李秋立 :中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所副研究员

更新时间:2024-09-21 15:30



1994.9-1998.7 西北大学地质系地质学专业, 学士

1998.9-2003.12 中国科学技术大学地球化学专业硕博连读, 导师李曙光教授 博士学位

2003.12-2007.12 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所博士后, 合作导师翟明国研究员

2008.1-今 中国科学院地质与地球物理学研究所 副研究员






1. 超高压变质岩中多期多硅白云母的年代学与矿物学(国家自然科学基金,2005.1-2007.12,批准号:40403008)

2. 华北克拉通显生宙期间岩石圈地幔的时代 (国家自然科学基金,2007.1-2010.12,批准号:40634019)

3. 扬子克拉通钾镁煌斑岩和玄武岩研究对岩石圈厚度和性质的制约(国家自然科学基金,2010.1-2012.12,批准号:40973044)



Yin Qing-Zhu, Herd Christopher Dplus KIA, Zhou Qin, Li Xian-Huan, Wu Fu-Yuan, Li Qiu-Li, Liu Yu, Tang Guo-Qiang, McCoy Timothy J. 2014. Reply to comment on “Geochronology of the Martian meteorite Zagami revealed by U–Pb ion probe dating of accessory minerals” . 地球 and Planetary Science Letters,

Ren Rong, Han Bao-Fu, Xu Zhao, Zhou Yin-Zhang, Liu Bo, Zhang Lei, Chen Jia-Fu, Su Li, Li Jiao, Li Xian-Hua, Li Qiu-Li. 2014. When did the subduction first initiate in the southern Paleo-Asian Ocean: New constraints from a Cambrian intra-oceanic arc system in West Junggar, NW China. 地球 and Planetary Science Letters,


Li Qiu-Li, Li Xian-Hua, Lan Zhong-Wu, Guo Chun-Li, Yang Ya-Nang, Liu Yu, Tang Guo-Qiang. Monazite and xenotime U-Th-Pb geochronology by ion microprobe: Dating highly fractionated granites at Xihuashan mine, SE China. Contributions to Mineralogy and 岩石学

Wu Fu-Yuan, Mitchell Roger H., Li Qiu-Li, Sun Jing, Liu Chuan-Zhou, Yang Yue-Heng. 2013. In situ UPb age determination and Sr-Nd isotopic analysis of perovskite from the Premier (Cullinan) kimberlite, South Africa. Chemical Geology

Wu Fu-Yuan, Arzamastsev Andrei A., Mitchell Roger H., Li Qiu-Li, Sun Jing, Yang Yue-Heng, Wang Ru-Cheng. 2013. Emplacement age and Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of the Afrikanda alkaline ultramafic complex, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Chemical Geology

Rao 诺如病毒 Chalapathi, Wu Fu-Yuan, R.H. Mitchell, Li Qiu-Li, Lehmann B. 2013. Mesoproterozoic U–Pb ages, trace element and Sr–Nd isotopic composition of perovskite from kimberlites of the Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: Distinct mantle sources and a widespread 1.1 Ga tectonomagmatic event. Chemical Geology

Zhou Qin, Yin Qing-Zhu, Young Edward D., Li Xian-Hua, Wu Fu-Yuan, Li Qiu-Li, Liu Yu, Tang Guo-Qiang. 2013. SIMS Pb-Pb and U-Pb age determination of eucrite zircons at \u003c 5 mu m scale and the first 50 Ma of the thermal history of Vesta. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA

Zhou Qin, Herd Christopher Dplus KIA, Yin Qing-Zhu, Li Xian-Hua, Wu Fu-Yuan, Li Qiu-Li, Liu Yu, Tang Guo-Qiang, McCoy Timothy J. 2013. Geochronology of the Martian meteorite Zagami revealed by U–Pb ion probe dating of accessory minerals. 地球 and Planetary Science Letters,

Ma Lin, Wang Qiang, Wyman Derek A., Jiang Zi-Qi, Yang Jin-Hui, Li Qiu-Li, Gou Guo-Ning, Guo Hai-Feng. 2013. Late Cretaceous crustal growth in the Gangdese area, southern Tibet: Petrological and Sr–Nd–Hf–O isotopic evidence from Zhengga diorite–gabbro. Chemical Geology

