仲政 :哈尔滨工业大学理学院院长

更新时间:2024-09-20 21:46







1980.9—1985.7 清华大学工程力学系本科生,获工学学士

1985.9—1987.12 清华大学工程力学系硕士生,获工学硕士学位。

1987.12—1990.12 清华大学工程力学系博士生,获工学博士学位。

1990.12—1994.1 同济大学工程力学与技术系讲师。

1994.1—1998.6 同济大学工程力学与技术系副教授。

1998.6—2004.1 同济大学工程力学与技术系教授。

2004.1— 同济大学航空航天与力学学院教授。

2016.8— 哈尔滨工业大学深圳校区教授。

2004.1—2016.11 同济大学航空航天与力学学院副院长(主持工作)、院长。

2016.9— 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)理学院院长。

1995.3—1996.9 多伦多大学机械与工业工程系访问。

2002.1—2002.4 新加坡南洋理工大学机械与制造工程学院访问。














(1) Zhong Z, Yang W, Yu S.W. Further result on symmetric bending of cracked Reissner plate, Theoretical and Applied 断裂 Mechanics, 12(1990), 231-240.

(2) Zhong Z, Yang W, Hwang 圆锥角膜 Micro-experimental study of large plastic deformation for high purity polycrystalline aluminum, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 7(1991), 360-368.

(3) Zhong Z, Yang W, Hwang KC. Domain average SCM and constitutive modelling of polycrystalline aggregates, Science in China, Ser.A, 35(1992), 1230-1241.

(4) Zhong Z, Meguid SA. On the eigenstrain problem of a spherical 包裹体 with an imperfectly bonded interface, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 63 (1996), 877-883.

(5) Zhong Z, Meguid SA. On the elastic 领域 of a spherical inhomogeneity with an imperfectly bonded interface, Journal of Elasticity, 46 (1997), 91-113.

(6) Zhong Z, Meguid SA. Analysis of a circular arc-crack in piezoelectric materials, International Journal of 断裂, 84 (1997), 143-158 .

(7) Zhong Z, Meguid SA. Interfacial debonding of a circular inhomogeneity in piezoelectric materials, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 34 (1997), 1965-1984.

(8) Meguid SA, Zhong Z. Electroelastic analysis of a piezoelectric elliptical inhomogeneity, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 34 (1997), 3401-3414.

(9) Zhong Z. Electroelastic analysis of a partially debonded inhomogeneity in piezoelectric materials, Key Engineering Materials, 145-149 (1998), 971-976.

(10) Meguid SA, Zhong Z. On the elliptical inhomogeneity problem in piezoelectric materials under antiplane shear and inplane electric field, International Journal of Engineering Science, 36 (1998), 329-344.

(11) Zhong Z, Meguid SA. On the imperfectly bonded spherical 包裹体 problem, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 66 (1999), 839-846.

(12) Zhong Z, Yu XB. Plasticity theory for particulated composite materials with imperfectly bonded interfaces, Key Engineering Materials, 177-180(2000),303-308.

(13) Zhong Z, Yu XB. Scattering of plane compressional waves by a spherical inhomogeneity with a linear spring type interface, Key Engineering Materials, 183-187(2000),223-228.

(14) Zhong Z, Sun QP, Tong P. On the axisymmetric deformation of a rod containing a single cylindrical 包裹体, International Journal of 固体s and Structures, 37(2000),5943-5955.

(15) Sun QP, Zhong Z. An inclusion theory for the propagation of martensite band in NiTi shape memory 合金 wires under 张力,International Journal of Plasticity, 16 (2000),1169-1197.

(16) Jin B, Zhou D, Zhong Z. Lateral dynamical compliance of pile embedded in poroelastic half Space乐队, Soil 动力学 and Earthquake Engineering, 21 (2001), 519-525.

(17) Zhong Z, Dai Y, Mei CC, Tong P. A micromechanical Theory of flow in pulmonary alveolar sheet, 计算机 Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 3 (2002), 77-86.

(18) Jin B, Zhong Z. A moving 调式III crack in functionally graded piezoelectric 物质: permeable problem, Mechanics Research Communications, 29 (2002), 217-224.

(19) Jin B, Zhong Z. Dynamic stress intensity factor (mode I) of a 潘儿shaped crack in an INFINITE poroelastic 固体s, International Journal of Engineering Science,40(2002),637-646.

(20) Hu KQ, Zhong Z, Jin B. Anti-plane shear crack in a functionally gradient piezoelectric 物质, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 15 (2002), 140-148.

(21) Zhang L, Zu JW, Zhong Z. Transient response of viscoelastic moving belts using block-by-block method, International Journal of Structural Stability and 动力学, 2 (2002), 265-280.

(22) Zhong Z, Sun QP. Analysis of a transversely 各向同性 rod containing a single cylindrical 包裹体 with axisymmetric eigenstrains, International Journal of Solids and Structures,39(2002),5753-5765.

