014).

15.Guided continuous-wave and graphene-based Q-switched lasers in ion irradiated Nd:YAG ceramic channel waveguide

Yang Tan, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, Shangqian Sun, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 22, 3572–3577 (2014).

16.Nd:YAG waveguide laser Q-switched by evanescent-field interaction with graphene

Yang Tan, Chen Cheng, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 22, 9101–9106 (2014).

17.Self-Q-switched waveguide laser based on femtosecond laser inscribed Nd:Cr:YVO4 crystal

Yang Tan, Yicun Yao, John R. Macdonald, Ajoy K. Kar, Haohai Yu, Huaijin Zhang, and Feng Chen

Optics Letters 39, 5289–5292 (2014).

18.Q-switched Nd:YAG channel waveguide laser through evanescent field interaction with surface coated graphene

Yang Tan, Ruiyun He, John R. Macdonald, Ajoy K. Kar, and Feng Chen

Applied Physics Letters 105, 101111 (2014).

19.Femtosecond laser written lithium niobate waveguide laser operating at 1085 nm

Yang Tan, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optical Engineering 53, 107109 (2014).

20.Polarization-dependent optical absorption of MoS2 for refractive index sensing

Yang Tan, Ruiyun He, Chen Cheng, Dong Wang, Yanxue Chen, and Feng Chen

Scientific Reports 4, 7523 (2014).

21.SAXS and TEM investigation of ion tracks in -doped yttrium aluminium garnet

M. D. Rodriguez, W. X. Li, F. Chen, C. Trautmann, T. Bierschenk, B. Afra, D. Schauries, R. C. Ewing, S. T. Mudie, and P. Kluth

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 326, 150-153 (2014).


1.Femtosecond laser inscribed double cladding waveguides in Nd:YAG crystal: a promising prototype for integrated lasers

Hongliang Liu, Feng Chen, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Daniel Jaque

Optics Letters 38, 3294–3297 (2013).

2.Channel waveguide lasers in Nd:LGS crystals

Yingying Ren, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Feng Chen, and Huaijin Zhang

Optics Express 21, 6503–6508 (2013).

3.Near-infrared lasers and self-频率doubling in Nd:YCOB cladding waveguides

Yingying Ren, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 21, 11562–11567 (2013).

4.Continuous wave laser operation in Nd:GGG depressed tubular cladding waveguides produced by inscription of femtosecond laser pulses

Hongliang Liu, Yuechen Jia, Feng Chen, and Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana

Optical Materials Express 3, 278-283 (2013).

5.Ridge waveguide lasers in Nd:YAG crystals produced by combining swift heavy ion irradiation and precise diamond blade dicing

Yuechen Jia, Christian E. Rüter, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, Feng Chen, and Detlef Kip

Optical Materials Express 3, 433-438 (2013).

6.Mid-infrared waveguides in sulfide crystal

Qiang An, Yingying Ren, Yuechen Jia, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 3, 466-471 (2013).

7.Second harmonic generation of violet light in femtosecond-laser-inscribed BiB3O6 cladding waveguides

Yuechen Jia, J. R. Vázquez de Aldana, Qingming Lu, D. Jaque, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 3, 1279-1284 (2013).

8.Efficient waveguide lasers in femtosecond laser inscribed double-cladding waveguides of Yb:YAG ceramics

Yuechen Jia, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 3, 645-650 (2013).

(Selected to be the cover image of the issue)

9.Femtosecond laser micromachining of lithium niobate depressed cladding waveguides

Ruiyun He, Qiang An, Yuechen Jia, Gabriel R. Castillo-Vega, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 3, 1378-1384 (2013).

10.Femtosecond laser micromachined optical waveguides in Bi4Ge3O12 crystals

Ruiyun He, Qiang An, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Qingming Lu, and Feng Chen

Applied Optics 52, 3713-3718 (2013).

11.Planar optical waveguide in SrTiO3 crystal fabricated by ion irradiation

Ruiyun He, Shuqian Sun, Miaomiao Xu, Feng Chen, Sh. Akhmadaliev, and Shengqiang Zhou

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 308, 6-8 (2013).

12.Femtosecond laser micromachined ridge waveguide lasers in Nd:YAG ceramics

Yuechen Jia, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 36, 228-231 (2013).

13.Proton or helium ion beam written channel waveguides in Nd:YAG ceramics

Yicun Yao, Chao Zhang, Sudheer Kumar Vanga, Andrew A. Bettiol, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 35, 2557-2560 (2013).

14.Enhanced second harmonic generation in femtosecond laser inscribed double-cladding waveguide of Nd:GdCOB crystal

Yuechen Jia, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Qingming Lu, Daniel Jaque and Feng Chen

Journal of Lightwave Technology 31, 3873-3878 (2013).

15.Femtosecond laser micromachined optical waveguides in LiTaO3 crystal

Miaomiao Xu, Ruiyun He, Shuqian Sun, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana and Feng Chen

Physica Status Solidi: Rapid Research Letters 7, 1014–1017 (2013).

16.Swift ion irradiated Nd:YAG ceramic optical waveguide amplifier

Yang Tan, Qingfang Luan, Fengqin Liu, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 21, 13992-13997 (2013).

17.Q-switched pulse laser generation from double-cladding Nd:YAG ceramics waveguides

Yang Tan, Qingfang Luan, Fengqin Liu, Feng Chen, and Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana

Optics Express 21, 18963-18968 (2013).

18.Tri-wavelength laser generation based on doped disordered crystal waveguide

Yang Tan, Feng Chen, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Haohai Yu, and Huaijin Zhang

Optics Express 21, 22263–22268 (2013).

