粟晓玲 :粟晓玲

更新时间:2024-09-21 08:32



1990年6月武汉水利电力大学水资源规划与利用专业本科毕业,获工学学士学位。2007年6月西北农林科技大学农业水土工程专业研究生毕业,获工学博士学位。2013年4月至2014年4月赴美国Texas 德州农工大学 University与国际著名水文水资源专家Vijay P. Singh教授合作研究一年。1990年6月分配到水利部西北水利科学研究所,1995年11月获工程师任职资格,2000年12月评聘为高级工程师,2001年9月开始承担西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院教学工作,2004年2月转为副教授,2004年获硕士生导师资格,2008年12月获教授任职资格,2010年获博士生导师资格。










[1] 粟晓玲, 冯凯,张更喜 等著。变化环境下干旱评估-传递机制-预测预估方法与应用.2023,北京:科学出版社。

[2] 康绍忠,赵文智,黄冠华,杜太生,粟晓玲,牛俊 等著。西北旱区绿洲农业水转化多过程耦合与高效用水调控:以甘肃河西走廊黑河市流域为例. 2020,北京:科学出版社。

[3] 康绍忠,粟晓玲,杜太生 等著。西北旱区流域尺度水资源转化规律及其节水调控模式——以甘肃石羊河流域为例.2009,北京:中国水利水电出版社。(入选第三届“三个一百”原创图书出版工程)

[4] 宋松柏,蔡焕杰,粟晓玲。专门水文学概论.2005,杨陵区西北农林科技大学出版社

[5] 何俊仕,粟晓玲,付强。水资源规划与管理(第二版)2014.北京:中国农业出版社


先后在在《Transactions of Tianjin University》《水利学报》《农业工程学报》《水科学进展》《生态学报》等刊物及国际国内学术会议发表论文60余篇。其中有10篇被SCI、EI、ISTP收录(其中第一作者5篇)。主要论文有:

[1] Zhang Te, Su Xiaoling*, Wu Lianzhou. Integrating 倍数 comparison methods for attributing hydrological drought evolution and drought propagation: The impact of climate change cannot be ignored. Journal of Hydrology. 2023,621,129557. (SCI,中科院1区,IF6.4)

[2] Wu Haijiang, Su Xiaoling*, Singh Vijay P, AghaKouchak Amir, Liu Zhiyong. Bayesian vine copulas improve agricultural drought prediction for long lead times. Agricultural and Forest 气象学2023,331:109326. (SCI,中科院1区,IF6.2)

[3] Chu Jiangdong, Su Xiaoling*, Jiang Tianliang, Qi Jixia, Zhang Gengxi, Wu Haijaing. Filling the Gap between GRACE and GRACE-FO 数据 Using a Model Integrating Variational 调式 Decomposition and Long Short-Term Memory: A Case Study of Northwest China. Environmental 地球 Sciences. 2023.82(38):.1007/s12665-022-10716-y(SCI,中科院4区,IF2.8)

[4] Jiang Tianliang, Su Xiaoling*, Singh Vijay P,Zhang Gengxi, Zhang Te, Wu Haijiang. Estimating propagation probability from meteorological to ecological droughts using a hybrid machine learning-Copula method. Hydrology and 地球 System Sciences. 2023. 27: 559–576. (SCI,中国科学院星1区,IF6.3)

[5] Wu Haijiang, Su Xiaoling*, Singh Vijay P, Zhang Te. Predicting Hydrological Drought with Bayesian Model Averaging 系综 Vine Copula (BMAViC) Model. H₂O Resources Research. 2022,58(11):e2022WR033146. (SCI,中科院1区,IF6.159)

[6] Zhang Gengxi, Wang Huimin, Gan Thian Yew, Zhang Shuyu, Shi Lijie, Zhao Jin, Su Xiaoling, Song Song白姓 Climate Change Determines Future 种群 Exposure to Summertime 化合物 Dry and Hot Events. 地球 Future. 2022.10(11): e2022EF003015. (SCI,中国科学院星1区,IF8.852)

[7] Zhang Te, Su Xiaoling*, Zhang Gengxi, Wu Haijiang, Liu Yuhan. Projections of the characteristics and probability of spatially concurrent hydrological drought in a cascade reservoirs 面积 under CMIP6. Journal of Hydrology.2022,613:128472.(SCI,中国科学院星1区,IF5.722)