(23) Wang X, Zhong Z. A moving piezoelectric ScRew 位错, Mechanics Research Communications, 29 (2002), 425-429.

(24) Wang X, Zhong Z. A conducting arc crack between a circular piezoelectric 包裹体 and an unbounded 基体, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 39 (2002), 5895-5911.

(25) Zhong Z, Yu XB, Sun QP, Yu TX, Huang HC. Modeling of 相位 transformation in a transversely 各向同性 SMA rod, Key Engineering Materials, 233-236 (2003), 649-654.

(26) Wang X, Zhong Z. A circular 包裹体 with a nonuniform interphase layer in antiplane shear, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 40 (2003), 881-897.

(27) Wang X, Zhong Z, Wu FL. A moving conducting crack at the interface of 两双 dissimilar piezoelectric materials. International Journal of 固体s and Structures, 40 (10) (2003), 2381-2399.

(28) Wang X, Zhong Z. A decagonal quasicrystal with an arc-shaped crack, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 16 (2003), 8-15.

(29) Zhong Z, Shu DW, Jin B. Analysis of a 调式 III crack in a functionally gradient piezoelectric 物质, Materials Science Forum, 423-425 (2003), 623-628.

(30) Wang X, Zhong Z. A crack sliding interface between anisotropic bimaterials, Mechanics Research Communications, 30 (2003), 387-393.

(31) Zhong Z, Shang ET. Three-dimensional exact analysis of a simply supported functionally gradient piezoelectric plate, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 40 (2003), 5335-5352.

(32) Jin B, Soh AK, Zhong Z. Propagation of an anti-plane moving crack in a functionally graded piezoelectric strip, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 73(2003), 252-260.

(33) Dai Y, Zhong Z, Tong P. Transient Response of Airport Runway, Key Engineering Materials, 243-244 (2003): 135-140.

(34) Wang X, Zhong Z. A circular tube or bar of cylindrically anisotropic magnetoelectroelastic 物质 under pressuring loading, International Journal of Engineering Science, 41 (2003), 2143-2159.

(35) Wang X, Zhong Z. Two-dimensional 时间harmonic dynamic green’s functions in transversely 各向同性 piezoelectric 固体s, Mechanics Research Communication, 30 (2003), 589-593.

(36) Wang X, Zhong Z. A finite long circular tube of cylindrically orthotropic piezoelectric/piezomagnetic composite materials under pressuring and 温度 change, International Journal of Engineering Science, 41(2003), 2429-2445.

(37) Hu KQ, Zhong Z, Jin B. Electroelastic intensification near anti-plane shear crack in a functionally gradient piezoelectric ceramic strip, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 16 (2003), 197-204.

(38) Wang X, Zhong Z. Three-dimensional solution of smart laminated anisotropic circular cylindrical shell with imperfect bonding, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 40 (2003), 5901-5921.

(39) Wang X, Zhong Z. The general solution of spherically 各向同性 magnetoelectroelastic media and its applications, European Journal of Mechanics, 22 (2003), 953-969.

(40) Zhong Z, Sun QP, Yu XB. Elastic solutions of a cylindrical rod containing periodically distributed inclusions with axisymmetric eigenstrains, Acta Mechanica, 166(2003), 169-183.

(41) Wang X, Zhong Z. Interaction between a semi-infinite crack and a straight 位错 in a decagonal quasi晶体 International Journal of Engineering Science,42(2004),521-538.

(42) Zhong Z. Analysis of a partially debonded elliptic inhomogeneity in piezoelectric materials, Applied 数学 and Mechanics, 25(2004),445-457.

(43) Zhong Z, Yu XB, Meguid SA. 3D Micromechanical modelling of particulate composite Materials with imperfect interface, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 2(2004), 85-100.

(44) Wan YP, Zhong Z, Fang DN. Permeability dependence of the effective magnetostriction of magnetostrictive composites. Journal of Applied Physics, 95(2004), 3099-3110.

(45) Wan YP, Zhong Z. Vibration analysis of Tb-Dy-Fe magnetostriction actuator and transducer, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in DesIGN, 1 (2004),95-107.

(46) Wan YP, Zhong Z. Magnetic-bias-field dependence of the magnetoelectric effect in a magnetoelectric structure: A simple model, Modern 物理学 Letters B,18(2004), 963-969.

(47) Nie GJ, Zhong Z. Elasto-plastic analysis of frames by differential quadrature 易络盟电子(中国)有限公司 method,Key Engineering Materials,274-276 (2004), 673-678.

(48) Zhang J, Zhong Z, Wu CH. A study on wheel-rail elastic-plastic frictional contact problem, Key Engineering Materials,274-276 (2004), 1029-1034.

(49) Yu XB, Sun QP, Zhong Z. Effect of Elastic 基体 Constraint on the Tensile Deformation of NiTi Superelastic 纤维, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41 (2004), 2659-2683.

