蒋小松 :西南交通大学副教授/硕士生导师

更新时间:2024-09-20 22:53

蒋小松 博士,西南交通大学材料科学与工程学院副教授/硕士生导师博士学科:材料学,硕士学科:材料物理化学 工作单位:西南交通大学材料科学与工程学院。























R\u0026D Projects Funding from the Research Council of Norway(No.263875/H30):Advanced composite materials and material structure characterization,09/01/2016–08/31/2017;




中国博士后科学基金第11批特别资助项目(No. 2018T110993):基于高压扭转法的铜基纳米复合材料显微组织与界面研究,06/01/2018–12/31/2019。



30. Xiaosong Jiang, Wanxia Liu, Yanjun Li, Zhenyi Shao, Zhiping Luo,Degui Zhu, Minhao Zhu*. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cu/Ti3SiC2/C/Graphenes Nanocomposites Prepared by Vacuum Hot-pressing Sintering and Hot isostatic pressing. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2018,141:203-213. (IF=4.920)

29. Feng Li , Xiaosong Jiang* , Zhenyi Shao , Degui Zhu,Zhiping Luo. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nano- Reinforced Matrix/羟基磷灰石 Biocomposites Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering. Nanomaterials 2018, 8(9), 729. (IF=3.504)

28. Guihang Zhang, Xiaosong Jiang*, ChangJun Qiao,Zhenyi Shao, Degui Zhu, Minhao Zhu, Victor Valcarcel. Investigation on microstructure and mechanical properties of graphite composites reinforced with single-crystal α-Al2O3 fibers by hot isostatic pressing. Materials. 2018, 11(6), 982. (IF=2.467)

27. De-feng Mo, Ting-feng Song, Yong-jian Fang, Xiao-song Jiang*, Charles Q. Luo, Machael D. Simpson, Zhiping Luo*. A Review on Diffusion Bonding between Alloys and Stainless Steels. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 2018, Article ID 8701890, 15 pages. (IF=1.372)

26. Rui Shu,Xiaosong Jiang*,Jiaxin Jiang,Degui Zhu. Microstructure and mechanical properties of nano- reinforced based powder metallurgy friction materials produced by hot isostatic pressing. Materials Testing. 2018, 60(9):809-817. (IF=0.521)

25. Feng Li, Xiaosong Jiang*, Zhenyi Shao*, Degui Zhu, Zhiping Luo. Research Progress in Interfacial Characteristics and Strengthening Mechanisms of TitaniumAlloy/羟基磷灰石 Composites. Materials. 2018, 11(8), 1391. (IF=2.467)

24. Yong-jian Fang, Xiao-song Jiang*, De-feng Mo, Ting-feng Song, Zhen-yi Shao, De-gui Zhu, Min-hao Zhu, Zhi-ping Luo*. Microstructure and mechanical properties of electron beam-welded joints of TC4 (Ti-6Al-4V) and kovar (Fe-29Ni-17Co) alloys with Cu/Nb multi-interlayer. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 2018, Article ID 2042871, 11 pages. (IF=1.372)

23. Shao Zhenyi, Jiang Xiaosong*, Zhang Meimei, Zhu Degui, Ding Yichao, Wang Jing. Effect of La Content on Tribological Behavior of Cu/Ti3SiC2/ C/MWCNTs/Graphene/La Nanocomposites. Rare metal materials and engineering. 2018, 47(8):1655-1661. (IF=0.290)

22. Feng Li, Xiaosong Jiang*, Zhenyi Shao, Degui Zhu, Minhao Zhu.Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Graphene-Reinforced Matrix/Nano-羟基磷灰石 Nanocomposites. Materials. 2018, 11(4), 608. (IF=2.467)

21.Aoyan Liang, Xiaosong Jiang*, Xin Hong, Yixin Jiang, Zhenyi Shao*, Degui Zhu. Recent Developments Concerning the Dispersion Methods and Mechanisms of Graphene. Coatings. 2018, 8(1), 33. (IF=2.350)

20. JIANG Xiaosong*, SONG Tingfeng, SHAO Zhenyi, LIU Wanxia, ZHU Degui, ZHU Minhao. Synergetic effect of Graphene and MWCNTs on mechanical properties of Cu/Ti3SiC2/C Nanocomposites. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2017,12:607. (IF=3.125)

