何春阳 :北京师范大学教授

更新时间:2024-09-20 20:55













2005.10-2007.9,日本国京都大学(Kyoto University)防灾研究所(Disaster Prevention Institute)博士后。指导老师:岡田憲夫教授。研究方向:城市诊断与社区灾害风险管理。


2002.7-2002.12,西安大略大学(The University of Western Ontario)地理科学系(Department of Geography)访问研究者。研究方向:高分辨率卫星数据(IKONOS)处理研究,合作老师:王今飞教授。

2002.6.1- 2002.6.15,德国波恩IHDP(The International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change)/START 城市化过程讨论班应邀参加者。主要工作:北京城市化过程与驱动机制分析。




“Landscape Ecology”和“International Journal of Disaster Risk Science”编委。

“Landscape and urban planning”等近30种国际学术期刊审稿人和“中国科学”等20余种国内学术期刊审稿人。









主要从事综合自然地理学、土地利用/覆盖变化和城市景观可持续性研究。近年来,先后主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金、国家“973”项目课题和国家重点研发项目课题等国家级项目多项,出版学术专著5部,在“自然”和“Nature Communications”等主流学术期刊上发表学术论文近200篇。在城市土地利用/覆盖变化过程监测、模型模拟和影响评估方面取得了一系列创新成果。入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,获中国自然资源学会优秀科技奖。还入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单和“中国高被引学者(地理学)”榜单。

2000年以来,SCI/SSCI收录论文近100篇,EI/ISTP收录论文16篇,CSCD收录论文71篇。相关论文被SCI/SSCI数据库引用4090次,单篇最高引用392次;被Google Scholar数据库引用近万次,h指数为56,单篇最高引用546次;被CSCD中国科学引文数据库引用1562次,单篇最高引用142次;被CNKI数据库引用6557次,h指数为37,单篇最高引用528次(2021年7月检索)。



(1)发展了以区域土地利用情景变化动力学(Land Use Scenario Dynamics,LUSD)模型为核心的系列土地利用/覆盖变化(Land use/cover change, LUCC)模型,成功解决了多尺度LUCC驱动因素的有效结合问题,提高了对区域LUCC过程的模拟和理解能力。




























































9、Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang, Xuemei Bai, Derek T. Robinson, Peijun Shi, Yinyin Dou, Bo Zhao, Jubo Yan, Qiang Zhang, Fangjin Xu, James Daniell. 2021. A Global Analysis of the Relationship Between Urbanization and Fatalities in 地球quake-Prone Areas. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13753-021-00385-z(2020年影响因子3.727,近5年影响因子4.67)

8、Qingxu Huang, Han Zhang, Jasper Van Vliet, Qiang Ren, Raymond Yu Wang, Shiqiang Du, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He. 2021. Patterns and distributions of urban expansion in global watersh电子数据系统. 地球's Future, 9, e2021EF002062. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021EF002062(2020年影响因子7.495,近5年影响因子8.046)

7、Chunyang He, Zhifeng Liu, Jianguo Wu, Xinhao pan, Zihang Fang, Jingwei Li, Brett A. Bryan. 2021. Future global urban 液态水 scarcity and potential solutions. Nature Communications, 12, 4667. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-25026-3(2020年影响因子14.919,近5年影响因子15.805)

6、Qun Ma, Jianguo Wu, Chunyang He, Xuening Fang. 2021. The speed, scale, and environmental and economic impacts of surface coal mining in the Mongolian 高原 Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 173, 105730. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105730(2020年影响因子10.204,近5年影响因子9.97)

5、Zexi Shen, Qiang Zhang, Vijay Singh, peng Sun, Chunyang He, Changxiu Cheng. 2021. Station-based non-linear regression downscaling approach: A new monthly precipitation downscaling technique. International Journal of Climatology, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.7158(2020年影响因子4.069,近5年影响因子5.08)

4、Xuening Fang, Jianguo Wu, Chunyang He. 2021. Assessing human-environment system sustainability based on Regional Safe and Just Operating Space: The case of the Inner Mongolia Grassland. Environmental Science and Policy, 116,276-286. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2020.12.007(2020年影响因子5.581,近5年影响因子6.243)

3、Xinhao pan, Yihang Wang, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Haimeng Liu, Zhirong Chen. 2021. Understanding Urban Expansion on the Tibetan 高原 over the Past Half Century Based on Remote Sensing: The Case of Xining City, China. Remote Sensing, 13(1), 46. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13010046(2020年影响因子4.848,近5年影响因子5.353)




23、Zihang Fang, Shixiong Song, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Zhifeng Liu, Tao Qi, Jinxi Zhang, Jian Li. 2020. Evaluating the Impacts of Future Urban Expansion on surface Runoff in an Alpine Basin by Coupling the LUSD-urban and SCS-CN Models. 液态水, 12(12), 3405. https://doiorg/10.3390/w12123405(2020年影响因子3.103,近5年影响因子3.229)

22、Benxin Chen, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Hui Peng, Pei Xia, Yu Nie. 2020. The Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System for 30 Years: A Systematic Review. 液态水, 12(10), 2878. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12102878(2020年影响因子3.103,近5年影响因子3.229)

21、Peijun Shi, Tao Ye, Ying Wang, Tao Zhou, Wei Xu, Juan Du, Jing'ai Wang, Ning Li, Chongfu Huang, Lianyou Liu, Bo Chen, Yun Su, Weihua Fang, Ming Wang, Xiaobin Hu, Jidong Wu, Chunyang He, Qiang Zhang, Qian Ye, Carlo Jaeger, Norio Okada. 2020. Disaster Risk Science: A Geographical Perspective and a Research Framework. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 11:426–440. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13753-020-00296-5(2020年影响因子3.727,近5年影响因子4.67)

20、Xuecao Li, Peng Gong, Yuyu Zhou, Jie Wang, Yuqi Bai, Bin Chen, Tengyun Hu, Yixiong Xiao, Bing Xu, Jun Yang, Xiaoping Liu, Wenjia Cai, Huabing Huang, Tinghai Wu, Xi Wang, Peng Lin, Xun Li, Jin Chen, Chunyang He, Xia Li, Le Yu, Nicholas Clinton, Zhiliang Zhu. 2020. Mapping global urban boundaries from the global artificial imperviousarea (GAIA) data. Environmental Research Letters, 15(9): 094044. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab9be3(2020年影响因子6.793,近5年影响因子7.801)