(50) Hu KQ, Zhong Z, Jin B. Anti-plane shear crack in a 函数ally gradient piezoelectric layer bonded to dissimilar half spaces, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,47(2005), 82-93.

(51) Zhong Z, Shang ET. Exact analysis of a simply supported functionally graded piezothermoelectric plates, Journal of Intelligent 物质 Systems and Structures,16(2005), 643-651.

(52) Wang J, Lin JB, Wan YP, Zhong Z. A 两双dimensional analysis of surface acoustic waves in finite solids with the consideration of electrodes, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 22 (2005), 53-68.

(53) Hu KQ, Zhong Z. A moving 调式-III crack in a functionally graded piezoelectric strip. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design,2(2005), 61-79.

(54) Hu KQ, Li GQ, Zhong Z. 断裂 of a rectangular piezoelectromagnetic body, Mechanics Research Communications, 33 (2006), 482-492.

(55) Zhong Z, Yu T. Vibration of a simply supported functionally graded piezoelectric rectangular plate, Smart Materials and Structures, 15 (2006), 1404-1412.

(56) Zhong Z, Yu T. 两双dimensional Analysis of Functionally Graded Beams, AIAA Journal, 44 (2006), 3160-3164.

(57) 成姓 ZQ, Zhong Z. 断裂 analysis of a functionally graded strip under plane deformation, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinaca, 19 (2006), 114-121.

(58) Wan YP, Zhong Z, 裘姓 ZH. Magnetoelectric 电压 系数s of magnetoelectric composites, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 16 (2006), s20-s24.

(59) Lü CF, Chen WQ, Zhong Z. Two-dimensional thermo-elasticity solution for functionally graded thick beams, Science in China G: 物理学, Mechanics \u0026 Astronomy, 49 (2006), 451-460.

(60) 成姓 ZQ, Zhong Z. 断裂 analysis of a functionally graded interfacial zone between two dissimilar homogeneous materials, Science in China G: 物理学, Mechanics \u0026 Astronomy, 49 (2006), 540-552.

(61) Zhong Z, Yu T. Analytical solution of a cantilever functionally graded beam, Composites Science and Technology, 67 (2007), 481-488.

(62) Yu T, Zhong Z. Bending analysis of a functionally graded piezoelectric cantilever beam, Science in China G: 物理学, Mechanics \u0026 天文学, 50 (2007), 97-108.

(63) Nie GJ, Zhong Z. Semi-analytical solution for three-dimensional vibration of functionally graded circular plates, 计算机 Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 196 (2007), 4901-4910.

(64) Hu ZD, Sun QP, Zhong Z. Numerical simulation for stress-induced phase transformation of SMAs tube under 张力, Key Engineering 物质s, 340-341 (2007), 1181-1186.

(65) Nie GJ, Zhong Z. The Elasto-plastic and geometrically nonlinear finite element model of Space乐队 beam considering restraint torsion, Key Engineering Materials, 340-341 (2007), 335-340.

(66) Nie GJ, Zhong Z. Second-order elasto-plastic analysis of frames by differential quadrature element method, Key Engineering Materials, 340-341 (2007), 1321-1326.

(67) Zhang C, Zhong Z. Three-dimensional analysis of functionally graded plate based on the Haar wavelet method, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 20(2007), 95-109.

(68) 成姓 ZQ, Zhong Z. Analysis of a moving crack for a functionally graded strip sandwiched between two homogeneous layers of finite thickness, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 49 (2007), 1038-1046.

(69) Gao LM, Wang J, Zhong Z, Du JK. Propagation and effect of surface acoustic waves in a layered structure with functionally graded 物质 property patterns, Science in China G: 物理学, Mechanics \u0026 天文学,51(2008),165-175.

(70) Wan YP, 裘姓 JH, Zhong Z. Interfacial stiffness dependence of the effective magnetostriction of particulate magnetostrictive composites, International Journal of Solids and Structures,44 (2007), 18-33.

(71) Gao LM, Wang J, Zhong Z, et al. An analysis of surface acoustic wave propagation in a plate of functionally graded materials with a layered 调式l. Science in China G: 物理学, Mechanics \u0026 Astronomy, 51 (2008), 165-175.

(72) Zhong Z, Yu T. Electroelastic analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric 物质 beams. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 19 (2008), 707-713.

(73) Zhong Z, 成姓 ZQ. 断裂 analysis of a functionally graded strip with arbitrary distributed material properties. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45 (2008), 3711-3725.

(74) Zhong Z, Shang ET. Closed-form solutions of three-dimensional functionally graded plates. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 15 (2008), 355-363.

(75) Nie GJ, Zhong Z. Vibration analysis of functionally graded annular sectorial plates with simply supported radial edges. Composite Structures, 84 (2008), 167-176.

(76) Gao LM, Wang J, Zhong Z, et al. An Exact Analysis of surface Acoustic Waves in a Plate of Functionally Graded Materials. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and 频率 ctrl, 56 (2009), 2693-2700.