19. Jiang Xiaosong*, Li Jingrui, Liu Wanxia, Zhu Degui. Experimental and finite element analysis of stress amplitude on fretting fatigue behaviour of Al-Mg alloy Optoelectronics and advanced materials-Rapid communications. 2017, 11(3-4): 267-273. (IF=0.386)

18. Wanxia Liu, Xiaosong Jiang*, Zhenyi Shao, Degui Zhu, Minhao Zhu, Shardai S. Johnson, Zhiping Luo. A Review on nanoreinforced matrix nanocomposites with high High Mechanical Strengths. Current nanoscience. 2017,13(4),410-420. (IF=1.306)

17. Tingfeng Song, Xiaosong Jiang*, Zhenyi Shao, Defeng Mo, Degui Zhu, Christina H. Young,Zhiping Luo,Minhao Zhu. Interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of diffusion-bonded joints of TC4 (Ti-6Al-4V) and Kovar (Fe-29Ni-17Co) alloys. Journal of iron and steel research, international. 2017, 24:1023-1031. (IF=1.126)

16. T.F. Song, X.S. Jiang*, Z.Y. Shao, Y.J. Fang, D.F. Mo, D.G. Zhu, M.H. Zhu. Microstructure and mechanical properties of vacuum diffusion bonded joints between Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy and 316L stainless steel using Cu/Nb multi-interlayer. Vacuum. 2017,145: 68-76. (IF=2.067)

15. Tingfeng Song,Xiaosong Jiang*,Jiaxin Jiang,Degui Zhu. Effect of contact 压强 on multi-axial fretting fatigue behaviour of Al-Mg alloy. Materials Testing. 2017, 59(9): 721-727. (IF=0.521)

14. Wei Li, Xiaosong Jiang*, Jun Gao, Yiming Li, Haixin Wang , Degui Zhu. Friction and wear properties of nano- reinforced Cu/Ti3SiC2/C nanocomposites. Materials Testing.2017,59(11-12): 981-989. (IF=0.521)

13. Song Tingfeng, Jiang Xiaosong*, Shao Zhenyi,Mo Defeng, Zhu Degui,Zhu Minhao. The interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of diffusion-bonded joints of 316L stainless steel and the 4J29Kovar alloy using as interlayer. Metals.2016,6,263. (IF=1.704)

12. Zhenyi Shao, Yue Sun, Wanxia Liu, Xueqiao Zhang, Xiaosong Jiang*. Effects of multi-phase reinforcements on microstructures, mechanical and tribological properties of Cu/Ti3SiC2/C/BN/GNPs nanocomposites sintered by vacuum hot-pressing and hot isostatic pressing. Metals. 2016,6,324. (IF=1.704)

11. Jiang Xiaosong*,Liu Wanxia,Li Jingrui,Shao Zhenyi, Zhu Degui. Microstructures and mechanical properties of Cu/Ti3SiC2/C/MWCNTs composites prepared by vacuum hot-pressing sintering. Journal of alloys and compounds. 2015,618:700-706. (IF=3.779)

10. Jiang Xiaosong*, Shao Zhenyi, Li Jingrui,Liu Wanxia, Zhu Degui, Liu Dan. Dispersion characteristics of multi-walled nanotubes with gallic acid. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology. 2015,12:9874-9878(5). (IF=1.354)

9. Jingrui Li, Xiaosong Jiang*,Zhenyi Shao,Degui Zhu,Shardai S. Johnson,Zhiping Luo*, Minhao Zhu. Microstructure and mechanical properties of multi-phase strengthened Al/Si/Al2O3/SiO2/MWCNTs nanocomposites sintered by in situ vacuum hot-pressing. Journal of nanomaterials. 2015,10:1. (IF=2.207)

8. Li Jingrui, Jiang Xiaosong*,Shen Ru,Shao Zhenyi, Zhu Degui,Liu Dan. Dispersion characteristics of multi-walled nanotubes and carbon nanoflakes with plasma. Nanoscience and nanotechnology letters. 2015,7: 581-587. (IF=2.917)

7. Liu Wanxia, Jiang Xiaosong*, Shao Zhenyi, Mo Defeng, Zhu Degui, Zhang Man. Tribological behaviors of Cu/Ti3SiC2/C/MWCNTs composites with electric current. Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience. 2015,12(9):2664-2672. (IF=1.343)

