陈福坤 :中国科学技术大学教授

更新时间:2024-09-21 13:58



- 1982-1987年,就读于中国科学技术大学,本科生。

- 1987-1990年,就读于中国科学院地质所,硕士生。

- 1990-1996年,中国科学院地质所,助研。

- 1996-1997年,德国蒂宾根大学,进修。

- 1997-2000年,德国图宾根大学,博士生。

- 1998-2002年任职于德国图宾根大学研究助理和博士后工作。

- 2000年毕业于德国图宾根大学,获地质学博士学位。

- 2002-2004年任职于中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所副研究员。

- 2005-2008年任职于中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所研究员。

- 2008年9月至今任职于中国科学技术大学教授。



- 国家基金委重点项目"板块俯冲过程中化学元素同位素分异、岩浆作用与铜金成矿"。

- 国家基金委面上项目"南秦岭地体北缘岩浆作用与地壳演化"。

- 国家基金委面上项目"南秦岭地体狭窄带的地壳再造与穹隆作用"。


[1] 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第八届理事会理事;

[2] 安徽省地质学会第十届理事会副理事长;

[3] 中国地质学会第六届同位素地质专业委员会委员;

[4] 中国地质学会第八届矿床地质专业委员会委员;

[5] 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第二届化学地球动力学专业委员会委员。





WuG-H, Chu X, Tang M, Li W-Y, Chen F (2023) Distinct tectono-magmatism on Rodiniaand Gondwana margINS 地球 andPlanetary Science Letters, 609:118099.

HeJ, Zhang H, Qi Z-Q, Wang Z-Y, Chen F (2022) Late Mesozoic volcanism in thesouthern Xiong’er Mountains, eastern Qinling: Partial melting of the subductedQinling crust underneath North China. GSABulletin, 134: 2693-2708.

HeS, Cheng H, Li S-Q, Cao C, He J, Chen F (2022) Spatio-temporal evolution of thecrustal uplift in eastern NE China: constraint from detrital zircon ages ofLate Mesozoic clastic rocks in the Boli Basin. Minerals, 12: 1166.

Khaksar T, Rashidnejad-Omran N, Li S-Q, Song S-G, Kananian A, Chen F, Li S(2022) Geochronology and petrogenesis of granitoids and associated maficencl鸟纲 from Ghohroud in the Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc (Iran): 质证 formagma mixing during closure of the Neotethyan ocean. Geological Journal, 57: 3313-3332.

LiJ-S, Li T-W, Ma Y-Q, Chen F (2022) Distribution and origin of brine-type Li-Rbmineralization in the Qaidam Basin, NW China. Science in China,EarthScience, 65: 477-489.

WuG-H, Zhang H, Hu A-M, Li W-Y, Huang X-G, Cheng H, He J, Chen F (2022) Provenanceof the early Paleozoic sedimentary succession in the Lancang Block, SW China:Implications for the tectonic evolution of the northern margin of Gondwana. Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences, 231:105229.

Xue Y-Y, Liu H-Y, Wang Z-Y, Sun W-D, Chen F (2022) Reworking of the juvenilecrust in the Late Mesozoic in North Qinling, central China. Journal of Earth Science, 33: 623-641.

ZhangY-S, Xiang B-Q, Yan J, Wang X-H, Zhang J-H, Li G-F, Li Q-Z, Chen F, Chen H,Chen H (2022) Petrogenesis of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous granites inthe TaipingHuangshan 面积, northeastern Yangtze block, China. Geological Journal, 57: 2854-2867.

DaiH-K, Zheng J-P, Griffin WL, O’Reilly SY, Xiong Q, Ping XQ, Chen F, Lu J-G (2021)Pyroxenite xenoliths reflect episodic melt impregnation in deep lithosphere beneathnorthwest North China Craton. Journal of岩石学, 62, Doi/10.1093/petrology/egaa079.

Chen F, Wu G-H, Nie H, He S, Huang X-G (2021) Precambrian crustal evolution ofthe Tethyan Yunnan, Southwest China: records in detrital 锆石s from Paleozoicsedimentary rocks of the Baoshan block. PrecambrianResearch, 354, 106057.

Dou J-Z, Huang X-G, Chen F (2021) Magma mixing in the deep chamber: Geochemicalevidence and petrogenesis of the Late Triassic Mishuling granitoids in westernQinling, central China. Journal of AsianEarth Sciences, 207:104656.

HeJ, Qi Y, Fan X, Chen F (2021) Petrogenesis of the Taishanmiao A-type granite inthe eastern Qinling orogenic belt: Implications for tectonic transition andmineralization in the Late Cretaceous. Journalof Geology, 129: 97-114.

HeJ, Xu X-C, Fu Z, An Y, Chen T, Xie Q, Chen F (2021) Decoupling of Sr-Ndisotopic composition induced by potassic alteration in the Shapinggou porphyryMo deposit of the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt, China. Minerals, 11: 910.

Huang X-G, Dou J-Z, Wu G-H, He J, Siebel W, Chen F (2021) Source rocks controlthe geochemical diversity of granite: the Lincang pluton in the western YunnanTethyan belt, SW China. Lithos, 382-383:105950.

LiJ-S, Chen F Ling Z-Y, Li T-W (2021) Hydrochemistry and Li isotopic compositionof the oilfield waters in the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan 高原: 质证 forOrigin of resources. 矿石 GeologyReview, 139: 104481.

LiS-Q, Schmitt AK, Chen F (2021) Early Cretaceous mafic–intermediate dykes in theDabie orogen as indicators for post-collisional lithosphere removal. Lithos, 388-389: 106065.

LiS-Q, He S, Chen F (2021) Provenance changes across the mid-Cretaceousunconformity in basins of northeastern China: 质证 for an integratedpaleolake system and tectonic transformation. GSA Bulletin, 133: 185-198.

QiY, Hawkesworth C, Wang Q, Wyman DA, Li Z-X, 越南盾 H, Ma T, Chen F, Hu W-L, ZhangX-Z (2021) Syn-collisional magmatic record of Indian steep subduction by 50 Ma. GSA Bulletin, 133: 949–962.

Zhang H, Cheng H, Wu G-H, Huang X-G, He S, Chen F (2021) Fluid-fluxed meltingof orogenic crust in the South Qinling Belt, Central China: Implication frommigmatites of the Foping 整流罩 Journalof Asian 地球 Sciences, 206: 104606.

Khaksar T, Rashidnejad-Omran N, Chen F, Song S-G, Li S-Q, Ghaderi M (2020)Zircon U-Pb ages and magmatic histoy of the Kashan Plutonic 情结 in theCentral Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc, Iran: 质证 for Neotethyan subductionduring the Paleogene-Neogene. Journal ofEarth Science, 31: 53-68.

Wang Y, Zhang Y-S, 成姓 H, Chen F (2020) Complex magma sources of lateMesozoic granites in southern North China: geochemistry and zircon ages of the质量ive Heyu and Lantian plutons. International Geology Review, 62: 1862-1882.

Wang Y, Yang Y-Z, Siebel W, Zhang H, Zhang Y-S, Chen F (2020) Geochemistry andtectonic significances of late Paleoproterozoic A-type granites along thesouthern margin of North China. ScientificReports, 10: 86, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-56820-1.

