温之平 :温之平

更新时间:2024-09-20 15:19




现兼任国际气象学大气科学协会中国委员会(CNC-IAMAS)委员、世界气候研究计划中国国家委员会(CNC-WCRP)委员、全球能量与水分循环计划中国委员会(CNC-GEWEX)委员、国际地圈生物圈计划CNC-IGBP-GAIM工作组成员。中国气象学会理事、中国气象学会热带海洋气象学委员会副主任、中国气象学会气候学委员会委员、中国气象学会动力气象学委员会委员、中国气象学统计气象学委员会委员、中国气象学会气象教育与培训委员会委员。广东省省气象学会副理事长、广东省气象标准化委员会副主任。中国气象局-南京大学气候预测研究联合实验室首届学术委员会委员、中国科学院大气物理研究所季风系统研究中心学术委员会委员、中国科学院寒旱区陆面过程与气候变化重点实验室学术委员会委员、兰州国际环境蠕变研究中心学术委员会委员。《Advance in Atmospheric Sciences》、《大气科学》、《大气科学学报》、《高原气象》、《气象科学》等杂志编委。《Journal of Climate》、《Climate Dynamics》、《Journal of Geophysical Research》、《Geophysical Research letters》、《Monthly Weather Review》、《International Journal of Climatology》等国际重要期刊审稿人。


1980-1984年 在杭州大学读本科

1987-1990年 在中山大学大气科学系天气动力学专业读硕士学

1997-2005年 在职攻读中国科学院大气物理研究所博士学位


1984-1987年 江西农业大学任助教

·1990-1991年 中山大学大气科学系任助教,其中,1992年11月至1993年3月参加世界气候研究计划之“热带海洋和全球大气研究计划-耦合海洋大气研究试验”(TOGA-COARE);2004年6月在意大利国际理论物理研究中心(ICTP)进行短期访问。

·1992-现在 中山大学大气科学系任讲师、副教授、教授


1. 本科生课程:热带天气学

2. 研究生课程:热带大气动力学

3. 博士生课程:现代热带气象学、季风动力学


1. 季风气象学

2. 海-气和陆-气相互作用

3. 气候诊断与数值模拟

4. 气候动力学

5. 全球气候变化及区域响应






3. 面上项目:春季欧亚中高纬大气环流异常对南海夏季风爆发的影响(41175076),2012.1.-2015.12,项目负责人。

4. 面上项目:南海夏季风建立迟早年际变化的机制研究 (40275026),2003.1.-2005.12.,项目负责人;已完成。



2. 子课题:(1)西太平洋海气相互作用与台风年际变率的关系(2006-2011),负责人,已完成:(2)季风年际变化的物理过程及其机制的研究(1999.-2003),负责人,已完成;(3)引发华南前汛期暴雨的气候背景研究”(2003.-2008),负责人,已完成。


1. 专题:青藏高原地表和大气热源对我国南方旱涝的影响(2014-2017),负责人,在研。





1.Jiabao Wang,Zhiping Wen*, Renguang Wu, Yuanyuan Guo, Zesheng Chen. 2015: The mechanism of growth of the low-频率 East Asia-Pacific teleconnection and the triggeringrole of tropical intraseasonal oscillatio.Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-015-2815-7

2. Zesheng Chen,Zhiping Wen, Renguang 吴语 2015: Relative Importance of Tropical SST Anomalies in Maintaining the Western North Pacific Anomalous Anticycloneduring El Niño to La Niña transition years.Climate 动力学, DOI 10.1007/s00382-015-2630-1.

3. Liang Wu,Zhiping Wen, Renguang Wu, 2015: Influence the monsoon trough onwestward-propagating synoptic-scale disturbances over the western North Pacific. Part II:Energetics and numerical experiments.Journal of Climate, 28, 9332-9349.

4. Liang Wu,Zhiping Wen, Renguang Wu, 2015: Influence the monsoon trough onwestward-propagating synoptic-scale disturbances over the western North Pacific. Part I: Observations.Journal of Climate, 28(18), 7108-7127.

5.Jiepeng Chen,Zhiping Wen*, Renguang Wu and Zesheng Chen. 2015: Influences of northward propagating 25-90-day and quasi-biweekly oscillations on Eastern China summer rainfall.Climate Dynamics. 45:105-124.

6.Yuanyuan Guo ,Zhiping Wen, Renguang Wu , Riyu Lu , Zesheng Chen. 2015: Impact of tropical Pacific precipitation on the East Asian upper-tropospheric westerly jet during the boreal winter.Journal of Climate, 28, 6457-6474.

7.Wu Li-Ji,Wen Zhi-Ping, HE Hai-Yan, 2015: Relationship between the Periodic Fluctuations of 压强 and Precipitation during a Rainstorm .Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 8(2), 78-81.

8.Jiepeng Chen,Zhiping Wen *, Renguang Wu, 2014: Interdecadal Changes in the Relationship between Southern China Winter-spring Precipitation and ENSO.Climate 动力学43(5) ,1327-1338.

