蒋晗 :四川省杰出青年学术技术带头人

更新时间:2024-09-20 21:45

蒋 晗,男,汉族,1973年10月生,璧山区人,1995年6月加入中国共产党,1995年7月参加工作,研究生学历,博士学位,教授。现任西南交通大学力学与工程学院副院长。从事非线性材料性能分析、破坏与损伤机理分析、材料本构关系与数值仿真等方面的工作,在高分子材料力学性能、破坏机理研究方面有丰富的研究经验。入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,四川省杰出青年学术技术带头人资助计划,四川省创新人才。




2010-今 西南交通大学力学与工程学院 教授(2016) 博士生导师(2013)

2009-2010 Texas A\u0026M University, USA 博士后研究员

2005-2009 Texas 德州农工大学 University, USA 机械工程 博士

2002-2004 University of 内布拉斯加州Lincoln,USA 助研

2001-2002 University of Science and Technology of Lille, France 访问学者

1995-2001 武汉水利电力大学宜昌校区 讲师

1992-1995 重庆大学固体力学 硕士

1988-1992 重庆大学 工程力学 学士









国家自然科学基金  1.国家自然科学基金面上项目(11472231), “高分子材料刮擦破坏的实验技术与机理分析”, 2015.1-2018.12  2.国家自然科学基金面上项目(11172249), “基于多轴加载粘弹塑性本构模型的高分子材料刮擦破坏机理”, 2012.1-2015.12  省部级基金  1.机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室开放课题(SV2016-KF-02),"复杂服役环境下的粘弹材料长效性能加速实验方法",2016.1-2017.12  2.教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(NCET-12-0938),“高分子材料非线性本构特征对表面刮擦破坏的影响”,2013.1-2015.12  3.四川省创新人才(2013), 主持  4.四川省杰出青年学术技术带头人资助计划(2013JQ0010), “复杂加载下的高分子材料表面损伤机理研究”, 2013.1-2015.12  5.高分子材料工程国家重点实验室开放课题(KF201204),“高分子材料长期性能的时温力等效原理加速研究”,2012.10-2014.9  6.教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金, “聚合物表面刮擦破坏机理研究”, 2012.3-2014.2  7.四川省杰出青年学术技术带头人培育计划(2011JQ0026), “高分子复合材料表面刮擦损伤特性及破坏机理研究”, 2011.1-2012.12  8.四川省应用基础研究项目(2010JY0069), “高分子材料表面耐刮擦性能研究”, 2010.10-2012.12  其他  1.广州市科技局企业科技攻关难题项目(2011J5100012),“车用聚丙烯材料表面耐刮擦性能提高关键技术”,2011.1-2012.12  2.中央高校基本科研业务费科技创新研究项目(SWJTU09ZT35), “高分子材料表面损伤特性研究”, 2011-2012  3.重庆建工第七建筑工程有限责任公司研究项目,“远程实时建筑工程智能管理系统研究”,2012-2013  参与项目

1.国家自然科学基金面上项目(11272269), “热塑性聚合物材料的湿-热-力耦合循环本构关系研究”, 2013.1-2016.12

2.美国交通部研究项目(DTPH56-06-T-000022), “管道涂层完整性和层间粘结性能”, 2006.1-2009.12

3.跨国公司联合研究项目(32525-15084), “高分子材料表面刮擦行为及性能研究”, 2005.1-2010.4


发表英文独著一部、英文合著二部、中文合著一部,制定ISO国际标准一项,在《Polymer》、《Polymer Testing》、《Wear》、《Tribology International》、《Applied surface Science》、《Journal of Materials Science》等知名学术期刊发表SCI论文40余篇。


Han JIANG, Scratch Behaviors of Polymeric Materials, ISBN 978-3-8484-0342-4,V Akademikerverlag GmbH \u0026 Co. KG, 2012



Browning Robert,Han JIANG, Sue Hung-Jue,摩擦学 of Polymer Nanocomposites:Chapter 15, ISBN 978-0-444-53155-1,Elsevier,2008


康国政、蒋晗、阚前华, 连续介质力学基础及其应用,科学出版社,2015



1. Qian CHENG, Chengkai JIANG, Jianwei ZHANG, Zhuoran YANG, Zhongmeng ZHU,Han JIANG*, Effect of thermal aging on the scratch behavior of poly (甲基 methacrylate), 摩擦学 International, v101, 110-114, 2016