Yang Y-Z, Wang Y, Siebel W, Zhang Y-S, Chen F (2020) Zircon U-Pb-Hf,geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope systematics of Late Mesozoic granitoids in theLantian-Xiaoqinling region: implications for tectonic setting and petrogenesis. Lithos, 374-375: 105709.

Dai H-K, Zheng J-P, 欧莱礼媒体 SY, Griffin WL, Xiong Q, Xu R, Su Y-P, Ping XQ,Chen F (2019) Langshan basalts record recycled Paleo-Asian oceanic materialsbeneath the northwest North China Craton. ChemicalGeology, 524: 88-103.

Dou J-Z, Siebel W, He J-F, Chen F (2019) Different melting conditions andpetrogenesis of peraluminous granites in western Qinling, China, and tectonicimplications. Lithos, 336-337:97-111.

HeS, Li X-H, Zhang H-F, Li S-Q, Chen F (2019) Constraints of zircon U-Pb and黑云母 Rb-Sr ages and P-T conditions on the emplacement and uplifting of theLate Mesozoic Jinan gabbro, eastern North China. Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences, 183: 103972.

LiS-Q, Wang Y, Fang B-W, He J-F, Chen F, Siebel W (2019) Early Cretaceousrift-related volcanism in the Songliao Basin, NE China - A geochemical study. International Geology Review, 61: 39-55.

Nie H, Ye R-S, 成姓 H, Zhu X-Y, Chen F (2019) Neoproterozoic intrusions alongthe northern margin of South Qinling, central China: Geochemistry, zircon ages,and tectonic implications. PrecambrianResearch, 334: 105406.

Topuz G, Candan O, Zack T, Chen F, Li Q-L (2019) Early Miocene high-,calc-alkaline I-type plutonism in the East Anatolian 高原 (the Taşlıçayintrusion, Ağrı). Lithos, 348-349:105210.

Zhang H, Wu G-H, 成姓 H, Ye R-S, He J-F, Chen F (2019) Late Triassic high Mgdiorites of theWulong pluton in the South Qinling Belt, China: Petrogenesis andimplications for crust-mantle interaction. Lithos,332-333: 135-146.

ZhangY-S, Siebel W, He S, Wang Y, Chen F (2019) Origin and genesis of Late Jurassicto Early Cretaceous granites of the North Qinling Terrane, China. Lithos, 336-337: 242-257.

成姓 T, Nebel O, Sossi PA, Wu J, Siebel W, Chen F, Nebel-Jacobsen YJ (2018) Onthe Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope code of enriched, Dupal-type sub-continental lithosphericmantle underneath south-western China. ChemicalGeology, 489: 46-60.

Dou J-Z, Zhang H-F, Tong Y, Wang F, Chen F, Li S-R (2018) Application ofgeothermo-barometers to Mesozoic granitoids in the Jiaodong Peninsula, easternChina: Criteria for selecting methods of 压强 estimation and implicationsfor crustal exhumation. Journal of AsianEarth Sciences, 160: 271-286.

Liu S, Fan H-R, Yang K-F, Hu F-F, Wang K-Y, Chen F, Yang Y-H, Yang Z-F, WangQ-W (2018) Mesoproterozoic and Paleozoic hydrothermal metasomatism in the giantBayan Obo reeNb-Fe deposit: constrains from trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopeof fluorite and preliminary thermodynamic calculation. Precambrian Research, 311: 228-246.

XueY-Y, Siebel W, He J-F, Zhang H, Chen F (2018) Granitoid petrogenesis andtectonic implications of the Late Triassic Baoji pluton, North Qinling Orogen,China: Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic compositions. Journal of Geology, 126: 119-139.

Zhang H, Li S-Q, Fang B-W, He J-F, Xue Y-Y, Siebel W, Chen F (2018) Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemistry of migmatites and granites in theFoping dome: Evidence for Late Triassic crustal evolution in South Qinling,China. Lithos, 296-299: 129-141.

Zhang Y-S, Yan J, Li Q-Z, Liu XQ, Gao R, Chen F (2018) Pulses of Late Mesozoic岩浆作用: Zircon ages and Hf-O isotopic composition of the Qingyang-Jiuhuashangranitic complex, southern Anhui 一级行政区, eastern China. Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences, 167:181-196.

HieuPT, Li S-Q, Yu Y, Ngo XT, Le XT, Vu LT, Chen F (2017) Stages of late Paleozoicto early Mesozoic magmatism in the Song Ma belt, NW Vietnam: 质证 from锆石 U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotope composition. International Journal of 地球 Sciences, 106: 855-874.

Long Q, Hu R, Yang Y-Z, YangC-Y, ZhouS,SiebelW, ChenF (2017) Geochemistry of Early Cretaceousintermediate to mafic dykes in the Jiaodong Peninsula: Constraints on mantlesource composition beneath eastern China. Journalof Geology, 125: 713-732.

ShahzeidiM, Moayyed M, Murata M, Yui T-F, Arai S, Chen F, Pirnia T, Ahmadian J (2017) LateEdiacaran crustal thickening in Iran: Geochemical and isotopic constraints fromthe ~550 Ma Mishu granitoids (northwest Iran). International Geology Review,59: 793-811.

Yang Y-Z, Wang Y, Ye R-S, Li S-Q, He J-H, Siebel W, Chen F (2017) Petrology andgeochemistry of Early Cretaceous A-type granitoids and Late Mesozoic maficdikes and their relationship to adakitic intrusions in the lower Yangtze Riverbelt, SE China. International GeologyReview, 59: 62-79.

Candan O, Koralay OE, Topuz G, Oberhänsli R, Fritz H, Collins AS, Chen F (2016)Late Neoproterozoic gabbro emplacement followed by Early Cambrianeclogite-facies 变质作用 in the Menderes Massif (W. Turkey): Implicationson the final assembly of Gondwana. Gondwana Research, 34: 158-173.

ÇetinkaplanM, Pourteau A, Candan O, Koralay OE, Oberhänsli R, Okay A, Chen F, Kozlu H,Şengün F (2016) 泰国国家石油公司 evolution of eclogite/blueschist facies 变质作用 inAlanya Massif: 时间 and space relations with HP event in Bitlis, Turkey. International Journal of 地球 Sciences,105: 247-281.

CongF, Li S-Q, Lin F-C, Shi M-F, Zhu H-P, Siebel W, Chen F (2016) Origin of zirconmegacrysts from Cenozoic basalts in Northeastern Cambodia: 质证 from U-Pbage, Hf-O isotopes and inclusions. Journalof Geology, 124: 221-234.

HuR, Wang W, Li S-Q, Yang Y-Z, Chen F (2016) Sedimentary environment of Ediacaransequences of South China: Trace element and Sr-Nd isotope constraints. Journal of Geology, 124: 769-789.

HuZ-P, Zhang Y-S, Hu R, Wang J, Siebel W, Chen F (2016) Amphibole-bearingmigmatite in North Dabie, eastern China: H₂Ofluxed melting of the orogeniccrust. Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences,125: 100-116.

NieH, Yao J, Wan X, Zhu X-Y, Siebel W, Chen F (2016) Precambrian tectonothermalevolution of South Qinling and its affinity to the Yangtze Block: 质证 fromzircon ages and Hf-Nd isotopic compositions of basement rocks. Precambrian Research, 286: 167-179.