Li Wan-Cai, Chen Ren-Xu, Zheng Yong-Fei, Li Qiuli, Hu Zhaochu. 2013. Zirconological tracing of transition between aqueous fluid and hydrous melt in the crust: Constraints from pegmatite vein and host gneiss in the Sulu orogen. Lithos,

Xu Wen-Liang, Zhou Qun-Jun, Pei Fu-Ping, Yang De-Bin, Gao Shan, Li Qiu-Li, Yang Yue-Heng. 2013. Destruction of the North China Craton: De lamination or thermal/chemical erosion? Mineral 化学 and isotope insights from websterite xenoliths. GONDWANA RESEARCH

Lin Wei, Charles Nicolas, Chen Yan, Chen Ke, Faure Michel, Wu Lin, Wang Fei, Li Qiuli, Wang Jun, Wang Qingchen. 2013. Late Mesozoic compressional to extensional tectonics in the Yiwulushan massif, NE China and their bearing on the Yinshan-Yanshan orogenic belt Part II: Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and gravity modeling. GONDWANA RESEARCH

李献华, 唐国强, 龚冰, 杨岳衡, 侯可军, 胡兆初, 李秋立, 刘宇, 李武显. 2013. Qinghu(清湖)锆石:一个新的U-Pb年龄和O,Hf同位素微区分析工作标样. 科学通报

李秋立,杨亚楠,石永红,林伟. 榴辉岩中金红石U-Pb定年:对大陆碰撞造山带形成和演化的制约. 科学通报,

李秋立,杨蔚,刘宇,唐国强,郝佳龙,张建超,胡森,赵旭晁,陈雅丽,储雪蕾,王英,蒋云,张爱,徐伟彪林杨挺李献华. 离子探针微区分析技术及其在地球科学中的应用进展. 矿物岩石地球化学通报,

林伟, 冀文斌, 石永红, 褚杨, 李秋立, 陈泽超, 刘飞, 王清晨 2013. 高压-超高压变质岩石多期构造折返:以桐柏-红安-大别造山带为例. 科学通报

石永红, 王娟, 李秋立, 林伟. 大别造山带变质岩温度压力结构研究. 科学通报


Li Qiu-Li, Li Xian-Hua, Wu Fu-Yuan, Yin Qing-Zhu, Ye Hai-Min, Liu Yu, Tang Guo-Qiang, Zhang Chuan-Lin, 2012. In-situ SIMS U-Pb dating of phanerozoic apatite with low U and high common Pb. Gondwana Research

Li Chao-Feng, Li Xian-Hua, Li Qiu-Li, Guo Jing-Hui, Li Xiang-Hui, Feng Lian-Jun, Chu Zhu-Yin., 2012. Simultaneous Determination of d ratios and Sm-Nd contents from the same filament loaded with purified Sm-Nd aliquot from geological samples by isotope dilution thermal ionization 质量 spectrometry. Analytical 化学

Li Chaofeng, Li Xianhua, Li Qiuli, Guo Jinghui, Li Xianghui, Yang Yueheng, 2012. Rapid and precise determination of Sr and Nd isotopic ratios in geological samples from the same filament loading by thermal ionization 质量 spectrometry employing a single-step separation Scheme Analytica Chimica Acta

Donnelly Cara L., Griffin William L., Yang JinHui, O' Reilly Suzanne Y., Li Qiu-Li, Pearson Norman J, Li Xian-Hua. 2012. In situ U-Pb Dating and Sr-Nd Isotopic Analysis of Perovskite: Constraints on the Age and Petrogenesis of the Kuruman Kimberlite Province, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. Journal of 岩石学

Shi Guanghai, Li Xianhua, Li Qiuli, Chen Zhengyu, Deng Jun, Liu Yingxin, Kang Zhijuan, Pang Ercheng, Xu Yongjing, Jia Xiuming, 2012. Ion microprobe U-Pb age and in 金红石 thermometry of rutiles from the Daixian rutile deposit in the Hengshan Mountains, Shanxi Province, China. Economic Geology

