童叶翔 :童叶翔

更新时间:2024-09-21 00:53



·1981.9 - 1985.7 中山大学化学系化学专业获学士

·1985.9 - 1988.7 中山大学化学系物理化学专业获硕士学位

·1996.9 - 1999.12 中山大学化学院有机化学专业获博士学位

·1988.7 - 1991.4 中山大学化学系, 助教

·1991.4 - 1995.12 中山大学化学系, 讲师

·1995.12 - 2001.6 中山大学化学系, 副教授

·1996.2 遴选为中山大学重点培养教师

·1996.6 遴选为物化专业硕士生导师

·1996.9 入选广东省"千、百、十"工程计划

·2000.1 – 2008.7 担任中山大学化学与化工学院副院长, 分管本科教学工作

·2001.6 - 至今中山大学化学学院, 教授, 博士生导师

·2000.3 - 至今 广东省表面工程协会理事和广州市电镀协会理事

·2000.3 - 至今 中国化学会化学教育委员会委员

·2003.8 - 至今 《大学化学》编委。

·2006.6 - 至今 广东省稀土协会理事。

·2006.6 - 至今 中国金属学会冶金物化分会委员

·2007.11- 至今 中国化学会电化学专业委员会委员

·2009.3 - 至今 广东省化学会秘书长。


1.物理化学 (本科生基础课)

2.现代物理化学专题 (硕士生学位课)




1.中山大学化学基地,国家基础科学人才培养项目[条件建设]( J0630428),2007.1-2009.122.以化学基地为载体,培养创新人才的研究与实践,2006年度广东省高等教育教学改革工程项目(BKYBJG20060203),2007.5-2009.123.中山大学化学基地,国家基础科学人才培养项目[能力提高](J0730420),2008.1-2010.124.教育部“高等学校特色专业建设点”项目,(TS10443),2008.1-2010.125.依托“国家级实验教学示范中心”,提高创新人才培养质量的研究与实践, 广东省本科高等教育教学改革项目(BKJG200702),2007-2009。6.21世纪化学创新人才培养和教学改革,全国高等教育科学"十五"规划重点课题,2003.1-2004.12,7.物理化学,国家理科基地名牌课程创建优秀项目, 2002.12-2003.12,8.主持国家理科基地创建名牌课程项目"物理化学课程体系改革和CAI的研究"2000.3.~2001.39.物理化学CAI软件的研制和课程体系改革,国家理科基地创建名牌课程项目, 1999.12-2000.12,10.化学创新人才培养研究与实践,新世纪广东省高等教育教学改革工程项目,2002.1-2003.12,11.化学专业资源库建设,广东省教育厅"151"工程项目,2002.6-2003.12,课题负责人近年承担科研项目:1. 广东省自然科学基金重点项目,2009.10-2012.10.2. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(90923008),2010.1-2012.12.3.国家自然科学基金(20873184),2009.1-2011.12.4.广东省科技计划项目(2008B010600040),2008.9-2011.9.5.国家自然科学基金(20573136),2006.1-2008.12.6.广东省自然科学基金(06023099),2006.9-2008.10.7.广东省自然科学基金研究团队项目(04205405),2005.1-2008.12.8.广东省科技计划项目(2003C104030),2004.1-2006.12.9.广东省自然科学基金(031584),2004.1-2005.12.








"化学创新人才培养体系的构建与实践" ,2009年获第六届广东省高等教育教学成果一等奖(排名第1)


"化学创新人才培养的研究与实践" ,2005年获第五届广东省高等教育教学成果一等奖(排名第2)

 "化学类专业《化学生物学》课程新体系的建设与实践" ,2005年获第五届广东省高等教育教学成果一等奖(排名第5)





"含羧基与多胺基的金属酶模型化合物的研究" 获1998年广东省自然科学一等奖(排名第2)