NieH, Wan X, Zhang H, He J-F, Hou Z-H, Siebel W, Chen F (2016) Ordovician andTriassic mafic dykes in the Wudang terrene: 质证 for opening and closure ofthe South Qinling ocean basin, central China. Lithos, 266-267: 1-15.

ZhangH, Ye R-S, Liu B-X, Wang Y, Zhang Y-S, Siebel W, Chen F (2016) Partial meltingof the South Qinling orogenic crust, China: 质证 from Triassic migmatitesand diorites of the Foping dome. Lithos,260: 44-57.

ChengT, Nebel O, Sossi P, Chen F (2015) Assessment of and iron isotopecompositions of 汉语词类 national igneous rock standard materials GSR-1(granite), GSR-2 (安山岩), and GSR-3 (basalt). International Journal of 质量 Spectrometry, 386: 61-66.

Ding X, Sun W-D, Chen W-F, Chen P-R, Sun T, Sun Super Junior, Lin C-T, Chen F (2015) MultipleMesozoic magma processes formed the 240-185 Ma composite Weishan pluton, SouthChina: 质证 from geochronology, geochemistry and Sr-Nd isotopes. International Geology Review, 57:1189-1217.

HieuPT, Yang Y-Z, Do QB, Nguyen TBT, Le DP, Chen F (2015) Late Permian to EarlyTriassic crustal evolution of the Kontum massif, central Vietnam: zircon U-Pbages and chemical and Nd-Hf isotopic composition of the Hai Van granitoid情结. International Geology Review,57: 1877-1883.

LiS-Q, Yang Y-Z, Xie Q-L, Wang Y, Chen F (2015) Age constraints on late Mesozoiclithospheric extension and Origin of felsic volcanic rocks in the Songliaobasin, NE China. Journal of Geology,123: 153-175.

ZhuX-Y, Chen F, Liu B-X, Zhang H, Zhai M-G (2015) Geochemistry and zircon ages ofmafic dikes in the South Qinling, central China: 质证 for lateNeoproterozoic continental rifting in the northern Yangtze block. International Journal of 地球 Sciences.104: 27-44.

Cheng T, Nebel O, Sossi PA, Chen F (2014) Refined separation of combined Fe-Hf from rock matrices forisotope analyses using AG-MP-1M and Ln-Spec chromatographic extraction resins. MethodX. 1: e144-e150.

Li S-Q, Hegner E, Yang Y-Z, Wu J-D, Chen F (2014) Age constraints on late Mesozoic lithospheric extension andorigin of bimodal 火山雷 rocks from the Hailar basin, NE China. Lithos, 190-191: 204-219.

VamvakaA, Siebel W, Chen F, Rohrmüller J (2014) Apatite fission-track dating and low-温度 history of the BavarianForest (southern Bohemian 质量if). InternationalJournal of 地球 Sciences, 103: 103-119.

Wang W, Zhao J-H, Zhou M-F, Yang S-H, Chen F (2014) Neoproterozoic mafic-ultramafic intrusions from the Fanjingshanregion, South China: Implications for subduction-related 岩浆作用 in theJiangnan Fold Belt. Journal ofGeology, 122: 455-473.

Yang Y-Z, Chen F, Siebel W, Zhang H, Long Q, HeJ-F, Hou Z-H, Zhu X-Y (2014) Age and composition of Aurelated rocks from the lower Yangtze River belt: Constraints on paleo-Pacificslab 轧辊back beneath eastern China. Lithos,202-203:331-346.

Yang Y-Z, Long Q, Siebel W, Cheng T, Hou Z-H, Chen F (2014) Paleo-Pacific Subduction in the Interior of Eastern China:质证 from Adakitic Rocks in the Edong-Jiurui District. Journal of Geology, 122: 77-97.

Zhang H, Han Z, Xu H, Siebel W, Chen F (2014) Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemicalcomposition of gneisses from the Mesozoic foreland basin in the 黄色 Sea,China. International Geology Review,56: 1984-1999.

Zhu X-Y, Chen F, Nie H, Siebel W, Yang Y-Z, Xue Y-Y, Zhai M-G (2014) Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of South Qinling,China: evidence from zircon ages and geochemistry of the Yaolinghe volcanicrocks. Precambrian Research,245: 115-130.

Eroglu S, Siebel W, Danisik M, Pfänder JA, Chen F (2013) Multi-systemgeochronological and isotopic constraints on age and evolution of the Gaoligongshanmetamorphic belt and shear zone system in Western Yunnan, China. Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences, 73:218-239.

Hieu PT, Chen F, Nguyen TBT,Nguyen CQ, Li S-Q (2013) Geochemistry and zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositionof Permian alkali granitoids of the Phan Si pan zone in northwestern Vietnam. Journal of Geodynamics, 69: 106-121.

LiuB-X, Qi Y, Wang W, Siebel W, Zhu X-Y, Nie H, He J-F, Chen F (2013) Zircon U-Pbages and O-Nd isotopic composition of basement rocks in the North QinlingTerrain, central China: 质证 for provenance and evolution. International Journal of 地球 Sciences,102: 2153-2173.

Yang L, Chen F, Liu B-X, Hu Z-P, Qi Y, Wu J-D, He J-F, Siebel W (2013) Geochemistryand Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic composition of the Donggou Mo-bearing granite porphyry,Qinling orogenic belt, central China. InternationalGeology Review, 55: 1261-1279.

ZhuX-Y, Chen F, Liu B-X, Siebel W (2013) Zircon U-Pb and K-长石 megacrystRb-Sr isotopic ages and Sr-Hf isotopic composition ofthe Mesozoic Heyu granite, eastern Qinling orogen, China. Lithos, 156-159: 31-40.

ZhuX-Y, Zhai M-G, Chen F, Lü B, peng P, Hu B (2013) ~2.7-Ga crustal growth in theNorth China Craton: Evidence from zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes of theSushui 情结 in the Zhongtiao terrane. Journalof Geology, 121: 239-254.

Akal C, Candan O, Koralay OE,Oberhänsli R, Chen F, Prelevic D (2012) Early Triassic potassic volcanism inthe Afyon Zone of the Anatolides/Turkey: implications for the rifting of theNeo-Tethys. International Journal ofEarth Sciences, 101: 177-194.

Hieu PT, Chen F, Le T-M,Nguyen TB, Tam BM, Siebel W, Lan T-G (2012) Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopiccomposition from the Sin Quyen Formation: the Precambrian crustal evolution of northwestVietnam. International Geology Review, 54: 1548-1561.

Koralay OE, Candan O, Chen F, Akal C,Oberhänsli R, Satır M, Dora OÖ (2012) panAfrican 岩浆作用 in the Menderes质量if: geochronological 数据 from leucocratic 电气石 orthogneisses inwestern Turkey. InternationalJournal of 地球 Sciences,101: 2055-2081.

Li S-Q, Chen F, Siebel W, WuJ-D, Zhu X-Y, Shan X-L, Sun X-M (2012) Late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of theSongliao basin, NE China: evidence from detrital zircon ages and Sr-Nd isotopes. Gondwana Research, 22: 943-955.

Wang W, Chen F, Hu R, Chu Y,Yang Y-Z (2012) Provenance and tectonic setting of Neoproterozoic sedimentarysequences in the South China Block: evidence from detrital zircon ages andHf-Nd isotopes. International Journal ofEarth Sciences, 101:1723-1744.