19、Qingxu Huang, Ziwen Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Siyuan Gou, Yansong Bai, Yihang Wang, Miaogen Shen. 2020. The occupation of cropland by global urban expansion from 1992 to 2016 and its implications. Environmental Research Letters, 15(8): 084037. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab858c(2020年影响因子6.793,近5年影响因子7.801)

18、Lei Zhu, Qingxu Huang, Qiang Ren, Huanbi Yue, Chentai Jiao, Chunyang He. 2020. Identifying urban haze islands and extracting their spatial features. Ecological Indicators, 115,106385. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106385(2020年影响因子4.958,近5年影响因子5.846)

17、Fangjin Xu, Qingxu Huang, Huanbi Yue, Chunyang He, Changbo Wang, Han Zhang. 2020. Reexamining the relationship between urbanization and pollutant emissions in China based on the STIRPAT model. Journal of Environmental 管理学, 273, 111134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111134(2020年影响因子6.789,近5年影响因子6.914)

16、Ziwen Liu, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He, Changbo Wang, Yihang Wang, Kaixin Li. 2020. 液态水-能量 nexus within urban agglomeration: An assessment framework combining the multiregional input-output model, virtual water, and embodied energy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 164:105-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105113(2020年影响因子10.204,近5年影响因子9.97)

15、Zihang Fang, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), MengzhaoTu, Rui Zhao, Wenlu Lu. 2020. Will climate change make Chinese people more comfortable? A scenario analysis based on the weather preference index. Environmental Research Letters, 15(8): 084028. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab9965(2020年影响因子6.793,近5年影响因子7.801)

14、Shiting Meng, Qingxu Huang, Ling Zhang, Chunyang He, Luis Inostroza, Yansong Bai, Dan Yin. 2020. Matches and mismatches between the supply of and demand for cultural Ecosystem services in rapidly urbanizing 液态水sheds: A case study in the Guanting Reservoir basin, China. Ecosystem Services, 45, 101156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2020.101156(2020年影响因子5.454,近5年影响因子7.211)

13、Qingxu Huang, Dan Yin, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Jubo Yan, Ziwen Liu, Shiting Meng, Qiang Ren, Rui Zhao, Luis Inostroza. 2020. Linking ecosystem services and subjective well-being inrapidly urbanizing 液态水sheds: Insights from a multilevel linear model. Ecosystem Services,43, 101106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2020.101106(2020年影响因子5.454,近5年影响因子7.211)

12、Huanbi Yue, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Qingxu Huang, Dan Yin, Brett A. Bryan. 2020. Stronger policy required to substantially reduce deaths from PM2.5 pollution in China. Nature Communications,11,1462. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15319-4(2020年影响因子14.919,近5年影响因子15.805)

11、越南盾jie Guan, Xiujuan He, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Lidan Cheng, Sijia Qu. 2020. Does the urban sprawl matter in Yangtze River Economic Belt, China? An integrated analysis with urban spraw lindex and one scenario analysis model. Cities, 99, 102611. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2020.102611(2020年影响因子5.835,近5年影响因子6.203)

10、Shixiong Song, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Wenlu Lu. 2020. Evaluating the effects of urban expansion on natural habitat quality by coupling localized shared socioeconomic pathways and the land use scenario 动力学-urban model. Ecological Indicators, 112, 106071. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106071(2020年影响因子4.958,近5年影响因子5.846)

9、Chuan Liao, Jiangxiao Qiu, Bin Chen, Deliang Chen, Bojie Fu, Matei Georgescu, Chunyang He, G. Darrel Jenerette, Xia Li, Xiaoyan Li, Xin Li, Bading Qiuying, Peijun Shi, Jianguo 吴语 2020. Advancing landscape sustainability science: theoretical foundation and synergies with innovations in methodology, 设计, and application. Landscape Ecology, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-020-00967-0(2020年影响因子3.848,近5年影响因子4.845)

8、Huanbi Yue, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Xiaoling Zhang, Zihang Fang. 2020. Spatiotemporal patterns of global air pollution: A multi-scale landscape analysis based on dust and sea-salt removed PM2.5 data. Journal of Cleaner Production, 252, 119887. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119887(2020年影响因子9.297,近5年影响因子9.444)

7、Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Yanjie Yang, Zihang Fang. 2020. Planning sustainable urban landscape under the stress of climate change in the drylands of northern China: A scenario analysis based on LUSD-urban model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 244, 118709. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118709(2020年影响因子9.297,近5年影响因子9.444)

6、Yapan Han, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He, Yongqiang Fang , Jiahong Wen, JunGao, Shiqiang Du. 2020. The growth mode of built-up land in floodplains and its impacts on flood vulnerability. Science of The Total Environment, 700. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134462(2020年影响因子7.963,近5年影响因子7.842)

5、Yihang Wang, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Pei Xia, Ziwen Liu, Haimeng Liu. 2020. Quantifying urbanization levels on the Tibetan 高原 with high-resolution nighttime light data. Geography and Sustainability, 1(3):233-244.

4、张玲,黄庆旭,任强,何春阳,刘吉夫白岩松.中国地震灾害管理政策的演变——基于1949-2018年法律法规文件的计量分析.自然灾害学报,2020, 29(05):11-23.