19.Simultaneous generation of violet, 蓝色, and green lasers using Nd:YAl3(BO3)4 channel waveguides under pumping at 815 nm

Yang Tan, Qing-Fang Luan, Feng Chen, Daniel Jaque, and Javier Rodríguez Vázquez de Aldana

Physica Status Solidi: Rapid Research Letters 7, 1018–1021 (2013).



《中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学》43(7), 810-820 (2013)


1.Micro-and submicrometric waveguiding structures in optical crystals produced by ion beams for photonic applications

Feng Chen

Laser \u0026 Photonics Reviews 6, 622-640 (2012).

(Selected as the Backcover featured article of the issue)

2.Guided-wave second harmonics in Nd:YCOB optical waveguides for integrated green lasers

Yingying Ren, Yuechen Jia, Ningning Dong, Lilong Pang, Zhiguang Wang, Qingming Lu, and Feng Chen

Optics Letters 37, 244-246 (2012).

3.Continuous wave channel waveguide lasers in Nd:LuVO4 fabricated by direct femtosecond laser writing

Yingying Ren, Ningning 越南盾, John Macdonald, Feng Chen, Huaijin Zhang, and Ajoy K. Kar

Optics Express 20, 1969-1974 (2012).

4.Ridge waveguide lasers in Nd:GGG crystals produced by swift ion irradiation and femtosecond laser ablation

Yuechen Jia, Ningning 越南盾, Feng Chen, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Sh. Akhmadaliev, and Shengqiang Zhou

Optics Express 20, 9763-9768 (2012).

5.Efficient continuous-wave laser operation at 1064 nm in Nd:YVO4 cladding waveguides produced by femtosecond laser inscription

Yuechen Jia, Feng Chen, and Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana

Optics Express 20, 16801-16806 (2012).

6.Femtosecond laser inscribed cladding waveguides in Nd:YAG ceramics: Fabrication, fluorescence imaging and laser 表演

Hongliang Liu, Yuechen Jia, Javier Rodríguez Vázquez de Aldana, Daniel Jaque, and Feng Chen

Optics Express 20, 18620-18629 (2012).

7.Mid-infrared waveguide lasers in Rare地球 doped YAG

Yingying Ren, Graeme 褐色, Airán Ródenas, Stephen Beecher, Feng Chen, and Ajoy K. Kar

Optics Letters 37, 3339-3341 (2012).

8.Femtosecond-laser-inscribed BiB3O6 nonlinear cladding waveguide for second-harmonic generation

Yuechen Jia, Javier R. Vazquez de Aldana, Carolina Romero, Yingying Ren, Qingming Lu, and Feng Chen

Applied Physics Express 5, 072701 (2012).

9.Efficient second harmonic generation by birefringent phase matching in femtosecond laser inscribed KTP cladding waveguides

Ningning Dong, Feng Chen, and J. R. Vazquez de Aldana

Physica Status Solidi: Rapid Research Letters 6, 306-308 (2012).

(Selected as the Backcover featured article of the issue)

10.Photonic crystal structure in Nd:YAG laser crystals

Qiang An, Ningning 越南盾, Feng Chen and Weihua Lin

Optical Materials 34, 1811-1814 (2012).

11.Femtosecond laser micromachining of Nd:GdCOB ridge waveguides for second harmonic generation

Yuechen Jia, Feng Chen, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Sh. Akhmadaliev, and Shengqiang Zhou

Optical Materials 34, 1913-1916 (2012).

12.Buried channel waveguides in KTiOPO4 nonlinear crystal fabricated by focused He+ beam writing

Ningning 越南盾, Yicun Yao, Yuechen Jia, Feng Chen, Sudheer Kumar Vanga, Andrew Anthony Bettiol, and Qingming Lu

Optical Materials 35, 184-186 (2012).

13.Optical waveguides in Nd:GdVO4 crystals fabricated by swift N3+ ion irradiation

Ningning 越南盾, Yicun Yao, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 35, 310-313 (2012).

14.Optical channel waveguides in ZnSe single crystal produced by proton implantation

Yuechen Jia and Feng Chen

Optical Materials Express 2, 455-460 (2012).

15.Continuous wave ridge waveguide lasers in femtosecond laser micromachined ion irradiated Nd:YAG single crystals

Yuechen Jia, Ningning 越南盾, Feng Chen, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Sh. Akhmadaliev, and Shengqiang Zhou

Optical Materials Express 2, 657-662 (2012).

16.Optical damage of Zr:LiNbO3 waveguides produced by proton implantation

Chao Zhang, Jin Yang, Feng Chen, and Yongfa Kong

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 286, 209-212 (2012).

17.Low-loss optical waveguides and Y-branch splitters in niobate fabricated by MeV ions with low dose

Hui Hu, Fei Lu, Xue Lin Wang, Feng Chen, and Ke Ming Wang

Optics Express 20, 21114-21118 (2012).


1.Self-频率doubling of ultrafast laser inscribed doped yttrium aluminum borate waveguides

Ningning Dong, J. Martínez de Mendivil, E. Cantelar, G. Lifante, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, G. A. Torchia, Feng Chen, and Daniel Jaque

Applied Physics Letters 98, 181103 (2011)

2.Femtosecond laser writing of multifunctional optical waveguides in a Nd:YVO4+KTP hybrid system

Ningning 越南盾, Yang Tan, Antonio Benayas, Javier R. Vazquez de Aldana, Daniel Jaque, Carolina Romero, Feng Chen, and Qingming Lu

Optics Letters 36, 975-977 (2011)

3.Swift ion irradiated waveguide lasers in Nd:YAG crystal

Yingying Ren, Ningning 越南盾, Feng Chen, and Daniel Jaque

Optics Express 19, 5522-5527 (2011)