Akal C, Koralay OE, Candan O,Oberhänsli R, Chen F (2011) Geodynamic significance of the early TriassicKaraburun granitoid (western Turkey) for the opening history of Neo-Tethys. Turkish Journal of 地球 Sciences, 20:255-271.

Candan O, Koralay OE, Akal C,Kaya O, Oberhänsli R, Dora OÖ, Konak N, Chen F (2011) 丰田SuprapanAfricanunconformity between core and cover series of the Menderes Massif/Turkey andits geological implications. PrecambrianResearch, 184: 1-23.

Wang F, Chen F, Siebel W, LiS-Q, Peng P, Zhai M-G (2011) Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopiccomposition of the Hongqiyingzi 情结, northern Hebei 一级行政区: New evidencefor Paleoproterozoic and late Paleozoic evolution of the northern margin of theNorth China Craton. Gondwana Research,20: 122-136.

Zhu X-Y, Chen F, Li S-Q, YangY-Z, Nie H, Siebel W, Zhai M-G (2011) Crustal evolution of the North Qinlingterrain of the Qinling Orogen, China: 质证 from detrital zircon U-Pb agesand Hf isotopic composition. GondwanaResearch, 20: 194-204.

Balintoni I, Balica C, DuceaMN, Zaharia L, Chen F, Cliveti M, Hann HP, Li L-Q, Ghergari L (2010) LateCambrian-Ordovician northeastern Gondwanan terranes in the basement of theApuseni Mountains, Romania. Journal ofthe Geological Society, 167: 1131-1145.

Siebel W, Chen F (2010) ZirconHf isotope 透视 on the Origin of granitic rocks from eastern Bavaria, SWBohemian Massif. International Journalof 地球 Sciences, 99: 993-1005.

Wang W, Chen R-X, Chen F, Zheng Y-F (2010) Isotopicdisequilibrium in ultrahigh-压强 and retrograde 变质作用 of eclogiteand gneiss from the Chinese Continental Scientific 钻探 in the Sulu orogen,China: 质证 from mineral Nd-Sr-O isotopic composition. International Journal of 地球 Sciences, 99: 727-743.

Wang W, Wang F, Chen F, Zhu X-Y, Ping X, Siebel W (2010) DetritalZircon Ages and Hf-Nd Isotopic Composition of Neoproterozoic Sedimentary Rocksin the Yangtze Block: Constraints on the Deposition Age and Provenance. Journal of Geology, 118: 79-94.

Balintoni I, Balica C, Ducea MN, Chen F, Hann HP, Sabliovschi V(2009) Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician Gondwanan terranes in the Romanian Carpathians:A zircon U-Pb provenance study. GondwanaResearch, 16: 119-133.

Balintoni I, Balica C, Cliveti M, Li L-Q, Hann HP, Chen F,Schuller V (2009) The emplacement age of the Muntele Mare Variscan granite(Apuseni Mountains, Romania). GeologicaCarpathica, 60: 495-504.

Chen F, Zhu X-Y, Wang W, Wang F, Pham T-H, Siebel W (2009) Single-graindetrital 白云母 Rb-Sr isotopic composition as an indicator of provenance forthe Carboniferous sedimentary rocks in northern Dabie, China. Geochemical Journal, 43: 257-273.

Chu Z-Y, Chen F, Yang Y-H,Guo J-H (2009) Precise determination of Sm, Nd concentrations and Nd isotopiccompositions at the nanogram level in geological samples by thermal ionizationmass spectrometry. Journal of AnalyticalAtomic Spectrometry, 24: 1534-1544.

Hu F-F, Fan H-R, Liu S, Yang K-F, Chen F (2009) neodymiumand isotopic dating of veined REE mineralization for theBayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe Deposit, Northern China. 资源 Geology, 59: 407-414.

Li S-G, Wang C-X, Dong F, HouZ-H, Li Q-L, Liu Y-C, Huang F, Chen F (2009) Common Pb of UHP metamorphic rocksfrom the CCSD project (100-5000 m) suggesting decoupling between the sliceswithin subducting continental crust and multiple thin slab exhumation. Tectonophysics, 475: 308-317.

Siebel W, Danišík M, Chen F (2009) Fromemplacement to unroofing: thermal history of the Jiazishan complex, Sulu UHP terrane,China. Mineralogyand 岩石学, 96: 163-175.

Siebel W, Danisik M, SchmittAK, Chen F, Meyer S, Weiß S, Eroglu S (2009) Prolonged mantle residence ofzircon xenocrysts from the western Eger rift. Nature 地球科学, 2: 886-890.

Wan B, Hegner E, Zhang L-C, RochollA, Chen Z-G, Wu H-Y, Chen F (2009) Rb-Sr ages of 黄铜矿 from the Chehugouporphyry Mo-Cu deposit (NE China) and geochemical constraints on the origin ofhosting granites. Economic Geology,140: 351-363.

Yu G, Chen J-F, Xue C-J, Chen Y-C, Chen F, Du X-Y (2009) Geochronologicalframework and Pb, Sr isotope geochemistry of the Qingchengzi Pb-Ag-Auorefield, Northeastern China. OreGeology 商品评价, 35: 367-382.

Zhang S-H, Zhao Y, Song B, Hu Jackie McLean, Liu S-W, Yang Y-H, Chen F,Liu X-M, Liu J (2009) Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic mafic-ultramaficcomplexes from the northern North China Block: Constraints on the compositionand evolution of the lithospheric mantle. Lithos,110: 229-246.

Zhang S-H, Zhao Y, Song B, Hu Jackie McLean, Liu S-W, Yang Y-H, Chen F,Liu X-M, Liu J (2009) Contrasting Late Carboniferous and Late Permian-Middle Triassicintrusive suites from the northern margin of the North China craton:geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 121: 181-200.

Zhang S-H, Zhao Y, Kröner A,Liu X-M, Xie L-W, Chen F (2009) Early Permian plutons from the northern NorthChina Block: constraints on continental arc evolution and convergent margin岩浆作用 related to the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. International Journal of 地球 Science, 98: 1441-1467.

Zhao Y-Y, Zheng Y, Chen F(2009) Trace element and isotope constraints on sedimentaryenvironment of Ediacaran carbonates in southern Anhui, South China. Chemical Geology, 265: 345-362.

Huang F, Li S-G, Dong F, He Y-S,Chen F (2008) High-Mg adakitic rocks in the Dabie orogen, central China:implications for foundering mechanism of lower continental crust. Chemical Geology, 255: 1-13.

Li Q-L, ChenF, Yang J-H, Fan H-R (2008) Single grain pyrite Rb-Sr dating of the Linglonggold deposit, eastern Shandong, China. OreGeology 商品评价, 34: 263-270.

Li Q-L, Chen F, Li X-H, Wang F, He H-Y(2008) Single grain Rb-Sr isotopic analysis of GA-1550 biotite, LP-6 biotiteand Bern-4M 白云母 40Ar-39Ar dating standards. Geochemical Journal, 42: 263-271.

Propach G, Bayer B, Chen F, FrankC, Hölzl S, Hofmann B, Köhler H, Siebel W, Troll G (2008) Geochemistry andpetrology of late Variscan magmatic dykes of the Bavarian Forest, Germany. Geologica Bavarica, 110: 304-342.