14、Shiyin Chen, Qingxu Huang, Ziwen Liu, Shiting Meng, Dan Yin, Lei Zhu, Chunyang He. 2019. Assessing the Regional Sustainability of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration from 2000 to 2015 Using the Human Sustainable Development Index. Sustainability,11: 3160. doi:10.3390/su11113160(2020年影响因子3.251,近5年影响因子3.473)

13、Xihui Gu, Qiang Zhang, Jianfeng Li, Vijay P. Singh, Jianyu Liu, Peng Sun, Chunyang He, Jianjun 吴语 2019. Intensification and expansion of soil moisture drying in warm season overeurasia under global warming. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,124. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JD029776(2020年影响因子4.261,近5年影响因子4.626)

12、Qingxu Huang, Xue Zhao, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Dan Yin, Shiting Meng. 2019. Impacts of urban expansion on wetland ecosystem services in the context of hosting the Winter Olympics: a scenario simulation in the Guanting Reservoir Basin, China. Regional Environmental Change. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-019-01552-1(2020年影响因子3.678,近5年影响因子4.135)

11、Min Zhao, Yuyu Zhou, Xuecao Li, Wenting Cao, Chunyang He, Bailang Yu, Xi Li, Christopher D. Elvidge, Weiming Cheng, Chenghu Zhou. 2019. Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing of Nighttime Light Observations: Advances, Challenges, and Perspectives. Remote Sensing, 11(17), 1971. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11171971(2020年影响因子4.848,近5年影响因子5.353)

10、Mengzhao Tu, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Zihang Fang, Wenlu Lu. 2019. The relationships between urban landscape patterns and fine particulate pollution in China: A multiscale investigation using a geographically weighted regression model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019:117744. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.117744(2020年影响因子9.297,近5年影响因子9.444)

9、Chunyang He, Zhifeng Liu, Siyuan Gou, Qiaofeng Zhang, Jinshui Zhang, Linlin Xu. 2019. Detecting global urban expansion over the last three decades using a fully convolutional network. Environmental Research Letters, 14(3):034008. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aaf936(2020年影响因子6.793,近5年影响因子7.801)

8、Zhifeng Liu, Meihui Ding, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Jingwei Li, Jianguo 吴语 2019. The impairment of environmental sustainability due to rapid urbanization in the dryland region of northern China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 187: 165-180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2018.10.020(2020年影响因子6.142,近5年影响因子7.96)

7、Zhifeng Liu, Yanjie Yang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Mengzhao Tu. 2019. Climate change will constrain the rapid urban expansion in drylands: A scenario analysis with the zoned Land Use Scenario 动力学-urban model. Science of the Total Environment, 651: 2772-2786. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.177(2020年影响因子7.963,近5年影响因子7.842)

6、Da Zhang, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Dan Yin, Ziwen Liu. 2019. Planning urban landscape to maintain key ecosystem services in a rapidly urbanizing area: A scenario analysis in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, China. Ecological Indicators, 96: 559-571. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.09.030(2020年影响因子4.958,近5年影响因子5.846)







16、Qingxu Huang, Shiting Meng, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Yinyin Dou, Qiang Zhang. 2018. Rapid Urban Land Expansion in 地球quake-Prone Areas of China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13753-018-0207-4(2020年影响3.727,近5年影响因子4.67)

15、Qiang Ren, Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang, Yuyu Zhou. 2018. Urbanization Impacts on Vegetation Phenology in China. Remote Sensing, 10: 1905. https://doi:10.3390/rs10121905(2020年影响因子4.848,近5年影响因子5.353)

14、Qun Ma, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Xuening Fang. 2018. A rapid method for quantifying landscape-scale vegetation disturbances by surface coal mining in arid and semiarid regions. Landscape Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-018-0726-9(2020年影响因子3.848,近5年影响因子4.845)

13、Qiang Ren, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Mengzhao Tu, Xiaoying Liang. 2018. The poverty 动力学 in rural China during 2000–2014: Amulti-scale analysis based on the poverty gap index. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 28(10): 1427-1443. doi:10.1007/s11442-018-1554-1(2020年影响因子3.534,近5年影响因子3.647)

12、Yinyin Dou, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Shiting Meng, Qiang Zhang. 2018. Rapid Population Growth throughout 亚洲’s 地球quake-Prone Areas: A Multiscale Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, 1893. doi:10.3390/ijerph15091893(2020年影响因子3.39,近5年影响因子3.789)

11、Brett A. Bryan, Lei Gao, Yanqiong Ye, Xiufeng Sun, Jeffery D. Connor, Neville D. Crossman, MarkStafford-Smith, Jianguo Wu, Chunyang He, Deyong Yu, Zhifeng Liu, Ang Li, Qingxu Huang, Hai Ren, Xiangzheng Deng, Hua Zheng, Jianming Niu, Guodong Han, Xiangyang Hou. 2018. China’s response to a national land-system sustainability emergency. Nature, 559(7713): 193-204. doi:10.1038/s41586-0180280-2(2020年影响因子49.962,近5年影响因子54.637)

10、Yongqiang Fang, Shiqiang Du, Paolo Scussolini, Jiahong Wen, Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang, Jun Gao. 2018. Rapid population growth in Chinese floodplains from 1990 to 2015. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, 1602. doi:10.3390/ijerph15081602(2020年影响因子3.39,近5年影响因子3.789)

9、Siyuan Gou, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Jingwei Li. 2018. The extent of temporary 液态水 bodies increased in the drylands of northern China: a multiscale analysis based on MODIS data. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190(5): 296. doi:10.1007/s10661-018-6654-y(2020年影响因子2.513,近5年影响因子2.871)

8、Xiaoji Zeng, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He, Qun Ma, Jianguo 吴语 2018. Quantifying surface coal-mining patterns to promote regional sustainability in Ordos, Inner Mongolia. Sustainability, 10: 1153. doi:10.3390/su10041135(2020年影响因子3.251,近5年影响因子3.473)

7、Qun Ma, Jianguo Wu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Guohua Hu. 2018. Spatial scaling of urban impervious surfaces across evolving landscapes: From cities to urban regions. Landscape and Urban Planning, 175: 50-61. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2018.03.010(2020年影响因子6.142,近5年影响因子7.96)

6、Shiqiang Du, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Qingxu Huang, Peijun Shi. 2018. How did the urban land in floodplains distribute and expand in China from 1992–2015?. Environmental Research Letters, 13(3): 034018. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aaac07(2020年影响因子6.793,近5年影响因子7.801)

5、Wenxuan Xie, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Xue Zhao. 2018. Projecting the impacts of urban expansion on simultaneous losses of ecosystem services: A case study in Beijing, China. Ecological Indicators, 84(2018):183-193. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.08.055(2020年影响因子4.958,近5年影响因子5.846)