[8] Wu Haijaing, Su Xiaoling*, Singh Vijay P. Zhang Te, Qi Jixia. Model comparisons between Canonical vine copulas and 后设Gaussian for agricultural drought forecasting over China. Hydrology and 地球 System Sciences. 2022.07.22,26(14):3847-3861.(SCI,中国科学院星1区,IF5.748)

[9] Zhang Te, Su Xiaoling*, ZhangGengxi, WuHaijiang, Wang Guanzhi, Chu Jiang越南盾 Evaluation of the impacts of human activities on propagation from meteorological drought to hydrological drought in the Weihe River Basin, China. Science of The Total Environment. 2022.819:153030.( SCI,中国科学院星2区,IF7.963,ESI高被引)

[10] Jiang Tianliang, Su Xiaoling*, SinghVijay P., Zhang Gengxi. Spatio-temporal patterns of ecological droughts and their impacts on health of vegetation in Northwestern China. Journal of Environmental 管理学2022.305:114356. (SCI,中科院2区,IF6.789)

[11] Zhang Gengxi, Gan Thian Yew*, Su Xiaoling. Twenty-first century drought analysis across China under climate change. Climate 动力学 (2022.09). 59(5-6):1665-1685. (SCI,中科院2区,IF4.486)

[12] Wu Haijiang, Su Xiaoling*, Zhang Gengxi, Feng Kai, Liang Zheng. Statistical prediction of agricultural drought severity in China based on dry or hot events. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2022.01,147(1-2): 159–171..1007/s00704-021-03797-5. (SCI,中国科学院星3区,IF3.179).

[13] Wu Haijiang, Su Xiaoling*, Singh Vijay P. Blended Dry and Hot Events Index for Monitoring dryHot Events Over Global Land areas Geophysical Rese弓形 Letters.2021,48(24):e2021GL096181. (SCI,中科院2区, IF4.486)

[14] Zhang Gengxi, Su Xiaoling*, Singh Vijay P,Ayantobo Olusola O. Appraising standardized moisture anomaly(SZI) in drought projection across China under CMIP6 forcing scenarios. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies.2021,37:100898. (SCI,中国科学院星2区,IF5.023)

[15] Wu Haijiang, Su Xiaoling*,Singh Vijay P, Feng Kai, Niu Jiping*. Agricultural Drought Prediction Based on the Conditional Distributions of Vine Copulas. H₂O Resources Research.2021,57(8):e2021WR029562. .1029/2021WR029562 (SCI,中科院1区,IF5.24)

[16] Feng Kai, Su Xiaoling*, Zhang Gengxi, Ayantobo Olusola O., Zhang Zezhong, Javed Tehseen. Dynamic evolution and 频率 analysis of hydrological drought from a three‐dimensional 透视 Journal of Hydrology. 2021, 600:126675. (SCI,中科院1区,IF5.722)

[17] Jiang Tianliang, Su xiaoling*, Singh Vijay P, Zhang Gengxi. A novel index for ecological drought monitoring based on ecological H₂O deficit: Northwestern China as a case study. Ecological Indicators. 2021.129(10):107804 (SCI,中国科学院星2区,IF4.958)

[18] Zhang Te, Su Xiaoling*, Feng Kai. A novel nonstationary meteorological and hydrological drought index using the climatic and anthropogenic indices as covariates. Science of The Total Environment.2021,786:147385 (SCI,中科院1区,IF7.963)

[19] Zhang Gengxi, Su Xiaoling*, Ayantobo Olusola O., Feng Kai. Drought monitoring and evaluation with ESA CCI and GLDAS-Noah soil moisture across China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2021,144(3), 1407-1418. (SCI,中科院3区,IF3.179)

[20] Liang Zheng, Su Xiaoling*, Fengkai. Drought propagation and construction of a comprehensive drought index based on the SWAT-KC': A case study for the Jinta River basin in Northwestern China. Natural Hazard and 地球 System Sciences. 2021,21(4):1323–1335.( SCI,中科院2区,IF3.102)

[21] Zhang Gengxi, Su Xiaoling*, Ayantobo Olusola O.,Feng Kai. Spatial interpolation and validation of daily rainfall using SWAT model for gauge-scarce mountainous regions: A case study in Shiyang river basin.  Atmospheric Research. 2021,247(1):105167. (SCI,中科院2区,IF4.467)

[22] Fengkai, Su Xiaoling*,Zhang Gengxi,Tehseen Jevad . Development of a new integrated hydrological drought index (SRGI) and its application in the Heihe River Basin, China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2020,141(1-2):43-59. (SCI,中科院3区,IF2.73)