2. Zhongmeng Zhu, Qian Chen, Chengkai Jiang, Jianwei Zhang,Han JIANG*, Scratch behavior of the aged hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber, Wear, v352–353, 155-159, 2016

3. Kaijuan Chen, Guozheng Kang, Fucong Lu, Jianhang Xu,Han JIANG, 温度dependent uniaxial ratchetting of ultra-high molecular weight poly乙烯, Fatigue \u0026 Fracture of Engineering Materials \u0026 Structures, v39(7), 839-849,2016

4. Fucong Lu, Guozheng Kang, Yilin Zhu, Congcong Xi ,Han JIANG, Experimental observation on multiaxial ratchetting of polycarbonate polymer at room temperature, Polymer Testing, v50, 135-144, 2016

5. Jianwei ZHANG,Han JIANG*, Chengkai JIANG, Qian CHENG, Guozheng Kang, In-situ observation of 温度 rise during scratch testing of poly (甲基methacrylate) and polycarbonate, 摩擦学 International, v95, 1-4, 2016

6. Kaijuan CHEN, Guozheng KANG, Chao YU, Fucong LU,Han JIANG, 时间dependent uniaxial ratchetting of ultrahigh molecular weight 聚乙烯 polymer: Viscoelastic-viscoplastic constitutive model, Journal of Applied Mechanics, V83(10), 2016

7. Hang Li, Guozheng Kang ,Yujie Liu,Han JIANG, Non-proportionally multiaxial cyclic deformation of AZ31 alloy: Experimental observations, Materials Science and Engineering: A,v671 (1) ,70–81, 2016


1. Kaijuan Chen, Guozheng Kang, Fucong Lu,Han JIANG*,Uniaxial cyclic deformation and internal heat production of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene,Journal of Polymer Research, v22(11):217, 2015

2. Zhongmeng Zhu, Chengkai Jiang, Qian Chen, Jianwei Zhang, Shaoyun Guo, Ying Xiong, Baoqiang Fu, Wenlong Yang,Han JIANG*,Accelerated aging test of hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber using the time-温度strain superposition principle,RSC Advances, v5(109), 90178-90183, 2015

3. Chengkai Jiang,Han JIANG*, Jianwei Zhang, Guozheng Kang,A visco-elastic-plastic constitutive model for uniaxial ratcheting behaviors of polycarbonate,Polymer Engineering and Science, v55(11), 2559-2565, 2015

4. Chengkai Jiang,Han JIANG*, Zhongmeng Zhu, Jianwei Zhang, Shaoyun Guo, Ying Xiong,Application of 时间温度Stress Superposition Principle on the Accelerated Physical Aging Test of Polycarbonate,Polymer Engineering and Science, v55(10), 2215-2221, 2015

5. Jianwei Zhang,Han JIANG*, Guozheng Kang, Chengkai Jiang, FucongLu,A new form of equivalent stress for combined axial–torsional loading considering the tension–compression asymmetry of polymeric materials,RSC Advances, v5(89), 72780-72784,2015

6.Han JIANG*, Qian CHENG, Chengkai JIANG, Jianwei ZHANG, Yonghua LI,Effect of Stick-slip on the Scratch 表演 of 聚丙烯,摩擦学 International, v91, 1-5, 2015

7. Jianwei Zhang,Han JIANG*, Chengkai Jiang, Guozheng Kang, Fucong Lu,Accelerated ratcheting testing of polycarbonate using the time-温度stress equivalence method,Polymer Testing, v44, 8-14, 2015

8. Congcong Xi, Guozheng Kang, Fucong Lu, Jianwei Zhang,Han JIANG,An experimental study on uniaxial ratcheting of polycarbonate polymers with different molecular weights,Materials and 设计, v67, 644-648, 2015

Before 2015“我爱足球”中国足球民间争霸赛

Kang Guozheng, Dong Yawei, Liu Yujie,Han JIANG, Macroscopic and microscopic observations on uniaxial ratchetting of two-phase Ti-6Al-4V alloy, Materials Characterization, v92, 26-35, 2014

Fucong Lu, Guozheng Kang,Han JIANG, Jianwei Zhang, Yujie Liu,Experimental studies on the uniaxial ratchetting of polycarbonate polymer at different temperatures, Polymer Testing, v39, 92-100,2014