He Huaiyu, Sun Jimin, Li Qiuli, Zhu Rixiang, 2012. New age determination of the Cenozoic Lunpola basin, central Tibet. Geological Magazine

Sheng Yingming, Zheng Yongfei, Chen Renxu, Li Qiuli, Dai Mengning, 2012. Fluid action on zircon growth and recrystallization during quartz veining within UHP eclogite: Insights from U-Pb ages O-Hf isotopes and trace elements. Lithos

Cheng Hao, Zhang Chao, Vervoort Jeffrey D., Li Xianhua, Li Qiuli, Wu Yuanbao, Zheng Shu, 2012. Timing of eclogite facies metamorphism in the North Qinling by U-Pb and Lu-Hf geochronology. Lithos

Liu Xiaochi, Wu Yuanbao, Gao Shan, Liu Qian, Wang Hao, Qin Zhengwei, Li Qiuli, Li Xianhua, Gong Huijun, 2012. First record and timing of UHP metamorphism from zircon in the Xitieshan terrane: Implications for the evolution of the entire North Qaidam metamorphic belt. American Mineralogist

Shi Guang-Hai, Grimaldi David A., Harlow George E, Wang Jing, Wang Jun, Yang Mengchu, Lei Weiyan, Li Qiuli, Li Xianhua, 2012. Age constraint on Burmese amber based on U-Pb dating of zircons. Cretaceous Research

Wang Xuan-Ce, Li Xian-hua, Li Zheng-Xiang, Li Qiu-li, Tang Guo-Qiang, Gao Yu-Ya, Zhang Qi-Rui, Liu Yu. 2012. Episodic Precambrian crust growth: Evidence from U-Pb ages and Hf-O isotopes of 锆石 in the Nanhua Basin, central South China. Precambrian Research

Zhang Jiaodong, Chen Xuanhua, Li Qiuli, Liu Chengzhai, Li Bing, Li Jie, Liu Gang, Ren Fenglou, 2012. Mesozoic “红色 Beds” and its evolution in the Hefei basin. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition

Li Xianhua, Li Zhengxiang, He Bin, Li Wuxian, Li Qiuli, Gao Yuya, Wang Xuance, 2012. The Early Permian active continental margin and crustal growth of the Cathaysia Block: In situ U-Pb, Lu-Hf and O isotope analyses of detrital zircons. Chemical Geology

Zhao Zifu, Zheng Yongfei, Zhang Juan, Dai Liqun, Li Qiuli, Liu Xiaoming, Syn-exhumation magmatism during continental collision: Evidence from alkaline intrusives of Triassic age in the Sulu orogen. Chemical Geology

Zhang Aicheng, Taylor Lawrence A., Wang Rucheng, Li Qiuli, Li Xianhua, Patchen Allan D., Liu Yang, 2012. Thermal history of Apollo 12 granite and KREEP-rich rock: Clues from Pb/Pb ages of zircon in lunar breccia 12013. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Liu Xuan, Fan Hongrui, Santosh M., Hu Fangfang, Yang Kuifeng, Li Qiuli, Yang Yueheng, Liu Yongsheng, 2012. Remelting of Neoproterozoic relict volcanic arcs in the Middle Jurassic: Implication for the formation of Dexing porphyry deposit, Southeastern China. Lithos

Wang Ying, Hsu Weibiao, Guan Yunbin, Li Xianhua, Li Qiuli, Liu Yu, Tang Guoqiang, 2012. Petrogenesis of the Northwest Africa 4734 basaltic lunar meteorite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Yin Q. -Z., Wimpenny J., Tollstrup D. L., Mange M., Dewey J. F., Zhou Q., Li X. -H., Wu F. -Y., Li Q. -L., Liu Y.,Tang G. -Q. 2012.Crustal evolution of the South Mayo Trough, western Ireland, based on U-Pb ages and Hf-O isotopes in detrital zircons. Journal of the Geological Society