4.Channel waveguide lasers in Nd:GGG crystals fabricated by femtosecond laser inscription

Chao Zhang, Ningning Dong, Jin Yang, Feng Chen, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Qingming Lu

Optics Express 19, 12503-12508 (2011)

5.Second harmonic generation of swift ion irradiated Nd:GdCOB waveguides

Yingying Ren, Yuechen Jia, Feng Chen, Qingming Lu, Sh. Akhmadaliev, and Shengqiang Zhou

Optics Express 19, 12490-12495 (2011)

6.Micro second harmonic and Raman spectra of He+ implanted KTiOPO4 waveguides

Ningning 越南盾, Feng Chen, Daniel Jaque, and Qingming Lu

Optics Express 19, 13934-13939 (2011)

7.Proton beam writing of Nd:GGG crystals as new waveguide laser sources

Yicun Yao, Ningning Dong, Feng Chen, Sudheer Vanga, and Andrew A. Bettiol

Optics Letters 36, 4173-4175 (2011)

8.Efficient laser emissions at 1.06μm of swift heavy ion irradiated Nd:YCOB waveguides

Yingying Ren, Ningning 越南盾, Yuechen Jia, Lilong Pang, Zhiguang Wang, Qingming Lu, and Feng Chen

Optics Letters 36, 4521-4523 (2011)

* Selected as Spotlight paper.

9.Continuous wave waveguide lasers of swift ion irradiated Nd:YVO4 waveguides

Yicun Yao, Ningning 越南盾, Feng Chen, Lilong Pang, Zhiguang Wang and Qingming Lu

Optics Express 19, 24252-24257 (2011)

10.Channel waveguides preserving luminescence features in Nd3+:Y2O3 ceramics produced by ultrafast laser inscription

Ningning 越南盾, Yicun Yao, Feng Chen, and J. R. Vazquez de Aldana

Physica Status Solidi: Rapid Research Letters 5, 184-186 (2011)

11.Characterization of active waveguides fabricated by ultralow fluence swift heavy ion irradiation in niobate crystal

Ningning 越南盾, Feng Chen, Daniel Jaque, Antonio Benayas, Feng Qiu, and Tadashi Narusawa

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44, 105103 (2011)

12.Fluorescence-quenching free channel waveguides in Yb:YAG ceramics produced by ion implantation

Ningning 越南盾, Antonio Benayas, Daniel Jaque, Yang Tan, and Feng Chen

Journal of Lightwave Technology 29, 1460-1464 (2011)

13.Simultaneous dual-wavelength lasers at 1064 and 1342 nm in femtosecond-laser written Nd:YVO4 channel waveguides

Yang Tan, Yuechen Jia, Feng Chen, J. R. Vázquez de Aldana, and D. Jaque

Journal of Optical Society of America B 28, 1607-1610 (2011)

14.Room-温度 continuous wave laser oscillations in Nd:YAG ceramic waveguides produced by ion implantation

Y. Tan, C. Zhang, F. Chen, F.-Q. Liu, D. Jaque, and Q.-M. Lu

Applied Physics B 103, 837-840 (2011)

15.Two-wave mixing of ion-implanted photorefractive waveguides in near-stoichiometric Fe:LiNbO3 crystals

Baogang Peng, Yang Tan, Feng Chen and Detlef Kip

Optical Materials 33, 773-776 (2011)

16.Planar optical waveguides in Bi4Ge3O12 crystal fabricated by swift heavy ion irradiation

Jin Yang, Chao Zhang, Feng Chen , Sh. Akhmadaliev, and Shengqiang Zhou

Applied Optics 50, 6678-6681 (2011)

17.NIR-to-NIR two-photon excited CaF2:Tm3+,Yb3+ nanoparticles: multifunctional nanoprobes for highly penetrating fluorescence bioimaging

Ning-Ning 越南盾, Marco Pedroni, Fabio Piccinelli, Giamaica Conti, Andrea Sbarbati, Juan Hernandez, Laura Maestro, M. Carmen Iglesias de la Cruz, Francisco Sanz Rodriguez, Angeles Juarranz, Feng Chen, Fiorenzo Vetrone, John Capobianco, Jose Garcia Sole, Marco Bettinelli, Daniel Jaque, Adolfo Speghini

ACS Nano 5, 8665-8671 (2011)

18.Buried channel waveguides in -doped KGd(WO4)2 fabricated by low-repetition-rate femtosecond laser writing

Xiaoyu Liu, Shiliang Qu, Yang Tan, Chao Zhang, and Feng Chen

Applied Physics B 103, 145-149 (2011)

19.Evanescent coupling in buried planar waveguides array written by femtosecond laser in doped yttrium lithium 氟化物 (Nd:YLiF4)

Xiaoyu Liu, Shiliang Qu, Yang Tan and Feng Chen

Journal of Physics D 44, 495101 (2011)

20.Ultrafast laser inscription of optical waveguides in ceramic Yb:YAG: a study of thermal and non-thermal regimes

A. Benayas, W. F. da Silva, A. Ródenas, C. Jacinto, J. Vázquez de Aldana, F. Chen, Y. Tan, R. R. Thomsom, A. K. Kar, N. D. Psaila, D. T. Reid, G. A. Torchia, and D. Jaque

Applied Physics A 104, 301-309 (2011)

21.Preservation of fluorescence and Raman gain in the buried channel waveguides in doped KGd(WO4)2 (Nd:KGW) by femtosecond laser writing

Xiaoyu Liu, Shiliang Qu, Yang Tan and Feng Chen

Applied Optics 50, 930-934 (2011)

22.Thermal optimization and erasing of Nd:YAG proton beam written waveguides

Antonio Benayas, Ningning Dong, Yicun Yao, Feng Chen, Andrew Anthony Bettiol, and Daniel Jaque