Han JIANG*, Jianwei Zhang, Guozheng Kang, Congcong Xi, Chengkai Jiang, Yujie Liu, A test procedure for separating viscous recovery and accumulated unrecoverable deformation of polymer under cyclic loading, Polymer Testing,v32,1445–1451,2013

Dong Yawei, Kang Guozheng, Liu Yujie,Han JIANG,Multiaxial ratcheting of 20 steel: Macroscopic experiments and microscopic observations, Materials Characterization,v83,1-12,2013

pan Douxing, Kang Guozheng,Han JIANG, Viscoelastic Constitutive Model for Uniaxial 时间dependent Ratcheting of Polyetherimide (PEI) Polymer, Polymer Engineering \u0026 Science, 52(9), 1874–1881,2012

Zhang JianWei,Han JIANG, Study of material parameters' effect on polymer scratch using SOM method, Advanced Materials Research, v452-453, 1420-1423, 2012

Han JIANG, Robert Browning, Peng Liu, T. A. Chang and Hung-Jue Sue, Determination of epoxy coating wet-adhesive strength using a standardized ASTM/ISO Scratch test, Journal of Coatings Technology Research, v 8, n 2, 255-263, 2011

Mohammad Motaher Hossaina,Han JIANGand Hung Jue Sue,Effect of Constitutive Behavior on Scratch Visibility Resistance of Polymers-A Finite Element Method Parametric Study, Wear, 270,751–759,2011

Han JIANG, Browning Robert L., Hossain Mohammad M., Sue Hung-Jue, Fujiwara Mikihiko, Quantitative evaluation of scratch visibility resistance of polymers, Applied surface Science, v 256, n 21, 6324-6329, 2010

Han JIANG, Browning, R., Whitcomb, J.D., Ito, M., Shimouse, M., Chang, T.A., Sue H.-J., Mechanical modeling of scratch behavior of polymeric coatings on hard and soft substrates, 摩擦学 Letters, v 37, n 2, 159-167, 2010

Han JIANG, Browning Robert, Sue Hung-Jue,Understanding of scratch-induced damage mechanisms in polymers , Polymer, v50, n 16, 4056-4065, 2009

Moghbelii Ehsan ,Sun Luyi,Han JIANG, Boo Woong J., Sue, Hung-Jue , Scratch behavior of epoxy nanocomposites containing α- 磷酸盐 and core-shell rubber particles, Polymer Engineering and Science, v 49, n 3, 483-490, 2009

Han JIANG, Browning Robert, Fincher Jason, Gasbarro Anthony, Jones Scooter, Sue Hung-Jue,Influence of surface roughness and contact load on friction coefficient and scratch behavior of thermoplastic olefins, Applied Surface Science, v 254, n15, 4494-4499, 2008

Browning Robert L. ,Han JIANG, Moyse Allan, Sue Hung-Jue, Iseki Yuki,Ohtani Kousuke, Ijichi Yasuhito, Scratch behavior of soft thermoplastic olefins: Effects of ethylene content and testing rate, Journal of Materials Science, v43, n 4, 1357-1365, 2008

Han JIANG, Lim G.T., Reddy J.N., Whitcomb J.D., Sue H.-J., Finite element method parametric study on scratch behavior of polymers, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, v 45, n 12, 1435-1447, 2007


Han JIANG, Yonghua Li, Bo Yang, Yan Yang, Zhongfu Luo, Chao Ding,Guangqiang Chen, H.J. Sue, Stick-slip phenomena and its influence on polymer scratch, 11th-Annual SPE TPO Conference, 2010

Yonghua Li, Bo Yang, Yan Yang, Zhongfu Luo, Chao Ding,Guangqiang Chen,Han JIANG, Study of scratch 表演 of 聚丙烯 based automotive material, 11th-Annual SPE TPO Conference, 2010

自由欧洲电台 Browning, P. Liu,Han JIANG, M. Hossain, and H.-J. Sue, A Comparative Study of Scratch Visibility Assessment Between Erichsen Delta L and ASTM/ISO Methods, 11th-Annual SPE TPO Conference, 2010

Han JIANG, R.Browning, B.T.A. Chang, H.J.Sue, A new approach for determination of wet adhesive strength of epoxy coatings on steel substrate, NACE International - Corrosion 2010 Conference and Expo. 2010

Browning, RobertL.,Han Jiang, Liu, Peng,Moyse, Allan, Sue, Hung-Jue,Recent progress in scratch \u0026 mar testing and evaluation of thermoplastic olefins InternationalPolyolefinsConference 2010, 2010,