18、Yuanyuan Zhao, Jianguo Wu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Guodong Ding. 2017. Linking wind erosion to ecosystem services in drylands: a landscape ecological approach. Landscape Ecology, 233(32): 1-19. doi:10.1007/s10980-017-0585-9 (2020年影响因子3.848,近5年影响因子4.845)

17、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Jingwei Li, Xiaoling Zhang, Zhifeng Liu, Da Zhang. 2017. Will rapid urban expansion in the drylands of northern China continue: A scenario analysis based on the Land Use Scenario 动力学-urban model and the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Journal of Cleaner Production, 165: 57-69. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.07.018(2020年影响因子9.297,近5年影响因子9.444)

16、Jianjun Jin, Rui He, Haozhou Gong, Xia Xu, Chunyang He. 2017. Farmers’ Risk Preferences in Rural China: Measurements and Determinants. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7): 713.doi:10.3390/ijerph14070713(2020年影响因子3.39,近5年影响因子3.789)

15、Da Zhang, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Jianguo Wu. 2017. Impacts of urban expansion on ecosystem services in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, China: A scenario analysis based on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 125:115-130. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.06.003(2020年影响因子10.204,近5年影响因子9.97)

14、Peijun Shi, Xuemei Bai, Feng Kong, Tao Zhou, Yan Guo, Yansui Liu, Wenjie Dong, Zhigang Wei, Chunyang He, Deyong Yu, Jingai Wang, Qian Ye, Rucong Yu, Deliang Chen. 2017. Urbanization and air quality as major drivers of altered spatiotemporal patterns of heavy rainfall in China. Landscape Ecology, 2017: 1-16. doi:10.1007/s10980-017-0538-3(2020年影响因子3.848,近5年影响因子4.845)

13、Jingwei Li, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Huanbi Yue, Siyuan Gou. 2017. 液态水 shortages raised a legitimate concern over the sustainable development of the drylands of northern China: Evidence from the water stress index. Science of the Total Environment, 590-591: 739-750. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.037(2020年影响因子7.963,近5年影响因子7.842)

12、Xiaoji Zeng, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Qun Ma, Jianguo 吴语 2017. Detecting surface coal mining areas from remote sensing imagery: an approach based on object-oriented decision trees. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 11(1): 105025. doi:10.1117/1.JRS.11.015025(2020年影响因子1.53,近5年影响因子1.565)

11、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Bin Gao, Qingxu Huang, Qun Ma, Yinyin Dou. 2017. Environmental degradation in the urban areas of China: Evidence from multi-source remote sensing data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 193: 65-75. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2017.02.027(2020年影响因子10.164,近5年影响因子11.057)

10、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Zhifeng Liu, Min Xu, Qun Ma, Yinyin Dou. 2017. Urban expansion brought stress to food security in China: Evidence from decreased cropland net primary productivity. Science of The Total Environment, 576: 660-670.doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.107(2020年影响因子7.963,近5年影响因子7.842)

9、Yinyin Dou, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Huanbi Yue. 2017. Urban Land Extraction Using VIIRS Night时间 Light Data: An Evaluation of Three Popular Methods. Remote Sensing, 9(2): 175. doi:10.3390/rs9020175(2020年影响因子4.848,近5年影响因子5.353)

8、Zhifeng Liu, Peter H. Verburg, Jianguo Wu, Chunyang He. 2017. Understanding land system change through scenario-based simulations: a case study from the drylands in northern china. Environmental Management, 59(3): 440-454.doi:10.1007/s00267-016-0802-3(2020年影响因子3.266,近5年影响因子3.372)

7、Bin Gao, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Yinyin Dou. 2017. Similarities and differences of city-size distributions in three main urban agglomerations of China from 1992 to 2015: A comparative study based on nighttime light data. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 27(5): 533-545.doi:10.1007/s11442-017-1391-7(2020年影响因子3.534,近5年影响因子3.647)

6、Huanbi Yue, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Yuanyuan Zhao, Qun Ma, Qiaofeng Zhang. 2017. The brightness 温度 adjusted dust index: An improved approach to detect duststorms using MODIS imagery. International Journal of Applied 地球 Observation and Geoinformation, 59: 434-445.doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.09.012(2020年影响因子5.933,近5年影响因子6.225)







13、Qun Ma, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Jianguo 吴语2016. Behind the rapid expansion of urban impervious surfaces in China: Major influencing factors revealed by a hierarchical multiscale analysis. Land Use Policy, 57: 166-176. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2016.12.016(2020年影响因子5.398,近5年影响因子5.404)

12、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Lijian Han, Robin Zhang. 2016. More than 500 million Chinese urban residents (14% of the global urban population) are imperiled by fine particulate hazard. Environmental Pollution,218: 558-562. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2016.07.038(2020年影响因子8.071,近5年影响因子8.35)

11、Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang, YinyinDou, Wei Tu, Jifu Liu. 2016. The population in China's earthquake-prone areas has increased by over 32 million along with rapid urbanization. Environmental Research Letters, 11(7): 074028. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/7/074028(2020年影响因子6.793,近5年影响因子7.801)

10、Min Xu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Zhifeng Liu, Yinyin Dou. 2016. How Did Urban Land Expand in China between 1992 and 2015? A Multi-Scale Landscape Analysis. PLoS ONE, 11(5): e0154839. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154839(2020年影响因子3.24,近5年影响因子3.788)

9、Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Jianguo Wu. 2016. The Relationship between Habitat Loss and Fragmentation during Urbanization: An Empirical Evaluation from 16 World Cities. PLoS ONE, 11(4): e0154613. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154613(2020年影响因子3.24,近5年影响因子3.788)

8、Qun Ma, Jianguo Wu, Chunyang He (通讯作者). 2016. A hierarchical analysis of the relationship between urban impervious surfaces and land surface temperatures: spatial scale dependence, temporal variations, and bioclimatic modulation. Landscape Ecology, 2016:1–15.doi:10.1007/s10980-016-0356-z(2020年影响因子3.848,近5年影响因子4.845)

