李太生 :北京协和医院感染内科主任

更新时间:2023-08-15 17:36























1. 发热待查;

2. 各种感染性疾病的诊治;

3. 免疫抑制人群的诊治。



另外还是《Emerging Microbes \u0026 Infections》《Journal of Clinical 病毒学》《International Journal of Medical Informatics》《AIDS Care》《Journal of Medical Virology》《Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management》《AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses》《International Journal of STD \u0026 AIDS》《SAGE Open Medicine》《Global Journal of 麻醉学》《BMJ Case Reports》《中华内科杂志》《中华传染病杂志》《汉语词类 Medical Sciences Journal》《Clinical Intensive Care and 药品》等学术杂志审稿人;还是《艾滋病》中文版主编, 《中华内科杂志》和《中华传染病杂志》副主编。













1、Luo L,Wang N,Yue Y,Han Y,Lv W,Liu Z,裘姓 Z,Lu H,Tang X,Zhang T,Zhao M,He Y,Shenghua H,Wang M,Li Y,Huang S,Li Y,Liu J,Tuofu Z,Routy JP, Li T*. The effects of antiretroviral therapy initiation 时间 on HIV reservoir 开本 in 汉语词类 chronically HIV infected patients:a prospective,multi-site cohort study[J]. BMC Infectious Diseases,2019,19(1).

2、Luo L,Wang H,Fan H,Xie J,Qiu Z,Li T*. The clinical characteristics and the features of immunophenotype of peripheral lymphocytes of adult onset chronic active Epstein-Barr 病毒 disease at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Beijing. MEDICINE,97(9)(2018):e9854.

3、Luo L,Han Y,Song X,Zhu T,Zeng Y,Li T*. CD16-expressing 单核细胞 correlate with arterial stiffness in HIV-infected ART-naive men,HIV CLIN TRIALS,19(2)(2018):39-45.

4、Sang X,Chen Y,Chen W,Xie J,Meng G,Zhong J,Li T*,Lu A*. Celastrol specifically inhibits the activation of NLRP3inflammasome.Sci China Life Sci.61(3)(2018):355-357.

5、Lu W,Feng Y,Jing F,Han Y,Lyu N,Liu F,Li J,Song X,Xie J,裘姓 Z,Zhu T,Routy B,Routy JP,Li T*,Zhu B*. Association Between Gut Microbiota and CD4 Recovery in HIV-1 Infected Patients,Front Microbiol,9(2018):1451.

6、Guo F,成姓 X,Hsieh E,Du X,Fu Q,Peng W,Li Y,Song X,Routy JP,Li T*. Prospective 等离子体 依法韦仑 concentration assessment in 汉语词类 HIV-infected adults enrolled in a large multicentre study,HIV MED,19(7)(2018):440-451.

7、Guo F,Hsieh E,Lv W,Han Y,Xie J,Li YL,Song XJ,Li TS*. Cardiovascular disease risk among Chinese antiretroviral-naïve adults with advanced HIV disease. BMC Infect Dis,17(1)(2017):287.

8、Xie J,Hsieh E,Sun MQ,Wang HL,Lv W,Fan HW,Li TS*. Delays in HIV Diagnosis and Associated Factors among Patients Presenting with AdvancedDisease at A Tertiary Care Hospital in Beijing,China. PLOS ONE. 12(8)(2017):e0182335.

9、Du XL,Kou HJ,Fu Q,Li YL,Zhu Z,Li TS*. Steady-state 药物代谢动力学 of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in human immunodeficiency 病毒-infected Chinese patients. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol,10(7)(2017):783-788.

10、Li YJ,Xie J,Wang HL,Han Y,Wang ND,Thio CL,Li TS*.. Elevated pre-treatment IL-18 level is associated with HBeAg seroconversion in HIV-HBV coinfection. 小红伞 Ther,22(6)(2017):523-527.

11、Yue YS,Wang ND,Han Y,Zhu T,Xie J,Qiu ZF,Song XJ,Li YL,Routy JP,Wang JH,Li TS*. A higher CD4/CD8 ratio correlates with an ultralow 细胞associated HIV-1 脱氧核糖核酸 level in chronically infected patients on antiretroviral therapy: a case 监察 study. BMC Infect Dis,17(1)(2017):771.