Yang J-H, Wu F-Y, Wilde SA,Chen F, Liu X-M, Xie L-W (2008) Petrogenesis of an alkali syenite-granite-rhyolitesuite in the Yanshan fold and thrust belt, eastern North China Craton: Geochronological,geochemical and Nd-Sr-Hf isotopic 质证 for lithospheric thinning. Journal of 岩石学, 49: 315-351.

Zhao Z-F, Zheng Y-F, Wei 计算机科学,Chen F, Liu X-M, Wu F-Y (2008) Zircon U-Pb ages, Hf and O isotopes constrainthe crustal 建筑 of the ultrahigh-pressure Dabie orogen in China. Chemical Geology, 253: 222-242.

Zheng YF系列火箭发动机, Gong B, Zhao Z-F,Wu Y-B, Chen F (2008) Zircon U-Pb age and O isotope 质证 for Neoproterozoiclow-18O magmatism during supercontinental rifting in South China: implicationsfor the snowball 地球 event. AmericanJournal of Science, 308: 484-516.

Chen F, Li X-H, Wang X-L, LiQ-L, Siebel W (2007) Zircon age and Nd-Hf isotopic composition of the YunnanTethyan belt, southwestern China. InternationalJournal of 地球 Sciences, 96: 1179-1194.

Huang F, Li S-G, Dong F, Li Q-L, Chen F, Wang Y, Yang W (2007) Recyclingof deeply subducted continental crust in the Dabie Mountains, central China. Lithos, 96: 151-169.

Li C-F, Chen F, Li X-H (2007)Precise isotopic measurements of sub-nanogram Nd of standard reference materialby thermal ionization mass spectrometry using the NdO+ technique. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry,266: 34-41.

Li Q-L, Chen F, Guo J-H, LiX-H, Yang Y-H, Siebel W (2007) Zircon ages and Nd-Hf isotopic composition ofthe Zhaertai 基团 (Inner Mongolia): 质证 for early Proterozoic evolutionof the northern North China Craton. Journalof Asian 地球 Sciences, 30: 573-590.

Li X-H, Chen F, Guo J-H, LiQ-L, Xie L-W, Siebel W (2007) South China provenance of the lower-grade PenglaiGroup north of the Sulu UHP orogenic belt, eastern China: 质证 fromdetrital zircon ages and Nd-Hf isotopic composition. Geochemical Journal, 41: 29-45.

Yang J-H, Sun J-F, Chen F, WildeSA, Wu F-Y (2007) Sources and Petrogenesis of Late Triassic Dolerite Dikes inthe Liaodong Peninsula: Implications for Post-collisional Lithosphere Thinningof Eastern North China Craton. Journalof 岩石学, 48: 1973-1997.

Siebel W, Thiel M, Chen F(2006) Zircongeochronology and compositional record of late- to post-kinematic granitoidsassociated with the Bavarian Pfahl zone (Bavarian Forest). 矿物学 and 岩石学, 86: 45-65.

Siebel W, Hann HP, Shang CK,Rohemüller J, Chen F (2006) Coeval late-Variscan emplacement of granitic rocks:an Example from the Regensburg Forest, NE Bavaria. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, 183: 13-26.

Wang P-J, Chen F, Chen S-M, Siebel W, Satir M (2006) Chemicaland Nd-Sr-Pb isotopic composition of Mesozoic 火山雷 rocks in the Songliaobasin, NE China. Geochemical Journal,40(2): 149-159.

Zhao Z-F, Zheng YF系列火箭发动机, Gao T-S, Wu Y-B, Chen B, Chen F, Wu F-Y(2006) Isotopic constraints on age and duration of fluid-assisted high-pressureeclogite-facies 重结晶 during exhumation of deeply subductedcontinental crust in the Sulu orogen. Journalof Metamorphic Geology, 24: 687-702.

Guo J-H, Sun M, Chen F, Zhai M-G (2005) Sm-Nd and 钩虾 zirconU-Pb geochronology of high-压强 granulites in the Sanggan 面积, North ChinaCraton: timing of Paleoproterozoic continental 碰撞 Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences, 24: 629-642.

Hegner E, Gruler M, Hann HP, Chen F, Guendenpfennig M (2005) Testing tectonicmodels with geochemical provenance parameters in greywacke. Journal of Geological Society of 伦敦,162: 87-96.

Siebel W, Blaha U, Chen F, Rohrmüller J (2005) U-Pb andPb-Pb zircon geochronology of a dyke-宿主 rock association and implications forthe formation of the Bavarian Pfahl shear zone, Bohemian Massif. International Journal of 地球 Sciences, 94:8-23.

Zhao Z-F, Zheng YF系列火箭发动机, Wei 计算机科学, Wu Y-B,Chen F, Jahn .BM (2005) Zircon U-Pb age, element and 世界斯诺克中国公开赛 isotope geochemistry ofpost-collisional mafic-ultramafic rocks from the Dabie orogen in east-centralChina. Lithos, 83: 1-28.

Chen F, Siebel W (2004) Zirconand titanite geochronology of the Fürstenstein granite massif, Bavarian Forest,NW Bohemian Massif: Pulses of the late Variscan magmatic activity.EuropeanJournal of 矿物学, 16:777-788.

Koralay OR, Dora OO, Chen F, Satir M (2004) Geochemistry andgeochronology of orthogneisses in the Derbent (Alasehir) 面积, eastern part ofÖdemis-Kiraz Submassif, Menderes Massif: panAfrican magmatic 活性度 TurkishJournal of 地球 Sciences, 13: 37-61.

Li X-P, Zheng YF系列火箭发动机, WuY-B, Chen F, Gong B, Li Y-L (2004) Low-T eclogite in the Dabie terrane of China:petrological and isotopic constraints on fluid activity and radiometric dating. Contribution to 矿物学 and Petrology, 148: 443-470.

Nguyen TB Thuy, Satir M, Siebel W, Chen F (2004) Granitoids inthe Dalat zone, southern Vietnam: age constraints on magmatism and regionalgeological implications. International Journal of 地球 Sciences, 93: 329-340.

Schwab M, Ratschbacher L, Siebel W, McWilliams M, Minaev V,Lutkov V, Chen F, Stanek K, Nelson B, Frisch W, Wooden JL (2004) Assembly ofthe Pamirs: Age and origin of magmatic belts from the southern Tien Shan to thesouthern Pamirs and their relation to Tibet. Tectonics, 23: 1-31.

Zheng Y-F, Wu Y-B, Chen F, Gong B,Zhao Z-F (2004) Zircon U-Pb and isotope 质证 for a large-scale 18Odepletion event in igneous rocks during the Neoproterozoic. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68:4145-4165.

Chen F, Guo JH, Jiang L-L, Siebel W, CongB, Satir M (2003) Provenance of the Beihuaiyanglower-grade metamorphic zone of the Dabie ultrahigh-压强 collisionalorogen, China: evidence from zircon ages. Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences, 22: 343-352.

Chen F, Siebel W, Satir M (2003) Geochemical and isotopiccomposition and inherited zircon ages as 质证 of lower crustal origin oftwo Variscan S-type granites from the NW Bohemian massif. International Journal of EarthSciences, 92: 173-184.

Chen F, Siebel W, Guo J-H, Cong B, Satir M (2003) LateProterozoic magmatism and metamorphism recorded in gneisses from the Dabiehigh-压强 metamorphic zone, eastern China: 质证 from zircon U-Pbgeochronology. Precambrian Research, 120: 131-148.

