鄂加强 :鄂加强

更新时间:2024-09-21 14:24




目前为国家自然科学基金委员会工程科学一处、二处、三处通讯评审专家,高等学校机电类学科委员会能源与动力工程学科教学委员会委员,中国内燃机学会理事,高校工程热物理学会理事,国际SCI期刊“Journal of Low 频率 Noise, Vibration and Active Control”的副主编,国际SCI期刊“Advances in Mechanical Engineering”和“Journal of Combustion”的客座主编,控制工程期刊编委,教育部科技奖励评审专家,湖南省自然科学基金委员会评审专家,北京市自然科学基金委员会评审专家,河北省自然科学基金委员会评审专家,广西区自然科学基金委员会评审专家,浙江省自然科学基金委员会评审专家以及湖南省内燃机学会理事,《Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews》、《Applied Energy》、《Energy》、《Energy Conversion and Management》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《Fuel》、《International Journal of 能量》、《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》、《Applied Soft Computing》、《Energy \u0026 Fuels》、《Powder Technology》或其他国际SCI期刊《International Journal of Thermal Sciences》、《Aerospace Science and Technology》、《Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science》、《Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering》、《Particuology》、《Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering》和《Environmental Progress \u0026 Sustainable 能量》等国内外30多个知名期刊审稿专家。


2013.08-2014.08 新加坡国立大学机械工程系从事学术交流与访问研究

2012.09-2013.01 中山大学外国语学院国家公派出国留学人员英语高级班培训

2007.11-2010.07 湖南大学机械工程博士后流动站从事流体机械现代优化设计研究

2004.10-2006.12 湖南大学控制科学与工程博士后流动站从事智能检测、控制及智能信息融合处理研究

1999.08-2004.09 中南大学热能工程专业(硕博连读)从事热工设备及过程检测、控制与优化研究

1993.09-1997.07 吉林大学(原吉林工业大学)汽车工程学院热能专业学习


2004.09- 湖南大学机械与运载工程学院从事热动力设备及工程的智能检测、故障诊断以及排放控制等教学及科研工作;

1997.07-1999.08 湘电股份集团公司技术中心从事大型矿用自卸车(108t与154t)设计工作




































鄂加强. 铜精炼过程优化建模与智能控制[M]. 长沙市湖南大学出版社,2006.

鄂加强. 智能故障诊断及其应用[M]. 长沙:湖南大学出版社,2006.

鄂加强,李志鹏,张长宗,滕达著. 新型双向硬密封大口径旋球阀现代设计方法与技术[M]. 北京:中国水利水电出版社,2011.

鄂加强,左红艳,罗周全. 神经网络模糊推理智能信息融合及其工程应用[M]. 北京:中国水利水电出版社,2012.

[5]袁文华,鄂加强,龚金科 柴油机高压共轨喷油系统设计优化及智能控制[M]. 北京:中国水利水电出版社,2014.

鄂加强,杨蹈宇,崔洪江,唐文武. 工程热力学[M]. 北京:中国水利水电出版社,2010.

龚金科,鄂加强,谭理刚,邓元望 热动力设备排放污染及控制(国家“十一五规划教材”)[M]. 北京:中国电力出版社,2007.

伏军,龚金科,鄂加强. 柴油机微粒捕集器喷油助燃再生过程热工模型及其控制[M]. 北京:中国水利水电出版社,2017.


鄂加强,左威,彭庆国,王曙辉,朱浩,刘腾,邓元望,龚金科 一种用于道路清扫车的可变流通面积吸嘴[P]. ZL201510104259.5, 2016.

蔡皓,霍鹏光,鄂加强,邓元望 一种新型类椭圆齿廓转子机油泵及其转子和转子设计方法[P]. ZL201510783644.7, 2015.

龚金科,王曙辉,鄂加强,余明果,伏军,吴钢,吁璇. 柴油机微粒捕集器主动热再生方法及其装置[P]. ZL200810031099.6, 2009.

龚金科,王曙辉,鄂加强,吴钢,杨汉乾,郭华. 一种消减柴油机微粒物质排放的方法及其装置[P]. ZL200710035168.6, 2008.

龚金科,蔡皓,蔡隆玉,鄂加强,谭理刚,邓元望. 汽车尾气三效催化转化器[P]. ZL200710034581.0, 2009.

蔡皓,龚金科,余明果,鄂加强,邓元望,耿玉鹤. 一种汽车尾气三效催化转化器系统及控制方法[P]. ZL201110071155.0,2011.