[23] Zhang Gengxi, Su Xiaoling*, Sing VijayP. Modelling groundwater -dependent vegetation index using Entropy theory. Ecological modelling,2020, 416:108916  (SCI,中科院3区,IF2.974)

[24] Feng Kai, Su Xiaoling*. Spatiotemporal characteristics analysis of drought in the Heihe River Basin based on ESMD. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 2019,10(4):591-603.( SCI,中科院2区,IF3.727)

[25]Hao Lina, Su Xiaoling*, Sing Vijay.P, Zhang Lan, ZHang Gengxi. Suitable oasis and cultivated land scales in arid regions based on ecological health. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 102:33-42. (SCI,中国科学院星2区,IF4.49)

[26] Zhang Gengxi, Zhou Zhenghong, Su Xiaoling*. Application of Entropy Spectral Method for Streamflow Foresting in Northwest, China. Entropy, 2019,21(2):132.(SCI,中科院3区,IF 2.41)

[27] Guo Jing, Su Xiaoling*. Parameter sensitivity analysis of SWAT model for streamflow simulation with multisource 沉淀物 datasets. Hydrology Research.2019,50(3):861-877.( SCI,中科院4区,IF1.801)

[28]Hao Lina, Su Xiaoling*, Singh Vijay P. Cropping pattern optimization model considering uncertainty of H₂O availability and water 储蓄 potential. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. 2018, 11(1): 178–186.(SCI,中科院3区,IF1.267)

[29] Wu Lei, Su Xiaoling, Ma Xiaoyi , Kang Yan, Jiang Yanan. Integrated modeling framework for evaluating and predicting the H₂O resources carrying capacity in a continental river basin of Northwest China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 204(12):366-379. (SCI,中科院1区,IF6.395)

[30] Zhang Shulin, Su Xiaoling*, Singh Vijay P, Ayantobo Olusola O, Xie Juan. Logarithmic 平均数 Divisia Index (LMDI) 矩阵分解 analysis of changes in agricultural H₂O use: a case study of the middle reach of the Heihe River basin, china. Agricultural Water 管理学 2018, 208:422-430. (SCI,中科院1区,IF3.542)

[31] Hao Lina, Su Xiaoling*, Singh Vijay P, Ayantobo Olusola O. Spatial optimization of agricultural land use based on cross-entropy method. Entropy. 2017, 19, 592. (SCI,中科院3区,IF2.305)

[32]Zhou Zhenghong, Ju Juanli, Su Xiaoling, Singh, Vijay P, Zhang Gengxi. Comparison of Two Entropy Spectral Analysis Methods for Streamflow Forecasting in Northwest China. Entropy 2017, 19, 597. (SCI,中科院3区,IF2.305)

[33]Zhang Gengxi , Su Xiaoling*, Singh Vijay P.  and Ayantobo Olusola O. Modeling NDVI Using Joint Entropy Method Considering HYDROMeteorological Driving Factors in the Middle Reaches of Hei River Basin.Entropy. 2017, 19(9), 502. (SCI,中科院3区,IF2.305)

[34]Guo Jing, Su Xiaoling*, Singh Vijay P, Jin Jiming. Impacts of Climate and Land Use/Cover Change onStreamflow Using SWAT and a Separation Method for the Xiying River Basin in Northwestern China. H₂O 2016,8(5):192(14).(SCI,中国科学院星3区,IF1.832)

[35] Su Xiaoling, Singh Vijay P. Niu Jiping \u0026 Hao 李志妍 Spatiotemporal trends of aridity index in Shiyang River basin of northwest China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 2015,29(6):1571-1582.(SCI,中国科学院星3区,IF2.237)

[36] Su Xiaoling, Li Jianfang \u0026 Singh Vijay P. Optimal Allocation of Agricultural H₂O Resources Based on Virtual Water Subdivision in Shiyang River Basin[J]. Water Resourses 管理学 2014, 28:2243–2257.(SCI,中科院3区,IF2.437)

[37]Kang ShaoZhong,Su XiaoLing,Tong Ling, et al. A warning from an Ancient oasis: intensive human activities are leading to potential ecological and social catastrophe. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World 生态学 2008,15(5): 440-447. (SCI,中科院3区)