1.Dunlin Qu, Fangyan Xie, Hui Meng,§ Li Gong, Weihong Zhang, Jian Chen,* Gaoren Li, Peng Liu, and Yexiang Tong*: Preparation and Characterization of Nanocrystalline CeO2-Tb2O3 Films Obtained by Electrochemical Deposition Method J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 1424–1429.2.Gao-Ren Li,* Zhan-Ping Feng, Yan-Nan Ou, Dingcai Wu, Ruowen Fu, and Yexiang Tong*: Mesoporous MnO2/ Aerogel Composites as Promising Electrode Materials for High-Performance Supercapacitors. Langmuir, 2010, 26(4), 2209–2213.3. Gao-Ren Li*, Dun-Lin Qu, Zi-Long Wang, Cheng-Yong Su, YEXiang Tong* and Laurent Arurault: Ceria–terbia solid solution nanobelts with high catalytic activities for CO oxidation. Chem. Commun., 2009, 7557 - 7559.4. Gao-Ren Li*, Zi-Shou Zhang, Cheng-Yong Su, and YEXiang Tong*: Electrochemical Synthesis of Tb-Co alloy Nanoparticle Aggregates and Their Magnetic Properties.J. Phys. Chem. C,2009, 113, 1227–1234.5. Gao-Ren Li,* Dun-Lin Qu, Laurent Arurault, and Ye-Xiang Tong*: Hierarchically Porous Gd3 -Doped CeO2 Nanostructures for the Remarkable Enhancement of Optical and Magnetic Properties..J. Phys. Chem. C,2009, 113, 1235–1241.6. Gao-Ren Li,* Wen-Xia Zhao, Qiong Bu, and YEXiang Tong*: A novel electrochemical deposition route for the preparation of Zn1-xCdxO nanorods with controllable optical properties.Electrochemistry Communications, 2009, 11, 282–285.7. Gao-Ren Li,* Ci-Ren Dawa, Xi-Hong Lu, Xiao-Lan Yu, and YEXiang Tong*: Use of Additives in the Electrodeposition of Nanostructured Eu3 /ZnO Films for Photol uminescent Devices.Langmuir,2009, 25, 2378-2384.8. Gao-Ren Li,* Dun-Lin Qu, and Ye-Xiang Tong*: Electrochemical Growth of Ce1-xZrxO2 Solid Solution Flower-Like Nanostructures andTheirOptical and Magnetic Properties.J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113(7), 2704–27099. Gao-Ren Li,* Qiong Bu, Fu-Lin Zheng, Cheng-Yong Su, and YEXiang Tong*: Electrochemically Controllable Growth and Tunable Optical Properties of Zn1-xCdxO alloy Nanostructures.Crystal Growth.10. Gao-Ren Li*, Dun-Lin Qu and Ye-Xiang Tong*: Facile Fabrication of Magnetic Single-Crystalline Ceria Nanobelts. Electrochemistry Communications, 2008, 10(1), 80-84.11. Gao-Ren Li*, Xi-Hong Lu and YEXiang Tong*: Electrochemical Reduction Synthesis of In-Sb Nanoropes and Terraced Micropyramids.Electrochemistry Communications, 2008, 10(1), 127-130.12. Gao-Ren Li*, Xi-Hong Lu, Cheng-Yong Su, and Ye-Xiang Tong*: Facile Synthesis of Hierarchical ZnO:Tb3 Nanorod Bundles and Their Optical and Magnetic Properties.J. Phys. Chem. C , 2008, 112, 2927-2933.13. Gao-Ren Li*, Dun-Lin Qu, Xiao-Lan Yu and YEXiang Tong*: Microstructural Evolution of CeO2 from Porous Structures to Clusters of Nanosheet Arrays Assisted by Gas Bubbles via Electrodeposition.Langmuir, 2008, 24, 4254–4259.14. Gao-Ren Li*, Fu-Lin Zheng and YEXiang Tong*: Controllable Synthesis of Bi2Te3 Intermetallic Compounds with Hierarchical Nanostructures via Electrochemical Deposition Route.Cryst. Growth Des.; 2008, 8(4), 1226–1232.15. Gao-Ren Li*, Xi-Hong Lu, Wen-Xia, Cheng-Yong Su and YEXiang Tong*: Controllable Electrochemical Synthesis of Ce4 -Doped ZnO Nanostructures from Nanotubes to Nanorods and Nanocages.Cryst. Growth Des.; 2008, 8(4), 1276–1281.16. Gao-Ren Li,* 金钟大Zhong Yao, Xi-Hong Lu, Fu-Lin Zheng, Zhan-Ping Feng,Xiao-La Yu, Cheng-Yong Su, and YEXiang Tong*: Facile and Efficient Electrochemical Synthesis of PbTe Dendritic Structures.Chem. Mater. 2008, 20, 3306–3314.17. Chen-Zhong Yao, Peng Zhang, Meng Liu, Gao-Ren Li, Jian-Qing Ye, Peng Liu, YEXiang Tong*: Electrochemical preparation and magnetic study of Bi–Fe–Co–Ni–Mn high entropy alloy. Electrochimica Acta, 2008,53( 28), 8359-836518. Chen-Zhong Yao , Meng Liu , peng Zhang , Xiao-Hui He , Gao-Ren Li, Wen-Xia Zhao, Peng Liu, Ye-Xiang Tong*: Tuning the architectures of deposits onmetal substrates by electrodeposition. Electrochimica Acta, 2008,54, 247-25319. peng Liu,* Kuan Zhong, Chaolun Liang, Qiqin Yang, Yexiang Tong,,* Gaoren Li,and Greg A. Hope: Self-Assembly of Three-Dimensional Nanostructured Chem. Mater. 2008, 20(24), 7532-753820. Gao-Ren Li*, Ci-Ren Dawa, Qiong Bu, Fu-Lin Zheng,Xi-Hong Lu, Zhi-Hai Ke, Hai-En, Chen-Zhong Yao, peng Liu, YEXiang Tong*: Electrochemical synthesis of orientation-ordered ZnO nanorod bundles.Electrochemistry Communications, 2007, 9, 863-868.21. Gao-Ren Li*, Ci-Ren Dawa, Qiong Bu, Xi-Hong Lu, Zhi-Hai Ke, Hai-En Hong, Fu-Ling Zheng, Chen-Zhong Yao, Guan-Kun Liu, YEXiang Tong*: Electrochemical Self-Assembly of ZnO Nanoporous Structures.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111, 1919-1923.22. Gao-Ren Li*, Dun-Lin Qu, Wen-Xia Zhao, Ye-Xiang Tong*: Electrochemical deposition of (Mn, Co)–Codoped ZnO nanorod arrays without any template.Electrochemistry Communications, 2007, 9, 1661-1666.23. Gao-Ren Li*, Qin-Fang Ke, Zi-Shou Zhang, Ci-Ren Dawa, Peng Liu, Guan-Kun, YEXiang Tong*: Synthesis of Ce-Fe Intermetallic Compounds with Foam Structures via Electrochemical Deposition.Chem. Mater., 2007; 19(9); 2283-2287.24. Gao-Ren Li,* Xi-Hong Lu, Dun-Lin Qu, Chen-Zhong Yao, Fu-lin Zheng, Qiong Bu, Ci-Ren Dawa, and YEXiang Tong*: Electrochemical Growth and Control of ZnO Dendritic Structures.J. Phys. Chem. C, 2007, 111, 6678-6683.25. Gao-Gren, Lin-Gang Kay, Guan-Kun Liu, Peng Liu, Ye-Xiang Tong*: Electrochemical Preparation and Characterization of Nanostructured Ag-Bi Thin Films in Organic Baths.Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 2006, 2(9), C32-C35.26. Peng Liu, Yu-Ping Du, Qi-Qin Yang, YEXiang Tong*: Induced codeposition of Sm-Co amorphous nanoparticles films in 尿素 melt and their magnetism.Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2006, 153, C57-C62.27. Gao-Ren Li, Qin-Fang Ke, Guan-Kun Liu, YEXiang Tong*: Studies on the electrodeposition of Ce-Co rare 地球 alloy thin films in 尿素DMSO system.Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2006, 153(6),C411-C416.28. Gao-Ren Li, Jin-Cai Chen, Liu-Ping Chen, Peng Liu, Guan-Kun Liu, and YEXiang Tong*: Electrochemical preparation of nano-grain sized Dy-Co-Bi alloy thin films by cyclic electrodeposition and their magnetism.Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 2006, 9(6),C102-C106.29. peng Liu, Xin-Ai Guo, Hua Huang, Qi-Qin Yang, YEXiang Tong*, Gregory A. Hope: The Growth of Sb Nanowires by Heat-Treatment of Zn-Sb Nanoparticles Obtained by Electrodeposition. Advanced Materials, 2006, 18. Peng Liu, Yu-Ping Du, Qi-Qin Yang, Gao-Ren Li, YEXiang Tong*: Electrochemical behavior of Fe(II) in 乙酰胺尿素NaBr-KBr melt and magnetic propteties of inductively codeposited Nd-Fe film.Electrochem. Acta, 2006,52,710-714.31. Gao-Ren Li, Lin-Gang Kay, Guan-Kun Liu, YEXiang Tong*: Electrochemical Growth of Ni Hollow Nanostructures on Cu substrates.Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2005, 109(49): 23300-23303.