Optics Letters 36, 3278-3280 (2011)

23.Formation of Quasi-Regular Diffraction Patterns in the Nonlinear Photorefractive Fabry−Perot Interferometers

A. S. Perin, V. M. Shandarov, and Feng Chen

Physics of Wave Phenomena 19, 251-255 (2011)


1.Proton implanted optical channel waveguides in Nd:YAG laser ceramics

Yang Tan and Feng Chen

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43, 075105 (2010)

2. ion implanted Nd:MgO:LiNbO3 optical channel waveguides: an intermediate step between light and heavy ion implanted waveguides

Ning-Ning Dong, Feng Chen and Daniel Jaque

Optics Express 18, 5951-5956 (2010)

3.Optical ridge waveguides preserving the thermo-optic features in LiNbO3 crystals fabricated by combination of proton implantation and selective wet etching

Yang Tan and Feng Chen

Optics Express 18, 11444-11449 (2010)

4.Optical waveguides in Nd:GGG crystals produced by H+ or C3+ ion implantation

Ying-Ying Ren, Feng Chen, Qing-Ming Lu, and Hong-Ji Ma

Applied Optics 49, 2085-2089 (2010)

5.Continuous wave laser generation at 1064 nm in femtosecond laser inscribed Nd:YVO4 channel waveguides

Yang Tan , Feng Chen, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Gustavo A. Torchia, Antonio Benayas, and Daniel Jaque

Applied Physics Letters 97, 031119 (2010)

6.Optical channel waveguides in Nd:LGS laser crystals produced by proton implantation

Yingying Ren, Yang Tan, Feng Chen, Daniel Jaque, Huaijin Zhang, Jiyang Wang, and Qingming Lu

Optics Express 18, 16258-16263 (2010)

7.Swift heavy ion irradiated active waveguides in Nd:YAG crystals: fabrication and laser generation

Yingying Ren, Ningning Dong, Feng Chen, A. Benayas, D. Jaque, Feng Qiu, and Tadashi Narusawa

Optics Letters 35, 3276-3278 (2010)

8.Continuous wave Nd:YAG channel waveguide laser produced by focused proton beam writing

Yicun Yao, Yang Tan, Ningning Dong, Feng Chen, and Andrew A. Bettiol

Optics Express 18, 24516-24521 (2010)

9.70% slope efficiency from an ultrafast laser-written Nd:GdVO4 channel waveguide laser

Yang Tan, Airan Rodenas, Feng Chen, Robert R. Thomson, Ajoy K. Kar, Daniel Jaque, and Qingming Lu

Optics Express 18, 24994-24999 (2010)

10.Engineering of thermo-optic properties in ion implanted lithium niobate waveguides by electronic stopping 功率

Yang Tan and Feng Chen

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43, 485104 (2010)

11.Continuous Wave Laser Generation in Proton Implanted Nd:GGG Planar Waveguides

Yingying Ren, Ningning Dong, Yang Tan, Jing Guan, Feng Chen, and Qingming Lu

Journal of Lightwave Technology 28, 3578-3581 (2010)

12.Femtosecond laser written stress-induced Nd:YVO4 waveguides preserving fluorescence and Raman gain

W. F. Silva, C. Jacinto, A. Benayas, J. R. Vazquez de Aldana, G. A. Torchia, F. Chen, Y. Tan, and D. Jauqe

Optics Letters 35, 916-918 (2010)

13.Ultrafast laser inscription of bistable and reversible waveguides in Strontium Barium Niobate crystals

D. Jaque, N. D. Psaila, R. R. Thomson, F. Chen, L.M. Maestro, A. Ródenas, D. T. Reid, and A. K. Kar

Applied Physics Letters 96, 191104 (2010)

14.Observation of linear and nonlinear strongly localized modes at phase-slip defects in one-dimensional photonic lattices

Petra P. Belicev, Igor Ilic, Milutin Stepic, Aleksandra Maluckov, Yang Tan, and Feng Chen

Optics Letters 35, 3099-3101 (2010)

15.1×4-Branch waveguide 功率 splitters in lithium niobate by means of multi-能量 O ion implantation

Jin-Hua Zhao, Xue-Lin Wang, and Feng Chen

Optical Materials 32, 1441-1445 (2010)

16.Micro-structuring of Nd:YAG crystals by proton beam writing

A. Benayas, D. Jaque, Y. Yao, F. Chen, A. A. Bettiol, A. Rodenas, and A. K. Kar

Optics Letters 35, 3898-3900 (2010)

* Research highlight, see News \u0026 Views by R. Won, Nature Photonics 5, 74 (2011)

17.Quasi-one-dimensional photonic lattices and superlattices in lithium niobate: Linear and nonlinear discrete diffraction of light

S. A. Davydov, P. A. Trenikhin, V. M. Shandarov, K. V. Shandarova, D. Kip, Ch. Rueter, and F. Chen

Physics of Wave Phenomena 18, 1-6 (2010)


1.Ion implanted optical channel waveguides in neodymium doped yttrium aluminum garnet transparent ceramics

Feng Chen, Yang Tan and Daniel Jaque

Optics Letters 34, 28-30 (2009)

[See also the report from MRS Bulletin 34, 75-76 (2009)]

2.Photorefractive properties of optical waveguides in Fe:LiNbO3 crystals produced by O3+ ion implantation

Y. Tan, F. Chen, and D. Kip

Applied Physics B 94, 467-471 (2009)

3.Proton implanted optical channel waveguides in Nd3+:MgO:LiNbO3: fabrication, guiding properties and luminescence investigation