王曙辉, 龚金科, 余明果, 鄂加强, 蔡皓, 左青松. 一种用于太阳能热发电系统的体积换热吸热器[P]. ZL201110259807,2012.

邓元望, 韩卫, 龚金科, 鄂加强, 朱浩, 王兵杰, 刘腾. 一种具有碳氢捕集功能的柴油机氧化催化转化器[P]. ZL 102322320, 2012.

邓元望, 刘腾, 鄂加强, 韩卫, 朱浩, 曾谊晖. 一种用于汽油机冷启动工况的HC排放净化系统[P]. ZL102322319, 2012.

邓元望, 韩卫, 龚金科, 鄂加强, 朱浩, 陈可亮, 刘腾. 一种具有碳氢捕集功能的汽油机尾气处理装置[P]. ZL102278182, 2012.




Jiaqiang E, MinhHieu Pham*, Yuanwang Deng*, Tuannghia Nguyen*, VinhNguyen Duy*, DucHieu Le, Wei Zuo, Qingguo Peng, Zhiqing Zhang. Effects of injection timing and injection 压强 on 表演 and exhaust emissions of a common rail diesel engine fueled by various concentrations of 鱼油 biodiesel blends[J]. 能量, 2018, 149: 979-989. SCI 1区 IF: 4.968.

Qingguo Peng, Jiaqiang E*, Jingwei Chen*, Wei Zuo, Xiaohuan Zhao, Zhiqing Zhang. Investigations on effects of wall thickness and porous media on the thermal 表演 of a non-premixed fueled cylindrical micro combustor[J]. 能量 Conversion and Management, 2018, 155: 276-286. SCI 1区 IF: 6.377. ESI Highly Cited Papers

Zhiqing Zhang, Jiaqiang E*, Yuanwang Deng*, Wei Zuo, Qingguo Peng, MinhHieu Pham, Zibin Yin. Effects of fatty acid 甲基 esters proportion on combustion and emission characteristics of a biodiesel fueled marine diesel engine[J]. 能量 Conversion and Management, 2018, 159: 244-253. SCI 1区 IF: 6.377.

Wei Zuo, Jiaqiang E*, Rongming Lin. Numerical investigations on an improved counterflow double-channel micro combustor fueled with for enhancing thermal 表演[J]. 能量 Conversion and Management, 2018, 159: 163-174. SCI 1区 IF: 6.377.

Wei Zuo, Jiaqiang E*, Rongming Lin, Yu Jin, Dandan Han. Numerical investigations on different configurations of a four-channel meso-scale planar combustor fueled by /air mixture[J]. 能量 Conversion and 管理学, 2018, 160: 1-13. SCI 1区 IF: 6.377.

Teng Liu, Jiaqiang E*, W. M. Yang, Yuanwang Deng*, H. An, Zhiqing Zhang, Minhhieu Pham. Investigation on the applicability for adjusting reaction rates of the optimized biodiesel skeletal mechanism[J]. 能量, 2018, 150: 1031-1038. SCI 1区 IF: 4.968.

Wenyu Hu, Jiaqiang E*, Yuanwang Deng*, Lijun Li, Dandan Han, Xiaohuan Zhao, Zhiqing Zhang, Qingguo Peng. Investigation on 表演 enhancement of a convective wind 能量 collecting device in the expressway[J]. Energy Conversion and 管理学, 2018, 171: 249-271. SCI 1区 IF: 6.377.

Jiaqiang E, Zhiqing Zhang*, Jingwei Chen*, MinhHieu Pham, Xiaohuan Zhao, Qingguo Peng, Wei Zuo, Zibin Yin. 表演 and emission evaluation of a marine diesel engine fueled by 液态水 biodiesel-diesel emulsion blends with a fuel additive of a cerium oxide nanoparticle[J]. 能量 Conversion and 管理学, 2018, 169: 194-205. SCI 1区 IF: 6.377.

Qingguo Peng, Jiaqiang E*, W. M. Yang*, Hongpeng Xu, Jingwei Chen, Tian Meng, Runzhi Qiu. Effects analysis on combustion and thermal 表演 enhancement of a nozzle-inlet micro tube fueled by the premixed /air[J]. 能量, 2018, 160: 349-360. SCI 1区 IF: 4.968.