12、Wang N,Li Y,Han Y,Xie J,Li T*. HIV 序列 diversity during the early phase of infection is associated with HIV 脱氧核糖核酸 还原s during antiretroviral therapy. J Med Virol. 89(6)(2017):982-988.

13、Zhang H,Wang HL*,Zhong DR,Liu Y,Li NN,Zhang W,Xiao Y,Li TS*. Fatal Pulmonary Kaposi Sarcoma in an HIV seronegative 艾滋病 patient. Clin Respir J. 11(6)(2017):1040-1044.

14、Wang ND,Li TS*. Factors Associated with the 开本 of HIV 脱氧核糖核酸 Reservoir[J]. 汉语词类 Medical Journal,130(2)(2017):224-230.

15、Qin L,Xie J,裘姓 ZF,Cao W,Jiao Y,Jean‐Pierre Routy,and Li TS*. Aging of immune system: Immune 标记 from peripheral blood 淋巴细胞 subsets in 1068 healthy adults . AGING-US,8(5)(2016):848-859.

16、Guo FP,Li YJ,裘姓 ZF,Lv W,Han Y,Xie J,Li YL,Song XJ,Du SS,Mehraj V,Li TS*,Routy JP. Baseline Naive CD4+ T-cell Level Predicting Immune Reconstitution in Treated HIV-infected Late Presenters. Chin Med J (Engl). 129(22)(2016):2683-2690.

17、Xie J,Han Y,Qiu ZF,Li YJ,Li YL,Song XJ,Wang HL,Chloe L Thio,Li TS*. Prevalence of 肝炎 B and C 病毒es in HIV-positive patients in China: a cross-sectional study. J Int 艾滋病 Soc,19:20659(2016).

18、Li YJ,Xie J,Han Y,Wang HL,Zhu T,Wang ND,Lv W,Guo FP,Qiu ZF,Li YL,DuSS,Song XJ,Chloe L Thio,Li TS*.Lamivudine monotherapy-based cART is efficacious for HBV treatment in HIV/HBV co-infection when baseline HBV 脱氧核糖核酸\u003c20,000IU/ml. J Acquir Immune DeficSyndr. 72(1)(2016): 39-45.

19、Li YJ,Xie J,Han Y,汪姓 HL,Lv W,Guo FP,Qiu ZF,Li YL,Du SS,Song XJ,Zhu T,Thio,CL,Li TS*. 组合 Antiretroviral Therapy Is Associated With Reduction in Liver 纤维化 Scores in HIV-1-Infected Subjects. MEDICINE,95(5)(2016):e2660.

20、Hsieh E,Fraenke L,Han Y,Xia W,Insogna KL,Yin MT,Zhu T,Cheng X,Li TS*. Longitudinal increase in vitamin D binding protein levels after initiation of 替诺福韦/lamivudine/依法韦仑 among individuals with HIV. 艾滋病. 30(12)(2016):1935-1942.

21、Li HP,Chang S,Han Y,壮族 D,Li L,Liu Y,Liu S,Bao Z,Zhang W,Song H,Li TS*,Li J*. The prevalence of drug 厚膜电阻 among treatment-naïve HIV-1-infected individuals in China during pre- and post-2004[J]. BMC infectious diseases,16(605)(2016).

22、Han Y,Li YJ,Xie J,Qiu ZF,Li YL,Song XJ,Zhu T,Li TS*.Week 120 efficacy of 替诺福韦,lamivudine and lopinavir/r-based second-line antiretroviral therapy in treatment-experienced HIV patienSS501 PLoS One.10(3)(2015)e120705.

23、Dou HT,Xu Y,Li TS*. Application of the DiversiLab system for tracing the source of the mixed infections caused by Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii from a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. Mycoses. 58(3)(2015):149-159.

24、Zhang CD,Chow FC,Han Y,Xie J,Qiu Z,Guo F,Li Y,汪姓 H,Li TS*. Multicenter cohort study of 糖尿病 mellitus and impaired fasting glucose in HIV-infected patients in China. J Acquir Immune DeficSyndr. 68(3)(2015):298-303.