丁兴, 孙卫东, 汪方跃, 陈林丽, 李秋立, 陈福坤 2012. 湖南山岩体多期云母的Rb-Sr同位素年龄和矿物化学组成及其成岩成矿指示意义. 岩石学报, 28(12), 3823-3840

[Ding Xing, Sun WeiDong, Wang FangYue, Chen LinLi, Li QiuLi, Chen FuKun. 2012. Single-grain mica Rb-Sr isochron ages and mineral 化学 for the Weishan pluton in Hunan Province and implications on petrogenesis and mineralization of Mesozoic composite granite in South China. ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA,


Li Qiu-Li, Wu Fu-Yuan, Li Xian-Hua, Qiu Zhi-Li, Liu Yu, Yang Yue-Heng, Tang Guo-Qiang, 2011. Precisely dating Paleozoic kimberlites in the North China Craton and Hf isotopic constrains on the evolution of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Lithos

Li Qiu-Li, Lin Wei, Su Wen, Li Xian-Hua, Shi Yong-Hong, Liu Yu, Tang Guo-Qiang. 2011. SIMS U-Pb rutile age of low-温度 eclogites from Southwestern Chinese Tianshan, NW China. Lithos

Li Xian-Hua, Li Qiu-Li, Liu Yu, Tang Guo-Qiang, 2011. Further characterization of M257 zircon standard: a working reference for SIMS analysis of Li isotopes. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometr

Liu Yu, Li Xian-Hua, Li Qiu-Li, Tang Guo-Qiang, Yin Qing-Zhu, 2011. Precise U-Pb zircon dating at \u003c5 micron scale by Cameca 1280 SIMS using Gaussian illumination probe. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry

Wu Fu-Yuan, Yang Yue-Heng, Li Qiu-Li, Mitchell R.H., Dawson J.B., Brandl G., Yuhara M., 2011. In situ determination of U-Pb ages and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis of the Phalaborwa carbonatite complex, South Africa. Lithos

Li Chao-Feng, Li Xian-Hua, Li Qiu-Li, Guo JinHui, Li Xiang-Hui, Liu Tao, 2011. An evaluation of a single-step extraction chromatography separation method for Sm-Nd isotope analysis of microsamples of silicate rocks by high-sensitivity thermal ionization 质量 spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta

Li Chao-Feng, Li Xian-Hua, Li Qiu-Li, Guo Jin-Hui, Li Xiang-Hui, 2011. Directly determining 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios using thermal ionization mass spectrometry for geological samples without separation of Sm–Nd. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry

Dai Li-Qun, Zhao Zi-Fu, Zheng Yong-Fei, Li Qiu-Li, Yang Yue-Heng, Dai Meng-Ning, 2011. Zircon Hf-O isotope evidence for crust-mantle interaction during continental deep subduction. 地球 and Planetary Science

Wang Xuan-Ce, Li Zheng-Xiang, Li Xian-Hua, Li Qiu-Li, Zhang Qi-Rui., 2011. Geochemical and Hf-Nd isotope data of Nanhua rift sedimentary and volcaniclastic rocks indicate a Neoproterozoic continental flood basalt provenance. Litho

Wang Xuan-Ce, Li Xian-hua, Li Zheng-Xiang, Li Qiu-li, Tang,Guo-Qiang Gao Yu-Ya, Zhang Qi-Rui, Liu Yu. 2011 Episodic Precambrian crust growth: Evidence from U–Pb ages and Hf–O isotopes of 锆石 in the Nanhua Basin, central South China. Precambrian Research

Wang Xuan-Ce, Li Zheng-Xiang, Li Xian-Hua, Li Qiu-Li, Tang Guo-Qiang, Zhang Qi-Rui, Liu Yu, 2011. Nonglacial origin for low-δ18O Neoproterozoic magmas in the South China Block: Evidence from new in-situ isotope analyses using SIMS. Geology