[38] Kang Shaozhong, Su Xiaoling,Tong Ling et al. The impacts of H₂O related human activities on the water-land environment of Shiyang River Basin, an arid region in Northwest China[J]. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2004, 49(3): 413-427.(SCI,中科院3区)

[39] SuXiaoling, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng , Zhang Lu, Tong Ling. Benefits evaluation of H₂O resources used for ecosystem in Shiyang River Basin of Gansu 一级行政区 Transactions of Tianjin University. 2009,15(2): 108-112. (EI)

[40] 粟晓玲,刘雨翰,姜田亮,吴海江,刘轩,梁晓萱.西北陆地生态系统未来生态需水量预估.水资源保护.(录用定稿,EI)

[41]刘轩,粟晓玲*,刘雨翰,梁晓萱.西北地区生态干旱脆弱性评估.水资源保护.2023,39(03):65-73. (EI)

[42] 褚江东,粟晓玲*,吴海江,刘雨翰,冯凯. 2002-2021年中国陆地水储量及其组分变化分析.水资源保护. 2023,39(03):170-178.(EI)

[43] 冯凯,李彦彬,许桂平,王飞,张泽中,粟晓玲*,张更喜.西北农业干旱对气象干旱的时空多角度响应.水资源保护. 2023,39(02):59-69.(EI)

[44] 粟晓玲,梁晓萱,吴海江,姜田亮,刘雨翰,刘轩. 表征生态状况的综合干旱指数构建及干旱风险分析.水资源保护.2023.39(02): 50-58+100.(EI)

[45] 冯凯,李彦彬,王飞,粟晓玲*,吴海江. 基于改进三维识别方法的西北地区干旱事件分析.水资源保护.2023.39(01):63-72. (EI)

[46] 吴海江,粟晓玲*,祁继霞,张特,朱兴宇,武连洲.Vine Copula与托马斯·贝叶斯模型平均结合的月径流预测及应用.农业工程学报.2022, 38(24): 74-83. (EI)

[47]刘文菲,粟晓玲*,张更喜,孙爱立,武连洲.西北未来潜在蒸散发集合预估及不确定性归因[J]. 农业工程学报.2022,38(4):123-132.(EI)


[49]姜田亮,粟晓玲*,郭盛明,吴海江. 西北地区植被耗水量的时空变化规律及其对气象干旱的响应[J].水利学报. 2021,52(02):241-254.(EI)

[50]张更喜,粟晓玲*,刘文菲. 考虑CO2浓度影响的中国未来干旱趋势变化[J].农业工程学报.2021,37(1):84-91.(EI)

[51]吴海江,粟晓玲*,张更喜. 基于后设Gaussian模型的中国农业干旱预测研究[J]. 地理学报.2021,76(3):525-538.(EI)

[52] 冯凯,粟晓玲*. 基于三维视角的农业干旱对气象干旱的时空响应关系[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(8):103-113. (EI)

[53] 张更喜,粟晓玲*,郝丽娜,吴海江. 基于NDVI和scPDSI研究1982-2015年中国植被对干旱的响应[J].农业工程学报. 2019,35(21):145-151.(EI)

[54] 艾启阳,粟晓玲*,张更喜,牛纪苹.构建标准地下水指数和评价黑河中游地下水演变规律[J]. 农业工程学报. 2019,35(10):69-74.(EI)

[55]谢娟,粟晓玲*. 基于LMDI的灌溉需水量变化影响因素分解[J]. 农业工程学报,2017, 33(07):123-131. (EI)

[56] 粟晓玲,宋悦,刘俊民,党永仁. 田 智. 耦合地下水模拟的渠井灌区水资源时空优化配置[J]. 农业工程学报,2016, 32(13): 43-51. (EI)


成果“干旱内陆河流域考虑生态的水资源配置理论与调控技术及其应用”获2013年国家科技进步二等奖,排名第三;成果“干旱内陆区流域尺度水资源转化规律及其农业节水调控模式”获2012年度教育部高等学校科技进步一等奖,排名第三;成果“关中水资源优化配置研究”获2001年陕西省科技进步三等奖,排名第七;成果 “渭河下游三门峡市库区突发性洪水灾害风险分析及灾损评估”获1999年陕西省科技进步三等奖,排名第八。获陕西省水利学会优秀学术论文一等奖、二等奖及优秀学术论文奖各1项。获西北农林科技大学2009年度优秀共产党员荣誉、2012年优秀教师称号,入选西北农林科技大学2007年“青年学术骨干支持计划”。



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