Browning, Robert Lee,Han JIANG, Song,Yishu, Sue, Hung-Jue, Ito,Motoko, Fujiwara,Mikihiko,Gasbarro,Anthony,Anew method for abrasion resistance measurement of thermoplastic olefins,67th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings, v 2, 908-913, 2009

Han JIANG, Whitcomb John D., Sue Hung-JueMechanical modeling of scratch induced periodic damage, 11th-Annual SPE TPO Conference, 2009

Chang Benjamin T. A. , Sue Hung-Jue,Han JIANG,BrowingBobby,WongDennis, Pham Ha,GuoShu,KehrAl,MallozziMeghan, Snider William,SiegmundAl,Integrityof 3LPE pipeline coatings - Residual stresses and adhesion degradation, Proceedings of the Biennial ASME International Pipeline Conference, IPC, v2, 75-86, 2009

Browning Robert Lee ,Han JIANG,MoyseAllan, Sue Hung-Jue, Lau Edmund, Quantitative abrasion evaluation of thermoplastic olefins, InternationalPolyolefinsConference - FLEXPACKCON 2008, v 3, 1703-1707, 2008

Han JIANG, Browning Robert L.,Sue,Hung-Jue, Automated quantitative scratch visibility determination based on ASTM D7027-05 test method, Automotive TPO Global Conference, p 436-443, 2008

Browning 自由欧洲电台, Lim G.-T.,Han JIANG,MoyseA., Sue H.-J., Chen H., Earls J., White J. Scratch behavior of polymer coatings, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual 松香酸 Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings, v 1, p 37-40, 2006

Han JIANG, Browning R.,MoyseA., Sue H.-J. , Effects of surface texture and surface roughness on polymer scratch behavior, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual 松香酸 Conference–ANTEC Conference Proceedings, v 3, p 1503-1507, 2007

Han JIANG, Lim G.T., Ready J.N., Whitcomb J.D., Sue H.-J., Parametric study on scratch behavior ofploymers, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings, v 1, 50-54, 2006

Browning 自由欧洲电台 , Lim G.T.,Han JIANG,MoyseA.,MoghbelliE., Sue H.-J.,AEintegrated approach to study scratch behavior of TPOs, International Conference onPolyolefins2006, v 2, 527-531, 2006

Browning, R. , Lim G.,Han JIANG, Sue H.-J. , Scratch behavior of anisotropic 聚丙烯 surfaces, Automotive ThermoplasticPolyolefins(TPO) Global Conference , v 2006, 422-430, 2006

Chang B.T.A. ,Han JIANG, Sue H.-J.,GuoS.,StJeanG., Pham H., Wong D.,KehrA.,MallozziM., Lo K.H.,Disbondmentmechanism of 3LPE pipeline coatings, 17th International Conference on Pipeline Protection, 247-256, 2007

Browning Robert Lee ,Han JIANG,MoyseAllan, Sue Hung-Jue, Lau Edmund, Mar behavior of thermoplastic olefins, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference -ANTEC,ConferenceProceedings, v 1, p 255-259, 2007

Browning R.,Han JIANG, Lim G.-T.,MoyseA., Sue H.-J.,Evaluationand modeling of scratch resistance of polymers, Source: Society of Plastics Engineers Annual 松香酸 Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings, v 2, 728-730, 2006











西南交通大学科研创新团队 高速列车关键基础力学问题




姓名 年级 论文题目 毕业去向

张建伟 2012级 考虑韧脆竞争机制的非晶态高分子材料刮擦破坏机理研究 郑州大学力学与工程科学学院

蒋成凯 2013级 在读

朱忠猛 2015级 在读

程前 2016级 在读


姓名 年级 论文题目 毕业去向

张建伟 2011级 硕博连读

蒋成凯 2012级 硕博连读

王文谈 2012级 超高性能纤维增强混凝土(UHPFRC)的实验研究及低速冲击有限元模拟 中铁山桥集团有限公司

朱忠猛 2013级 硕博连读

程前 2013级 高分子材料刮擦实验设备设计与实验应用 读博

魏耀富 2014级 在读

刘杰 2015级 在读

杨卓然 2015级 在读

马俊 2016级 在读

彭启迪 2016级 在读








3.《专业英语II 》


1.《Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics》

2.《Strength Theories, Damage and Fracture》









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