9.Zesheng Chen,Zhiping Wen*, Renguang Wu, Ping Zhao, Jie Cao. 2014: Influence of two types of El Niños on the East Asian climate during boreal summer: A numerical study.Climate Dynamics. 43(1), 469-481.

10.Liang Wu,Zhiping Wen *., Tim Li , and Ronghui, Huang, 2014: ENSO-phase dependent TD and MRG wave activity in the western North Pacific. , 42(5), 12成都地铁17号线1227.

11.Xiao Feng, Renguang Wu, Jiepeng Chen andZhiping Wen*, 2013: Factors for interannual variations of September-October rainfall in Hainan, China.Journal of Climate.26, 8962-8978.

12.Zhangwei Ding ,ZhiPing Wen *., Renguang Wu et al, 2013: surface 能量 balance measurements of a banana plantation in South China.Theor. Appl. Climatol, 114:349–363.

13.Liang Jie-Yi,Wen Zhi-Ping*, CHEN Jie-peng and WU Li-Ji. 2013: The Characteristics of Tropical SSTA and Related Influences on the Onset of South China Sea Summer Monsoon.Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Letter. 6(5), 266-272

14.Renguang Wu,Zhiping Wenand Zhouqi He, 2013: ENSO Contribution to Aerosol Variations over the Maritime Continent and the Western North Pacific during 2000-2010.Journal of Climate,26, 6541-6560.

15.Shumin CHEN, Weibiao LI, Youyu LU, andZhiping Wen, 2013: Variations of Latent Heat Flux during Tropical Cyclones over the South China Sea.Meteorological Applications. 21(3), 717-723.

16.Wu Renguang, Chen Jiepeng andZhiping Wen, 2013: Precipitation-surface 温度 Relationship in the IPCC CMIP5 Models.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 30(3), 2013, 766-778.

17.Liang Wu,Zhiping Wen*,Ronghui Huang, and Renguang Wu, 2012:Possible linkage between the monsoon trough variability and the tropical cyclone activity over the western North Pacific.Monthly Weather Review,140(1), 140-150

18.Zhao Ping, Yang Song, Wu Renguang,Wen Zhipinget al, 2012:Asian Origin of Interannual Variations of Summer Climate over the Extratropical North Atlantic Ocean.Journal of Climate, 25, 6594-6608.

19.Cao J,Wen Z P, Chang Y L, et al., 2012: Wavelet analysis of the convectively-coupled equatorial waves.Sci China 地球 Sci,55(4), 675–684.

20.Renguang Wu, Song Yang,Zhiping Wen, Gang Huang, and Keiming Hu, 2012: Interdecadal change in the relationship of southern China summer rainfall with tropical Indo-Pacific SST. ,108, 119-133.

21.Jiepeng Chen, Renguang Wu, andZhiping Wen, 2012: Contribution of South China Sea tropical cyclones to southern China summer rainfall increase around 1993.Advance in Atmospheric Sciences.29(3), 585-598.

22.Xiuzhen Li,Zhiping Wen, Wen Zhou, Dongxiao. 2012:Atmospheric 液态水 Vapor Transport Associated with Two Decadal Rainfall Shifts over East China.Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 90(5), 587-602.

23.Wei Wu,Zhiping Wen *, Renguang Wu, and Tongmei Wang, 2011: Air-sea interaction over the subtropical North Pacific during the ENSO transition phase.Journal of Climate,24(22), 5772-5785.

24.Shuzheng Li,Zhiping Wen, and Wen Zhou, 2011: Long-term Change in summer 液态水 vapor transport over South China in recent decades .Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 89A, 271--282 .

25.Wu Liang,Wen Zhiping *and Huang Ronghui, 2011: A primary study of the correlation between the net air-sea heat flux and the interannual variation of western North Pacific tropical cyclone track and intensity.Acta Oceanol. Sin.,30(6), 27-35

26.Liji Wu, Ronghui Huang, Haiyan, He, Yaping Shao andZhiping Wen,2010: Synoptic characteristics of heavy rainfall events in pre-monsoon season in South China.Adv. Atmos. Sci., 27(2), 315-327.

27.Renguang Wu,Zhiping. Wen, Song Yang, and Yueqing Li, 2010: An interdecadal change in southern China summer rainfall around 1992-93.Journal of Climate, 23, 2389-2403.

28.Bao, Zhenghao.,Zhiping. Wen, and Renguang. Wu, 2009: Variability of aerosol optical depth over east Asia and its possible impacts, , 114, D05203,doi:10.1029/2008JD010603.


30. HE Jinhai, JU Jianhua andWEN Zhipinget al., 2007: A review of recent advances in research on Asian monsoon in China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 24(6), 972-992.