Peng Peng, Zhai Ming-Guo, Li Qiu-Li, Wu Fu-Yuan, Hou Quan-Lin, Li Zhong, Li Tie-Sheng, Zhang Yan-Bin, 2011. Neoproterozoic (~ 900 Ma) Sariwon sills in North Korea: Geochronology, geochemistry and implications for the evolution of the south-eastern margin of the North China Craton. Gondwana Research

Zhang, A.C., Hsu, 微博电子竞技俱乐部, Li, X.H., Ming, H.L, Li, Q.L., Liu, Y., Tang, G.Q., 2011. Impact melting of lunar meteorite Dhofar 458: Evidence from polycrystalline texture and decomposition of 锆石. Meteoritics \u0026 Planetary Science

Zhang, A.C., Hsu, W.B., Floss, C., Li, X.H., Li, Q.L., Liu, Y., Taylor, L.A., 2011. Petrogenesis of lunar meteorite Northwest Africa 2977: Constraints from in situ microprobe results. Meteoritics \u0026 Planetary Science

Cheng Hao, Zhang Chao, Vervoort J.D., Li Xian-Hua, Li Qiu-Li, Zheng Shu, Cao Dadi., 2011. Geochronology of the transition of eclogite to amphibolite facies metamorphism in the North Qinling orogen of central China. Lithos.

Cheng Hao, Vervoort J.D., Li Xian-Hua, Zhang Chao, Li Qiu-Li, Zheng Shu, 2011. The growth interval of garnet in the UHP eclogites from the Dabie orogen, China. American Mineralogist

石永红,康涛,李秋立,林伟,2011. 北大别北东地区榴辉岩温度条件分析。岩石学报

[Shi Yong-Hong, Kang Tao, Li Qiu-Li, Lin Wei. 2011. The analysis of 温度 conditions for eclogites in the northeastern part of North Dabie Terra Acta Petrologica Sinica.(In Chinese with English abstract)]

丁奎首,杨主明,林俊,苏文,傅小土,李秋立,唐国强,毛骞,2011. 新矿物南岭石的再研究。岩石学报

[Ding Kui-Shou, Yang Zhu-Ming, Lin Jun, Su Wen, Fu Xiao-Tu, Li Qiu-Li, Tang Guo-Qiang, Mao Qian, 2011. Further study on a new arsenite mineral Nanlingite Acta Petrologica Sinica. (In Chinese with English abstract)]


Li Qiuli, Li Xianhua, Liu Yu, Tang Guoqiang, Yang Jinhui, Zhu Weiguang, 2010. Precise U–Pb and Pb–Pb dating of Phanerozoic baddeleyite by SIMS with oxygen flooding technique. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry

Li, Qiuli, Li Xianhua, Liu Yu, Wu Fuyuan, Yang Jinhui, Mitchel, R.H., 2010. Precise U-Pb and Th-Pb age determination of kimberlitic perovskites by secondary ion 质量 spectrometry. Chemical Geology

Li Xianhua, Long Wenguo, Li Qiuli, Liu Yu, Zheng Yongfei, Yang Yueheng, Chamberlain Kevin R., Wan Defang, Guo Chunhua, Wang Xuance, Tao hua, 2010. Penglai Zircon megacrysts: A potential new working reference material for microbeam determination of Hf-O isotopes and U-Pb age Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research

Li Xianhua, Li Wuxian, Li Qiuli, Wang Xuance, Liu Yu, Yang Yueheng, 2010. Petrogenesis and tectonic significance of the ~850 Ma Gangbian alkaline complex in South China: Evidence from in situ zircon U-Pb dating, Hf-O isotopes and whole-rock geochemistry. Lithos

Zhang Aicheng, HSU Weibiao, Li Qiuli, Liu Yu, Jiang Yun, Tang Guoqiang, 2010. SIMS Pb/Pb dating of rich minerals in lunar meteorites Miller Range 05035 and Lapzx Icefield 02224: Implications for the petrogenesis of mare basalt. Science China (地球 Sciences)

[张爱铖,徐伟彪,李秋立,刘宇,蒋云,唐国强和LaPaz Icefield 02224月球陨石中锆矿物Pb/Pb离子探针定年:月海玄武岩的成因启示. 中国科学(地球科学