Yuanwang Deng, 华为 Liu, Xiaohuan Zhao*, Jiaqiang E*, Jianmei Chen. Effects of cold start control strategy on cold start 表演 of the diesel engine based on a comprehensive preheat diesel engine model[J]. Applied 能量, 2018, 210: 279-287. SCI 1区 IF: 7.900. ESI Highly Cited Papers

Qingguo Peng, Jiaqiang E*, Zhiqing Zhang, Wenyu Hu, Xiaohuan Zhao. Investigation on the effects of front-cavity on flame location and thermal performance of a cylindrical micro combustor[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 130: 541-551. SCI 2区 IF: 3.771.

Jiaqiang E, Yu Jin, Yuanwang Deng, Wei Zuo*, Xiaohuan Zhao, Dandan Han, Qingguo Peng, Zhiqing Zhang. Wetting models and working mechanisms of typical surfaces existed in nature and its application on super-hydrophobic surfaces: A review[J]. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2018, 5, 1701052. Doi: 10.1002/admi.201701052. SCI 2区 IF: 4.834. Y

Jiaqiang E*, Zhiqing Zhang*, Zhengfang Tu, Wei Zuo, Wenyu Hu, Dandan Han, Yu Jin. Effect analysis on flow and boiling heat transfer 表演 of cooling 液态水jacket of bearing in the gasoline engine turbocharger[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 130: 754-766. SCI 2区 IF: 3.771. ESI hot paper, ESI Highly Cited Papers

Jiaqiang E, Dandan Han, An Qiu, Hao Zhu*, Yuanwang Deng*, Jingwei Chen, Xiaohuan Zhao, Wei Zuo, Hongcai Wang, Jianmei Chen, Qingguo Peng. Orthogonal experimental 设计 of liquid-cooling structure on the cooling effect of a liquid-cooled battery thermal 管理学 system[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 132: 508-520. SCI 2区 IF: 3.771.

Jiaqiang E, Dandan Han, Yuanwang Deng*, Wei Zuo, Cheng Qian, Gang Wu, Qingguo Peng, Zhiqing Zhang. 表演 enhancement of a baffle-cut heat exchanger of exhaust gas recirculation[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 134: 86-94. doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.01.109. SCI 2区 IF: 3.771.

Yuanwang Deng, Changling Feng, Jiaqiang E*, Hao Zhu*, Jingwei Chen, Ming Wen, Huichun Yin. Effects of different coolants and cooling strategies on the cooling 表演 of the 功率 lithium ion battery system: A review[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 142: 10-29. SCI 2区 IF: 3.771.

Jiaqiang E, Haojie Liu, Xiaohuan Zhao*, Dandan Han*, Qingguo Peng, Wei Zuo, Tian Meng, Runzhi Qiu. Investigation on the combustion 表演 enhancement of the premixed 甲烷/air in a two-step micro combustor[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 141: 114-125. SCI 2区 IF: 3.771.

Jiaqiang E, Meng Yue, Jingwei Chen*, Hao Zhu*, Yuanwang Deng, Yun Zhu, Feng Zhang, Ming Wen, Bin Zhang, Siyi Kang. Effects of the different air cooling strategies on cooling 表演 of a ion battery module with baffle[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 144: 231-241. SCI 2区 IF: 3.771.

Guanlin Liu, Jiaqiang E*, Teng Liu, Wei Zuo, Qingling Zhang. Effects of different poses and wind speeds on the flow field of the dish solar concentrator based on virtual wind tunnel experiment with constant wind[J]. Journal of Central south University, 2018, 35(8): 1948-1957. SCI 4区 IF: 0.761.


Jiaqiang E*, Minhhieu Pham*, D. Zhao*, Yuanwang Deng, DucHieu Le, Wei Zuo, Hao Zhu, Teng Liu, Qingguo Peng, Zhiqing Zhang. Effect of different technologies on combustion and emissions of the diesel engine fueled with biodiesel: A review[J]. Renewable and Sustainable 能量 Reviews, 2017, 80: 620-647. SCI 1区 IF: 9.184. ESI Hot Papers, ESI Highly Cited Papers

Wei Zuo, Jiaqiang E*, Dandan Han, Yu Jin. Numerical investigations on thermal 表演 of double-layer four-channel micro combustors for micro-thermophotovoltaic system[J]. 能量 Conversion and Management, 2017, 150: 343-355. SCI 1区 IF: 6.377.