25、GE Y\u0026 Li TS*.May early intervention with intravenous immunoglobulin pose a potentially successful treatment for Ebola virus infection? Life Sciences58(1)(2015):108-110.

26、Li YJ,Gu LJ,Han Y,Xie J,汪姓 HL,Lv W,Song XJ,Li YL,Iwamoto,A,Ishida T,Li TS*. HIV-1 Subtype B/B ' and Baseline Drug 厚膜电阻 Mutation Are Associated With Virologic Failure: A Multicenter Cohort Study in China. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES,68(3)(2015):289-297.

27、Hsieh E,Fraenkel L,Xia W,Hu YY,Han Y,Insogna K,Yin MT,Xie J,Zhu T,Li TS*. Increased bone resorption during 替诺福韦 plus lopinavir/ritonavir therapy in 汉语词类 individuals with HIV. Osteoporos Int.26(3)(2015):1035-1044.

28、Gu LJ,Han Y,Li Y,Zhu T,Song X,Huang Y,Yang F,Guan S,Xie J,Gohda J,Hosoya N,Kawana-Tachikawa A,Liu W,Gao GF,Iwamoto A,Li TS*,Ishida T. Emergence of Lamivudine-Resistant HBV during Antiretroviral Therapy Including Lamivudine for Patients Coinfected with HIV and HBV in China. PLoS One. 10(8)(2015) e0134539.

29、Li TS*,Xie J,Li Y,Routy JP,Li Y,Han Y,Qiu Z,Lv W,Song X,Sun M,Zhang X,汪姓 F,Jiang H. Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F extract in cART-treated HIV patients with poor immune response: a pilot study to assess its immunomodulatory effects and safety. HIV Clin Trials. 16(2)(2015):49-56.

30、Fan HW,Guo FP,Li YJ,Li N,Li TS*. Prevalence of thrombocytopenia among 汉语词类 adult antiretroviral-naïveHIV-positive patients. Chin Med J (Engl). 128(4)(2015):459-464.

31、Li YJ,Han Y,Xie J,Gu L,Li W,汪姓 H,Lv W,Song X,Li Y,Routy JP,Ishida T,Iwamoto A,Li TS*; CACT0810 基团 CRF01_AE subtype is associated with X4 向性 and fast HIV progression in 汉语词类 patients infected through sexual transmission. 艾滋病.28(4)(2014):521-530.

32、Guo FP,Liu Y,Li Y,Fan H,Li TS*. Disseminated Mycobacterium avium 情结 infection manifested as Brown-Séquard 综合征 in an HIV-infected patient. Chin Med J (Engl). 127(4)(2014):799.

33、Luo L,Zeng Y,Li TS*,Lv W,汪姓 HL,Guo FP,Han Y,Xie J,Qiu ZF,Li YL,Song XJ,Zhu T,Zhang XY,Li L,Ye YC,He Y,Lu HZ,Huang AQ,Tang XP,Wang H,Zhang T,Gao GJ,Lei JK,Wu XH,Sun YT,Bai JS,Li KL. . Prospective Echocardiographic Assessment of Cardiac Structure and Function in 汉语词类 Persons Living With HIV. Clinical Infectious Diseases,58(10)(2014):1459-1466.

34、Li TS*,Guo F,Li Y,Zhang C,Han Y,Lye W,He Y,Lu H,Xie J,Huang A,Li Y,Tang X,Wang H,Zhang T,Gao G,Lei J,Zhang X,Wu X,Sun Y,Bai J,Luo L,Wang H. An antiretroviral regimen containing 6 months of 司他夫定 followed by long-term 齐多夫定 for first-line HIV therapy is optimal in 资源limited settings: a prospective,multicenter study in China. Chin Med J (Engl). 127(1)(2014):59-65.

35、Cao W,QiuZF,Zhu T,Li Y,Han Y,Li TS*.CD8+ T cell responses specific for hepatitis B 病毒 core protein in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Journal of Clinical 病毒学61(2014): 40-46.