Li Xianhua, Li Wuxian, Wang Xuance, Li Qiuli, Liu Yu, Tang Guoqiang, Gao Yuya, Wu Fuyuan, 2010. SIMS U-Pb zircon geochronology of porphyry Au-(Mo) deposits in the Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt, eastern China: Magmatic response to early Cretaceous lithospheric extension. Lithos

Wu Fuyuan, Yang Yueheng, Mitchell Roger H., Li Qiuli, Yang Jinhui, Zhang Yanbin, 2010. In situ U-Pb age determination and Nd isotopic analysis of perovskites from kimberlites in southern Africa and Somerset Island, Canada. Lithos

Wu FuYuan, Yang YueHeng, Mitchell Roger H., Bellatreccia Fabio, Li Qiuli, Zhao Zifu, 2010. In situ U–Pb and Nd–Hf–(Sr) isotopic investigations of zirconolite and calzirtite. Chemical Geology

Cheng hao, DuFrane S.A., Vervoort J.D., Nakamura E., Li Qiuli, Zhou Zuyi, 2010. The Triassic age for oceanic eclogites in the Dabie orogen: Entrainment of oceanic fragments in the continental subduction. Lithos

高钰涯,李献华,李秋立,孙霖,2010. 二次离子质谱第四纪锆石年代学:台湾金瓜石英安岩定年。地学前缘

[Gao Yuya, Li Xianhua, Li Qiuli, 壮语 Sunlin, 2010. Quaternary zircon geochronology by secondary ion 质量 spectrometry: A case study of the Chinkuashi dacite from northeastern Taiwan. 地球 Science Frontiers.

李潮峰,林杨挺,郭敬辉,李秋立,李向辉李献华,2010. 热电离质谱法超高精度测定142Nd/144Nd同位素比。分析化学

[Li Chao-Feng, Lin Yang-Tin, Guo Jing-Hui, Li Qiu-Li, Li Xian-Hua, Li Xiang-Hui, 2010. Ultra-high precision determination of 142Nd/144Nd ratio using Thermal Ionization 质量 Spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry

龙灵利,王玉往,王京彬,王莉娟,李秋立,王书来,蒲克信,张会琼,廖震,2010. 新疆希勒库都克铜矿区岩浆混合作用:来自锆石U-Pb年代学的证据。岩石学报

[Long Lingli, Wang Yuwang, Wang Jingbin, Wang Lijuan, Li Qiuli, Wang Shulai, Pu Kexin, Zhang Huiqiong and Liao Zhen. 2010. Magma mixing in the Xilekuduke Mo ore district in Xinjiang: Evidence from zircon U-Pb chronology. Acta Petrologica Sinica


Li Xianhua, Liu Yu, Li Qiuli, Guo Chunhua, 2009. Precise determination of Phanerozoic zircon Pb/Pb age by multicollector SIMS without external standardization. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems

Li Xianhua, Li Wuxian, Wang Xuance, Li Qiuli, Lu Yu, Tang Guoqiang, 2009. Role of mantle-derived magma in genesis of early Yanshanian granites in the Nanling Range, South China: in situ zircon Hf-O isotopic constraints. Science in China (Series D: 地球 Sciences)


Li Shuguang, Wang Chenxiang, Dong Feng, Hou Zhenhui, Li Qiuli, Liu Yican, Huang Fang, Chen Fukun, 2009. Common Pb of UHP metamorphic rocks from the CCSD projecsuggesting decoupling between the slices within subducting continental crust and multiple thin slib exhumation. Tectonophysics.


Li Qiuli, Chen Fukun, Yang Jinhui, Fan Hongrui. 2008, Single grain pyrite Rb-Sr dating of the Linglong gold deposit, eastern China. Ore Geology Reviews.