N. N. Dong, F. Chen, Y. Tan, and Y. X. Kong

Applied Physics B 94, 283-287 (2009)

4.Ion implanted optical stripe waveguides in neodymium doped 一水合醋酸钙 niobate crystals

Yang Tan, Feng Chen, Daniel Jaque, Wen-Lan Gao, Huai-Jin Zhang, Jose Garcia Solé, and Hong-Ji Ma

Optics Letters 34, 1438-1440 (2009)

5.Gap solitons in defocusing lithium niobate binary waveguide arrays fabricated by proton implantation and selective light illumination

Y. Tan, F. Chen, P. P. Belicev, M. Stepić, A. Maluckov, C. E. Rüter, and D. Kip

Applied Physics B 95, 531-535 (2009)

6.Optical channel waveguide in Nd/Ce codoped YAG laser crystal produced by ion implantation

Yan-Xia Kong, Feng Chen, Daniel Jaque, Qing-Ming Lu, and Hong-Ji Ma

Applied Optics 48, 4514-4518 (2009)

7.Photonic guiding structures in lithium niobate crystals produced by energetic ion beams

Feng Chen

Journal of Applied Physics 106, 081101 (2009)

[Focused review article, see also the cover image of J. Appl. Phys. vol. 106, issue 8, (2009)]

8.-Ion-Implanted Nd, MgO-Codoped Near-Stoichiometric Niobate Optical Waveguides

Ning-Ning Dong, Yang Tan, Yan-Xia Kong, Feng Chen and Hong-Ji Ma

Journal of the Korean Physical Society 55, 2701-2704 (2009)

9.Anisotropic lattice changes in femtosecond laser inscribed Nd3+:MgO:LiNbO3 optical waveguides

A. Ródenas, L. M. Maestro, M. O. Ramírez, G. A. Torchia, L. Roso, F. Chen, and D. Jaque

Journal of Applied Physics 106, 013110 (2009)

10.High resolution fluorescence imaging of damage regions in H+ ion implanted Nd:MgO:LiNbO3 channel waveguides

Daniel Jaque and Feng Chen

Applied Physics Letters 94, 011109 (2009)


1.Construction of two-dimensional waveguides in insulating optical materials by means of ion beam implantation for photonic applications: Fabrication methods and research progress

Feng Chen

Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 33, 165-182 (2008)

2.Active waveguide in Nd3+:MgO:LiNbO3 crystal produced by low-dose ion implantation

Feng Chen, Yang Tan, Daniel Jaque, Lei Wang, Xue-Lin Wang, and Ke-Ming Wang

Applied Physics Letters 92, 021110 (2008).

3.Ion implanted optical channel waveguides in Er3+/MgO co-doped near stoichiometric LiNbO3: a new candidate for active integrated photonic devices operating at 1.5 μm

Feng Chen, Yang Tan, and Airon Ródenas

Optics Express 16, 16209-16214 (2008)

4.Diverse mechanism of refractive index modification in doped KGd(WO4)2 crystal induced by MeV He+ or C3+ ion implantation for waveguide construction

Feng Chen, Yang Tan, Lei Wang, Xue-Lin Wang, Ke-Ming Wang and Qing-Ming Lu

Journal of Applied Physics 103, 083123 (2008)

5.Low-dose ion implanted active waveguides in Nd3+ doped near-stoichiometric niobate: promising candidates for near infrared integrated laser

Feng Chen, Daniel Jaque, Yang Tan, Shu-Hua Yao, and Hong Liu

Physica Status Solidi: Rapid Research Letters 2, 141-143 (2008)

6.Optical channel waveguides with trapezoidal-shaped cross sections in KTiOPO4 crystal fabricated by ion implantation

Feng Chen, Yang Tan, Lei Wang, 越南盾Chao Hou, and Qing-Ming Lu

Applied surface Science 254, 1822-1824 (2008)

7.Optical channel waveguides in KTiOPO4 crystal produced by proton implantation

Yang Tan, Feng Chen, Lei Wang, Xue-Lin Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, and Qing-Ming Lu

Journal of Lightwave Technology 26, 1034-1037 (2008)

8. Formation of reconfigurable optical channel waveguides and beam splitters on top of proton-implanted niobate crystals using spatial dark soliton-like structures

Yang Tan, Feng Chen, Xue-Lin Wang, Lei Wang, V. M. Shandarov and D. Kip

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41, 102001 (2008)

9.Thermal stability of -ion-implanted Nd:YVO4 optical planar waveguide

Yang Tan, Feng Chen, Lei Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, and Qing-Ming Lu

Journal of Korean Physical Society 52, S80-83 (2008)

10.Reconfigurable optical channel waveguides in lithium niobate crystals produced by combination of low-dose O3+ ion implantation and selective white light illumination

Yang Tan, Feng Chen, Milutin Stepić, Vladimir Shandarov and Detlef Kip

Optics Express 16, 10465-10470 (2008)

11.Low-dose O3+ ion implanted active optical planar waveguides in Nd:YAG crystals: guiding properties and micro-luminescence

Yan-Xia Kong, Feng Chen, D. Jaque, Yang Tan, Ning-Ning Dong, Qing-Ming Lu and Hong-Ji Ma

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41, 175112 (2008)

12.Scanning confocal fluorescence imaging and micro-Raman investigations of implanted channel waveguides in Nd:MgO:LiNbO3

Daniel Jaque, Feng Chen, and Yang Tan

Applied Physics Letters 92, 161908 (2008)

13.Modulational instability and solitary waves in one-dimensional lattices with intensity-resonant nonlinearity

M. Stepic, A. Maluckov, M. Stojanovic, F. Chen and D. Kip

Physical Review A 78, 043819 (2008)