36、Hsieh E,Fraenkel L,Bradley EH,Xia W,Insogna KL,Cui Q,Li K,Li TS*.骨质疏松症 knowledge,self-efficacy,and health beliefs among 汉语词类 individuals with HIV. 弓形 Osteoporos. 9(1)(2014):201.

37、Ge Y,Li TS*,Liu ZY,Liu M,Guan H,Chen L,Tian Y,壮族 Q. A rare cause of fever of unknown origin-cervical spinal cord lesion. Chin Med J (Engl).127(19)(2014):3517-3518.

38、Hsieh E,Fraenkel L,Bradley E,Xia W,Qu C,Ling L,Insogna K,Li TS*. 骨质疏松症 knowledge,self-efficacy,and health beliefs among 汉语词类 men and women with HIV. Ann Rheum Dis. 73 Suppl 1(2014):A62-3.

39、Hsieh E,Fraenkel L,Xia W,Hu Y,Han Y,Insogna K,Yin MT,Xie J,Zhu T,Li TS*.Increased bone turnover after switch to 替诺福韦 + lopinavir/ritonavir in 汉语词类 HIV + patients. Ann Rheum Dis. 73 Suppl 1(2014):A62.

40、Kou HJ,Du X,Li Y,Xie J,Qiu Z,Ye M,Fu Q,Han Y,Zhu Z,Li TS*,Comparison of nevirapine 等离子体 concentrations between in and steady-state periods in 汉语词类 HIV-infected patients. PLoS One. 8(1)(2013):e52950.

41、Cao Y,Gong M,Han Y,Xie J,Li X,Zhang L,Li Y,Song X,Zhu T,Li TS*. Prevalence and risk factors for chronic 肾脏 disease among HIV-infected antiretroviral therapy-naïve patients in 汉语词类 mainland:A multicenter cross-sectional study. Nephrology (Carlton). 18(4)(2013):307-312.

42、Zhang C,Wang W,Zhou M,Han H,Xie J,Qiu Z,Guo F,Li Y,Wang H,Ghanem KG,Li TS*. The Interaction of CD4 T-Cell 计数 and Nevirapine Hepatotoxicity in China: A Change in National Treatment Guidelines May Be Warranted. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.62(2013):540–545.

43、Cao Y,Han Y,Xie J,Cui Q,Zhang L,Li Y,Li Y,Song X,Zhu T,Li TS*. Impact of a 替诺福韦 disoproxil fumarate plus ritonavir-boosted Prorese inhibitor-based regimen on renal function in HIV-infected Individuals:a prospective,multicenter study. BMC Infect Dis.13(2013):301.

44、Zhang LX,Su Y,Hsieh E,Xia W,Xie J,Han Y,Cao Y,Li Y,Song X,Zhu T,Li TS*,Yu W. Bone turnover and bone mineral 密度 in HIV-1 infected 汉语词类 taking highly active antiretroviral therapy-a prospective observational study. BMC MusculoskeletDisord. 14(2013):224.

45、Wang HL,Ghanem KG,Wang P,Yang S,Li TS*. Listeriosis at a tertiary care hospital in beijing,china: High prevalence of non-clustered healthcare-associated cases among adult patients. Clin Infect Dis.56(5)(2013):666-676.

46、Kou H,Du X,Li Y,Fu Q,Zhu Z,Li TS*.Quantification of tenofovir in human 等离子体 by 固体phase extraction and high-performance 羧基液体丁腈橡胶 chromatography coupled with UV detection. Ther Drug Monit. 34(5)(2012):593-598.

47、Wang H,Li Y,Zhang C,Han Y,Zhang X,Zhu T,Li TS*. Immunological and virological responses to cART in HIV/HBV co-infected patients from a multicenter cohort. 艾滋病. 26(14)(2012):1755-1763.

48、Kou HJ,Ye M,Fu Q,Han Y,Du X,Xie J,Zhu Z,Li TS*. Simultaneous quantification of lopinavir and ritonavir in human 等离子体 by high performance 羧基液体丁腈橡胶 chromatography coupled with UV detection. SciChina Life Sci. 55(4)(2012):321-327.