(77) Gao LM, Wang J, Zhong Z, et al. An analysis of surface acoustic wave propagation in functionally graded plates with homotopy analysis method. Acta Mechanica, 208 (2009) , 249-258.

(78) Wang LH, Hu ZD, Zhong Z, et al. Hamiltonian dynamic analysis of an axially translating beam featuring 时间variant velocity. Acta Mechanica, 206 (2009), 149-161.

(79) Li GS, Yin YJ, Li Y, Zhong Z. "Steiner trees" between 细胞 walls of sisal. 汉语词类 Science Bulletin, 54(2009), 3220-3224.

(80) Ma JJ, Zhong Z, Zhang CZ. Analysis of a crack in a functionally graded strip with a 功率 form shear modulus. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 22 (2009) , 465-473.

(81) Wang LH, Hu ZD, Zhong Z. Dynamic analysis of an axially translating plate with 时间-variant length. Acta Mechanica, 215 (2009), 9-23.

(82) Zhong Z, Chen SP, Shang ET. Analytical Solution of a Functionally Graded Plate in Cylindrical Bending. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 17 (2010), 595-602.

(83) Nie GJ, Zhong Z. Dynamic analysis of multi-directional functionally graded annular plates. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 34 (2010) , 608-616.

(84) 成姓 ZQ, Meguid SA, Zhong Z. Thermo-mechanical behavior of a viscoelastic FGMs 涂层 containing an interface crack. International Journal of Fracture, 164 (2010) , 15-29.

(85) Zhao HX, Yin YJ, Zhong Z. Micro and nano structures and morphologies on the wing veins of dragonflies. 汉语词类 Science Bulletin, 55 (2010) , 1993-1995.

(86) Wan YP, Xie LT, Zhong Z. Micromechanical prediction of the effective electromechanical properties of 细胞ular ferroelectrets. Journal of Applied 物理学, 108 (2010) , 054101.

(87) 成姓 ZQ, Gao DY, Zhong Z. Crack propagating in functionally graded 涂层 with arbitrarily distributed 物质 properties bonded to homogeneous substrate. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 23 (2010) , 437-446.

(88) Wang LH, Hu ZD, Zhong Z. Dynamic analysis of an axially translating viscoelastic beam with an arbitrarily varying length. Acta Mechanica, 214 (2010) , 225-244.

(89) Cui YQ, Zhong Z. Large scale 论域 道岔ing around the tip of an impermeable stationary crack in ferroelectric ceramics driven by near-coercive electric field. Science China-物理学 Mechanics \u0026 天文学, 54 (2011) , 121-126.

(90) Nie GJ, Zhong Z, Batra 香港区域市政局 Material tailoring for orthotropic elastic rotating disks. Composites Science and Technology, 71 (2011) , 406-414.

(91) Wan YP, Xie LT, Zhang XQ, Zhong Z. 时间 dependence of piezoelectric d(33) coefficient of cellular ferroelectret 聚丙烯 电影. Applied Physics Letters, 98 (2011) , 122902.

(92) Nie GJ, Zhong Z, Batra 香港区域市政局 Material tailoring for functionally graded hollow cylinders and spheres. Composites Science and Technology, 71 (2011) , 666-673.

(93) Wu Z, Zhong Z. A theoretical model for striped patterns in nematic hydrogels. 汉语词类 Science Bulletin, 56 (2011) , 1778-1781.

(94) Liu WX, Zhong Z. Three-dimensional thermoelastic analysis of functionally graded plate. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica , 24 (2011) , 241-249.

(95) Cui YQ, Yang W, Zhong Z. Green's function for T-stress of semi-infinite plane crack. Applied 数学 and Mechanics-English Edition , 32 (2011) , 973-980.

(96) Wu H, Zhong Z, Benseddiq N. Numerical simulation of the crack shape for the thermo-mechanical loaded 维尔福集团 Engineering Failure Analysis, 18 (2011) , 1487-1495.

(97) Zhao HX, Yin YJ, Zhong Z. Assembly Modes of Dragonfly Wings Microscopy Research And Technique, 74 (2011) , 1134-1138.

(98) Zhao JF, pan YD, Zhong Z. Analytical solution for SH wave propagating through a graded plate of meta物质s. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 6(2011), 301-307.