14.Reconstruction of extraordinary refractive index profiles of optical planar waveguides with single or double modes fabricated by O2+ ion implantation into niobate

Xiangzhi Liu, Fei Lu, Feng Chen, Yang Tan, Ruifeng Zhang, Hanping Liu, Lei Wang and Liangling Wang

Optics Communications 281, 1529-1533 (2008)

15.1.54 μm photoluminescence emission at room-温度 of implanted lithium niobate crystal

Gang Fu, Shi-Ling Li, Xue-Lin Wang, Feng Chen, Ke-Ming Wang and Fei Lu

Journal of Korean Physical Society 52, S5-7 (2008)

16.Annealing characteristics of planar waveguides in lanthanum silicate crystal by implantation

Xue-Lin Wang, Feng Chen, Lei Wang and Ke-Ming Wang

Journal of Korean Physical Society 52, S116-119 (2008)

17.Formation of planar waveguide in BiB3O6 crystal by MeV implantation

Lei Wang, Feng Chen, Xue-Lin Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, Qing-Ming Lu and Hong-Ji Ma

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266, 899-903 (2008)

18.Linear and nonlinear light localization within photorefractive photonic superlattices in lithium niobate

K. V. Shandarova, V. M. Shandarov, E. V. Smirnov, D. Kip, Ch. Rüter, Y. Tan, and F. Chen

Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 72, 1617-1619 (2008)

19.Formation of dark spatial solitons in planar ion-implanted niobate waveguides

V. G. Kruglov, V. M. Shandarov, Y. Tan, F. Chen and D. Kip

Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 72, 1620-1622 (2008)

20.Dark photovoltaic spatial solitons in a planar waveguide obtained by proton implantation in niobate

V. G. Kruglov, V. M. Shandarov, Y. Tan, F. Chen and D. Kip

Quantum 电子学 38, 1045-1047 (2008)

21.Discrete diffraction of light in optically induced bulk and planar photonic superlattices in photorefractive lithium niobate

A. V. Gusev, A. V., Kanshu, K. V. Shandarova, V. M. Shandarov, E. V. Smirnov, D. Kip, C. Rueter, Y. Tan, F. Chen

Russian Physics Journal 51, 943-948 (2008)


1. Characterization of optical planar waveguide in Ce:KNSBN crystal formed by triple-能量 helium ion implantation

Feng Chen, Lei Wang, Chuan-Lei Jia, Qing-Ming Lu, Xue-Lin Wang, and Ke-Ming Wang

Applied surface Science 253, 3589-3594 (2007).

2. Development of Ion Implanted Optical Waveguides in Optical Materials: A Review

Feng Chen, Xue-Lin Wang, and Ke-Ming Wang

Optical Materials 29, 1523-1542 (2007).

3. ion implanted optical channel waveguides in Nd:MgO:LiNbO3: Fabrication, characterization and simulation

Feng Chen, Yang Tan, Lei Wang, Qing-Ming Lu and Hong-Jia Ma

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40, 5824-5827 (2007)

4. Optical ridge waveguides in SBN crystal produced by low-dose ion implantation followed by a sputter etching technique

Y. Tan, F. Chen, and H. -J. Zhang

Optics Express 15, 16696-16701 (2007)

5. Experimental observation and numerical simulation of guided modes in Nd:YLiF4 channel waveguides produced by ion implantation

Yang Tan and Feng Chen

Physica Status Solidi: Rapid Research Letters 1, 277-279 (2007)

(Selected as the Backcover featured article of the issue)

6. Carbon ion implanted optical waveguides in Nd:YLiF4 crystal: refractive index profiles and thermal stability

Yang Tan, Feng Chen, Lei Wang, and Yang Jiao

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260, 567-570 (2007)

7. Optical planar waveguides in Nd:YLiF4 crystal fabricated by proton implantation

Yang Tan, Feng Chen, Lei Wang, and Qing-Ming Lu

Physica Status Solidi (a) 204, 3170-3173 (2007)

8. Ridge optical waveguide in an Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped 磷酸盐 glass produced by He+ ion implantation combined with Ar+ ion beam etching

Yang Tan, Feng Chen, Li-Li Hu, pengFei Xing, Yan-Xue Chen, Xue-Lin Wang, and Ke-Ming Wang

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40, 6545-6548 (2007)

9. Low-loss planar and stripe waveguides in Nd3+-doped silicate glass produced by ion implantation

Lei Wang, Feng Chen, Xue-Lin Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, Yang Jiao, Liang-Ling Wang, Xi-Shan Li, Qing-Ming Lu, Hong-Ji Ma, and Rui Nie

Journal of Applied Physics 101, 053112 (2007)

10. Fabrication of waveguides in Yb:YCOB crystal by MeV ion implantation

Yang Jiao, Feng Chen, Xue-Lin Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, Lei Wang, Liang-Ling Wang, Huai-Jin Zhang, Qing-Ming Lu, Hong-Jia Ma, and Rui Nie

Applied surface Science 253, 7360-7364 (2007)

11. Selective etching in LiNbO3 combined of MeV O and Si ion implantation with wet-etch technique

Lei Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, Xue-Lin Wang, Feng Chen, Yi Jiang, Chuan-Lei Jia, Yang Jiao, Fei Lu, Ding-Yu Shen, Hong-Ji Ma and Rui Nie

surface and Coatings Technology 201, 5081-5084 (2007)

12. Optical waveguide in stoichiometric lithium niobate formed by 500 keV proton implantation

L. Wang, K. -M. Wang, F. Chen, X. -L. Wang, L. -L. Wang, H. Liu, and Q. -M. Lu

Optics Express 15, 16880-16885 (2007)

13. Reconstruction of extraordinary refractive index profile of O2+ ion-implanted LiNbO3 single-mode channel waveguide based on beam propagation method and image processing