49、Li YJ,Wang HL,Li TS*. 肝炎 B virus/human immunodeficiency virus coinfection: Interaction among human immunodeficiency virus infection,chronic hepatitis B virus infection,and 宿主 免疫力 Chin Med J (Engl). 125(13)(2012):2371-2377.

50、Li,CG; Yang,PH; Sun,Y; Li,TS; Wang,C; Wang,Z; Zou,Z; Yan,YW; Wang,W; Wang,C; Chen,ZW; Xing,L; Tang,C; Ju,XW; Guo,F; Deng,JJ; Zhao,Y; Yang,P; Tang,J; Wang,HL; Zhao,ZP; Yin,ZN; Cao,B; Wang,XL; Jiang,CY. 2012. IL-17 response mediates acute lung injury induced by the 2009 pandemic 流行性感冒 A (H1N1) 病毒. CELL RESEARCH,22(3):528-538.

51、Liu LF,Wang L,Fu Q,Zhu Z,Xie J,Han Y,Liu ZY,Ye M,Li TS*. Steady-state 药物代谢动力学 of 齐多夫定 in ChineseHIV-infected patients. Chin Med J (Engl). 125(11)(2012):1931-1935.

52、Li TS*,Wu N.CD31(+) Cell Percentage Correlation With Speed of CD4(+) T-Cell 计数 Recovery in HIV-Infected Adults Is Reversed in Children:Higher Thymic Output May Be Responsible Reply. CLIN INFECT DIS .55(2) (2012):307-309.

53、Cao W,Qiu ZF,Li TS*. 纬线 decline of CD8+CD38+ lymphocytes and viremia in treated 肝炎 B patients. World J Gastroenterol. 17(17)(2011):2191-2198.

54、Liu LF,Xie J,Sun J,Han Y,Zhang C,Fan H,Liu Z,Qiu Z,He Y,Li TS*. Longitudinal profiles of immunoglobulin G antibodies against severe acute respiratory 综合征 正冠状病毒亚科 components and neutralizing activities in recovered patients[J]. Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases,43(6-7)(2011):515-521.

55、Li TS*,Wu N,Dai Y,Qiu Z,Han Y,Xie J,Zhu T,Reduced thymic output is a major mechanism of immune reconstitution failure in HIV-infected patients after long-term antiretroviral therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 53(9)(2011):944-51.

56、Han Y,Wu N,Zhu WJ,Li YL,左姓 LY,Ye JJ,Qiu ZF,Xie J and Li TS*.Detection of HIV-1 viruses in tears of patients evenunder long-term HAART,AIDS,25(15)(2011):1925-1927.

57、Wang J,Kou H,Fu Q,Han Y,Qiu Z,Zuo L,Li Y,Zhu Z,Ye M,Ma Q,Li TS*.Nevirapine 等离子体 concentrations are associated with virologic response and hepatotoxicity in 汉语词类 patients with HIV infection. PLoS One. 6(10)(2011):e26739.

58、Luo L,Li TS*.Overviewof antiretroviral treatment in china:advancement and challenges Chinese Medical Journal;124(3)(2011):440-444.

59、Ye M,Wang L,Fu Q,Zhu Z,Li P,Li TS*. Steady-State 药物代谢动力学 of Lamivudine Once-Daily Versus TWICEDaily Dosing in 汉语词类 HIV-Infected Patients. HIV Clin Trials. 11(4)(2010):230-237.

60、Ye Y,Zeng Y,Li X,Zhang S,Fang Q,Luo L,Qiu Z,Han Y,Li TS*. Human immunodeficiency 病毒 Infection: An Independent Risk Factor of Peripheral Arterial Disease. J Acquir Immune DeficSyndr. 53(2)(2010):276-278.

61、Guo FP,Lv W,Han Y,Qiu ZF,Zuo LY,Li YL,Li TS*. Impact of Hepatitis C Virus Coinfection on HAART in HIV-Infected Individuals: Multicentric Observation Cohort. J艾滋病-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES,54(2)(2010):137-142.

62、Luo L,Ye Y,Guo F,左姓 L,Li Y,Qiu Z,Han Y,Li L,Zeng Y*,Li TS*. Assessment of cardiac diastolic dysfunction in HIV-infected people without cardiovascular symptoms in China. Int J STD 艾滋病;21(12)(2010):814-818.