(99) Zhao JF, Pan YD, Zhong Z. Theoretical study of shear horizontal wave propagation in periodically layered piezoelectric structure, JOURNAL OF APPLIED 物理学, 111 (2012), No.6, 064906他引5

(100) Cui YQ, Zhong Z. A novel criterion for nonuniform 论域 switching of tetragonal ferroelectrics. Mechanics of Materials, 45 (2012), 61-71. 他引1

(101) 成姓 ZQ, Gao DY, Zhong Z. A moving interface crack between two dissimilar functionally graded strips under plane deformation with integral equation methods. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Element, 36 (2012), 267-273. 他引1

(102) Wan, YP,Fan LL, Zhong Z. Finite Element Modeling of Temporal Evolution of the Quasi-piezoelectric d33 系数 of Cellular Piezoelectret Polypropylene 电影, Computational Materials Science, 55 (2012) , 54-59他引33

(103) 成姓 ZQ, Gao DY, Zhong Z. Interface crack of two dissimilar bonded functionally graded strips with arbitrary distributed properties under plane deformations. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 54 (2012), 287–293. 他引3

(104) Wan YP, Yue YP, Zhong Z. Multilayered piezomagnetic/ piezoelectric composite with periodic interface cracks under magnetic or electric 领域 Engineering 断裂 Mechanics, 84 (2012), 132–145. 他引9

(105) Wan YP, Xie LT, Lou KX, Zhang XQ, Zhong Z. Experimental and theoretical study on time dependence of the quasi-piezoelectric d33 coefficients of cellular piezoelectret 电影 Journal of the Mechanics and 物理学 of Solids, 60 (2012), 1310–1329. 他引6

(106) Zhao HX, Yin YJ, Zhong Z. Multi-levels, multi-scales and multi-functions in the fine structure of the wing veins in the dragonfly pantala flavescens (fabricius) (anisoptera: libellulidae). Odonatologica, 41(2012), 161-172. 他引2

(107) Liang YC, Fu Z, Yuan X, Wang SM, Zhong Z, Zhang WQ. An unexpected softening from WB3 to WB4. EPL, 98 (2012), 66004. 他引20

(108) Liang YC, Yuan X, Fu Z, Li Y, Zhong Z, An unusual variation of stability and hardness in borides, APPLIED 物理学 LETTERS, 101(2012), No.18, 181908

(109) Wu Z, Zhong Z. A theoretical model for thermal-sensitive microgel with PNIPAM core and elastic shell. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 25 (2012), 520-529.

(110) Wan YP, Yue YP, Zhong Z. A 调式 III crack crossing the magnetoelectroelastic bi物质 interface under concentrated magnetoelectromechanical loads. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49 (2012), 3008–3021. 他引12

(111) Wan YP, Zhong Z. Effective electromechanical properties of cellular piezoelectret: A review. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 28 (2012), 951–959. 他引1

(112) Wan YP, Xie LT, Zhong Z. Variational bounds of the effective moduli of piezoelectric composites. SCIENCE CHINA -物理学, Mechanics \u0026 Astronomy, 55 (2012), 2106–2113. 他引2

(113) Cui YQ, Zhong Z. Nonuniform ferroelastic 论域 switching driven by two-parameter crack tip stress field. Engineering 断裂 Mechanics, 96(2012), 226–240. 他引1

(114) Wang LH, Hu ZD, Zhong Z*, Non-linear dynamical analysis for an axially moving beam with finite deformation, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 54 (2013), 5–21他引3

(115) Nie GJ,Zhong Z*,Chen SP. Analytical solution for a functionally graded beam with arbitrary graded material properties. Composites Part B, 44(2013),274–282. 他引16

(116) Nie GJ*,Zhong Z,Exact Solutions for Elastoplastic Stress 广义函数 in Functionally Graded Curved Beams Subjected to Pure Bending, MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 19 (2012), No.6, 474-484他引1

(117) Wu Z, Zhong Z*. Inhomogeneous Equilibrium swelling of core-shell-涂层 gels. Soft Materials, 11(2013), 215–220. 他引3

(118) Wu Z, Zhong Z*, A nonlinear theory accounting for stress-induced orientational transitions in nematic gels, Acta Mechanica, 224 (2013), 1243–1250

(119) Wang LH*, Zhong Z, Radial basis collocation method for nearly incompressible elasticity. Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 139 (2013), 439-451.

(120) Zhao HX, Yin YJ, Zhong Z*, Arnold circulation and multi-optimal dynamic controlling mechanisms in dragonfly Wings电子竞技俱乐部 Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 26 (2013), No. 3, 238-244他引2

(121) Wan YP*, Fan LL, Zhong Z, The effective electromechanical properties of cellular piezoelectret film: finite element modeling, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 26(2013),1-8

(122) Li HY, Zhang XT, 成姓 ZQ*, Gao DY, Zhong Z, Analysis of two dissimilar functionally graded strips containing interface crack under plane deformation, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 26(2013),35-45

(123) Wang LH*, Chu FY, Zhong Z, Study of radial basis collocation method for wave propagation, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 37 (2013), 453–463他引3

(124) Fu Z, Liang YC*, Wang SM, Zhong Z. Structural phase transition and mechanical properties of TiO2 under high 压强 Physica Status Solidi B-BASIC 固体 STATE 物理学, 250(2013), 2206–2214.