Xiangzhi Liu, Fei Lu, Feng Chen, Ruifeng Zhang, Hanping Liu, Lei Wang, Gang Fu, and Haisong Wang

Optics Communications 274, 80-84 (2007)

14. Optical Properties of KTaxNb1-xO3 Waveguides Formed by Carbon and Proton Implantation

Liang-Ling Wang, Xue-Lin Wang, Feng Chen, Ke-Ming Wang, Fei Lu, Huai-Jin Zhang, Xu-Ping Wang, and Hong-Ji Ma

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 46, 5885-5888 (2007)

15. Model of refractive-index changes in lithium niobate waveguides fabricated by ion implantation

Yi Jiang, Ke-Ming Wang, Xue-Lin Wang, Feng Chen, Chuan-Lei Jia, Lei Wang, Yang Jiao, and Fei Lu

Physical Review B 75, 195101 (2007)

16. The formation of double waveguides in KTP crystal combined by ion exchange and ion implantation

Liang-Ling Wang, Fei Lu, Ke-Ming Wang, Feng Chen, Xue-Lin Wang, Lei Wang, Yang Jiao, and Qing-Ming Lu

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40, 3358-3362 (2007)


1. Optical channel waveguides in Nd:YVO4 crystal produced by O+ ion implantation

Feng Chen, Lei Wang, Yi Jiang, Xue-Lin Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, Gang Fu, Qing-Ming Lu, Christian E. Rüter, and Detlef Kip

Applied Physics Letters 88, 071123 (2006).

2.Channel waveguide array in Ce-doped barium niobate crystal fabricated by He+ ion implantation

Feng Chen, Lei Wang, Xue-Lin Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, and Qing-Ming Lu

Applied Physics Letters 89, 191102 (2006).

3. Optical Planar Waveguides in KTiOPO4 Crystals by MeV Ion Implantation

Feng Chen, Ke-Ming Wang, Xue-Lin Wang, Lei Wang, Yang Jiao, Liang-Ling Wang, Qing-Ming Lu, Hong-Ji Ma, and Rui Nie

Chinese Physics Letters 23, 1501-1503 (2006).

4. Si2+ ion implanted into stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals: Waveguide characterization and lattice disorder analysis

Lei Wang, Feng Chen, Xue-Lin Wang, Liang-Ling Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, Lei Gao, Hong-Ji Ma and Rui Nie

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 251, 104-108 (2006)

5. Channel waveguides of LiNbO3 crystals fabricated by low-dose ion implantation

Xue-Lin Wang, Feng Chen, Lei Wang, and Yang Jiao

Journal of Applied Physics 100, 056106 (2006)

6. Formation of waveguides in LiNbO3 by 6.0 MeV F3+ implantation

Chuan-Lei Jia, Yi Jiang, Xue-Lin Wang, Feng Chen, Lei Wang, Yang Jiao, Ke-Ming Wang,Fei Lu,Ding-Yu Shen, Hong-Ji Ma, and Rui Nie

Journal of Applied Physics 100, 033505 (2006)

7. Property study of lithium niobate implanted by Nd and O ions

Yi Jiang, Ke-Ming Wang, Xue-Lin Wang, Feng Chen, Fei Lu, Chuan-Lei Jia, Lei Wang, Yang Jiao, Liang-Ling Wang, and Hong-Ji Ma

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 246, 364-368 (2006)

8. The optical properties of planar waveguides in LiB3O5 crystals formed by Cu+ implantation

Yi Jiang, Chuan-Lei Jia, Lei Wang, Xue-Lin Wang, Feng Chen, Ke-Ming Wang, Qing-Ming Lu, Hong-Ji Ma and Ding-Yu Shen

Applied surface Science 253, 2674-2677 (2006)

9. Optical waveguide formed in RbTiOPO4 crystal by 6.0 MeV O3+ implantation

JIAO Yang, WANG Ke-Ming, WANG Xue-Lin, CHEN Feng, WANG Lei, WANG Liang-Ling, LU Qing-Ming, MA Hong-Ji and NIE Rie

Chinese Physics Letters 23, 3327-3330 (2006)


1. Discrete diffraction and spatial gap solitons in photovoltaic LiNbO3 waveguide arrays

Feng Chen, Milutin Stepić, Christian E. Rüter, Daniel Runde, Detlef Kip, Vladimir Shandarov, Ofer Manela, and Mordechai Segev

Optics Express 13, 4314-4324 (2005)

2. Property investigation of C+-ion-implanted LiNbO3 planar optical waveguides

F. Chen, H. Hu, X.L. Wang, F. Lu, and K.M. Wang

Journal of Applied Physics 98, 044507 (2005).

3. Bi-layer optical waveguide formed by double boron ion implantation into barium niobate crystal

Feng Chen, Xue-Lin Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, Qing-Ming Lu, Fei Lu, Ding-Yu Shen, and Hong-Ji Ma

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 234, 467-470 (2005)

4. Planar optical waveguide fabricated by ion implantation into AgGaS2 crystal

Feng Chen, Qing-Ming Lu, Fei Lu, Gang Fu, Xue-Lin Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, Ding-Yu Shen, Hong-Ji Ma, and Rui Nie

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 239, 356-360 (2005)

5. Optical properties of stoichiometric LiNbO3 waveguides formed by low-dose ion implantation

Xue-Lin Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, Feng Chen, Gang Fu, Shi-Ling Li, Hong Liu, Lei Gao, Ding-Yu Shen, Hong-Ji Ma, and Rui Nie

Applied Physics Letters 86, 041103 (2005)