63、Zeng Y,Ye Yc,Luo L,Qiu ZF,Han Y,Li XM,Fang QA,Zang SY and Li TS*.Premature atherosclerosis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency 综合征 Chinese Medical Journal,123(23)(2010):3396-3399.

64、Cao ZL,Liu LF,Du LY,Zhang C,Jiang S,Li TS*,He YX*. Potent and persistent antibody responses against the receptor-binding 论域 of 严重急性呼吸综合征CoV spike protein in recovered patients[J]. Virology journal,7(2010):299.

65、Xie J,Jiao Y,Qiu Z,Li Q,Li TS*. Significant elevation of B cells at acute stage in enterovirus 71-infected children with central nervous system involvement. Scand J Infect Dis. 42(11-12)(2010):931-935.

66、Liu J,Wu P,Gao F,Qi JX,Kawana-Tachikawa,A,Xie J,Vavricka,CJ, Iwamoto,A,Li TS*,Gao GF. Novel Immunodominant Peptide Presentation Strategy: a Featured HLA-A*2402-Restricted Cytotoxic T-淋巴细胞 Epitope Stabilized by Intrachain Bonds from Severe Acute Respiratory 综合征 正冠状病毒亚科 Nucleocapsid Protein. JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY. 84(22)(2010):11849-11857.

67、Jiao Y,裘姓 ZF,Xie J,Li DJ,Li TS*. Reference ranges and agerelated changes of peripheral blood 淋巴细胞 subsets in 汉语词类 healthy adults. Sci China C Life Sci,52(7)(2009):643-650.

68、Liu ZY,Guo FP,Han Y,Qiu ZF,Zuo LY,Li YL,Li TS*. Impact of baseline CD4(+) T cell counts on the efficacy of nevirapine-based highly active antiretroviral therapy in 汉语词类 HIV/AIDS patients: a prospective,multicentric study. Chin Med J (Engl). 122(20)(2009):2497-2502.

69、Luo L,Zhang L,Tao MM,Qiu ZF,Xie J,Han Y,Li M,Li TS*. Adiponectin and Leptin Levels in Chinese Patients with HIV-Related Lipodystrophy: A 30-Month Prospective Study. 艾滋病 Res Hum Retroviruses. 25(12)(2009):1265-1272.

70、Zhang HW,Qiu ZF,Jiao Y,Wang AX,Li TS*. HIV-specific CD8(+) T cell responses to HXB2 Gag and Nef 多肽 pools in 汉语词类 HIV/AIDS patients. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES. 52(9)(2009):841-846.

71、Luo L,Li TS*.Idiopathic CD4 Lymphocytopenia and opportunistic infection an update.FEMSImmunol Med Microbiol.54(2008):283-289.

72、Li TS*,Dai Y,Kuang JQ,Jiang JM,Han Y,Qiu ZF,Xie J,Zu,LY,Li YL. Three Generic Nevirapine-Based Antiretroviral Treatments in 汉语词类 HIV/AIDS Patients: Multicentric Observation Cohort. PLOS ONE. 3(12)(2008):e3918.

73、Qing ML,Li TS*,Han Y,Qiu ZF,Jiao Y. Accelerating effect of human leukocyte 抗原Bw6 homozygosity on disease progression in 汉语词类 HIV-1 - Infected patients. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES. 41(2)(2006):137-139.

74、Jiao Y, Xie J,Li TS*,Han Y,Qiu ZF,Zuo LY,Wang AX. Correlation between Gag-specific CD8 T-cell responses,viral load and CD4 计数 in HIV-1 infection is dependent on disease status. J Acquir Immune DeficSyndr,42(3)(2006):263-268.

75、Jiao Y,Li TS*,Xie J,Han Y,Qiu ZF,左姓 LY,Thomas Mourez,Wang AX. Association between Nef-Specific CD8+ T-Cell Responses and disease progression in HIV-1 Subtype B Infection. 汉语词类 Medical Journal,119(19)(2006):1609-1615.