31. 周浩,温之平,蓝光东,2007:南海夏季风爆发迟早与赤道纬向风关系的诊断研究,《大气科学》,31(5),950-962

32.温之平,董灵英,吴丽姬,陈文,2007:大气30-60 d振荡特征及其与广东持续性强降水的联系,《中山大学学报》(自然科学版),46(5),98-103

33. 吴丽姬,温之平,贺海晏,黄荣辉,2007:华南前汛期区域持续性暴雨的分布特征及分型,《中山大学学报》(自然科学版),46(6),108-113


35.温之平,梁肇宁,吴丽姬,2006:印度洋海温异常和南海夏季风建立迟早的关系 II 机理分析,《大气科学》,30(6)

36. 梁肇宁,温之平,吴丽姬,2006:印度洋海温异常和南海夏季风建立迟早的关系 I 耦合分析,《大气科学》,30(4),619-634.


38. Liang Zhaoning, Wen Zhiping, Liang.Jieyi, Wu Liji and 吴语naigeng, 2006: The Relationship between Indian Ocean Dipole and ENSO and Their Connection with the Onset of South China Sea Summer Monsoon, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 25(5).

39.温之平、薛晓冰、梁肇宁、吴丽姬,2005:热带海温异常与南海夏季风建立迟早的初步研究,《中山大学学报》(自然科学版),44(1), 94-99。

40. 蓝光东、温之平、贺海晏,2005:ERA与NCEP2大气热源的对比分析以及全球大气热源性质变化规律的研究,《大气科学》,29(1), 154-163.

41. 杨艳、温之平、袁卓建、覃慧玲,2005:南海强夏季风(1994年)和弱夏季风(1998年)建立的机理分析,《热带气象学报》, 21(1), 1-12.

42.Wen Zhipingand Liang Zhaoning, 2004: Relationship between Indian Ocean Dipole and ENSO and Their Connection with the Onset of South China Sea Summer Monsoon, The Proceedings of the China Association for Science and Technology, Vol.1, No.1, 646-652.

43.Wen Zhiping, He Haiyan and Huang Ronghui, 2004: The influence of 30-60 day oscillation on the development of the South China Sea summer monsoon, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, Vol.23, No.4, 569-579.

44. 梁肇宁、温之平、袁卓建等,2004:影响1991年和1994年南海夏季风爆发迟早的物理因子探讨,《大气科学》, 28(2),216~230。

45. Liang Zhaoning,Wen Zhiping, Yuan Zhuojian et al, 2004: The comparison between the mechanisms of the early (1994) and late (1991) onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon, 《Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Science》, 28(2), 119~134.

46. 陈桂兴黎伟标袁卓建、温之平,2004:1998年长江流域洪水期大气季节内振荡特征及机理研究,《中国科学》D辑, 34(6),562~572。

47. Chen Guixing, Li Weibiao, Yuan Zhuojian andWen Zhiping, 2005: Evolution mechanisms of the intraseasonal oscillation associated with the Yangtze River flood in 1998, Science in China Ser. D 地球 Science , 48(7), 957-967.

48. 蓝光东、温之平、贺海晏,2004:热带太平洋上空大气热源、水汽汇的年际变化及其与海温异常之间的联系,《热带气象学报》, 20(3),258~270。

49. 蓝光东、温之平、贺海晏,2004:南海夏季风爆发的大气热源特征及其爆发迟早原因的探讨,《热带气象学报》, 20(3),271~280。

50. Lan Guangdong,Wen Zhipingand He Haiyan, 2004: Interannual variations of atmospheric heat sources and moisture sinks over the equatorial Pacific and their relations to the SST anomalies, 10(2), 178-189.

51. Lan Guangdong,Wen Zhipingand He Haiyan, 2004: Characteristics of atmospheric heat source associated with the summer monsoon onset over the South China Sea and the possible mechanism responsible for late or early onset of the monsoon, 10(2), 190-200

52. 陈桂兴袁卓建梁建茵、覃慧玲、温之平,2004:南海夏季风经向环流的20年平均4-6月演变机制,《气候与环境研究》,9(4), 605-618.

53. Haiyan HE, Chung-Hsiung SUI, Maoqiu JIAN,Zhiping WEN, and Guangdong LAN, 2003:The evolution of tropospheric 温度 field and its relationship with the onset of Asian summer monsoon, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 81(5), 1201-1223.


1. 从中高纬地区环流异常、低纬地区大气热源和水汽汇异常、东亚局地经向环流变异和大气30~60天低频振荡活动以及热带海温异常等方面,较系统地研究了南海夏季风爆发迟早的机制,提出了前期中高纬环流异常、低纬地区低频对流活动、东亚局地经圈环流变异和西太平洋副热带高压变动与南海夏季风爆发迟早的关系物理图像;

2. 研究了西太平洋海气相互作用与热带大气环流异常和ENSO循环的关系,指出了副热带环流异常在连结热带西太平洋和中纬度西太平洋海气相互作用中的桥梁作用,揭示了西太平洋海气相互作用对热带气旋活动和夏季副热带高压环流异常的可能影响。


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