7、Jingwei Li, Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Wei Tu, Zexiang Sun. 2016. Are the drylands in northern China sustainable? A perspective from ecological footprint dynamics from 1990 to 2010. Science of the Total Environment, 553 223–231.doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.02.088(2020年影响因子7.963,近5年影响因子7.842)

6、Bin Gao, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Zexiang Sun, Da Zhang. 2016. How does sprawl differ across cities in China? A multi-scale investigation using nighttime light and census data. Landscape and Urban Planning, 148,89-98, 41.doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.12.006 10041(2020年影响因子6.142,近5年影响因子7.96)

5、Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Jianguo 吴语 2016. General Spatiotemporal Patterns of Urbanization: An Examination of 16 World Cities. Sustainability, 8, 41.doi:10.3390/su80 10041(2020年影响因子3.251,近5年影响因子3.473)

4、Chunyang He, Da Zhang, Qingxu Huang, Yuanyuan Zhao. 2016. Assessing the potential impacts of urban expansion on regional storage by linking the LUSD-urban and InVEST models. Environmental Modelling and Software, 75: 44-58.(2020年影响因子5.288,近5年影响因子6.036)

3、杨洋,麻馨月,何春阳.基于GlobeLand 30的耕地资源损失过程研究——以环渤海地区为例.中国土地科学,2016,30(07):72-79+97.




8、Chunyang He, Yuanyuan Zhao, Qingxu Huang, Qiaofeng Zhang, Da Zhang. 2015. Alternative future analysis for assessing the potential impact of climate change on urban landscape 动力学. Science of the Total Environment, 532: 48-60.(2020年影响因子7.963,近5年影响因子7.842)

7、Yuyu Zhou, Steven J Smith, Kaiguang Zhao, Marc Imhoff, Allison Thomson, Ben Bond-Lamberty, Ghassem R Asrar, Xuesong Zhang, Chunyang He, Christopher DElvidge. 2015. A global map of urban extent from nightlights. Environmental Research Letters, 10(5), 054011. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/5/054011(2020年影响因子6.793,近5年影响因子7.801)

6、Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Bin Gao, Yang Yang, Zhifeng Liu, Yuanyuan Zhao, Yue Dou. 2015. Detecting the 20 year city-size 动力学 in China with a rank clock approach and DMSP/OLS nighttime data. Landscape and Urban Planning, 137: 138-148. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.01.004(2020年影响因子6.142,近5年影响因子7.96)

5、Bin Gao, Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Qun Ma. 2015. 动力学 of Urbanization Levels in China from 1992 to 2012: Perspective from DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data. Remote Sensing, 7: 1721-1735. doi:10.3390/rs70201721(2020年影响因子4.848,近5年影响因子5.353)

4、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Jie Tian, Bin Gao.Yuanyuan Zhao. 2015. Differentiating climate- and human-induced drivers of grassland degradation in the Liao RiverBasin, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. (2015): 187–4199. doi:10.1007/s10661-014-4199-2(2020年影响因子2.513,近5年影响因子2.871)





9、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Zhifeng Liu, Jie Tian, Qun Ma. 2014. Urban expansion 动力学 and natural habitat loss in China: a multi-scale landscape perspective. Global Change Biology. 20(9): 2886–2902. doi:10.1111/gcb.12553(2020年影响因子10.863,近5年影响因子11.716)

8、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Qun Ma, Zhifeng Liu, Qiaofeng Zhang. 2014. Modeling the spatiotemporal 动力学 of electric 功率 consumption in Chinese mainland using 色彩饱和度corrected DMSP/OLS nighttime stable light data. International Journal of Digital Earth, 7(12):993-1014. doi:10.1080/17538947.2013.822026(2020年影响因子3.538,近5年影响因子3.888)

7、Qun Ma, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Jianguo Wu, Zhifeng Liu, Qiaofeng Zhang, Zexiang Sun. 2014. Quantifying spatiotemporal patterns of urban impervious surfaces in China: An improved assessment using nighttime light data. Landscape and Urban Planning. 130: 36-49. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.06.009(2020年影响因子6.142,近5年影响因子7.96)

6、Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Yuyu Zhou, Jianguo Wu. 2014. How much of the world's land has been urbanized, really? A hierarchical framework for avoiding confusion. Landscape Ecology, 29(5), 763-771. doi:10.1007/s10980-014-0034-y(2020年影响因子3.848,近5年影响因子4.845)

5、Lijian Han, atsushi Tsunekawa, Mitsuru Tsubo, Chunyang He, Miaogen Shen. 2014. Spatial variations in snow cover and seasonally frozen ground over northern China and Mongolia, 1988–2010. Global and Planetary Change.116:139-48. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.02.008(2020年影响因子5.114,近5年影响因子5.838)

4、Qiaofeng Zhang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Zhifeng Liu. 2014. Studying urban development and change in the contiguous United States using two scaled measures derived from nighttime lights data and population census. GIScience and Remote Sensing. doi:10.1080/15481603.2014.883212(2020年影响因子6.238,近5年影响因子5.345)

3、Jinshui Zhang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Yuyu Zhou, Shuang Zhu, Guanyuan Shuai. 2014. Prior-knowledge-based spectral mixture analysis for impervious surface mapping. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 28: 201-210. doi: 10.1016/j.jag.2013.12.001(2020年影响因子5.933,近5年影响因子6.225)

2、Qingxu Huang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Zhifeng Liu, Peijun Shi. 2014. Modeling the impacts of drying trend scenarios on land systems in northern China using an integrated SD and CA model. Science in China (SeriesD), 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s11430-013-4799-7(2020年影响因子4.368,近5年影响因子3.814)



4、Yang Yang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Qiaofeng Zhang, Lijian Han, Shiqiang Du. 2013. Timely and accurate national-scale mapping of urban land in China using Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's Operational Linescan System nighttime stablelight data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 7: 073535-073535. doi:10.1117/1.jrs.7.073535(2020年影响因子1.53,近5年影响因子1.565)