1. 余向阳, 刘冠昆, 莫华, 陈六平, 车冠全, 童叶翔, 古喜兰:大学“物理化学”计算机辅助教学软件的设计与实现,现代计算机, 1997,5,57-58 [CN44-1415/TPISSN 1007-1423]2. 郑俊曦, 胡宇芬, 陈六平, 童叶翔, 余向阳:“物理化学与实验”网络多媒体教学系统。现代计算机, 2000, 10, 67-69[CN44-1415/TPISSN 1007-1423]3. 童叶翔,施开良:本科化学教育新体系的研究与实践. 大学化学[ISBN 1000-8438, CN 11-1815/O6],2001,6, 17-24. 毛宗万 吴京洪 童叶翔 黄乐览 陈小明 许家瑞。完善创新实验体系培养创新型专门人才。中国大学教学,2003,10,25-265. 黄乐览 童叶翔 施开良。本科教育发展要有新思路和新突破. 大学化学, 2003年第18卷第4期, ISSN 1000-8438,CN11-1815/066. 吕树申,祈存谦,丁楠,童叶翔.《化工原理》多媒体教学系统改革的探索与实践. 电化教育研究,2004,76-80[ISSN 1003-1553CN 62-1022/G4]7. 谢天尧蔡沛祥,张仁俊,童叶翔,邹世春 面向本科生开设毛细管电泳实验的探索与实践. 大学化学,2004,19(6),38-40


(1)《物理化学》,刘冠昆, 车冠全, 陈六平, 童叶翔编著,中山大学出版社,(ISBN 7-306-01670-9, 2000.8)(2)《应用电化学》,杨绮琴,方北龙,童叶翔编著,中山大学出版社 (ISBN 7-306-01710-1, 2001.1)

(3)《配位化合物电化学》,童叶翔,刘鹏,杨绮琴编著,广东科技出版社 (ISBN 7-5359-3908-2, 2006.4)(4)《综合化学实验》,毛宗万,童叶翔主编,科学出版社 (ISBN 978-7-03-022045-5, 2008.9)



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