Chen F, Todt W, Hann HP (2003) Zircon and garnet geochronologyeclogites from the Moldanubian zone of the 黑色 Forest, Germany. Journalof Geology, 111:207-222.

Fan H-R, Guo J-H, Chen F, Jin C-W,Shen K, Satir M(2003)Fluid evolution and exhumation historyof ultra-high-压强 rocks at Lanshantou, Su-Lu terrane, eastern China. Journalof Geochemical Exploration, 78/79: 51-54.

HannHP, Chen F, Sawatzki G, ZedlerH (2003) Zircon age and geochemistry of metavolcanic layersfrom the northern Badenweiler - Lenzkirch zone (southern Schwazwald, Germany). Neues Jahrsbuch für Geologie und Palaeontologie Abhandlung, 230: 302-326.

Hann HP, Chen F, Zedler H, Frisch W, Loeschke J (2003) The RandGranite in the southern Schwarzwald and its geodynamic significance in theVariscan belt of SW Germany. International Journal of 地球 Sciences, 92: 821-842.

Siebel W, Chen F, Satir M (2003) Late-Variscan magmatism revisited: New implications from Pb-evaporationzircon ages on the emplacement of redwitzites and granites in NE Bavaria. InternationalJournal of 地球 Sciences, 92: 36-53.

Chen F, Siebel W, Satir M (2002) Zircon U-Pb and Pb-isotopefractionation during stepwise HF acid leaching and geochronologicalimplications. Chemical Geology, 191: 155-164.

Chen F, Satir M, Ji J, Zhong D (2002) Nd-Sr-Pb isotopes of TengchongCenozoic volcanic rocks from western Yunnan, China: 质证 for an enriched-mantlesource. Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences, 21: 39-45.

Chen F, Siebel W, Satir M, Terzioglu N, Saka K (2002) Geochronologyof the Karadere basement (NW Turkey) and implications for the geologicalevolution of the Istanbul zone. International Journal of 地球 Sciences, 91: 469-481.

Hegner E, Chen F, Hann HP (2001) Chronology of basin closure andthrusting in the internal zone of the Variscan belt in the Schwarzwald,Germany: evidence from zircon ages, trace element geochemistry, and Nd isotopic数据 Tectonophysics, 332: 169-184.

Okay AI, Satir M, Tusuz O, Akyuz S, Chen F (2001) The tectonicsof the Strandja massif: late-Variscan and mid-Mesozoic deformation andmetamorphism in the northern Aegean. International Journal of 地球 Sciences, 90: 217-233.

Chen F, Hegner E, Todt W (2000) Zircon ages, Nd isotopic andchemical compositions of orthogneisses from the 黑色 Forest, Germany -evidence for a Cambrian magmatic arc. International Journal of 地球 Sciences, 88: 791-802.

oliver GJH, Chen F, Buchwald R, Hegner E (2000) Fast tectonometamorphismand exhumation in the type 面积 of the Barrovian and Buchan zones. Geology, 28: 459-462.

OtherPublication List after 2000

豆敬兆, 何俊, 黄曦光, 陈福坤 (2023) 西秦岭造山带早中生代花岗石成分多样性及形成机制探讨. 地球科学与环境学报, in press.

齐泽秋, 于洋, 赵静欣, 葛东莉, 何俊, 陈福坤 (2023) 北秦岭地体东段早白垩世大规模的新生地壳再造: 黄花岩体地球化学组成和岩石成因. 高校地质学报, in press.

王美璇, 王智毅, 赵静欣, 齐泽秋, 何俊, 陈福坤 (2023) 华北克拉通南缘古元古代晚期小河A型花岗岩体成因及其地质意义. 高校地质学报, in press.

王智毅, 程泓, 赵静欣, 叶日胜, 李为用, 贺剑峰, 陈福坤 (2023) 热电离质谱仪测定三种国家岩石标准物质Sr-Nd-Pb同位素组成. 高校地质学报, in press.

李建森,李廷伟,马云麒,陈福坤 (2022) 柴达木盆地卤水型Li、Rb关键金属矿产元素分布特征及富集机制. 中国科学-地球科学, 52(3): 474-485.

王芳, 彭澎, 陈超, 胡洪飞, 黄冬琴, 陈福坤, 翟明国 (2021) 冀北独石口古元古代变辉长闪长岩的成因及其地质意义. 岩石学报, 37: 269-283.

杨春玥, 何俊, 杨一增, 陈福坤 (2020) 大别山造山带新县二长花岗岩地球化学组成特征与岩石成因. 高校地质学报,26: 132-146.

周澍,张贺,陈福坤 (2019) 北秦岭五垛山岩体锆石U-Pb年代学和地球化学特征及成因. 高校地质学报,25: 901-913.

薛颖瑜, 张贺, 陈福坤 (2019) 秦岭造山带中部两河口岩体花岗石锆石U-Pb年代学、地球化学及地质意义. 高校地质学报, 25: 1-13.

万鑫, 杨一增, 李双庆, 陈福坤 (2018) 滇西腾冲地块连花岗岩及暗色包体锆石U-Pb年龄、地球化学和Sr-Nd-Pb同位素特征. 地球科学与环境学报, 40: 563-581.

姚金, 李双庆, 万鑫, 陈福坤 (2018) 青藏高原东南缘腾冲市地块新生代玄武岩地球化学特征及其地幔源区性质. 地球科学与环境学报, 40: 398-413.

董瀚, 齐玥, 马涛, 黄登鹏, 李进喜, 苟国宁, 陈福坤, 王强 (2017) 拉萨市地块南部冈底斯~50 Ma 负eNd(t)花岗质侵入岩的发现及其地质意义. 大地构造与成矿学, 41: 604-616.

方博文, 张贺, 叶日胜, 王岩, 陈福坤 (2017) 南秦岭老城花岗石成因: 锆石U-Pb年龄和Sr-Nd同位素的制约. 地球科学与环境学报, 39: 633-651.

黄方, 陈福坤, 杨晓勇, 闫峻, 肖益林, 秦礼萍, 谢建成, 黄建, 汪方跃, 沈骥, 邓江洪, 杨一增 (2017) 古太平洋构造域的岩浆作用与成矿. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 36: 551-556.

王亚莹, 曾令森, 陈福坤, 蔡剑辉, 阎国翰, 侯可军, 王倩 (2017)“壳-幔”混合成因高 Ba-Sr 花岗质岩浆演化 - 以华北克拉通中部带老山和狐爷山岩体为例. 岩石学报, 33: 3873-3896.

董瀚, 苟国宁, 齐玥, 段凯, 张志平, 吴勇, 焦世文, 郝露露, 陈福坤, 王强 (2016) 拉萨市地块北缘早白垩世晚期地壳生长: 来自改则亚多~106 Ma 侵入岩的证据. 大地构造与成矿学, 40: 1226-1238.

胡蓉, 李双庆, 王伟, 陈福坤 (2016) 扬子北部三峡地区南沱组冰岩的物源特征: 锆石年龄和地球化学证据. 地球科学, 41: 1630-1654.

李俊辉, 于洋, 韦龙猛, 胡昭平, 陈福坤 (2016) 大别山造山带宿松县岩群锆石U-Pb年龄和Nd同位素特征: 宿松地体物源和属性. 地球科学与环境学报. 38: 21-33.