3、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Yuanyuan Zhao, Jie Tian, Peijun Shi. 2013. Modeling the urban landscape 动力学 in a megalopolitan cluster area by incorporating agravitational field model with cellular automata. Landscape and Urban Planning,113:78-89. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2013.01.004(2020年影响因子6.142,近5年影响因子7.96)

2、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Yuanyuan Zhao, Jie Tian, Peijun Shi, Qingxu Huang. 2013. Improving change vector analysis by cross-correlogram spectral matching for accurate detection of land-cover conversion. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(4):1127-1145. doi:10.1080/01431161.2012.718458(2020年影响因子3.151,近5年影响因子3.266)



5、Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Qiaofeng Zhang, Qingxu Huang, Yang Yang. 2012. Extracting the 动力学 of urban expansion in China using DMSP-OLS nighttime light data from 1992 to 2008. Landscape and Urban planning, 106, 62-72. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2012.02.013(2020年影响因子6.142,近5年影响因子7.96)

4、Yuanyuan Zhao, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Qiaofeng Zhang. 2012. Monitoring vegetation 动力学 by coupling linear trend analysis with change vector analysis: A case study in the Xilingol steppe in northern China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(1), 287-308. doi:10.1080/01431161.2011.594102(2020年影响因子3.151,近5年影响因子3.266)

3、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Qun Ma, Tong Li, Yang Yang, Zhifeng Liu. 2012. Spatiotemporal 动力学 of electric 功率 consumption in Chinese Mainland from 1995 to 2008 modeled using DMSP/OLS stable nighttime lights data. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 22(1), 125-136. doi: 10.1007/s11442-012-0916-3(2020年影响因子3.534,近5年影响因子3.647)

2、Qingtao Zhang, Jiong Ma, Li Li, Changchun Zhou, Chunyang He, ZhijiangZhang, Yanli Zhang. 2012. Water vapour adsorption under rice-straw and gravel mulch in lysimeters. Journal of food, agriculture and environment, 10(1):949-955.(2012年影响因子0.435,近5年影响因子0.484)



10、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Jie Tian, Peijun Shi, Dan Hu. 2011. Simulation of the spatial stress due to urban expansion on the wetlands in Beijing, China using a 地理信息系统-based assessment model. Landscape and Urban planning, 101, 269-277. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.02.032(2020年影响因子6.142,近5年影响因子7.96)

9、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Anni Wei, Peijun Shi, Qiaofeng Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhao. 2011. Detecting land-use/land-cover change in rural-urban fringe areas using extended change-vector analysis. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 13, 572-585. doi: 10.1016/j.jag.2011.03.002(2020年影响因子5.933,近5年影响因子6.225)

8、Yuanyuan Zhao, Chunyang He (通讯作者). 2011. Improving chang evector analysis in multi-temporal space to detect land cover changes by using cross-correlogram spectral matching algorithm. 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. 温哥华, BC, Canada.(EI检索号:20114614516063)

7、Yang Yang, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Shiqiang Du. 2011. Improving the support vector machine-based method to map urban land of China using DMSP/OLS and SPOTVGT data. 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. 温哥华, BC, Canada.(EI检索号:20114614516503)

6、Zhifeng Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Yang Yang. 2011. Mapping urban areas by performing systematic correction for DMSP/OLS nighttime lights time series in China from 1992 to 2008. 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. 温哥华, BC, Canada.(EI检索号:20114614516407)

5、Peijun Shi, Wei Xu, Tao Ye, Chunyang He, Jing'ai Wang, Ning Li. 2011. Developing disaster risk science-discussion on disaster reduction implementation science. Journal of natural disaster science, 32(2): 79-88.






70、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Peijun Shi, Dingyong Xie, Yuanyuan Zhao. 2010. Improving the normalized difference built-up index to map urban built-up areas using a semiautomatic segmentation approach. Remote Sensing Letters, 1(4), 213-221. doi: 10.1080/01431161.2010.481681(2020年影响因子2.583,近5年影响因子2.601)

69、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Norio Okada, Qiaofeng Zhang, Peijun Shi, Jinggang Li. 2008. Modelling dynamic urban expansion processes in corporating a potential model with cellular automata. Landscape and urban planning, 86, 79-91. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2007.12.010(2020年影响因子6.142,近5年影响因子7.96)

68、Yuechen Li, Chunyang He. 2008. Scenario simulation and forecast of land use/cover in northern China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(9), 1401-1412. doi:10.1007/s11434-008-0169-9(2020年影响因子11.78,近5年影响因子7.658)中文版:李月臣,何春阳.2008.中国北方土地利用/覆盖变化的情景模拟与预测.科学通报,53(1):713-723.

67、Chunyang He (通讯作者), Norio Okada, Qiaofeng Zhang, Peijun Shi, Jingshui Zhang. 2006. Modeling urban expansion scenarios by coupling cellular automata model and system dynamic model in Beijing, China. Applied Geography, 26, 323-345. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2006.09.006(2020年影响因子4.24,近5年影响因子5.093)

66、Chunyang He, Peijun Shi, Jinggang Li, Jin Chen, Yaozhong pan, Jing Li, Li Zhuo, Ichinose Toshiaki. 2006. Restoring urbanization process in China in the 1990s by using non-radiance calibrated DMSP/OLS nighttime light imagery and statistical data. Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(13), 1614-1620. doi: 10.1007/s11434-006-2006-3(2020年影响因子11.78,近5年影响因子7.658)中文版:何春阳,史培军,李景刚,潘耀忠李京,卓莉,IchinoseToshiaki.2006.基于夜间灯光图像和统计数据的中国20世纪90年代城市化空间过程重建研究.科学通报,51(7):859-86.