Wei Zuo, Jiaqiang E*, Qingguo Peng, Xiaohuan Zhao, Zhiqing Zhang. Numerical investigations on a comparison between counterflow and coflow double-channel micro combustors for micro-thermophotovoltaic system[J]. 能量, 2017, 122: 408-419. SCI 1区 IF: 4.968. ESI Highly Cited Papers

Wei Zuo, Jiaqiang E*, Wenyu Hu, Yu Jin, Dandan Han. Numerical investigations on combustion characteristics of H2/air premixed combustion in a micro elliptical tube combustor[J]. 能量, 2017, 126, 1-12. SCI 1区 IF: 4.968. ESI Highly Cited Papers

Jiaqiang E*, Qingguo Peng*, Yuanwang Deng, Wei Zuo, Haili Liu. Numerical investigation on the combustion characteristics of non-premixed -air in a novel micro-combustor[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 110: 665-677. SCI 2区 IF: 3.771. ESI Highly Cited Papers

Wei Zuo, Jiaqiang E*, Qingguo Peng, Xiaohuan Zhao, Zhiqing Zhang. Numerical investigations on thermal 表演 of a micro-cylindrical combustor with gradually reduced wall thickness[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 113: 1011-1020. SCI 2区 IF: 3.771. ESI Highly Cited Papers

Bin Zhang, Jiaqiang E*, Jinke Gong*, Wenhua Yuan, Xiaohuan Zhao, Wenyu Hu. Influence of structural and operating factors on 表演 degradation of the diesel particulate filter based on composite regeneration[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 121: 838-852. SCI 2区 IF: 3.771.

Yuanwang Deng, Wenping Zheng, Jiaqiang E*, Bin Zhang, Xiaohuan Zhao, Qingsong Zuo, Zhiqing Zhang, Dandan Han. Influence of geometric characteristics of a diesel particulate filter on its behavior in Equilibrium state[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 123: 61-73. SCI 2区 IF: 3.771.

Yuanwang Deng, Jinhui Cui, Jiaqiang E*, Bin Zhang, Xiaohuan Zhao, Zhiqing Zhang, Dandan Han. Investigations on the 温度 dist刚性充气船ution of the diesel particulate filter in the thermal regeneration process and its field synergy analysis[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 123: 92-102. SCI 2区 IF: 3.771.

Jiaqiang E*, Cheng Qian, Hao Zhu, Qingguo Peng, Wei Zuo, Guanlin Liu. Parameter-identification investigations on the hysteretic Preisach model improved by the fuzzy least square support vector machine based on adaptive variable chaos immune algorithm[J]. Journal of Low 频率 Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 2017, 36(3): 227–242. SCI 4区 IF: 1.017.

Gang Wu, Shen Li, He Zhao, Xinglin Yang, Jiaqiang E. Experimental and frequency-domain study of acoustic damping of single-layer perforated plates[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 69: 432-438. SCI 2区 IF: 2.228.


Jiaqiang E1,*, Xiaohuan Zhao1,*, Haili Liu, Jianmei Chen, Wei Zuo, Qingguo Peng. Field synergy analysis for enhancing heat transfer capability of a novel narrow-tube closed oscillating heat pipe[J]. Applied 能量, 2016, 175: 218-228. SCI 1区 IF: 7.182.

Jiaqiang E, Wei Zuo*, Xueling Liu, Qingguo Peng, Yuanwang Deng, Hao Zhu*. Effects of inlet 压强 on wall 温度 and exergy efficiency of the micro-cylindrical combustor with a step[J]. Applied 能量, 2016, 175: 337-345. SCI 1区 IF: 7.182. ESI Highly Cited Paper

Teng Liu1, Jiaqiang E1,*, W. M. Yang1,*, Hui An, Hao Cai. Development of a skeletal mechanism for biodiesel blend surrogates with varying fatty acid methyl esters proportion[J]. Applied 能量, 2016, 162: 278–288. SCI 1区 IF: 7.182. ESI Highly Cited Paper

Jiaqiang E1, Teng Liu1, W. M. Yang*, Yuanwang Deng, Jinke Gong. A skeletal mechanism modeling on soot emission characteristics for biodiesel surrogates with varying fatty acid 甲基 esters proportion[J]. Applied 能量, 2016, 181: 322-331. SCI 1区 IF: 7.182.

Bin Zhang, Jiaqiang E*, Jinke Gong*, Wenhua Yuan, Wei Zuo, Yu Li, Jun Fu. Multidisciplinary 设计 optimization of the diesel particulate filter in the composite regeneration process[J]. Applied 能量, 2016, 181: 14-28. SCI 1区 IF: 7.182.