马江波,金正耀,范安川,向桃初,陈福坤 (2016) 湖南宁乡县炭河里遗址出土铜铲的科学分析. 考古, 2016: 111-120.

齐玥, 罗金海, 巫嘉德, 陈福坤 (2016) 华北地区中南部蚕坊和孤峰山花岗闪长岩地球化学和Sr-Nd-Pb同位素组成. 岩石学报, 32: 2015-2028.

尚振, 曾令森, 高利娥, 高家昊, 陈福坤, 侯可军, 王倩, 郭春丽 (2016) 藏南冈底斯南缘程巴岩体高Sr/Y花岗闪长岩和包体形成机制及Sr-Nd-Hf同位素制约. 地质通报, 2016: 71-90.

王亚莹, 高利娥, 曾令森, 陈福坤, 侯可军, 王倩, 赵令浩, 高家昊 (2016) 藏南特提斯喜马拉雅山脉带内江孜-康马地区白垩纪多期基性岩浆作用. 岩石学报, 32: 3572-3596.

韦龙猛, 杨一增, 张贺, 贺剑峰, 陈福坤 (2016) 南秦岭胭脂坝花岗石的成因: 锆石U-Pb年龄、地球化学和Sr-Nd-Pb同位素的制约. 地球科学与环境学报, 38: 527-546.

谢清陆, 李双庆, 张贺, 陈福坤 (2016) 大别造山带宿松县地体早白垩世中-基性脉岩地球化学特征. 地球科学与环境学报, 38:835-848.

谢清陆, 李双庆, 方博文, 张贺, 陈福坤 (2016) 大别造山带宿松地体中-基性脉岩锆石年龄及其地质意义. 地球科学与环境学报, 38: 318-333.

巫嘉德,王岩,谢清陆,齐玥,李俊辉,贺剑峰,陈福坤 (2015) 腾冲地体坡仑山岩体锆石U-Pb年龄和地球化学组成. 高校地质学报, 21: 523-533.

刘丙祥, 聂虎, 齐玥, 杨力, 祝禧艳, 陈福坤 (2013) 豫西南地区北秦岭地体新元古代花岗石类岩石成因及其地质意义. 岩石学报. 29: 2437-2455.

宁培松, 龙群, 程婷, 胡昭平, 陈福坤 (2013) 鲁西地区早白垩世中-基性岩地球化学组成特征和成因. 地球科学与环境科学学报, 35: 62-76.

杨一增, 龙群, 胡焕婷, Hieu PT, Nguyen TBT, 陈福坤 (2013) 越南西北部莱州省地区新生代煌斑岩地球化学特征及成因. 岩石学报, 29: 899-911.

丁兴, 孙卫东, 汪方跃, 陈林丽, 李秋立, 陈福坤 (2012) 湖南山岩体多期云母的Rb-Sr同位素年龄和矿物化学组成及其成岩成矿指示意义. 岩石学报, 28: 3823-3840.

Candan O, Oberhänsli R, DoraOÖ, Cetinkaplan M, Koralay OE, Rimmele G, Chen F, Akal C (2011) Polymetamorphicevolution of the panAfrican basement and Paleozoic – Early Tertiary coverseries of the Menderes Massif. Bulletinof the Mineral Research and Exploration, 142: 121-163, Turkey.

Candan O, Dora OÖ, OberhänsliR, Koralay OE, Cetinkaplan M, Akal C, Satir M, Chen F, Kaya O (2011)Stratigraphy of the panAfrican basement of the Menderes Massif and therelationship with late Neoproterozoic/Cambrian evolution of the Gondwana. Bulletin of the Mineral Research andExploration, 142: 25-68, Turkey.

Koralay OE, Candan O, Akal C,Dora OÖ, Chen F, Satir M, Oberhänsli R (2011) Menderes Masifi’ndeki panAfrikanve Triyas Yaşli Metagranitoyidlerin Jeolojisi ve Jeokronolojisi, Batı Anadolu,TürkiYE Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi,142: 69-122 (in Turkish).

李双庆, 杨晓勇, 屈文俊, 陈福坤, 孙卫东 (2010) 南秦岭宁陕地区月河坪矽卡岩钼矿-年龄和矿床学特征. 岩石学报, 26:1479-1486.

Hieu PT, 陈福坤, 祝禧艳, 王芳 (2010) 越南西北部Sinh Quyen岩组副片麻岩锆石年龄及其地质意义. 地球科学, 35:201-210.

汤艳杰, 陈福坤, 彭澎 (2010) 中国盆地火山岩特征及其油气成藏作用的联系. 岩石学报, 26: 185-194.

杨力, 陈福坤, 杨一增, 李双庆, 祝禧艳. 2010. 丹凤县地区秦岭岩群片麻岩锆石U-Pb年龄: 北秦岭地体中-新元古代岩浆作用和早古生代变质作用的记录. 岩石学报, 26: 1589-1603.

祝禧艳, 陈福坤, 杨一增, 胡蓉 2010. 微区-微量样品Rb-Sr同位素分析技术及其应用前景. 岩石学报, 26: 325-332.

储著银, 王伟, 陈福坤, 王秀丽, 李向辉, 季建清 (2009) 云南潞西三台山超镁铁岩体Os-Nd-Sr-Pb同位素特征及地质意义. 岩石学报, 25: 3221-3228.

Hieu PT, Chen F, Le Thanh Me,Vu Le Tu, Nguyen Thuy T-B (2009) Zircon U-Pb age of granite from the Ye 日元 Suncomplex in northwestern Vietnam and its implications. Journal of 地球 Science, 31: 23-29 (in Vietnamese).

Hieu PT, 陈福坤, 祝禧艳, 王伟, Nguyen TBT, Bui MT, Nguyen QL(2009) 越南西北部Posen花岗岩锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素组成特征. 岩石学报, 25: 3141-3152.

祁进平, 宋要武, 李双庆, 陈福坤 (2009) 栾川县西沟铅锌银矿床-同位素组成特征. 岩石学报, 25: 2843-2854.

Bui Tam Minh, Nguyen ThuyT-B, Chen F, Trinh Xuan Hoa (2009) TIMS U-Pb zircon age for the garnet – biotitegranite of the Plei Manko complex in the Kontum Geoblock. Journal of Science of the 地球, 31: 17-22 (in Vietnamese).

佟景贵, 李胜荣, 初凤友, 陈福坤, 方念乔, 王吉中 (2009) 中太平洋富钴结壳WXD27的年代学研究. 矿物岩石, 29: 68-73.

王芳, 陈福坤, 侯振辉, 彭澎, 翟明国 (2009) 华北陆块北缘赤城-崇礼区地区晚古生代花岗石锆石年龄和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素组成. 岩石学报, 25: 3057-3074.

徐建中, 侯书贵, 陈福坤, 任贾文, 秦大河 (2009) 珠穆朗玛峰东绒布冰芯微粒来源示踪. 科学通报, 54: 1756-1760.

祝禧艳, 陈福坤, 杨力, 王伟, Hieu P-T, 苗来成, 张福勤(2009)豫西地区秦岭造山带武当群锆石Hf同位素组成及其物源特征. 岩石学报, 25(11): 3017-3028.

李潮峰, 陈福坤, 王芳 (2008) 采用氧化物方式高精度地测量微量样品同位素比值. 地球科学 33: 243-250.