6. Jiang Xiaosong*, Wang Naijuan, Zhu Degui. Friction and wear properties of in-situ synthesized Al2O3 reinforced aluminum composites.Transactions of nonferrous metals society of China. 2014, 24: 2352-2358. (IF=1.795)

5. Jiang Xiaosong*, Li Jingrui, Liu Wanxia, Zhu Degui, Wang Bo. Effects of diffusion welding parameters on microstructure and properties of Al-Al2O3 alloys joints. Asian journal of 化学 2014,26(17):5682-5686. (IF=0.355)

4. Jiang Xiaosong*, He Guoqiu, Liu Bing, Liu Xiaoshan. Effect of stress amplitude on fretting fatigue damage behavior of Al-Mg alloys. Rare metal materials and engineering. 2012, 41(z2):136-140. (IF=0.290)

3. JiangXiaosong, He Guoqiu*, Liu Bing, Fan Songjie, Zhu Minhao. Microstructure-based analysis of the fatigue behaviour of Al-Mg alloy.Transactions of nonferrous metals society of China. 2011, 21(3): 443-448. (IF=1.795)

2. Xiao-song Jiang, Guo-qiu He*, Bing Liu, Zhengyu Zhu, Weihua Zhang. Fatigue characteristics and microcosmic mechanism of Al-Mg alloy under multiaxial proportional loadings. International journal of minerals, metallurgy and materials. 2011,18(4):437-443. (IF=1.261)

1. Jiang Xiaosong*, He Guoqiu, Liu Bing, Fan Songjie, Zhu Minhao.Fatigue behavior and microstructure evolution of Al-Mg alloy under constant and variable amplitude loadings. Rare metal materials and engineering. 2010,39(z1):459-463. (IF=0.290)



3. 一种碳纳米管石墨烯协同增强铜基复合材料及制备方法,专利号:ZL201610886369.6,授权日期:2018年6月12日。

2. 一种碳纳米管增强铜基复合材料及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 201410354188.X,授权日期:2016年8月24日。

1. 一种点接触式微动疲劳试验方法及其试验装置,专利号:ZL 201410454125.1,授权日期:2016年12月7日。






2016级:张归航 研究方向:粉末冶金与金属基复合材料。

2016级:李 峰,研究方向:粉末冶金与金属基复合材料


2013届:沈 月 毕业去向:同济大学(读研究生,保送)。

2013届:谢 飞 毕业去向:华南理工大学(读研究生)。

2013届:张 毕业去向:中国海洋大学(读研究生)

2013届:欧阳俊杰 毕业去向:自主创业(工作)。

2014届:刘 丹 毕业去向:浙江大学(读研究生,保送)。

2014届:蒋苗苗 毕业去向:浙江大学(读研究生,保送)。

2014届:刘晚霞 毕业去向:西南交通大学(读研究生,保送)。

2014届:章 曼 毕业去向:中南大学(读研究生,保送)。

2014届:杨蓓蕾 毕业去向:东风汽车零部件(集团)有限公司(工作)。

2015届:张 波 毕业去向:北京航空航天大学(读研究生,保送)。

2015届:武 晨 毕业去向:中南大学(读研究生,保送)。

2015届:宋庭丰 毕业去向:西南交通大学(读研究生,保送)。

2015届:蒋润剑 毕业去向:西南交通大学(读研究生)。

2015届:杨文斌 毕业去向:北汽银翔有限公司(工作)。

2016届:任艳娟 毕业去向:北京大学(读研究生,保送)。

2016届:高 军 毕业去向:中国科学院金属研究所(读研究生,保送)。

2016届:王超宇 毕业去向:上海交通大学(读研究生,保送)。

2016届:王晓敏 毕业去向:天津大学(读研究生,保送)。

2016届:张媚 毕业去向:中南大学(读研究生,保送)。

2016届:张归航 毕业去向:西南交通大学(读研究生,保送)。



1071025 钢铁冶金导论(本科)

1071028 金属功能材料(本科)

1071013 材料科学基础AⅠ (本科)

1071014 材料科学基础AⅡ (本科)

1071037 复合材料(本科,双语)

60933002-01 材料热力学与固态相变(硕士)




目录 22
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