76、Wang AX,Wang FS,Wang QY,Jian W,Feng TJ,Lu HZ,Sun HQ,Sun YT,Ye HH,Li TS*,Li XW,Liu ZY,Xing YL,Yun H,Ning W,Hao W,Wu NP,Zhang FJ,Zhou ZQ,Gong EC,Zhao HX,Min Z,Tang XP,Xu LZ,Xu XY,Cao YZ,Kang LY,Yan J,Cai WP,Fan QB,Pan XZ. Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS in China (2005). 汉语词类 MEDICAL JOURNAL. 119(19)(2006): 1589-1608.

77、Dai Y,QiuZF,Li TS*,Han Y,左姓 LY,Xie J,Ma XJ,Liu ZY,Wang AX. Clinical outcomes and immune reconstitution in 103 advanced AIDS patients undergoing 12-month highly active antiretroviral therapy. 汉语词类 Medical Journal,119(20)(2006):1677-1682.

78、Li TS*,Xie J,He Y,Fan H,Baril L,Qiu Z,Han Y,Xu W,Zhang W,You H,左姓 Y,Fang Q,Yu J,Chen Z,Zhang L. Long-term persistence of robust antibody and cytotoxic T cell responses in recovered patients infected with 严重急性呼吸综合征 正冠状病毒亚科[J]. PloS one,1(2006):e241.

79、Li TS*,Qiu ZF,Zhang LQ,Han Y,He W,Liu ZY,Ma XJ,Fan HW,Lu W,Xie J,Wang HL,Deng GH,Wang A. Significant changes of peripheral T 淋巴细胞 subsets in patients with severe acute respiratory 综合征 JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 189(4)(2004):648-651.

80、LI TS*,Qiu ZF,Han Y,Wang Z,Fan HW,Lu W,Xie J,Ma XJ and Wang AX. Rapid loss of both CD4~+ and CD8~+ T 淋巴细胞 subsets during the acute phase of severe acute respiratory 综合征[J]. 汉语词类 medicaljournal,116(7)(2003):985-987.

81、Li TS; Tubiana R; Fillet AM; Autran B; Katlama,C. 阳性 result of 巨细胞病毒 blood culture with restoration of CD4(+) T-cell reactivity to cytomegalovirus after HAART in an HIV-1-infected patient.JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES.20(5)(1999):514-515.

82、Gorochov,G; Neumann,AU; Kereveur,A; Parizot,C; Li,TS; Katlama,C; Karmochkine,M; Raguin,G; Autran,B; Debre,P. 1998. Perturbation of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell repertoires during progression to AIDS and regulation of the CD4(+) repertoire during antiviral therapy. NATURE MEDICINE. 4(2):215-221.

83、Li TS;Tubiana,R; Katlama,C; Calvez,V; AitMohand,H; Autran,B. Long-lasting recovery in CD4+ T cell function minors viral load reduction after highly active anti-retroviral therapy in patients with advanced HIV disease. Lancet. 351(1998):1682-1686.

84、Autran,B; Carcelain,G; Li,TS; Blanc,C; Mathez,D; Tubiana,R; Katlama,C; Debre,P; Leibowitch,J. 1997. Positive effects of combined antiretroviral therapy on CD4(+) T cell homeostasis and function in advanced HIV disease. SCIENCE.277(5322):112-116.


1. 李太生共同主编,《国家卫生和计划生育住院医师规范化教材内科学感染科分册》,人民卫生出版社出版,2016年,北京。

2. 李太生主编,《中华医学百科全书》感染性疾病学卷,中国协和医科大学出版社,2013年,北京。

3. 李太生,艾滋病的免疫应答和免疫重建研究进展,第496-511页,《中国艾滋病流行与控制》,王陇德主编,北京出版社,2006,北京。

4. 李太生,艾滋病,第175-191页,肺孢子菌病,不明原因发热的诊断思维,418-421页,558-563页,免疫缺陷病患者的感染,586-599页,《感染病学》,李兰娟等主编,人民卫生出版社,2005,北京。


法国优秀外国医师奖(Vctoria Hugo奖)(1999年)





























目录 22
0{{catalogNumber[index]}}. {{item.title}}