颉强, 苗来成, 陈福坤, 张福勤, 刘敦一 (2008) 东北穆棱地区“麻山群”及花岗石SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年: 对佳木斯市地块最南缘地壳演化的制约. 地质通报, 27: 2127-2137.

颉颃强, 张福勤, 苗来成, 陈福坤, 刘敦一 (2008) 东北牡丹江市地区“黑龙江省群”斜长角闪岩与花岗岩的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年及其地质学意义. 岩石学报, 24: 1237-1250.

张长青, 李向辉, 余金杰, 毛景文, 陈福坤, 李厚民 (2008) 四川大梁子铅锌矿床单颗粒闪锌矿铷-锶测年及地质意义. 地质论评, 54: 532-538.

张瑞斌, 刘建明, 叶杰, 陈福坤 (2008) 河北寿王坟镇铜矿黄铜矿铷锶同位素年龄测定及其成矿意义. 岩石学报, 24: 1353-1358.

祝禧艳, 陈福坤, 王伟, Hieu TP, 王芳, 张福勤 (2008) 豫西地区秦岭造山带武当群火山石沉积岩锆石U-Pb年龄. 地球学报, 29:817-829.

储著银, 陈福坤, 王伟, 谢烈文, 杨岳衡 (2007) 微量地质样品铼锇含量及其同位素组成的高精度测定方法. 岩矿测试, 26: 431-435.

韩以贵, 李向辉, 张世红, 张元厚, 陈福坤 (2007) 祁雨沟金矿单颗粒和碎裂黄铁矿的Rb-Sr等时线定年及其意义. 科学通报, 52: 1307-1311.

李献华, 刘颖, 杨岳衡, 陈福坤, 涂湘林, 祁昌实 (2007) 同一岩石试样的Lu-Hf和Sm-Nd快速分离及国家岩石标准物质的Hf-Nd同位素比值精确测定.岩石学报, 23: 221-226.

李向辉,陈福坤,李潮峰,张华锋, 郭敬辉,杨岳衡 (2007) 苏鲁造山带荣成市超高压地体片麻岩锆石年龄和Hf同位素组成特征. 岩石学报, 23:251-268.

Tran Thanh Hai, Dang Van Bat, Do Dinh Toat, Nguyen TB Thuy,Chen F, Tran Van Tri (2007) Occurrence of pillow basalts in the Cao Bang - LangSon 面积 and their implication for the tectonic setting of the East Bac Boregion. Journal of Geology, Vietnam,299: 10-24.

Balintoni I, Balica C,Cliveti M, Li Q-L, Hann HP, Chen F, Schuller V (2006) New U/Pb and Pb/Pb zirconages from the Biharia terrane rocks, Apuseni Mountains, Romania. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geologia,51: 61-65.

Balintoni I, Balica C,Cliveti M, Li Q-L, Hann HP, Chen F (2006) A few single crystal zircon ages fromthe Pades suite orthogneisses, southern Carpathians, Romania. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geologia,51: 61-65.

Balintoni I, Balica C,Cliveti M, Li Q-L, Hann HP, Chen F (2006) Protoliths and thermo-tectonic eventsin the Apuseni Mountains Crystaline: an isotopic age 透视 Anuarul Institutului Geologic al Romaniei,74: 11-14, Bucuresti.

陈福坤,李秋立, 王秀丽, 李向辉 (2006) 滇西地区腾冲市地块东侧混合岩锆石年龄和锶-钕-铪同位素组成. 岩石学报, 22: 439-448.

董锋, 李曙光, 李秋立, 刘贻灿, 陈福坤 (2006) 中国大陆科学钻探100~2000m超高压变质岩普通Pb同位素地球化学初步研究 - 俯冲陆壳内脱耦的证据. 岩石学报, 22: 1791-1998.

李秋立,陈福坤,王秀丽,李向辉,李潮峰(2006)超低本底化学流程和单颗粒云母Rb-Sr等时线定年. 科学通报. 51: 321-325.

邵济安, 陈福坤, 路凤香, 周新华 (2006) 辽西地区中生代软流圈底辟体的脉动式上涌. 地球科学, 31: 807-816.

佟景贵, 李胜荣, 李向辉,李秋立, 方念乔,初凤友, 陈福坤 (2006) 单颗有孔虫化石Sr同位素高精度测定及定年. 科学通报. 51: 1817-1820.

王秀丽,李向辉,陈福坤,李秋立,郭敬辉 (2006) 苏鲁超高压造山带南部海州区锆石年龄及其地质意义. 高校地质学报, 12: 365-374.

王秀丽,李向辉,王芳,李秋立,陈福坤 (2006) 静态测量方式的单颗粒锆石蒸发铅同位素定年方法. 岩矿测试, 25: 201-205.

陈福坤, 李秋立, 李潮峰, 王秀丽, 李向辉, 王芳 (2005) 高精度质谱仪在同位素地球化学的应用前景.地球科学, 30: 639-645.

储雪蕾, Todt W, 张启锐, 陈福坤, 黄晶 (2005) 南华-震旦系界线的锆石U-Pb年龄. 科学通报, 50: 600-602.

Fan H-R, Guo J-H, Hu F-F, Chu X-L, Chen F, Jin C-W (2005) Fluidinclusions evidence for differential exhumation of ultrahigh pressuremetamorphic rocks in the Sulu terrane. 汉语词类Science Bulletin, 50: 1139-1148.

郭敬辉, 陈福坤, 张晓曼, Siebel W., 翟明国 (2005) 苏鲁超高压带北部中生代岩浆侵入活动与同碰撞-碰撞后构造过程:锆石U-Pb年代学. 岩石学报, 21:1281-1301.

江来利, Siebel W, 陈福坤, 刘贻灿, 储东如 (2005) 大别造山带北部卢镇关杂岩的U-Pb锆石年龄. 中国科学(D), 35: 411-419.

Shang CK, Siebel W,Satir M, Chen F, Mvondo JO (2004) Zircon Pb-Pb and U-Pb systematics of TTGrocks in the Congo Craton: Constaints on crust formation, magmatism, andpanAfrican loss. Bulletin ofGeosciences (Czech Geological Survey), 79: 205-219.

赵太平, 陈福坤, 翟明国, 夏斌 (2004) 河北大庙斜长岩杂岩体锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义. 岩石学报, 20: 685-690.

郑永飞,陈福坤,龚冰,赵子福 (2003) 大别-苏鲁造山带超高压变质岩原岩性质:锆石氧同位素和U-Pb年龄证据. 科学通报, 48: 110-119.

陈福坤 (2002) 麻粒岩石榴石Sm-Nd和U-Pb同位素体系: 欧洲华力西造山带实例. 科学通报, 47: 864-868.

Chen F (2002) Polymetamorphism of the Variscan basement of theMoldanubian 黑色 Forest (Germany) documented in zircon and garnet mineralsfrom gneisses. 汉语词类 Journal of Geochemistry, 21: 108-119.

范宏瑞, 陈福坤, 王凯怡, 谢奕汉, Wilde S,Satir M (2002) 白云鄂博矿区REE-Fe-Nb矿床碳酸岩锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义. 岩石学报, 18: 363-368.

Chen F (2001) A correction approach for the common Pbcontribution to 207Pb/206Pb ratios obtained by the zirconevaporation technique. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 20: 189-192.



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