6. Low loss waveguide in Nd3+-doped silicate glass fabricated by ion implantation

Shi-Ling Li, Ke-Ming Wang, Feng Chen, Xue-Lin Wang, Gang Fu, Qing-Ming Lu, Li-Li Hu, Ding-Yu Shen, Hong-Ji Ma, and Rui Nie

Surface Coatings and Technology 200, 598-601 (2005)

7. Optical Waveguide in Gd0:275Y0:725Ca4O(BO3)3 Crystals Formed by MeV He Ion Implantation

Qin Xi-Feng, Wang Xue-Ling, LiShi-Ling, Hu Hui, Chen Feng, Wang Ke-Ming, Shen Ding-Yu, and Liu Yao-Gang

Chinese Physics Letters 22, 978-980 (2005)

8. Optical planar waveguide fabricated in Nd:LuVO4 crystal by MeV implantation

Xue-Lin Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, Gang Fu, Shi-Ling Li, Feng Chen, Fei Lu, Huai-Jin Zhang, Hai-Kuan Kong, Ji-Yang Wang,Xian-Gang Xu, Ding-Yu Shen, Hong-Ji Ma, and Rui Nie

Optics Express 13, 675-680 (2005)

9. Double waveguide in NdLiP4O12 laser crystal formed by MeV He+ ion implantation

K.M. Wang, F. Chen, H. Hu, X.L. Wang, B.R. Shi, Q.M. Lu, C.Q. Ma, and D.Y. Shen

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 227, 271-274 (2005)

10. Property studies of optical waveguide formed by 6.0MeV carbon ion implantation into Nd:silicate glass

Shi-Ling Li, Ke-Ming Wang, Feng Chen, Xue-Lin Wang, Gang Fu, Qing-Ming Lu, Li-Li Hu, Ding-Yu Shen, and Hong-Ji Ma

Journal of Physics D 38, 2899-2903 (2005).


1. Optical Waveguides Formed in Nd:YVO4 by MeV Si+ Implantation

Feng Chen, Xue-Lin Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, Qing-Ming Lu, and Ding-Yu Shen

Applied Physics Letters 80, 3473-3475 (2002).

2. Ion-Implanted Nd:YVO4 Planar Waveguide: Refractive Index Characterization and Propagation Mode Reduction

Feng Chen, Xue-Lin Wang, Ke-Ming Wang, Qing-Ming Lu, and Ding-Yu Shen

Optics Letters 27, 1111-1113 (2002).

3. Monomode, Nonleaky Planar Waveguides in a Nd3+-Doped Silicate Glass Produced by Ion Implantation at Low Dose

Feng Chen, Ke-Ming Wang, Xue-Lin Wang, Xi-Shan Li, Qing-Ming Lu, Ding-Yu Shen, and Rui Nie

Journal of Applied Physics 92, 2959-2961 (2002).

4. Property Study of Si+ Ion-Implanted Nd:YVO4 Waveguides

F. Chen, X. -L. Wang, Q. -M. Lu, G. Fu, S. -L. Li, K. -M. Wang, D. -Y. Shen, and R. Nie

Applied Physics B 75, 895-897 (2002).

5. Formation of Planar Optical Waveguide by MeV He+ and P+ Ion-Implanted into BiB3O6 Crystal

Feng Chen, Hui Hu, Ke-Ming Wang, Bing Teng, Ji-Yang Wang, Qing-Ming Lu, and Ding-Yu Shen

Optics Letters 26, 1993-1995 (2001).



2002年度 山东大学优秀博士学位论文

2003年度 山东省优秀博士学位论文

2003年度 德国洪堡基金会科研奖学金(洪堡学者)

2008年度 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者

2008年度 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学)二等奖(第一位完成人)


2009年度 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者

2010年度 国务院政府特殊津贴

2018年度 山东省自然科学二等奖(第一完成人)


2019年度 国家百千万人才工程(有突出贡献中青年专家)











美国光学学会(Optica, OSA)会士(Fellow)



2012年度 山东省优秀博士学位论文指导教师

2012年度 山东大学优秀博士学位论文指导奖

2013年度 山东大学优秀博士学位论文指导奖

2013年度 山东省优秀博士学位论文指导教师

2014年度 山东大学优秀博士学位论文指导奖

2014年度 山东省优秀博士学位论文指导教师

2015年度 全国光学优秀博士学位论文提名优秀论文指导教师

2016年度 山东大学优秀博士学位论文指导奖

2016年度 山东省优秀博士学位论文指导教师

2016年度 全国光学优秀博士学位论文提名优秀论文指导教师

2017年度 山东大学优秀博士学位论文指导奖

2017年度 山东省省优秀博士学位论文指导教师

2019年度 山东大学优秀博士学位论文指导奖

2019年度 山东大学优秀本科毕业论文(设计)指导奖

2019年度 山东省优秀博士学位论文指导教师

2021年度 山东大学优秀博士学位论文指导奖

2021年度 山东省优秀博士学位论文指导教师























美国光学学会(OSA)高级会员(Senior Member)


“Optical Engineering”副编辑(Associate Editor)

“Scientific Reports”编委(Editorial Board Member)


CLEO系列国际会议:激光-物质相互作用与材料处理(Light-Matter Interactions and Materials Processing)分委员会委员

CLEO/Europe系列国际会议:光纤与波长激光放大器(Fibre and Guided Wave Lasers and Amplifiers)分委员会委员


Laser Photonics Rev.、ACS Nano、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Appl. Phys. Lett.、Opt. Lett.、Opt. Express、Sci. Rep.等40余种SCI期刊审稿人





陈峰 山东大学主页平台管理系统--中文主页.山东大学.2021-12-06


Feng Chen 山东大学主页平台管理系统--Home.山东大学.2021-12-06

目录 22
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