(125) Liang YC*, Zhong Z, Zhang WQ, A thermodynamic criterion for designing superhard transition-metal borides with ultimate boron content, Computational Materials Science, 68 (2013), 222–228他引9

(126) Liang YC*, Gou YP, Yuan X, Zhong Z, Zhang WQ, Unexpectedly hard and highly stable WB3 with a noncompact structure, Chemical Physics Letters, 580 (2013), 48–52他引16

(127) Zhao J, pan YD*, Zhong Z*, A study of 压强shear vertical wave propagation in periodically layered fluid and piezoelectric structure, Journal of Applied 物理学, 113 (2013), 054903他引3

(128) Yu TC, Nie GJ, Zhong Z*, Chu FY, Analytical solution of rectangular plate with in-plane variable stiffness, Applied 数学 and Mechanics (English Edition), 34 (2013), no.4, 395–404他引1

(129) Gao LM, Zhong Z, Zhang CZ, Flexural Wave in an Functionally Graded Periodic Beam, ADVANCES IN VIBRATION ENGINEERING, 12 (2013), 二氧化氮, 157-163

(130) Xia XD, Cui YQ, Zhong Z*, Nonuniform elastic domain switching for the interfacial crack, Procedia Materials Science, 3 ( 2014 ), 1638 – 1643

(131) Xia XD, Cui YQ, Zhong Z*, A mode III interfacial crack under nonuniform ferro-elastic 蛋白质结构域 switching, Theoretical and Applied 断裂 Mechanics, 69 (2014), 44–52他引1

(132) pan YH, Zhong Z*, Modeling the ion transport restriction in mechanically strained separator membranes, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 161 (2014) , A583-A586他引5

(133) Gou YP, Fu Z, Liang YC*, Zhong Z, Wang SM, Electronic structures and mechanical properties of iron borides from first principles, Solid State Communications, 187(2014),28–32他引5

(134) Hu KQ*, Chen ZT, Zhong Z, Pre-kinking analysis of a constant moving crack in a magnetoelectroelastic strip under in-plane loading, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids , 43 (2014), 25-43他引2

(135) Song XH, Dai KS*, Chen G, pan YD, Zhong Z, Sensitivity study of surface waves for CO2 storage monitoring, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas ctrl, 20 (2014), 180–188他引1

(136) Wang LH, Zhong Z*, 动力学 of the dragonfly Wings raised by blood circulation, Acta Mechanica, 225 (2014), 1471–1485他引2

(137) Chu FY, Wang LH*, Zhong Z, Finite subdomain radial basis collocation method, Computational Mechanics, 54 (2014), 235–254他引1

(138) Chu FY, Wang LH*, Zhong Z, He JZ, Hermite radial basis collocation method for vibration of functionally graded plates with in-plane material inhomogeneity, 计算机s and Structures, 142 (2014), 79–89他引2

(139) pan YH, Zhong Z*, Modeling of the mechanical degradation induced by moisture absorption in short natural 纤维 reinforced composites, Composites Science and Technology, 103 (2014) 22–27 他引1

(140) Pan YH, Zhong Z*, A nonlinear constitutive model of unidirectional natural fiber reinforced composites considering moisture absorption, Journal of the Mechanics and 物理学 of Solids, 69 (2014), 132–142他引2

(141) Zhou YT, Zhong Z*, Application of dual series equations to wavy contact between piezoelectric 物质s and an elastic solid, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 6 (2014), 1450046

(142) Zhou YT, Zhong Z*, Frictional indentation of anisotropic magneto-银金矿elastic materials by a rigid indenter, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions of the ASME, 81 (2014), 071001他引1

(143) Liu L, Zhao JF, pan YD*, Bonello B, Zhong Z*, Theoretical study of shwave propagation in periodically-layered piezomagnetic structure, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 85 (2014), 45–54他引3

(144) Shi Y, Wan YP*, Zhong Z, Variational bounds for the effective electroelastic moduli of piezoelectric composites with electromechanical 耦合 spring-type interfaces, Mechanics of Materials, 72 (2014), 72–93他引11

(145) Liang YC*, Yang J*, Yuan X, Qiu WJ, Zhong Z, Yang JH, Zhang WQ, Polytypism in superhard transition-metal triborides, Scientific Reports, 4 (2014), 05063他引5

(146) Nie GJ*, Zhong Z, Closed-formsolutions forelastoplastic pure bending ofa curved beamwith material inhomogeneity, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 27 (2014), 54-64

(147) Hou D, Yin YJ, Zhong Z*, Zhao HX, A new torsion 监察 mechanism induced by blood circulation in dragonfly wings, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 10 (2015), 016020

(148) Hou D, Yin YJ, Zhao HX, Zhong Z*, Effects of blood in veins of dragonfly wing on the vibration characteristics, Computers in Biology and 药品, 58 (2015), 南京地铁14号线19

(149) pan YH, Zhong Z*, The effect of hybridization on moisture absorption and mechanical degradation of natural 纤维 composites: An analytical approach, Composites Science and Technology, 110 (2015), 132–137他引1

(150) pan YH, Zhong Z*, A micromechanical 调式l for the mechanical degradation of natural fiber reinforced composites induced by moisture absorption, Mechanics of Materials, 85 (2015), 7–15 他引1