Wei Zuo, Jiaqiang E*, Haili Liu*, Qingguo Peng, Xiaohuan Zhao, Zhiqing Zhang. Numerical investigations on an improved micro-cylindrical combustor with rectangular rib for enhancing heat transfer[J]. Applied 能量, 2016, 184: 77-87. SCI 1区 IF: 7.182.

Jiaqiang E1, Teng Liu1, W. M. Yang*, Jing Li, Jinke Gong, Yuanwang Deng. Effects of fatty acid 甲基 esters proportion on combustion and emission characteristics of a biodiesel fueled diesel engine[J]. 能量 Conversion and Management, 2016, 117: 410-419. SCI 1区 IF: 5.589. ESI Highly Cited Paper

Jiaqiang E, Qingguo Peng*, Xueling Liu*, Wei Zuo, Xiaohuan Zhao, Haili Liu. Numerical investigation on hydrogen/air non-premixed combustion in a three-dimensional micro combustor[J]. 能量 Conversion and Management, 2016, 124: 427-438. SCI 1区 IF: 5.589.

Jiaqiang E, Xiaohuan Zhao*, Yuanwang Deng, Hao Zhu. 压强 distribution and flow characteristics of closed oscillating heat pipe during starting process at different vacuum degrees[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 93: 166-173. SCI 2区 IF: 3.444.

Jiaqiang E*, Wei Zuo, Haojie Liu, Qingguo Peng. Field synergy analysis of the micro-cylindrical combustor with a step[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 93: 83-89. SCI 2区 IF: 3.444. ESI Highly Cited Paper

Jiaqiang E*, Wei Zuo, Junxu Gao, Qingguo Peng, Zhiqing Zhang, Pham Minh Hieu. Effect analysis on 压强 drop of the continuous regeneration-diesel particulate filter based on 二氧化氮 assisted regeneration[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 100: 356-366. SCI 2区 IF: 3.444.

Wei Zuo, Jiaqiang E*, Xueling Liu, Qingguo Peng, Yuanwang Deng*, Hao Zhu. Orthogonal Experimental 设计 and Fuzzy Grey Relational Analysis for emitter efficiency of the micro-cylindrical combustor with a step[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 103: 945-951. SCI 2区 IF: 3.444. ESI Highly Cited Paper

Haili Liu, Jiaqiang E*, Yuanwang Deng*, Changqing Xie, Hao Zhu. Experimental study on pyrolysis characteristics of the tobacco stem based on the microwave heating method[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 106: 473-479. SCI 2区 IF: 3.444.

Haili Liu, Jiaqiang E*, Xiaoqian Ma, Changqing Xie. Influence of microwave drying on the combustion characteristics of food waste[J]. Drying Technology, 2016, 34(12): 1397-1405. SCI 2区 IF: 1.976.

Jiaqiang E*, Ming Liu, Yuanwang Deng, Hao Zhu, Jinke Gong. Influence analysis of monolith structure on regeneration 温度 in the process of microwave regeneration in the diesel particulate filter[J]. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 94(1): 168-174. SCI 4区 IF: 1.066.

Jiaqiang E, Longfu Xie, Qingsong Zuo, Guiju Zhang. Effect analysis on regeneration speed of continuous regeneration-diesel particulate filter based on 二氧化氮assisted regeneration[J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2016, 7(1): 9-17. SCI 4区 IF: 1.637.

Jiaqiang E, Cheng Qian, Teng Liu, Guanlin Liu. Chaos Analysis on the Acceleration Control Signals of the Piezoelectric Actuators in the Stewart Platform[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2016, 2016: 1-9. SCI 4区 IF: 1.281.

Qingsong Zuo, Da-ming Zhang, Jiaqiang E*, Jinke Gong. Comprehensive analysis on influencing factors of composite regeneration 表演 of a diesel particulate filter[J]. Environmental Progress \u0026 Sustainable 能量, 2016, 35(3): 882-890. SCI 4区 IF: 1.672.

Bin Zhang, Jinke Gong, Jiaqiang E, Yu Li. Failure recognition of the diesel particulate filter based on catastrophe theory[J]. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 94(3): 596-602. SCI 4区. IF: 1.231.

Jiaqiang E*, Haijiao Huang, Xiaohuan Zhao. Numerical investigation on effects of bluff body in flat plate micro thermo photovoltaic combustor with sudden expansion[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2016, 23(4): 975-982. SCI 4区 IF: 0.562.

Jiaqiang E, Qingsong Zuo*, Haili Liu, Yu Li, Jinke Gong. Endpoint forecasting on composite regeneration by coupling cerium-based additive and microwave for diesel particulate filter[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2016, 23(8): 2118−2128. SCI 4区 IF: 0.562.