65、Chunyang He, Jinggang Li, Jing Chen, Peijun Shi, Jin Chen, Yaozhong pan, Jing LiI, Li Zhuo, ToshiakiIchinose. 2006. The urbanization process of Bohai Rim in the 1990s by using DMSP/OLS data. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 16(2), 174-182.(2020年影响因子3.534,近5年影响因子3.647)

64、Chunyang He, Jinggang LI, Yuanyuan Wang, Peijun Shi, Jin Chen, Yaozhong pan 2005. Understanding culticated land 动力学 and its driving forces in northern China during 1983-2001. Journal of Geographical Scineces, 15(4), 387-395.(2020年影响因子3.534,近5年影响因子3.647)

63、Chunyang He, Jinggang Li, Peijun Shi, Jin Chen, Yaozhong pan, Xiaobing Li. 2005. Modelling scenarios of land use change in northern China in the next 50 years. Journal of Geographical sciences, 15(2), 177-186.(2020年影响因子3.534,近5年影响因子3.647)

62、Chunyang He, QiaofengZhang, Yuechen Li, Xiaobing Li, Peijun Shi. 2005. Zoning grassland protection area using remote sensing and cellular automata modeling-A case study in Xilingol steppe grassland in northern China. Journal of Arid Environments, 63,814-826. doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2005.03.028(2020年影响因子2.211,近5年影响因子2.684)

61、Chunyang He, Peijun Shi, Jin Chen, Xiaobing Li, Yaozhong pan, Jing Li, Yuechen Li, Jinggang Li. 2005. Developing land use scenario 动力学 model by the integration of system dynamics model and cellular automata model. Science in China. Series D, 48(11), 1979-1989. doi: 10.1360/04yd0248(2020年影响因子4.368,近5年影响因子3.814)中文版:何春阳,史培军,陈晋,李晓兵,潘耀忠李京,李月臣,李景刚.2005.基于系统动力学模型和元胞自动机模型的土地利用情景模拟研究.中国科学(D辑:地球科学),35(05):464-473.

60、Ye Qi, Mark Henderson, Ming Xu, Jin Chen, Peijun Shi, Chunyang He, G.William Skinner. 2004. Evolving core-periphery interactions in a rapidly expanding urban landscape: The case of Beijing. Landscape Ecology, 19, 375-388. doi: 10.1023/B:LAND.0000030415.33172.f5(2020年影响因子3.848,近5年影响因子4.845)

59、Jin Chen, Peng Gong, Chunyang He, Ruiliang Pu. 2003. Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Detection Using Improved Change-Vector Analysis. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69(4), 369-379. doi: 10.14358/PERS.69.4.369 (2020年影响因子1.083,近5年影响因子2.912)

58、Yaozhong pan, Xiaobing Li, Peng Gong, Chunyang He, Peijun Shi, Ruiliang Pu. 2003. An integrative classification of vegetation in China based on NOAA AVHRR and vegetation-climate indices of the Holdridge life zone. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(5), 1009-1027. doi: 10.1080/01431160110115816(2020年影响因子3.151,近5年影响因子3.266)

57、Jin Chen, Peng Gong, Chunyang He, Wei Luo, Masayuki Tamural. 2002. Assessment of urban development plan of Beijing by using CA-based urban growth model. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 68 (10), 1063-1073.(2020年影响因子1.083,近5年影响因子2.912)

56、Chunyang He (通讯作者), YuanyuanZhao, Anni Wei. 2010. Land-use/land-cover change detection by using the extended change-vector analysis. The 2nd International conference oninformation science and engineering. Hangzhou, China.(EI检索号:20110913705687)

55、Yuanyuan Zhao, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Hui Yao, Qingxu Huang, Yang Yang. 2009. Effect of drought process on natural production function of cultivated land. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 25(12), 278-284.(EI检索号:20100812731123)

54、Chunyang He (通讯作者), YuanyuanZhao, Xiaobing Li, Peijun Shi, Yang Yang. 2008. Distinguishing the impacts of land use and arid process on natural potential productivity of cultivated landin Agricultural-Pastoral Transection Zone in Northern China. Proceedings of SPIE-The international Society for Optical Engineering, v7144, 2008. Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment: The Built Environment and Its 动力学(EI检索号:20091311985609)

53、Chunyang He, Jing Li, JinShui Zhang, Yaozhong pan, Yunhao Chen. 2005. Dynamic monitor on urban expansion based on an object-oriented approach. 2005 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. 首尔特别市, Korea.(EI检索号:2006289994018)

52、Yaozhong pan, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Xiaohe Gu, Xulong Liu, Jing Li. 2005. 植物界 area estimation by the integration of multi-source remotely sensed data and in-situ data. 2005 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. 首尔特别市, Korea.(EI检索号:2006289994590)

51、Xiaohe Gu, Chunyang He, MingchuanYang, Yaozhong pan, Xiaobing Li, Peijun Shi. 2005. Regional Optimizing Management on Degraded Grassland based on Ecological Risk Assessment. 2005 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. 首尔特别市, Korea.(EI检索号:2006289994086)

50、Xiufang Zhu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), YaozhongPan, Jinshui Zhang. 2005. Detecting urban green space from Landsat 7 ETM+ data by using an unmixing algorithm of support vector machine. 2005 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. 首尔特别市, Korea.(EI检索号:2006289993660)

49、Xulong Liu, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Yaozhong pan, Mingchuan Yang, Jinshui Zhang. 2005. Accuracy assessment of the maticclassification based on point and polygon sampling units. 2005 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. 首尔特别市, Korea.(EI检索号:2006289994278)

48、Jinshui Zhang, Yaozhong pan, Chunyang He, Jing Li. 2005. The high spatial resolution remote sensing image classification based on SVM with the multi-source data. 2005 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. 首尔特别市, Korea.(EI检索号:2006289994273)

47、Chunyang He, Xin Cao, Peijun Shi, Jing Li. 2004. Incorporation of texture and structure informationfor urban building detection by using Landsat 7 ETM+ panchromatic image. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 29(9): 800-804.(EI检索号:2004468459577)

46、Chunyang He, Yuechen Li, Xiaobing Li, Peijun Shi. 2004. Zoning grassland protection area by using remote sensing and cellular automata model. Proceedings of IGARSS, Alaska, ÜSA(EI检索号:2005159036459)

45、Chunyang He, Yaozhong pan, Peijun Shi. 2004. Developing land use scenario 动力学 model by the integration of system dynamics model and cellular automata model. Proceedingsof IGARSS, Alaska, U.S.A.(EI检索号:2005159036972)

44、Yaozhong pan, Chunyang He (通讯作者), Qing Zhang. 2004. Smart Distance Searching and DEM-informed Interpolation of Surface Air 温度 of Climatology in China. Proceedings of IGARSS, Alaska, U.S.A.(EI检索号:2005159036501)

43、Peijun Shi, Yi Yuan, Chunyang He, Xiaobing Li, Yunhao Chen. 2004. Land Use Pattern Land Use Pattern Adjustment under Ecological Security: Look for Secure Land Use Pattern in China. Geographical Review of Japan, 77 (12), 866-882.






