(151) Xia XD, Zhong Z*, Conservation integrals for the interfacial crack in biomaterial and layered ferroelectrics, Engineering 断裂 Mechanics, 134 (2015), 202–217

(152) Yang F, Zhong Z*, On the 能量 conservation during the active deformation in molecular 动力学 simulations, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 77 (2015), 146–157

(153) Xia XD, Zhong Z*, A mode III moving interfacial crack based on strip 磁力发电机electric polarization 色彩饱和度 model, Smart Materials and Structures, 24 (2015), 085015

(154) Zhou YT, Zhong Z*, The interaction of two rigid semi-cylinders over an各向同性 piezoelectric materials by the generalized Almansi theorem, Smart Materials and Structures, 24 (2015), 085011

(155) Li X, Zhou YT, Zhong Z, On the analytical solution for sliding contact of piezoelectric materials subjected to a flat or parabolic indenter, Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 66 (2015), 473–495

(156) pan YH, Zhong Z*, Mechanical Degradation of natural 纤维 reinforced composite 物质s under constrained swelling, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 10 (2015), 79-91

(157) Wang LH*, Zhong Z, Radial basis collocation method for the 动力学 of rotating flexible tube conveying fluid, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 7(2015),1550045


(158) Wang D, Yin YJ*, Wu JY, Zhong Z, The interaction potential between micro/nano curved surface body with 阳性 gauss 曲率 and an outside particle, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 15(2015), 61540055

(159) Zhu Y-Y, Zhong Z, Cheng CJ集团, A nonlinear mathematical model of thermoelastic thin plates with voids and its applications, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 7 (2015), 21550029

(160) Zhou YT, Zhong Z*,Partial contact in two-layered piezoelectric structure with interface occupying periodic profiles, Archive of Applied Mechanics,85(2015),1649–1665

(161) Zhou YT, Zhong Z*, Modeling of roughness contact in piezoelectric/piezomagnetic bi物质 using potentials, Journal of Applied Mechanics — Transactions of the ASME, 82 (2015), 091010

(162) Zhang Z, pan YD*, Xiao Y, Zhong Z, Measurement and analysis of laser generated rayleigh and lamb waves considering its pulse duration, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 28 (2015), 441-452.

(163) Zhang ZL, Yin YJ, Zhong Z*, Zhao HX, Aerodynamic 表演 of DragonflyWing with Well-designed Corrugated Section in Gliding Flight, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering \u0026 Sciences, 109(2015), No.3, 285-302.

(164) Tian WX, Zhong Z*, Li YC, Multilayered piezomagnetic/ piezoelectric composites with periodic interfacial cracks subject to in-plane loading, Smart Materials and Structures, 25 (2016), 015029

(165) Lu YY, Shi JT, Nie GJ. Zhong Z*, An elasticity solution for transversely isotropic, functionally graded circular plates, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 23(2016), 451-457

(166) pan YH, Zhong Z*, Micromechanical modeling of the wood cell wall considering moisture absorption, Composites Part B, 91 (2016), 27-35

(167) Pan YH, Zhong Z*, Relative humidity and temperature dependence of mechanical degradation of natural 纤维 composites, SCIENCE CHINA-物理学 MECHANICS \u0026 ASTRONOMY, 59(2016), No. 6, 664603

(168) pan YH, Zhong Z*, Analysis of 蠕变 and modulus loss of the wood cell wall, Acta Mechanica, 227(2016), No.11, 3191–3203

(169) Xia XD, Zhong Z*,Tuning of non-uniform switch toughening in ferroelectric composites by an electric field, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 32(2016), No.5, 866-880

(170) Li T, Xiao JZ*, Zhu CM, Zhong Z, Experimental study on mechanical behaviors of 混凝土 with large-开本 recycled coarse aggregate, Construction and Building Materials, 120 (2016), 321–328. 他引1

(171) Xia XD, Wang Y, Zhong Z, Weng GJ*, A theory of electrical conductivity, dielectric constant, and electromagnetic interference shielding for lightweight graphene composite foams, Journal of Applied Physics, 120 (2016), 085102

(172) Zhang DB, Zhao JF*, Bonello B, Li LB, Wei JX, pan YD, Zhong Z, Air-coupled method to investigate the lowest-order antisymmetric Lamb mode in stubbed and air-drilled phononic plates, AIP Advances, 6 (2016), 085021

(173) Zhou YT, Zhong Z*, On periodic indentation of a rigid solid occupying a wavy surface moving on multiferroic materials, Mechanics Research Communications, 75 (2016), 49–56

(174) Gao YK*, Zhong Z, Lei LM, Influence of Laser Peening and Shot Peening on Fatigue Properties of FGH97 Superalloy, RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, 45 (2016), No.5, 1230-1234

(175) Chu FY, He JZ, Wang LH*, Zhong Z, Buckling analysis of functionally graded thin plate with in-plane material inhomogeneity, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 65 (2016), 112125. 他引2