Tao Chen, Zhixin Wu, Jinke Gong, Jiaqiang E. Numerical Simulation of diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration Considering Ash Deposit[J]. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2016, 97(3): 849–864. SCI 3区. IF: 1.863.

Jiaqiang E, Cheng Qian, Haili Liu, Guanlin Liu. 设计 of the H∞ robust control for the piezoelectric actuator based on chaos optimization algorithm[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2015, 47: 238-246. SCI 2区 IF: 2.057.

Jiaqiang E, Qingsong Zuo, Yuanwang Deng, Hao Cai, Jinke Gong. Intelligent forecasting on composite regeneration endpoint of DPF in the Vehicle[C]. 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation, Big Data \u0026 Smart City, Halong Bay, Vietnamese, 2015. (Organizing committee chairman)

Jiaqiang E, Cheng Qian, Teng Liu, Guanlin Liu. Research on the Vibration Characteristics of the New Type of Passive Super Static Vibratory Platform Based on the Multiobjective Parameter Optimization[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 6: 1-8. SCI 4区 IF: 0.640.

Qingsong Zuo, Jiaqiang E*, Jinke Gong, D. M. Zhang, Tao Chen, Guohai Jia. Performance evaluation on field synergy and composite regeneration by coupling cerium-based additive and microwave for a diesel particulate filter[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2014, 21(12): 4599−4606. SCI收录 IF: 0.520.

Guohai Jia, Jinke Gong, Jiaqiang E, Hao Cai, Shuhui Wang. Effect of Interference Fit on Fretting Wear of Gear Shaft Shoulder[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2014, 21(10): 3746-3752. SCI收录IF: 0.520.

Hao Cai, Yafei Liu, Jinke Gong, Jiaqiang E. Poisoning Mechanism of Three Way Catalytic Converter and its Grey Relational Analysis[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2014, 21(11): 4091- 4096. SCI收录 IF: 0.520.

Jiaqiang E, Rongjia Zhu, Jianmei Chen, Yan-ping Long, Xiaofeng Hu. Oscillation heat transfer dynamic model for the new type oscillation looped heat pipe with double liquid slugs[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2012, 19(11): 3194-3201. SCI收录.

Haidong Yang, Jiaqiang E, Ting Qu. Multidisciplinary 设计 optimization for air-condition production system based on multi-agent technique[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2012, 19(2): 527-536. SCI收录

Zhigang Zhang, Jiaqiang E, Guixiang Zhang. A novel dense spectrum correction algorithm for extracting vibration signals in internal combustion engine and its application[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2012, 19(10): 2810-2815. SCI收录

Hejun WANG, Jiaqiang E, Feiqi DENG. A novel adaptive mutative scale optimization algorithm based on chaos genetic method and its optimization efficiency evaluation[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2012, 19(9): 2554-2560. SCI收录

Chunhua Wang, Zhaoping Zhong, Jiaqiang E. Flow regime recognition in spouted bed based on recurrence plot method[J]. Powder Technology, 2012, 219: 20-28. SCI2区,IF: 2.759.

Jiaqiang E, Yuqiang Li, Jinke Gong. Function chain neural network prediction on heat transfer 表演 of oscillating heat pipe based on grey relational analysis[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2011, 18(5): 1733-1737. SCI收录

Chunhua Wang, Zhaoping Zhong, Rui Li, Jiaqiang E. Intelligent fitting of minimum spout-fluidised velocity in spout-fluidised bed[J]. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011, 89(1): 101-107. SCI收录

Chunhua Wang, Zhaoping Zhong, Rui Li, Jiaqiang E. Recognition of the flow regimes in the spouted bed based on fuzzy c-means clustering[J]. Powder Technology, 2011, 205(1-3): 201-207. SCI2区,IF: 2.759.

Yihui Zeng, Shaojun Liu, Jiaqiang E. Neuron PI control for semi-active suspension system of tracked vehicle and its application[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2011, 18(2): 444-450. SCI收录

Aihua Jiang, Chi Mei, Jiaqiang E, Zhangming Shi. Nonlinear combined forecasting model based on fuzzy adaptive variable weight and its application[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2010,17(4): 863-867. SCI收录

Chunhua Wang, Zhaoping Zhong, Rui Li, Jiaqiang E. Prediction of jet penetration depth based on least square support vector machine[J]. Powder Technology, 2010, 203(2): 404-411. SCI2区,IF: 2.759.

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目录 22
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