Li Qiuli, Chen Fukun, Li Xianghui, Wang Fei, He Huaiyu. 2008. Single grain Rb-Sr isotopic analysis of GA-1550 黑云母, LP-6 biotite and Bern-4M muscovite 40ar39Ar dating standards, Geochemical Journal, Vol

Chen Zhenyu, Li Qiuli, 2008. Zr-in-rutile thermometry in eclogite at Jinheqiao in the Dabie orogen and its geochemical implications. Chinese Science Bulletin



Li Qiuli, Chen Fukun, Guo Jinghui, Li Xianghui, Yang Yueheng, Siebel Wolf Gang 2007, 锆石 ages and Nd-Hf isotopic composition of the Zhaertai Group (Inner Mongolia): evidence for early Proterozoic evolution of the northern North China Craton. Journal of Asian 地球 Science.

Huang Fang, Li Shuguang, Dong Feng, Li Qiuli, Chen Fukun, Wang Ying, Yang Wei, 2007. Recycling of deeply subducted continental crust in the Dabie Mountains, central China. Lithos

Li Xianghui, Chen Fukun, Guo Jinghui, Li Qiuli, Xie Liewen, Siebel Wolf Gang, 2007. South China provenance of the lower-grade Penglai Group north of the Sulu UHP orogenic belt, eastern China: Evidence from detrital zircon ages and Nd-Hf isotopic composition. Geochemical Journal

Chen Fukun, Li Xianghui, Wang Xiuli, Li Qiuli, Siebel Wolf Gang, 2007. Zircon age and Nd-Hf isotopic composition of the Yunnan Tethyan belt, southwestern China. International Journal of 地球 Sciences

吴福元, 杨进辉, 储著银, 谢烈文, 杨岳衡, 李秋立, 2007. 大陆岩石圈地幔定年. 地学前缘 (Wu Fuyuan, Yang Jinhui, Chu Zhuyin, Xie Liewen, Yang Yueheng, Li Qiuli. 2007. Dating the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Earth Science Frontiers (in Chinese with English abstract)).


陈福坤,李秋立,王秀丽,李向辉,滇西地区腾冲市地块东侧混合岩锆石年龄和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素组成。岩石学报,[Chen Fukun, Li Qiuli, Wang Xiuli, Li Xianghui, 2006. Zircon age and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic composition of migmatite in the eastern Tengchong block, western Yunnan. Acta Petrologica Sinica

董锋,李曙光,李秋立,刘贻灿,陈福坤,2006. 中国大陆科学钻探100~2000m超高压变质岩普通Pb同位素地球化学初步研究——俯冲陆壳内脱耦的证据. 岩石学报

Dong Feng, Li Shuguang, Li Qiuli, Liu Yican, Chen fukun, 2006. Preliminary study of common Pb of UHP metamorphic rocks from CCSD (100 to 2000m): Evidence for decoupling within subducting continental crust. Acta Petrologica Sinica (In Chinese with English abstract).

王秀丽,李向辉,陈福坤,李秋立,郭敬辉,2006. 苏鲁超高压造山带南部海州区锆石年龄及其地质意义. 高校地质学报, [Wang Xiuli, Li Xianghui, Chen Fukun, Li Qiuli, Guo Jinghui. 2006. Zircon Ages of the Haizhou Group in the Southern Part of the Sulu Ultrahigh 压强 Orogenic Belt and Geological Significances. Geological Journal of China Universities

Tong Jinggui, Li Shengrong, Li Xianghui, Li Qiuli, Fang Nianqiao, Chu Fengyou, Chen Fukun, 2006. Determination onratio and stratigraphic dating of single-grain 有孔虫门 Chinese Science Bulletin

[佟景贵,李胜荣李向辉,李秋立,方念乔,初凤友,陈福坤. 单颗有孔虫化石Sr同位素测定及定年. 科学通报,


[Wang Xiuli, Li Xianghui, Wang Fang, Li Qiuli, Chen Fukun, Single grain zircon evaporation 207Pb/206Pb dating method with static measurement mode. Rock and mineral analysis


Li Qiuli, Li Shuguang, Hou Zhenhui,Hong Ji’an, Yang Wei, 2005. A combined study of SHRIMP U-Pb dating, trace element and mineral inclusions on high-压强 metamorphic overgrowth zircon in eclogite from Qinglongshan in the Sulu terrane. Chinese Sci. Bull.,

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