(176) pan YH, Zhan YX, Ji HY, Niu XR*, Zhong Z*, Can 超弹性 material parameters be uniquely determined from indentation experiments? RSC ADVANCES, 6(2016), No.85,81958-81964

(177) Wang D, Yin YJ*, Wu JY, Eang XG, Zhong Z, 曲率based interaction potential between a micro/nano curved surface body and a particle on the surface of the body, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS, 42 (2016), No.1, 33-51

(178) Tian F, pan YH, Zhong Z*, A long-term mechanical degradation model of unidirectional natural 纤维 reinforced composites under hydrothermal ageing, Composites Science and Technology, 142 (2017) 156–162

(179) Xia XD, Hao J, Wang Y, Zhong Z, Weng GJ*, Theory of electrical conductivity and dielectric 介电常数 of highly aligned graphene-based nanocomposites, Journal of 物理学: Condensed Matter, 29 (2017), 205702 (15pp)

(180) Xia XD, Wang Y, Zhong Z, Weng GJ*, A 频率dependent theory of electrical conductivity and dielectric 介电常数 for graphene-polymer nanocomposites, , 111 (2017),221-230

(181) WANG D, YIN YJ*, WU JY, ZHONG Z, Duality in interaction potentials for curved surface bodies and inside particles, Applied 数学 and Mechanics (English Edition), 38(2017), No.8,1071–1090

(182) Zhang XL, Zhong Z*, A thermodynamic framework for thermo-chemo-elastic interactions in chemically active materials, SCIENCE CHINA-物理学, Mechanics \u0026 Astronomy, 60(2017), No.8, 084611

(183) Zhang XL, Zhong Z*, A coupled theory for chemically active and deformable solids with 质量 diffusion and 热学 conduction, Journal of the Mechanics and 物理学 of Solids,107(2017), 49–75.

(184) Xia XD, Zhong Z, Weng GJ*, 麦克斯威(上海)商贸有限公司Wagner–Sillars mechanism in the 频率 dependence of electrical conductivity and dielectric 介电常数 of graphene-polymer nanocomposites, Mechanics of Materials, 109(2017),42–50

(185) pan YH, Zhong Z*, A viscoelastic constitutive modeling of 生胶like materials with the PAYNE effect, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 50(2017),621–632

(186) Zhou YT, Pang SJ, Zhong Z*, Tribological behavior of a flat or circular stamp sliding on piezoelectric/piezomagnetic composites, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 9 (2017), 二氧化氮, 1750018 (29 pages)

(187) Shi Y, Wan YP*, Zhong Z, Dynamic effective property of fibrous piezoelectric composites with spring- or membrane-type imperfect interfaces, Mechanics Research Communications,84(2017),116-124.

(188) Xia XD, Zhong Z*,Semi-permeable Yoffe-type interfacial crack analysis in MEE composites based on the strip 银金矿magnetic polarization saturation model, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,30(2017),354–368.

(189) Xia XD, Yu Su, Zhong Z, Weng GJ*, A unified theory of plasticity, progressive damage and failure in grapheme-metal nanocomposites, International Journal of Plasticity,99(2017), 58-80.

(190) Zhang DB, Zhao JF*, Bonello B, Zhang FL, Yuan WT, pan YD, Zhong Z, Investigation of surface acoustic wave propagation in composite pillar based phononic crystals within both local 共振 and Bragg scattering mechanism regimes, Journal of Physics D: Applied 物理学, 50 (2017), 435602(10pp)

(191) Zhan YX, pan YH, Chen B, Lua J, Zhong Z, Niu XR*, Strain rate dependent 超弹性 stress-stretch behavior of a silica nanoparticle reinforced poly (乙烯 glycol) diacrylate nanocomposite hydrogel, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 75(2017), 236-243.

(192) Zhong Z*, Tian F, Modeling of mechanical behaviors for natural 纤维 reinforced composites under hygrothermal ageing, SCIENCE CHINA-物理学, Mechanics \u0026 Astronomy,60(2017), No.12, 124631

(193) Shi Y, Wan YP*, Zhong Z, Anti-plane 时间harmonic Green’s functions for a coated circular inhomogeneity in a piezoelectric medium with spring- or membrane-type imperfect interfaces, 数学 and Mechanics of Solids, 22(2017), No.9, 1813–1846

(194) Hou D, Zhong Z*, Yin YJ, Pan YH, Zhao HX, The role of soft vein joints in dragonfly flight, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 14 (2017), 738–745

(195) Xia XD, Mazzeo AD, Zhong Z, Weng GJ*, An X-band theory of electromagnetic interference shielding for graphene-polymer nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Physics, 122(2017), 025104

(196) Wang L*, Zhong Z. 情结 modal analysis for the time-variant dynamical problem of rotating pipe conveying fluid. Computer Modeling in Engineering \u0026 Sciences, 2018, 114(1):1-18


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