21、刘臻宫鹏史培军,Sasagawa T,何春阳.基于相似度验证的自动变化探测研究.遥感学报,2005,9(5):537-543.

20、李月臣,宫鹏,陈晋,刘春霞,何春阳.中国北方13省土地利用景观格局变化分析(1989 1999).水土保持学报,2005,19(05):145-148.


18、何春阳,曹鑫史培军,李京.基于Landsat 7 ETM+ 全色数据纹理和结构信息复合的城市建筑信息提取.武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2004,29(9):800-803.
















2、潘耀忠,李晓兵,何春阳.中国土地覆盖综合分类研究——基于NOAA/AVHRR和Holdridge PE.第四纪研究,2000,20(3):270-281.




4、Jianguo Wu, Chunyang He, Ganlin Huang, Deyong Yu. 2013. Urban landscape ecology: Past, present, and future. Pages 37-53 in: Bojie Fu and Bruce Jones(eds). Landscape Ecology for Sustainable Environment and Culture. Springer.










赵媛媛,方梓行,何春阳.气候变化压力下的中国北方农牧交错带.科技纵览,2018 (5):86-87.




22、2011年8月19日-22日,何春阳博士在北京参加第八届国际景观生态学大会(The 8th IALE World Congress),在“SURE – Symposium Urban Ecology for Sustainable Urban Environment”分会场中做学术报告“Simulation of the spatial stress due to urban expansion on the wetlands in Beijing, China using a GIS-based assessment model”。

21、2011年4月12日-17日,何春阳在美国华盛顿州西雅图参加美国地理联合会2011学术年会,在“Urbanization, Environmental Change, and Sustainability”分会场中做学术报告“Examining the impacts of urban expansion on primary productivity of terrestrial vegetation in China from 2000 to 2008”。

20、2010年5月1日-7日,何春阳在奥地利维也纳参加General Assembly 2010 of European Geosciences Union(EGU),在“Urbanisation process, its 动力学 and complex interactions of urban land with the Biosphere and the water cycle”session中做学术报告“Evaluating spatial pressures of urban expansion on wetland in Beijing by using a GIS-based assessment model”。

19、2009年12月9-11日,何春阳在中山大学参加第四届中日韩地理学国际学术研讨会暨第十二次青工委学术会议,做学术报告“Detecting Land use/Land cover change in rural-urban fringe area by using the extended change vector analysis”。


17、Yuanyuan Zhao, Chunyang He, Qingxu Huang. 2009. Monitoring Vegetation Dynamics in Xilinguole League, Inner Mongolia, China by Using SPOT/Vegetation Data. Asian conference on RemoteSensing, TS03-05.





12、Chunyang He. 2006. Managing the Limited Land Resource under the Ecological Security: with a case study in Beijing, China. Presented in the second Japan-China Joint Seminar,Kyoto University, July 7, 2006.

11、Chunyang He. 2006. Modelling urban expansion by using a cellular automata model. Presented in the SINO-JAPAN-KOREAN SYMPOSIUM OF YOUNG GEOGRAPHERS, Beijing, China, September15-19, 2006.

10、Chunyang He. 2006. Modelling urban expansion by coupling system dynamic model and cellular automata model. Presented in the Second International Young Scientists' Global Change Conference held by the global change SysTem for Analysis, Research andTraining (START) and the Chinese Meteorological Administration (CMA) in Beijing, China, 5-8 November 2006.

9、Chunyang He. 2004. Understanding urbanization 动力学 in Beijing-Tianjing-Tangshan urban agglomeration by using DMSP/OLS data. Presented in the annual meeting of the Chinese geography association in 2004, Guang Zhou, China, 10-13 December, 2004.

8、Peijun Shi, Chunyang He, Jinggang Li, Jing Chen, Yaozhong pan, Wei Xu, Yuechen Li. 2004. Modeling scenarios land use change and its ecological impact in Northern China in next 50 years by system dynamic model. CJLUC 2004 Winter Workshop, Asahikawa, Japan, Feb.15-18, 2004.

7、Chunyang He. 2004. Modeling scenario land use change in China by the integration of system 动力学 model and cellular automata model. Workshop of climate change between UK and China, May 12, Beijing, China.

6、Chunyang He. 2002. Understanding in land use dynamics in Beijing. Presented in the IHDP (The International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change) /START Urbanization Workshop, Bonn, Germany from June 1-15, 2002.

5、Chunyang He, Jinfei Wang, Peijun Shi. 2002. A city expanding Model in Metropolitan area of China. CAGONT 2002 (Canadian Association of Geographers, Ontario Division Annual Meeting) in 伦敦, Ontario, Canada.

4、Chunyang He, Peijun Shi, Jin Chen. 2001. Simulation and prediction of Land use/cover change in metropolitan area, China-As a case study in Beijing. Proceedings of international conference on land use/cover change dynamics, Beijing, China, 239- 256.

3、Peijun Shi, Chunyang He, Jin Chen. 2001. Study on the land use/cover change in Beijing area, China-Analysis of pattern characteristic and change mechanism. Proceedings of international conference on land use/cover change dynamics, Beijing, China, 67-86.

2、Peijun Shi, Chunyang He, Jin Chen. 2001. Land Use Land Cover Changes Dynamics of Beijing in China last Twenty Years. The Proceedings of Global Change Open Science Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

1、Peijun Shi, Jin Chen, Chunyang He. 2000. Land Use/Cover change detection with change vector analysis—change magnitude threshold determination. Proceedings of International Symposium on RemoteSensing Korean society of remote sensing publication, 307-318.





















目录 22
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